Bloodstains and Bitemarks

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Bloodstains and Bitemarks Page 8

by Kyra Quinn

  It shouldn’t surprise me. Nothing about Kane is decent or moral. I’d already prepared myself for all sorts of physical abuse and torture. But something about the way my heart fluttered when he stroked my face sent a chill into my bones I can’t shake.

  Kane was right about one thing—I’m not a virgin anymore. At least, not technically. I remember little about the night I lost my virginity. I can’t remember the guy’s name, but I know it happened.

  A few months into my training with the Dark Hunt, one of the older hunters and I split a bottle of cheap vodka while the others were away. One thing led to another, and the next thing I knew, Zeke and Michael were dragging him off me. Zeke said something about him using his position and cheap tricks to take advantage of me, and they kicked him out ten minutes later.

  I never saw the guy again, and Zeke and Michael never mentioned it after that night. Sex still teased my thoughts occasionally, but I didn’t seek it out. Between training and hunting, my schedule didn’t have a lot of free time to slip away and meet non-monstrous men. I told myself I’d make room for romance in my life after I killed Kane.

  I can handle all the pain these demonic fucks throw my way. I’ve never had a problem dissociating from nasty situations, checking my mind out of my body so the impact barely registers for me. But the gentle caresses are different. His fingertips sent a jolt of electricity straight into my chest. I’m torn between never wanting him to touch me again and craving his hands in more intimate places.

  My mind drifts back to Sundays spent in church listening to my father preach. He always warned his congregation not to expect horns and a pitchfork from demons. Evil, he said, appears disguised as everything you think you want. It infects your life slowly, almost imperceptible until it’s too late to stop it. Controlling prick that he is, my father wasn’t wrong about everything. If I didn’t know the truth about Kane and what he’s capable of, I might fall into his trap all over again.

  But there’s no way I could ever forget what he’s done, and forgiveness is out of the question. Kane stole everything from me. The only way I’ll let go of the hatred I have for him is if I burn it with his body.

  I’ve heard it said that the opposite of love isn’t hate, but indifference. It’s possible I still care for him in some fucked up way. I’m not willing to let myself consider it much, though. My feelings for him are complicated but there’s only one proper solution. If I don’t kill him, I’m as good as dead anyway. I learned two years ago exactly how dangerous he is even without provocation.

  Kane’s threats didn’t change my plan. When the female demon unties me to dress me, I’ll headbutt her or throw her into the shelves somehow and escape. I haven’t figured out what to do about Kane and whatever other demons stand between me and the exit, but I’ll figure that part out as I go. Whatever it takes to get out of this hellhole before Kane does worse than touch me.

  Still unable to move my wrists or legs, there isn’t much to do besides sit with my own dark thoughts and pray they don’t consume me. Hunger gnaws at my insides until I feel sick. I drift in and out of sleep, but rest is another story. Kane’s voice loops through my mind, reminding me I’m a killer just like him. The words haunt my dreams until they’re all I think about awake. Each time he says it, my teeth grind until I worry they might break. We are nothing alike. The blood on my hands doesn’t belong to innocents.

  I’ve lost track of how many monsters I’ve killed in the last two years. It’s never interested me to keep track of how many times I’ve ended something’s existence. Not that monsters don’t deserve it. Killing even one vampire could save dozens of human lives in a year’s time.

  I want to believe I’ll find peace when Kane is finally dead. The years of night terrors and lust for revenge will fade away with the memories of his touch. Maybe I’ll even meet another man a few years down the road. Someone human. A lover who won’t ever raise a hand or his voice against me. The world has several billion men in it, and any of them are a better idea than Kane.

  But how long would that make you happy? I shudder. When I’m honest with myself, I’ve never aspired to live a normal life. Marriage and a nine-to-five job somewhere always sounded like a special torture.

  Most people live uninspired lives. To conform to societal norms achieve some invisible badge of success, they go through the motions and settle into routines, repeating the same tasks every day until it becomes as natural as breathing. They slave away at jobs they can’t stand. Love, passion, and sensuality take a backseat to stability and a false sense of security.

  It’s why most hunters die before they leave the lifestyle. We aren’t people who adapt well to desk jobs and diaper duty, and our career choice doesn’t come with the best retirement plan. If the monsters don’t kill us, our poor life choices usually catch up to us eventually and finish the job.

  A normal life isn’t an option for me. But if Zeke and Michael won’t take me back, what else is left? Hunting on my own is a quick way to end up dead. Regular weapons are useless against most monsters. A stake through the heart only works on vampires if we bless the stake first. Gun shops don’t sell silver bullets. I’d end up a monster’s dinner on my first solo mission.

  Kane’s voice pops into my head, replaying a conversation we had two years ago on one of our secret dates. He’d pulled me against his chest and bent down until his mouth almost touched my ear, whispering, “You can trust me.”

  I scoff. It’s a classic line used by douchebags everywhere, but I was so eager for love that I ate it up, anyway. No wonder he assumes he can break me now. A few pretty words and I put my full trust and heart into his hands.

  Frustration builds in my body until it burns my throat, a scream of pent-up emotions and energy begging for release. I refuse to believe this is how my story ends. I didn’t waste two years of training to track and kill Kane only to wind up used and discarded by him a second time.

  The female demon returns after the sun sinks outside the window, leaving the sky streaked in brilliant shades of pink and orange. She sashays into the room with two hot pink shopping bags dangling from her tattooed arms. Magenta hair falls around her bony shoulders, the ends dipped in violet. She’s taller than me by at least six inches, maybe more with the pointy heels strapped to her feet. A tight leather skirt barely covers her ass. She smiles and pushes the door shut with her foot.

  “You are not a simple woman to shop for,” she says, tossing the bags on the ground in front of the door. “It took three stores, but I finally found it. A dress that will leave every man who sees you weak in the knees.”

  She folds in half and reaches into the bag, pulling out a pile of lacy Prussian blue fabric and a pair of matching heels. My stomach does a somersault as she strolls over to where I’m trapped. I dig my nails into my palms and wait for my opportunity to strike. Ready or not, I won’t get a better chance to escape.

  “Kane won’t want to let anyone else near you once I’m finished.” She grins as if she’s an old friend helping me prepare for a first date. “It’s so nice to have another woman around.”

  “What makes you think that’s a good thing?” I snap. “The only reason I’d want Kane anywhere near me is so I can kill him. Who cares what I look like doing it?”

  She throws her head back and laughs. “I wish all hunters were as adorable as you. It doesn’t matter if you want him, sweetie. If Kane decides he wants you, he’ll take you. Your feelings towards him don’t matter. But the dress isn’t for him. It’s in case Lilith shows up to claim you.”

  My skin turns frigid. I had my own suspicions about what Kane might do to me, but it still knocks the breath from my lungs to hear someone confirm my darkest fears. If I don’t escape soon, my merciless captor will use me for his own fucked up amusement. He’ll keep me locked in these four red walls and violate my body. When his interest in me fades, he’ll kill me or sell me into sexual slavery for the rest of his demon pals.

  “Oh, relax,” the female demon quips, slapping my thigh.
“I didn’t say that to scare you. Some girls are into the dangerous guy thing. You’re a hunter, so I assumed you liked your lovers a little dangerous.”

  “I like my lovers human.”

  She snorts. “Spoken like someone who’s only ever fucked humans. Girl, you do not understand the levels of pleasure you’re missing out on. No such thing as a two-pump-chump with Lycans or demons. And all this ‘can’t find the clit’ shit? Yeah, that’s strictly a mortal man issue. Laziness or entitlement, if I had to guess. But only human women tolerate those pathetic excuses and poor performance.”

  The tension in my muscles slowly eases. The corners of my lips twitch. She’s still a demon, but she isn’t as bad as Kane. It’s almost a pity I must kill her.

  “So every monster is some kind of rock star in bed? How come this is the first I’ve heard of it?”

  “I’m guessing you don’t get out much.” She winks. “Don’t stress about it, though. I’m sure Kane will help you see the light.”

  I roll my eyes. “Pass. I’d rather stay in the dark.”

  “Which one of us are you trying to convince right now?” Her grin stretches. “Your voice gets higher every time you mention Kane, and your cheeks turn a little pink. Maybe you can’t admit it to yourself yet, but you want him. It’s obvious.”

  I give my head a violent shake, disregarding the pain that shoots from my neck into my skull. She’s wrong. I wouldn’t jump into bed with Kane if he had the last working dick on Earth. “I’d rather cuddle in the bathtub with a toaster.”

  “If you say so.” She lays the dress on the small wooden table, placing the shoes underneath. “I’ll let Kane know you’re ready to be bathed and dressed.”

  My heart sinks into my stomach. “Can’t you handle that part?”

  “Sorry, sweetheart. Kane’s orders. He wants to walk you through how to behave when the Knights arrive.”

  As if I give a damn how Kane thinks I should act.

  “No, wait—”

  But the female demon slips out of the room, waving over her shoulder as she pulls the door closed behind her.

  * * *

  Every muscle in my body is tight as I wait for Kane to come for me. The knots in my stomach twist. He’s easily twice my size and strength. In my current condition, he could snap me in half with one hand.

  I suck in a deep breath, fighting to slow my racing thoughts enough to sort through the options available to me. Killing him won’t work, especially not without a weapon. I don’t trust my legs to support me well enough to run, especially when I do not understand where I am or how many enemies are nearby. I’m screwed.

  And even if I escape, what next? I won’t get a better shot at Kane than this. In the comfort of his own turf, his guard is down. He thinks he’s in control. If I can work that to my advantage, I’ll at least have the element of surprise on my side. Maybe he isn’t so indestructible if he doesn’t expect the attack.

  The only actual option is obvious, but I don’t like it. If I want Kane dead, following his lead is the simplest solution. I need to manipulate him into trusting me, convince him I’m not a threat. He won’t expect me to drive a blade through his throat if he believes I’m in love with him.

  Heaviness settles into the center of my chest. No part of me wants to allow Kane anywhere near me, let alone pretend to enjoy it. He is the embodiment of everything I despise. He’s a narcissistic liar with no remorse about murdering innocent strangers or manipulating people’s emotions to accomplish what he wants. I’d rather eat a gun than feel his hands on my skin.

  I close my eyes and think of Jade and the way she artfully changed everything from her appearance to her personality to lure a target to his death. My best shot at killing Kane is to employ some of her tricks to win his trust. I don’t need him to fall in love with me—I just need him to trust me enough to lower his guard and untie me.

  It doesn’t help that I have no idea how to kill a monster like Kane, and no way to ask around for advice. The Exorcist has never failed me in the past. But when I tried to shoot Kane in the park, he flung the gun from my hand as if it were a child’s toy. Unless I find a jug of holy water stashed somewhere close, I have absolutely no way to defend myself against him.

  Footsteps near and the door slides open. Kane steps into the room, putting an end to my scheming. He’s more dressed up than I’ve ever seen him. A gunmetal grey suit perfectly tailored to his broad shoulders and long legs replaces his usual faded jeans and leather jacket. The light patch of scruff on his face is gone, and he’s wearing enough cologne to fill the room like incense.

  “Damn,” I tease, “is this a work thing or a date?”

  He frowns. “You’ll understand when you meet my employers. Not much tolerance for sloppiness or unkempt appearances. Believe me, if it were my decision, you’d never cover your body again.”

  Heat rushes into my face, and it takes everything I have not to tell him to fuck off. I force myself to swallow back my venom and choke, “You look nice.”

  He shrugs. “I clean up well when I need to. Speaking of, we’re almost out of time. We need to discuss a few rules for this evening before I summon someone to style your hair and makeup. I can’t force you to follow them, but they’re suggestions for your safety. Should you break them, I can promise you won’t enjoy the consequences.”

  Kane presses a finger under my chin and lifts my eyes to his. His voice becomes husky, his breath warm against my cheek. “But if you do well, I’m sure we can think of some way to reward you.”

  He sets to work unfastening the knots digging into my skin. My stomach twists, and I can’t tell if the butterflies filling my gut are from anxiety or arousal. His touch causes my skin to prickle. I hate Kane more than any other monster in creation, but my body doesn’t seem to have gotten the memo. Heat burns through me despite the frigid room. My breathing becomes short and shallow, and I can’t decide if I want to jerk my head away from him or remain frozen in case he moves closer.

  But I need to convince Kane he’s won. He needs to believe he’s broken me. I drop my gaze to the ground and wait for him to finish untying me.

  “What do you need me to do?”

  Kane smirks, unwinding the last of the rope from my wrists. “Atta girl. I had hoped your self-preservation and survival instincts might outweigh your stubbornness. The important thing to remember is not to speak unless spoken to. The Knights aren’t as chill as me or Dagon. If Moloch decides you’re more trouble than you’re worth, they’ll find a creative way to make sure no one hears from you again.”


  He groans and rubs the back of his neck. “You do not understand what you’re up against, do you? The Knights of Hell aren’t your garden variety demons. Lucifer himself handcrafted them to fight his earthly battles and oversee his forces in the mortal realm. Nothing on this earth can kill them.”

  My skin turns to ice. Awesome. As if Kane weren’t bad enough, I’m spending an evening in the company of unkillable super-demons. I pitch my voice higher by an octave and peek up at him through my lashes. “Will you keep me safe tonight?”

  His lips twitch, fighting back a smile. “That depends, pet. Are you going to be an agreeable girl and do as you’re told?”

  I can’t bring myself to say the words. I nod.

  He crosses his arms and studies me. “Why the sudden change of heart?”

  “Common sense kicked in,” I mumble. He still doesn’t seem convinced, so I add, “I haven’t forgiven you. But my mother always told me to stick with the devil you know.”

  “Smart woman. Shall we go over the rules?” He waits for me to agree before holding four fingers in front of his chest. “One, you are to address me only as Master or Sir when we leave this room. Two, speak when spoken to. Three, you are to kneel at my feet after you’re introduced to everyone. And four, do not make eye contact with anyone in the room but me, but especially not the Knights. They view it as defiance.”

  I keep my expression as blank as possi
ble. If kneeling at his feet gets me closer to ending his life, it’s a sacrifice I must make. “Is there anything else I should know?”

  “If you follow my lead, you’ll do fine. And I’ll make it well worth your time after they leave.” He winks, his hand caressing up the length of my thigh. His gentle stroke turns into a light smack when he reaches my hip. “I will make you forget every man who’s ever touched you before me.”

  The possessive growl in his voice sends a shiver down my spine. Fuck. Even knowing who he is and what he’s done, something about Kane gets under my skin in a way no one else ever has. I still hate him with every fiber of my being, but that doesn’t stop the growing moisture between my legs.

  “Can we focus on the thing with the super-demons first?” I squeak, trying and failing to wiggle away from him.

  He digs his fingers into my hip and holds me in place. “The Knights are as old as the earth itself, and their views have evolved little since then. Keep your head down and mouth shut as much as possible. Lilith once stitched a man’s lips closed for daring to question her.”

  “She sounds lovely.”

  He snickers. “The best. But they’ll leave us alone as soon as Lilith has what she wants. Just don’t do anything stupid between now and then. I’d hate to hurt you.”

  Liar. The glint of mischief in his evil eyes tells me there’s nothing Kane would love more than to hurt me. He gets off on watching me suffer. It must help him relive the night he murdered my mother.

  “It's interesting how your body tenses when I touch you,” he says. “Most people like to feel good. But you're afraid of it. Pleasure is uncomfortable for you.”

  I shake my head, but the words to defend myself won’t come. My rigid spine and stiff limbs are impossible to deny.


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