
Home > Other > Requiem > Page 17
Requiem Page 17

by Jim Moens

  Shirley, Mark, and Nick had already started leading the customers towards the back door. Megan, Doug, and Xen followed close behind.

  Doug was the last one out. He glanced back and saw that most of the roof had collapsed. The walls were starting to give too.

  Farewell, Hester’s Value Mart.

  The others had gathered in the woods just behind Hester’s. Doug could already hear the approaching emergency vehicles and wondered how this incident would be explained in the papers. He imagined that the Riverbend Tribune would have a field day with the full, true story. He turned and saw that Frankie was already back to being Frankie. Xen had disappeared right along with the death of the curse.

  He knew what was next.

  Doug walked past Mark and Shirley. Mark gave him a respectful nod. Somehow Mark knew that this wasn’t the time for questions.

  “Doug, I…”

  Doug gave Shirley’s shoulder a squeeze. “In a minute, okay?” he said.

  Megan stood among Rebecca, Justin, and the Nerds.

  “If what Ayala told us was true…” Megan said to Doug.

  “I know,” Doug said quietly. “I’m glad I got to see you again, mouse. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

  “I know,” she replied and kissed him on the cheek. “I love you.”

  “Love you too.”

  They hugged. They might have hugged longer, but of course they had no idea how much time Megan had left.

  Mark Hacker suddenly realized that this was probably not meant to be a public occasion.

  “Everybody,” he said. “Let’s give them a minute, okay?”

  Mark, Shirley, and the Hester’s Value Mart customers all filed off, out of the woods.

  “You guys are awesome,” Megan said to the Nerds. “I wish I could’ve gotten to know you better.” She paused. “Especially you,” she said to Nick.

  Nick’s face turned a deep shade of red, one that even his own sister had never seen before.

  “And you,” Megan said, suddenly standing face-to-face with Rebecca. “You better take damn good care of my brother.”

  Rebecca nodded through her tears.

  “Or I’ll… I’ll come back and haunt you or something.”

  Rebecca managed a chuckle. The two women hugged.

  “Don’t screw this one up, Dougie,” Megan said.

  “I won’t,” Doug said. He stood next to Rebecca and took her hand.

  “Dougie?” Rebecca mouthed.

  Doug shook his head.

  Megan stood in front of Frankie.

  “And you,” she said as she crouched down. “I can’t tell you how happy I am that I got to meet my niece Frankie. My hero.”

  Frankie nodded.

  “I want to… I want to tell you everything. And--” Megan’s voice broke. She paused. “First… I love you.”

  “I love you too,” Frankie replied, her voice as strong and bright as she could muster.

  “And, um… remember… look after your dad. Sometimes he needs a little looking after. I think you know this.”

  Frankie nodded.

  “But mind him too. He is actually smart a lot of the time. And don’t take any shit from kids at school. Bullies are just as scared of you. Oh, and stay in school, and--”

  Megan noticed that her hand had begun to glow a bright purple.

  “And… and don’t let fear stop you. Ever.”

  “I won’t.”

  Megan reached for Frankie’s hand. “Hold my hand as long as you can, okay?”

  “I will.” A single tear rolled down Frankie’s cheek.

  “And as long as you remember me… I’ll always be around.”

  Megan’s glow began to brighten. She briefly glanced over to Doug.

  “One more thing,” she said to Frankie. “This is the most important thing of all.”

  The glow began to intensify.


  Megan’s voice began to fade.

  “...forever,” Megan, Doug, and Frankie said as one.

  The glow faded and Megan was gone.


  The rain started slowly, just a few drops on the windshield, but by the time they pulled into the driveway, it was a torrent.

  “Frankie, why don't you run inside real quick,” Doug said. “I'll grab the pie and be there in a second.”

  “Okey doke,” Frankie said. She unbuckled her seatbelt, opened the car door and beelined straight for the house.

  Doug grabbed the peanut butter chocolate pie from the front seat and prepared to make a run for it himself. He fully expected to be completely soaked traveling the twenty feet from the driveway to the back door of his parent’s house.

  Doug opened the car door and quickly stood up. He took a step towards the house, but suddenly felt a painful sharp crack to the back of his head. He dropped to his knees and the peanut butter chocolate pie slipped out of his hands and splattered all over the wet driveway. He turned slowly and saw Nina, soaked to the skin and standing before him, a two by four in hand.

  “Hi Doug,” she said calmly as Doug started to stand.

  Doug felt his arms suddenly wrench back.

  “That’s my son Alex,” she said and stepped forward to slap Doug across the face. “Can you guess why I’m here?”

  Doug didn’t answer. He knew the answer was forthcoming.

  “I have Cristescu blood in my veins too,” she said. “I didn’t get the witchcraft gene, but I’m still in the family business... in a way.”

  “Destroying my family?” Doug said.

  Nina grabbed Doug’s hair to pull his head up. “Pretty much,” she said with a shrug. “Alex?”

  Alex pushed Doug forward, straight into the giant oak tree that dominated the backyard. Someone slammed his head into the bark and he tumbled to the ground.

  Nina kneeled down next to him. I’ll be back in a minute,” she said. “My boys and I are going to visit with your family. Don’t go anywhere, okay?”

  She quickly thrust with her knife straight through Doug’s right hand and into the trunk of the tree. He screamed at the searing pain. Nina stood and motioned for Alex to follow her into the house. Doug’s vision began to fade. He was blacking out.







  “Doug… what happened?”

  Doug’s eyes fluttered open. It was Rebecca. He had invited her to dinner in order to introduce her to his parents.

  He struggled to speak. “I... they...”

  Somehow Doug knew, even through the driving rain coming down on Rebecca's face, that there were tears in her eyes.

  “DOUG!” she shouted.

  “They attacked me… they’re inside…” A groan escaped his lips. “Frankie. My mom and dad.”

  “You have to get up,” she said. “We have to go help them.”

  Doug looked over and saw that the knife had pierced his hand, driving clear through, pinning him to the tree. Even through the pain Doug couldn't help but feel much like a memo on some random office bulletin board.

  “I can't,” he said.

  “You can.” She put a hand to Doug's cheek. “We’ll do it together.”

  He nodded. He wrapped his free hand around the hilt of the knife. Rebecca reached forward and wrapped her hand around his.

  “Ready?” she said.

  Doug took in a deep breath. “Yeah.”

  “On three,” she said. “One… two… THREE!”

  They pulled the knife away. Doug gritted his teeth, but the scream came anyway. Rebecca winced and looked away. Doug stared at the knife for a moment, the blade covered in his own blood. He tossed it to the ground.

  Rebecca took hold of Doug's arm and helped him to his feet. Nina faced them both.

  “What about her?” Doug said.

  “I got this,” Rebecca said. “Just go inside and find your girl.”

  “What are you going to do?”

bsp; Rebecca smiled. “I'm going to fuck this bitch up. Now go.”

  “You sure?”

  “I am,” she said.

  “I love you,” Doug said.

  “I love you too,” Rebecca replied and gave Doug a quick peck on the cheek. “Now go save your family.”

  Rebecca walked to Nina as Doug ran for the front door.

  “No knife,” Rebecca said. “Just me and you.”

  Nina made a scoffing laugh. She was several inches taller than Rebecca and well-muscled.

  “Try,” Nina said, still chuckling. “Just--”

  Rebecca delivered a punch across Nina's face that nearly knocked her over.

  Doug slowly turned the doorknob with his good hand. He drew in a breath, flung the door open and stepped inside. The house was quiet, save for the faint sounds of the TV in the living room. He looked about cautiously as he moved forward.

  Doug jumped as he heard the door slam shut behind him. He turned to face a tall man with a grim face. Alex.

  Rebecca didn't hesitate, and followed up with a solid punch to Nina's stomach that doubled the taller woman over. Rebecca pushed her against Doug's car and punched her again in the face. Nina spit out some blood, and with a blood-curdling scream, lunged forward and grabbed Rebecca by the neck.

  “Where's my daughter?” Doug said, advancing on Alex.

  Alex didn’t say a word.

  “It's like that, huh?” Doug said. “Fine.” He paused. “Thought you'd like to know, your mama is outside getting her ass kicked right now.”

  Alex shook his head. He pointedly glanced down at Doug's bloody right hand.

  “It's okay,” Doug said, “I'm a kicker anyway.”

  Alex put up his fists. He swung heavily and Doug easily ducked out of the way of the punch. Doug slashed an elbow at Alex's face, catching him and almost knocking him down. Alex grabbed the kitchen counter and righted himself, only to get caught by a sidekick from Doug. Alex grunted but stayed steady.

  Nina, with her hands still wrapped around Rebecca's neck, pushed forward with all her might and slammed Rebecca into the tree. Rebecca tried to pull Nina's arms away, but to no avail. She was simply too strong.

  Plan B. Rebecca swung up with a fist and cracked Nina in the jaw, dazing the taller woman for just a second. Good plan. Rebecca caught her breath and gathered up some more strength.

  This bitch is going down, she thought.

  Alex launched himself at Doug. Doug caught him with a knee to the stomach and followed up with a solid punch for good measure. Alex was out cold.

  “Frankie! Mom! Dad!”

  Doug turned a corner into the living room. There stood Albert, stock still, the same dour expression as his brother, holding a long black knife to Frankie’s neck.

  Rebecca swung heavily at Nina, but the blow only glanced off her chin. Nina pushed her to the ground and was immediately upon her. Rebecca attempted to slide away across the grass and mud, but suddenly she felt Nina’s arm across her neck. She couldn’t breathe.

  Doug took in a calming breath.

  Didn’t work.

  “Okay,” said, as evenly as he could. “Just don’t hurt her. Please.”

  “Dad,” Frankie said. “I’m not scared.”

  Doug smiled at her brave front. “I know. You’re a hero, honey.”

  Rebecca tried, with everything she had, to pull the woman’s arm off her neck. Nina only squeezed harder. Rebecca’s vision was starting to fade.

  “I know what Xen would do,” Frankie said.

  “What’s that?”

  Frankie smiled. “Xen would be calm.”

  Doug nodded. “You’re right.”

  Doug heard a mechanical click from behind him. Apparently the other twin had a gun. Doug closed his eyes for a moment, waiting to die.

  Then a familiar voice: “Drop the knife.”

  Doug turned to see his father with a pistol in hand that was pointed directly at Albert.

  Rebecca tumbled to the ground with Nina on top of her. She took in a great gulp of air as she did so. She scrambled away and saw Nina face first in the grass, a trickle of blood issuing from the back of her head. A woman stood nearby, brandishing a long plank of wood.

  “I said drop it.”

  Albert dropped the knife and Frankie ran straight for Doug. He picked her up and she embraced him, holding on for dear life.

  “On your knees,” Dale said. “Police are on the way.”

  Albert complied immediately. He even laced his fingers behind his head.

  “Thanks, Dad. I didn’t know you had a--” The thought struck him. “Rebecca!”

  “Your mother helped her out,” Dale said.

  “I’m Karen,” the woman said and held out her free hand.

  “I’m… very…” Rebecca paused to take in more air. “I’m very pleased... to meet you, ma’am.”

  Karen smiled.


  Once Doug’s hand was bandaged and his prescription for pain medication was filled, he and Rebecca ventured up to the third floor to check in on Bill. Gabe was there, of course. He shared the good news that Bill had emerged from his coma earlier in the day.

  “Hey bud,” Doug said as they entered Bill’s room. “I wanted to introduce you to someone. This is Rebecca.”

  Rebecca offered a quick wave and a smile. Bill didn’t move, but his eyes tracked Rebecca as she approached.

  “I’m going to go talk to your brother for a second,” Doug continued. “Maybe you guys can get to know one another.”

  Rebecca glanced at Doug and nodded. Doug stepped out of the room.

  “So what’s next?” Doug said.

  “I’m getting my house set up for him. Hiring a nurse to help.” Gabe drew in a sharp breath. “A lot to do.”

  Doug nodded. “Let me know what I can do. I’ll help any way I can.”

  “Appreciated,” Gabe said. “Just check in. Be around. Don’t forget about him.”

  “I won’t,” Doug said. “I can promise you that.”

  Wilson’s Academy of Martial Arts was on the second floor of an old retail building downtown. Dale had told Megan that it was actually a Sears store back in the sixties and seventies, until the store moved to the then new mall on the edge of town.

  Doug, Frankie, and Rebecca climbed the long, narrow staircase until they alighted on to the second floor. The Academy was already buzzing with activity. They could hear the shouts from a class already in session. Other students milled about, some clustered in groups talking, while others stretched and readied themselves for the next class. Frankie nervously tugged at her gi.

  “Dad, are you sure I got my belt on right?”

  Doug crouched down and pulled on her crisp, blindingly white belt.

  “It’s perfect, honey. And you look great.”

  A relieved smile spread across Frankie’s face.

  “Mister Schmidt!” came a deep, booming voice.

  Doug stood and turned, a big grin on his face.

  “Master Wilson!”

  William Wilson extended his hand as he approached. They shook, and the handshake became a quick hug.

  “I knew you’d be back one day,” Wilson said. He scanned the others. “So who do we have here?”

  “This is Rebecca,” Doug said. “Rebecca, this is Mr. William Wilson.”

  Rebecca managed a quick bow. “Pleased to meet you, sir.”

  “No need to bow,” Wilson said with a genial chuckle. “We’re pretty informal here. Except when it comes to class, then we’re all discipline.” He squared his gaze at Doug. “Isn’t that right, Mr. Schmidt?”

  “Yes sir. Discipline gets it done, after all,” Doug said, suddenly remembering one of Wilson’s oft-repeated phrases, one that Megan frequently said as well.

  “I’m Frankie, sir.”

  Wilson looked at Frankie and nodded approvingly.

  “You’re ready to go, I see,” he said.

  “Yes sir.”

  “I’ll expect nothing but your
best this evening.” Wilson bowed, and Frankie returned the bow. “Why don’t you hit the mat… the last class just ended and your class is about to begin.”

  “Yes sir,” Frankie said and ran off.

  Wilson nodded towards Doug’s bandaged hand. “So what happened there?”

  Doug sighed. “Eh… long story. Maybe I’ll tell you sometime.” A pause. “Once I heal, I’ll be coming back to class, though.”

  “Glad to hear it, Mister Schmidt.”

  A young man in a gi and a green belt came up to them. He had a kind, friendly face and was fit, but not well-muscled like Mr. Wilson was. “Did you need me to run the beginner’s class, senesi?”

  “Not tonight, Mr. Jones,” Wilson replied. “Oh, and Jeremy Jones… meet Doug Schmidt. He’ll be returning after a few years off, just like you did.”

  The two men shook hands.

  “I’m a green belt too,” Doug said. “Of course that was ten years ago…”

  “It’s like riding a bike, right?” Jeremy said.

  Doug glanced at Rebecca. “Well, I have been working out a bit lately…”

  Wilson clapped his hands together. “Well gentlemen, it’s been good visiting, but I have a class to run. Nice to meet you Rebecca.”

  “Likewise,” she replied.

  “And great seeing you again, Doug. I look forward to seeing you in class.”

  “Yes sir.”

  Wilson turned on his heels and headed for the practice mat. “Fall in, everyone,” he shouted. “A formation of even lines across the mat, please.”

  The eager young future black belts somehow managed to fall into a formation of two even lines. Doug couldn’t help but notice that Frankie took a place in the front row. Wilson stood before them.

  “Good evening, class,” Wilson boomed.

  “Good evening, Sensei Wilson,” the class responded, more or less in unison.

  “If this is your first class, welcome to Wilson’s Academy of Martial Arts. You will not only learn how to defend yourself and those around you, but you will also get physically fit…”

  Wilson glanced over to Doug. Doug mouthed the next few words along with him.


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