HIS BOUND BRIDE: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance

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HIS BOUND BRIDE: A Bad Boy Billionaire Romance Page 4

by Sophia Gray

  Audrey blushed. “Right away.”

  I smirked. Sometimes, the way she spoke indicated that she wanted to add ‘sir’ to the end of her sentences to me.

  “I’ll be back soon,” Audrey added, darting out of my office with all the grace of a fish out of water.

  As soon as Audrey had run downstairs, I got up and walked over to her desk. Not surprisingly, it had the same scent as her. I inhaled deeply and sat down in her chair, running my fingers over the keyboard. This woman is driving me crazy, I reflected as I glanced at the screen of her computer.

  The desk itself was a disappointment. Audrey was as meticulous as her appearance led me to believe otherwise. There wasn’t a single personal article, save for a photo of a dopey-looking yellow Lab. I picked up the photo and stared into the dog’s eyes.

  “Your mommy is a little bit of an ice queen,” I whispered to the dog. Setting the photo back on the desk, I opened the drawers and glanced through them. Audrey’s purse was in the bottom drawer. Casually, I grabbed a ruler from the top of the desk and peered inside. There was nothing revealing or personal at all, not even a little hairbrush—just a plain leatherette wallet, a few pens, and a rubber band at the very bottom, with not even so much as a tampon.

  “Enzo!” Audrey’s voice was shocked. She was standing in front of her desk holding two plastic salad containers. “What’s wrong? Did something happen?”

  I stood up, closing her bottom drawer with the toe of my shoe. “Everything’s fine,” I said with a smirk. “I just wanted to inspect your desk. You know, some of the people around here are known to steal.”

  Audrey laughed awkwardly. “I don’t think anyone would want to take something from my desk.”

  I snorted. “No, I daresay they wouldn’t.” I picked up the photo of the yellow Lab. “Who’s this? A friend?”

  Audrey smiled. “That’s Pepper,” she said, her voice taking on an affectionate and warm hue. “She’s my girl. I’ve had her for a couple of years.”

  “Cute.” I put the photo back on the desk. “So, into my office for lunch, then?”

  Audrey swallowed audibly. She pointed towards the mock-up on her desk. “Shouldn’t I finish this first?”

  “Don’t be ridiculous.” I plucked the salads from her hands. “Audrey, you can afford to relax once in a while.” I winked at her. “We’re not all work-slaves around here, you know.”

  Audrey ducked her head as if trying to hide another blush on her pale cheeks. “Right,” she said unsteadily. “Alright, then. I guess that’s fine.”

  I chuckled. “You guess?” I raised my eyebrows at her, making her blush deepen to an extraordinary red hue. “Audrey, some people would consider themselves lucky to be having lunch with Enzo Lennox.”

  She swallowed again and lowered herself down onto the black leather couch. I watched as, at first, she sat in the corner, then glanced at the wide surface and scooted towards the middle. She looked at me with her lips slightly parted before sliding her pink tongue out of her mouth and licking her lips.

  “I’m lucky,” she said solemnly. “I know that.” I didn’t take my eyes off of Audrey as she opened the plastic container with her salad and stuck her fork inside. “I like having this job, Enzo.”

  I smiled at her. “I like having my job, too. But sometimes I think there’s more to life than work, don’t you?” I let my eyes wander down her body and linger on her chest. “I think there’s a lot more to life than work.”

  Audrey stood up, spilling salad all over the floor. “Oh shoot!” She cursed. “I’ll be right back, Enzo, I’m going to call someone to help clean that up.”

  “No need,” I said as I stood up and grabbed a brush and dustpan from under the desk. “I’ve got this right here.”

  Audrey glanced at me warily. “You want me to…?”

  I nodded, handing over the plastic brush and pan. “Yes, please,” I said with a smirk. Sitting back down, I opened my salad and began to eat as I watched Audrey get down on her knees and sweep dressing-coated lettuce across the floor. She panted as she worked, with the tip of her tongue stuck out of her mouth.

  When she was finished, she stood up and wiped her sweaty palms on her shapeless dress. “Is there anything else right now, Enzo?”

  I nodded. “No, thank you, Audrey. Please have the mock-up completed by the end of the day.”

  # # #

  The next day was even worse. I could barely focus on my work, let alone Audrey. I couldn’t stop thinking about how it would feel to just stop her in the middle of the hallway and yank those frumpy stockings down. Her flesh would feel warm and supple under my hands. I knew that she wanted it.

  “Dammit!” I cursed under my breath as I stared at my computer screen. It was already late morning, and I hadn’t completed anything that I’d set out to do that day.

  “Enzo?” Audrey poked her head into my office. “Are you alright? I just heard you curse.” She frowned as if the very idea offended her. “Can I bring you something? Coffee? Lunch?”

  I stared at her. She was wearing a shapeless olive green sweater and a brown corduroy jumper with a white turtleneck underneath. I’d never seen such ugly clothing, but at that moment, it didn’t matter. I wanted Audrey, even in her schoolmarm get-up.

  “Come here,” I said softly.

  Audrey swallowed hard. She took a step forward and inched closer to the desk.

  As the sweet scent of talc and strawberry washed over me, I closed my eyes and breathed in. “Audrey, do you like working for me?”

  Audrey blushed. “Of course,” she said slowly. “Didn’t we talk about this yesterday? I told you, I feel really lucky to have this job.” She bit her bottom lip and stepped backward. Her skin was dewy and flushed from some unseen exertion, and her brown hair looked wonderfully soft and shiny.

  “Why don’t you go get me some new folders?” I asked, gesturing to my desk. “These have all been used.” I picked them up and dumped them in the trash can. “I think a box or two should do it. I need your help later; I’m reorganizing the master files.”

  Audrey nodded. “The master files?”

  “The files that detail all of the most important work we’ve done, like a resume or a portfolio.” I flashed a smile. “If we do wind up going to that tech expo, well, we’re going to need some proof of how much work we’ve done over the past few years.”

  Audrey bit her bottom lip again, and I was transported to a faraway scene with her perfect pink lips engulfing the erect head of my cock.

  “R-right, of course,” Audrey stammered. She backed up and ducked her head, then darted out of the office. I heard her clomping down the hallway, and grinned.

  “Those boxes are going to be awfully heavy,” I said as I stood up and strolled out of my office. Audrey was already out of sight, but I knew exactly where she’d gone—to a supply closet away from the main offices. It was a big, warehouse-like room and I knew that searching for folders would likely take a big chunk of her time. Unless I decided to go help her out of the goodness of my heart.

  Sure enough, Audrey was on her hands and knees, digging around in the back of the room when I strolled through the door not ten minutes later.

  “Enzo!” Audrey jumped up and put her hand on her chest. “Oh my God, you scared me! I didn’t even hear you walk up!”

  I grinned again. “That’s okay,” I said, stepping closer. Audrey’s lips were parted, and her breath was coming in little bursts. “I figured you might need some help finding the files.”

  Audrey blushed. The lighting of the supply closet was dim, and I saw her profile more clearly than the rest of her features. “Okay,” she said, swallowing hard.

  I took another big step towards her until Audrey was backed up against the wall. She was panting audibly now, and as she reached a hand behind her body to steady herself against the concrete wall, I stepped even closer. We were so close that our bodies were almost touching—I felt the heat radiating from her soft skin.

  “Audrey,” I said, b
reathing out the words as I inched closer. She was trembling under my gaze like a little mouse being watched by an eagle. “Audrey, do you know what I would do to you if we were alone?”

  Audrey shuddered. Her blue eyes were open wide and focused intently on my face. I could tell that she was turned on—there were some slight changes to her face. Her nostrils were flared, and her lips were parted as she breathed heavily.

  “No,” Audrey whispered.

  “Well,” I continued in a low tone as I reached forward and gently touched a lock of her soft brown hair, “first, I would strip you of all clothes.” I glanced down at her shapeless cardigan and sweater. “Second, I’d stare at your body until I had it memorized on the insides of my eyelids.” I growled. “Third, I’d lick your nipples until they grew hard and puckered in my mouth, and fourth, I’d trail my fingers between your inner thighs until you were begging for me to touch your clit.”

  Audrey blinked slowly. Her blue eyes were all pupil, her dark lashes quivering with excitement. A new muskiness emanated from her body and mingled with the talc and strawberry scent, making her seem abominably desirable. As she swallowed hard, I watched the soft skin on her throat tighten and clench.

  “When I touched you for the first time, I’d make sure you wanted it,” I continued as I watched Audrey’s face. “I’d stroke my hands all over your soft body and drag my nails down your back until you began to bleed. I’d stroke your breasts and bury my face between your legs, licking and sucking on your hard little clit until you came in my mouth.”

  Sweat beaded on Audrey’s forehead and she closed her eyes.

  “I’d fuck you so thoroughly that no one else could ever fuck you again. I’d stroke your clit until you were on the verge of madness and then bring you back again, to the height of pleasure. I’d show you how to lick my cock and cradle my balls, how to pleasure me. And then we’d pleasure each other, Audrey. We’d crawl on our sides, thighs over each other’s heads and pleasure each other with our mouths. Does that sound good?”

  There was a sudden loud sound behind me, and I jumped back from Audrey. Harsh, overhead lights blinked on and filled the big storage closet with glaring yellow.

  “Oh my God,” Audrey squeaked. She darted past me with surprising grace and ran out of the storage closet, clutching the front of her ugly cardigan with both hands.

  Karen, the woman who Audrey had caught me with on her first day, stood there watching.

  “Hi, Enzo,” she said with a sensual smirk on her face. “Plotting your next victim?”

  I rolled my eyes. “Enough, Karen,” I said as I stepped past her and into the hallway. There was no sign of Audrey anywhere—she’d managed to scamper off. I raised my eyebrows and chuckled. That girl was full of surprises.

  Chapter Seven

  By the time Friday rolled around, I was so sexually frustrated that I had to jack off in the shower three times before going into work. The whole night before I’d been kept up, tortured by visions of sweet little Audrey between my sheets. I hadn’t been around a woman who I’d wanted to dominate in a hell of a long time—years, even. But Audrey was the perfect candidate. She was gorgeous under all those frumpy clothes, and she was the most submissive woman that I’d ever come across. She could barely bring herself to meet my eyes, much less speak out against me.

  As I walked into my office, I grinned. I’d arrived early, and Audrey was nowhere in sight. Her poster, a perfect mock-up of the design I wanted to use at the tech expo, was propped behind my desk.

  I turned on my computer, planning to spend the morning catching up on emails and calls. I’d missed a few calls this week from someone called Hotchkiss, and while his name was unfamiliar to me, I had a bad feeling about the intensity. Audrey had carried in three messages from him over the past two days.

  Under normal circumstances, I would have returned the call by now, but I couldn’t shake the frustrating hold that Audrey had on my dick and my mind. Every time I saw her, I couldn’t stop thinking about how I had to have her. I had to satisfy my lust; I had to scratch the infernal itch that she’d created within my body.

  “She’s not here, you can focus,” I repeated to myself. It was a mantra I’d come up with that morning. I knew that Audrey would take time, but I couldn’t let LennoxCo go to hell while I was waiting for her to come around. After all, she was only a woman. I’d had hundreds of those before. No reason why one, in particular, should hold me up so much.

  I frowned as my email program popped up. My heart sank when I saw the name at the top of my inbox: Richard Hodges. Great, I thought as I rolled my eyes. You’re back from the brink.

  Back when I’d first started LennoxCo and made my first million, I’d been contacted by a potential investor named Richard Hodges. He wanted me to set aside a portion of my business for a consulting firm that he knew. He’d promised me that everything would be perfect—that the consulting firm operated with little overhead cost and that I was getting a great deal.

  In short, he fucked me. By the time Hodges was done with me, I’d been almost bankrupted. If it hadn’t been for several investments that I’d made on my own before starting LennoxCo, I wouldn’t have survived the fallout. Ever since that had happened, I hated the man. He’d escaped with barely a scratch, and sometimes he popped up out of nowhere to try to con me all over again. It had been four years since the debacle happened with his so-called consulting firm, and I had no desire to let the business go down the toilet once more.

  But now, I couldn’t just ignore a man like Richard Hodges. He’d recently been named a top CEO by Fortune 500, and he’d been hired to helm another tech company in the industry—a company that focused on security services, just like LennoxCo.

  Reading about Hodges in the news had given me a sick feeling in my stomach, and I’d prayed that he wouldn’t try contacting me again. Even though I didn’t want anything to do with him, he was powerful. And I had a feeling that if I pissed him off enough, he’d try to destroy LennoxCo.

  “Hi, Enzo,” Audrey said. She stepped into my office and straightened her posture. “Can I get you some coffee?”

  I nodded. “And could you give me the number for that Hotchkiss man?” I frowned as I dug through the pieces of paper littering the top of my desk. “I can’t find your messages anywhere.”

  Audrey blinked and then nodded. She darted out of my office. Five minutes later, she was back, armed with coffee and a notepad.

  “He said his name was Richard,” she said, licking her lips and flipping through the sheets of paper. “Here’s his number.” She handed me a piece of paper with the same number written on it as Richard’s emails.

  “Audrey,” I said, my tone sharp. “Did he tell you that his last name was Hodges or Hotchkiss?”

  Audrey blushed. She buried her face in her hands and stamped one of her orthopedic shoes on the ground. “Darn!” Her voice was muffled. “I screwed up, Enzo!”

  “Audrey, look at me,” I ordered, keeping my voice deadly calm. “Look at me right now.”

  Audrey let out a small squeak and ducked her head back up to face me. Her cheeks were deliciously pink, and her eyes had begun to water. “Enzo, I am so sorry,” Audrey said in a rush. “He must have said Hodges, and I heard Hotchkiss.” She hung her head again. “I’m sorry. It’s always been really hard for me to hear people on the phone!”

  “Next time, you get him to spell his name.” I breathed. “This is a very important man, and someone who I need to keep tabs on at all times, do you understand?”

  Audrey gave a meek nod. “Did I screw something up for you?” The fear in her voice was palpable. “What can I do to fix it, Enzo?”

  “Just take my messages properly in the future!” I slammed my fist down on the desk. Audrey jumped a foot into the air, making the same squealing sound that she’d made before. “This is the most important part of the job, Audrey!”

  She skittered out of my office, and I slammed the door behind her. It was the first time I’d really been irritated with
her—aside from when she walked in the first day to find me screwing Karen. I understood that she obviously had some kind of social problems, but it frustrated me that she hadn’t exerted a more disciplined performance. I rolled my eyes.

  You’re being too hard on her, I thought to myself. But if it were anyone but Hodges, you probably wouldn’t care that much.

  I sighed, opening Hodges’ latest email. He wrote a few lines about not being able to get through that impenetrable secretary of yours, and I had to smirk. At least she’d managed to get under his skin, too. But when I got to the body of the email, I scowled. Hodges was, once again, offering to buy LennoxCo. He’d first made the overture a few months ago, and I’d written it off as drunken bravado. But now I could tell he was doing it to prove a point.

  I shifted uneasily in my chair. I didn’t think Hodges was bluffing anymore. I knew that he wanted to buy me out, and suddenly I was more nervous than ever before that he’d actually take a step to threaten me.


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