Bloodstains and Bitemarks

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Bloodstains and Bitemarks Page 12

by Kyra Quinn

  The doorknob jiggles. A key slides into the lock. Arachne strolls into the room a moment later with the collar and lead from the night before in hand. She flashes me a dazzling smile as if greeting an old friend.

  “Wonderful news,” she chirps. “Kane has agreed to let me escort you to the party today. He’s expecting a few mortal guests, so we might even serve something for you to snack on.”

  My stomach grumbles. “What’s the catch?”

  Arachne’s grin widens. “Clever girl. The first half of the party will double as your punishment for whatever happened in the red room earlier. Until you convince Kane of your contrition, you won’t be attending the party as a guest.”

  My chest tightens. At least I saw the trap this time before face-planting into it. “Meaning?”

  “You’re the entertainment tonight, love.” She winks delighted with Kane’s choice in punishment for me. “Kane wanted to turn you into a footstool or a coat rack, but I doubt you’d last long in a role that demands you remain silent and still. I persuaded him to turn you over to me instead.”

  I don’t trust her toothy grin. The sparkle of mischief in her black eyes is all it takes to turn my blood to ice. She isn’t Kane, but she’s still a demon. Her callousness could surpass his.

  I fold my arms over my chest and narrow my eyes. “What if I refuse to attend his stupid party?”

  She giggles. “Darling, do you honestly think you’re in any position to refuse anything? Swallow your pride and work with me a little. Maybe it’s difficult for you to believe, but I’m trying to help.”

  I trust that even less. “Why? You don’t care what happens to me.”

  “No,” she says, softening her voice. “I don’t particularly care about you, or any other mortal. I care about my home. My family. I care about Kane. This war between Heaven and Hell has waged on since the dawn of time, and we’ve all sacrificed for it. But when does it end? God and Lucifer don’t care about us, monsters or mortals alike. We’re all nothing more than pawns in their game of war.”

  My mouth goes dry. I didn’t expect her to confess so much to me, and now I’m not sure how to respond. Or if I even believe her. As sincere as Arachne sounds, I can’t shake the possibility she could play me for a fool. There is little that demons take greater pleasure in than a well-played trick.

  “Besides,” she continues, her voice returning to normal, “I can’t recall the last time Kane smiled so often. It’s nice. He enjoys having you here.”

  I grind my teeth. It’s no surprise he takes pleasure in my torment, but to hear Arachne say it as if I should appreciate his attention reignites the spark of fury inside my gut. Even if she’s more empathetic than the rest of the demons, she’s an idiot if she thinks I care about Kane’s enjoyment.

  “What is it you intend to do with me?” I ask, eyeing the leash in her hand. I’m not foolish enough to believe Arachne is here to save me. “Parade me around the party on all fours like a puppy?”

  She laughs, the sound musical after so many hours of silence. “Next time. Tonight’s festivities require you to stay upright. Do you like games, Nadia?”

  My name sounds strange on her tongue. No one has called me Nadia since the night I joined the Dark Hunt. I am Starfall to the other hunters, and—infuriatingly—Pet to Kane. My given name died with my mother.

  “Tonight’s game is simple,” she continues, throwing herself on the bed next to me. “Demons call it evals eht dnarb. Or, mark the slave. Traditionally, the hosts would arm guests with switches and whips the moment they arrived. The goal of the game was to cover every inch of the slave girl’s flesh in bruises and welts before the end of the night. If she passed out, the musicians would stop playing and the party would halt until someone revived her and continued the game. At the end of the night, her master would brand her with a mark that bound her soul to him forever. Wicked stuff.”

  “You call this helping me?” I hiss, my hands digging into the bed. “How does this sound better than a few hours as a coat rack?”

  “Relax. Kane didn’t want you to drip blood on our ten-thousand-dollar carpet. We’ve made a little modification to the rules. Instead of weapons, Kane is giving the guests pens and markers to decorate your body with. The only thing he intends to hurt tonight is your pride.”

  Stiffness spreads up my neck and into my jaw. Kane means to humiliate me. But if I refuse, he’ll drag me downstairs by my hair and punish me twice as much in front of everyone. The monster within him lives for my suffering, and it won’t take much to tempt his hand. I have no choice but to play along with his sick games.

  I don’t know if I trust Arachne’s rant about wanting to help me. But she’s the closest thing to an ally I have in this place. “What do I need to know about this party?”

  Her face brightens. “Not much. I’ll lead you around the party, and we’ll stop and introduce you to some of Miami’s Paranormals while they scribble on you. Pretend you’re on an undercover mission for the Dark Hunt or something. The party will end before you know it.”

  Easy for her to say. No one is walking her around the room on a leash and letting strangers write degrading messages on her naked body. Then again, Arachne is a demon. Maybe she’s into that kind of thing.

  “Why doesn’t he just hit me again?” I grumble.

  Arachne’s grin returns. “I’m sure he will if you act out. Really, Nadia, it’s a few unkind words you can wash off after the party. What’s that one verse in the Bible about how pride goeth before the fall or whatever?”

  “It’s, ‘pride goeth before destruction, and a haughty spirit before a fall.’ Proverbs.” I hate myself for still remembering the Bible verses my father drilled into my head over the years. “I didn’t realize demons read the Bible.”

  She snickers. “We don’t. But we watch movies and stuff. I’m sure that’s where I heard it first.”

  She springs from the mattress and reaches for my hand. Pulling me to my feet, she leads me into the bathroom and positions me in front of the vanity. When she notices my frown, she gives my cheek a light slap.

  “For Hell’s sake, would it kill you to smile?”

  I narrow my eyes until I’m glaring at her through tiny slits. “Yes.”

  Kane can make me attend his stupid party. He can force me to spend time in a room full of monsters naked and play their twisted games. But nothing will convince me to enjoy it.

  * * *

  With the leather collar once more locked around my neck, Arachne leads me downstairs into a party packed with monsters. Every species of unholy beast seems to have turned up for Kane’s event. Demons grind against vampires and witches on the dance floor. Werewolves gossip with witches near the open bar. A creature with massive horns protruding from his horse-like head and three pairs of glowing red eyes chats up a pixie near the doorway to the kitchen. It’s enough evil to make my skin crawl.

  Arachne tugs on my leash and frowns as I stagger towards her. The six-inch heels she’s forced my feet into render my movements awkward.

  “Relax,” she chides. “This punishment is mental. It’ll only hurt as much as you let it. Decide you’re tougher than that. You’re a hunter, a sworn enemy of everyone in this room. They want to see you suffer. Don’t give them the satisfaction.”

  She’s right, but it’s hard to pretend not to notice all the wrinkled noses and murderous glares cast in my direction. A woman with sickly green skin spits on the floor as we pass. I’m not surprised they hate me. Given the opportunity, I’d murder every monster in this room and not lose a minute of sleep over it.

  I always assumed demons lived in the same miserable conditions as hunters. Instead, Kane’s home is even more elegant than the estate in Coconut Grove where I grew up. The vaulted ceiling supports a massive chandelier adorned with black crystals and rubies. A back wall made up entirely of wide windows overlooks the ocean. The sun sparkles against the water, and I squint against the vibrant rays of light. Art worth more than a year of college tuition hangs from crim
son walls with gold trim. Two long tables stand pushed against the wall. A naked woman lies on each table, the more intimate parts of her body covered in sushi.

  “Seriously?” I gesture towards the buffet tables. “Vampires eat raw fish?”

  Arachne smirks. “The leeches brought their own blood slaves. But even the Lycan love sushi. Want some?”

  Japanese food isn’t my first choice. But after days without eating, I’ll take almost anything. “Is that what Kane wanted to do to me? Serve food off my naked body to amuse his friends?”

  She scowls. “Shut up, slap on a smile, and play nice. This will only hurt as much as you let it.”

  She’s wrong. Every jeer and snide remark I’m forced to tolerate chip away at my dignity more. A vampire girl with long hair as pale as her skin writes ‘cum dumpster’ across my chest in pink permanent marker, then giggles at her handiwork. Her demon date scrawls something else across my forehead. Within ten minutes, they cover my arms and torso in insults.

  “You’re doing well,” Arachne compliments, leading me over to a posh woman with inky waves cascading down her back and skin so pale it mirrors the moonlight. “I’m surprised you haven’t bitten anyone’s hand off yet. Be prepared for Ava to try your patience, though.”

  The vampire—Ava, presumably—stops a few feet away from where we stand and frowns. Her eyes travel over me from head to toe, scrutinizing me. Her blood-red lips curl over her teeth. “I have half a mind to kill you where you stand, child.”

  “Play nice,” Arachne warns. “What do you think Kane will say if he hears you broke his favorite new toy before he could?”

  She presses her lips together. “In that case, let me take my turn in this evening’s festivities.”

  She reaches into her small sequined clutch and retrieves a thick black Sharpie. Pressing the tip to her chin, she studies me like an artist assessing her work-in-progress. Settling on an open spot on my left arm, she scribbles ‘dead.’

  Recapping her marker, she pauses next to my ear and whispers, “He won’t protect you forever, little one. And when he stops caring about you and kicks you aside, I’ll be there with a blade to end your suffering.”

  “Enough,” Arachne snaps.

  Ava cocks her head and fixes her with a quizzical smile. “Since when did you cuddle up to hunters? This little bitch has murdered as many of your people as mine.”

  More, actually. I never cared about vampires. But I made sure Jade and I handled damn near every demon hunt possible.

  Arachne rolls her eyes. “Because we’ve never killed a mortal? Let it go, Ava. She had nothing to do with what happened to your nest. And tormenting her won’t make Kane spend time in your bed again.”

  Her nostrils flare. “Why you—”

  “Ladies,” a smooth voice cuts in from behind. Kane’s voice.

  All three of us turn in unison. Kane stands a few feet away with his hands behind his back. He greets Ava with a brief kiss on the cheek before turning his attention on me.

  “Are you enjoying yourself, pet?”

  Play nice, Nadia. “It’s a lovely party. Your friends seem nice.”

  He throws his head back and barks out a laugh. “You lie better than most demons. Come, let me admire your new artwork.”

  Heat floods my body. Never have I hated anyone this much. My stomach hardens as he walks a slow circle around me, his lips screwed into an approving smirk. He takes his time devouring each degradation penned on my skin, reading me like a favorite book.

  “Our guests got creative with some of these,” he tells Arachne. “I especially like the ‘insert cock here’ on her ass. Nice touch.”

  Arachne places a hand on the back of my head and flashes Kane a dazzling smile. “She’s done well, all things considered. I think she’s earned a reprieve.”

  He narrows his eyes, seeming to debate if I deserve anything nice. The vampire bitch slips away and disappear into the crowd. It’s tempting to follow her, but the collar and leash around my neck trap me in place. I shoot a glance around the house full of monsters and swallow. I’m safer attached to Arachne’s side.

  “Very well,” Kane finally says, reaching for the chain lead attached to my collar. “Why don’t I take over for a bit? I’ll return her to you after a dance or two.”

  Arachne places the leash in his outstretched hand. “Try not to walk too fast with her. I assume she’s new to heels from the way she waddles in them.”

  I grit my teeth and stare at the floor, hoping they won’t notice the warmth spreading through my cheeks. It’s not like there’s a lot of occasion to prance around in six-inch stilettos while hunting monsters.

  “I’m sure I can handle her, thanks.” He yanks the lead until I stagger closer to him. “Enjoy the party, Arachne.”

  She hesitates for a moment, giving me a look I can’t quite interpret. With a weak smile, she turns away and disappears into the crowd.

  Leaving me alone with the cruelest monster in Miami.

  “Hell of a turnout,” he says, his gaze wandering around the room. “Probably better than any party you’ve attended with the hunters.”

  “I don’t know,” I say, careful to keep my voice even. “Zeke’s never taken me to a party where people spit at me and wrote horrible names all over my body.”

  Kane’s grin stretches. “Not surprising. Zeke’s friends are a little too fake and pious for this kind of fun.”

  I want to wrap my hands around his neck and squeeze until his windpipe caves in. “You have a sick idea of fun.”

  “Stay angry as long as you like, pet. It isn’t my fault you’re in this situation, but you can blame me if it brings you comfort. You’re a smart girl. You knew I’d punish you for the way you ran your mouth in front of Dagon.”

  I did, but that doesn’t mean I have to take it lying down. “Can I go back to my prison yet?”

  “I assumed you’d enjoy this more than sitting alone in a locked room.” He frowns, his cold eyes sweeping over me. “Arachne suggested you might enjoy some time to stretch your legs and socialize.”

  “And I appreciate her kindness,” I growl through clenched teeth, “but that’s more than I can say about anyone else here. At least the beatings don’t last long. This is humiliating.”

  “That’s the idea.” He winks. “If you enjoyed your punishment, it wouldn’t do much to curb your less than desirable behaviors. Didn’t expect this one to fluster you so much, though. I laughed when Arachne first suggested it. After your time with the Dark Hunt, I expected it to take far more than a few unkind words to get under your skin.”

  I bite the inside of my cheek and say nothing. He’s right, but I’ll never admit it. Zeke prepared me to take far worse abuse than what I’ve endured at this party. Even the lash marks on my back are child’s play next to some injuries I suffered while training. This is only bothering me so much because of who’s dealing out the torment.

  He places a finger under my chin and tilts my head. “Relax, love. Let’s grab you a drink and dance. We’ll begin your interrogation tonight, so I suggest you take this opportunity to unwind before the fun.”

  My throat tightens. I don’t even want to imagine what sort of sadistic interrogation tactics he has in store for me. I step back, but he jerks the chain and pulls me closer until I’m inches from his face.

  “Never will I understand your kind,” he murmurs, his eyes on my lips as if debating whether to kiss me or strike me. “Why continue to fight me? We both know you’ve already lost. Surrender to me. To this. I’ll reward you for pleasing me with the same passion I punish your disobedience.”

  I clasp my shaking hands in front of me, the urge to punch him in his smug face overwhelming. The only reward I’m interested in is his dismembered head. Why is it so difficult to put on a smile and pretend to adore Kane? I’ve watched Jade do it a thousand times. But I’ve never asked her how she sells her lies. What if I can’t convince Kane to trust me?

  I suck in a deep breath and nod towards a vampire with hi
s fangs buried in the neck of a young blonde.

  “What sort of black magic did you use to con the other mortals into attending as party favors?”

  Kane snorts. “So cynical. I didn’t arrange for the mortals to attend. They arrived with their masters and mistresses. The only spell those idiots are under is their own addiction.”

  “Addiction? They’re human snacks!”

  “By choice. It seems Zeke neglected to mention the symbiotic relationship between vampires and the humans who nourish them.”

  I scoff. “You expect me to believe humans get something out of allowing those bloodsuckers to drain them dry?”

  “Walk with me,” he says, ignoring my question and pulling me forward. “Let’s go upstairs and smoke for a moment. This isn’t the best party conversation.”

  I shuffle behind him up the wide split staircase. He leads me through winding hallways with framed oil paintings of demons and Lucifer on the throne nailed to the crimson and gold wallpaper. Kane ushers me through a bedroom at the end of the corridor, swiping a small wooden box from a desk in the corner. He slides open a glass door a few feet from the bed and steps onto a balcony, motioning for me to join him.

  “Let’s smoke and chat, like the old days.”

  My mother’s lifeless face flashes through my head, and my feet turn into cement. I don’t want to remember the time we spent together before he murdered my mother. I don’t want to remember ever being stupid enough to like him.

  Noticing my hesitation, he frowns. “Zeke make you quit?”

  “I don’t believe what you said last night,” I blurt before I can stop myself. “About not killing my mother. She wasn’t a witch. Witches don’t marry mega-church pastors.”

  I mentally kick myself the moment the words cross my lips. I’m supposed to be slipping into a coy and submissive role. Convincing him he’s won. But every time I look at his devilishly handsome face, the fury boiling inside of me renders it impossible to control my tongue.

  “Most witches don’t, no. But Alana Gray wasn’t most witches.” A devious smile stretches his mouth. “It seems we both have information the other wants. Why don’t we strike a bargain?”


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