Never Gonna Happen

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Never Gonna Happen Page 9

by Cynthia Eden

  Silence. Then… “Why?”

  His fingers were poised over the keyboard. “What do you mean?”

  “Why are you making them vanish? Is there something in the pictures that people shouldn’t see?”


  “You know what? I want to see them.” She strode forward. Moved behind the desk. Leaned in close to him and—

  “Lavender,” Sebastian mumbled as he inhaled.


  He pulled in more of that scent. “When we first met, I didn’t know the scent you wore was lavender. Didn’t know shit about stuff like that. I could do anything with a computer, but hell, beyond that, I was pretty much clueless. Antony had to teach me how the world worked. Had to teach me what damn fork to use when I was at a fancy dinner. See, Uncle Sam skipped those bits of instruction.”

  Uncle Sam had taught him how to defend himself. How to fight like a beast. How to shoot. How to attack all of his enemy’s weak spots.

  When you wanted to take someone down, you always went after what made that person weak.

  His gaze slid to the computer screen. To the large picture of him holding Alyssa tightly against his chest.

  “The Bad Boy of Tech rushes his girlfriend to safety…” She leaned closer. “I swear, you always get good press. And was I just reduced to the status of random girlfriend? Did they not even put my name in this piece?”

  “Nothing random about you,” he immediately replied. Not a damn thing. “And Gavin names you, specifically, later in the article.” Because he’d already scanned it. “The jerk reporter glosses over the shooting and focuses on the fact that I’m romantically involved with my business partner’s sister. Talk about having his priorities screwed up.”

  “I think he knew exactly what he was doing.”

  She was so close to him. And that lavender scent…fuck me. She smelled so good.

  “You attract attention. I’m sure the story will get tons of clicks.” She waved her hand toward the screen. “It already has. Don’t see the point in you deleting it now.”

  He’d clenched his back teeth. With an effort, he gritted out, “Everyone will think we’re sleeping together. The reporter came here. He’s going to spread the word that you spent the night at my place. You’re going to be gossiped about and dragged through the mud, and I know you like to stay quiet. You’re private, and I didn’t think you wanted—”

  “To be linked to you? To have people think we’re sleeping together?” A pause. “But I thought that was what you did want. I thought you wanted us sleeping together.”

  He turned his chair so that he faced her. They should be clear. “I don’t care a whole lot about sleeping. Truth be told, I usually only get four hours of sleep or so a night.”

  Her brow scrunched. “That doesn’t seem like enough.”

  It was all he needed. Speaking of things he needed… “I care about fucking you. About touching and kissing every single inch of your body and sinking my dick into you over and over again.”

  Her lips parted.

  “But I didn’t think you’d want the reporter spreading that, either.” And she wasn’t like the women who wanted to be photographed at his side because they enjoyed the fame. For as long as he’d known Alyssa, she’d avoided the spotlight that came from Shark Gaming and Design. “I was trying to protect you.” Simple. “Kind of like I always have.” He lifted one eyebrow. “So, if you’ll let me get back to work, I’ll make this vanish—”

  “I thought things on the internet were there forever.”

  “Not when you have my skills.”

  He turned away. Reached for the keyboard.

  “Don’t.” Her hands settled on top of his.

  Her touch sent fire right through him. His dick had already been up because he found her lavender scent sexy as hell. No, he found her sexy as hell, and when she’d gotten all close to him, he’d responded the way he normally did.

  All freaking in.

  He inhaled and swore he tasted her. “You want the world to think we’re screwing?” His head turned. His gaze met hers. “You want them to believe a lie? How very unlike you, Alyssa.” Because he’d always thought of her as the good girl.

  While he’d been…

  Just the bastard. The asshole. The man who would never be good enough to touch her.

  Except she was touching him right then.

  Touching him and staring straight into his eyes as she said, “If I’m staying with you, if I’m here for any length of time, people are going to wonder why. I mean, it’s not like I get to just go home tomorrow.”

  Hell, no, she didn’t.

  “We were involved in a shooting. Other reporters will ask questions. We can’t just hide from this.”

  Technically, I can do any damn thing I want.

  “It can be a cover story,” she continued doggedly. “Let the world think we’re together romantically. It’s much easier to say that lie because it’s not like I can reveal my brother is a spy, and I’m in danger because of that fact.”

  No, they couldn’t reveal that part.

  “I’m sure you use cover stories all the time.” Her gaze searched his. “How is this any different?”

  It was different because she was involved.

  “When it’s over,” her voice lowered, “we’ll just say that we broke up. End of the big story. The press can move on to catching pictures of you with other women. I’ll be forgotten in no time.” She eased back.

  “No, you damn well won’t.”

  Her eyes widened.

  “I’ve never been able to forget you. Trust me, I tried. That shit doesn’t work.”

  He heard the faint catch in her breath. “You weren’t lying…you’ve really wanted me…” Her voice trailed away.

  “Since the day we met.”

  “But you didn’t do a thing about it.”

  He forced a shrug. “You seemed to hate me, so what was there to do?”

  “Hate is a strong word. And like I said before, I don’t hate you.”

  She was right in front of him. Close enough to touch.

  But I’m not supposed to put my hands on her. Because if he put his hands on her, he’d never let her go.

  “If you want the truth, I often think you’re an arrogant ass.”

  He nodded. “Most days, I am.”

  “I also think you have a wild streak. That you believe most rules don’t apply to you.”

  “Rules are made to be broken.” He flashed her a smile.

  She didn’t smile back. “You know your dimples don’t work on me.”

  A crying shame.

  “You break most rules…but my brother asked you to stay away from me, and you did. You followed that rule.”

  He looked away.


  “Like I told you, I just added a stipulation. I said I’d stay back until you wanted me. Since you didn’t seem to want me—”

  She caught his chin in her hand.

  She touched me.

  Alyssa carefully turned his head toward her. She stared down at him. “You make me crazy.”

  Her fingers felt so soft. “Only fair. You’ve been driving me insane since I saw you blowing out birthday candles.”

  Her lush lips parted. “What do you think is going to happen? That you announce you want me, and I’ll suddenly be jumping into bed with you?”

  “A guy can dream,” he muttered. Her mouth was close. He wanted it.

  I want her.

  “We haven’t even had a first date yet, and I told you that I never sleep with guys on the first date.”

  “Ahem. Sorry to interrupt…” The voice came from the doorway, and no, the guy speaking didn’t sound particularly sorry at all.

  Alyssa gasped and jerked back even as Sebastian shot to his feet and jumped in front of her. He narrowed his eyes on the bastard who stood there, with one shoulder propped against the doorway.

  “I would have said something sooner,” the man continued, “but I was re
ally curious about where the conversation was going. Engrossed, if you will. All invested in the ending. But then I realized it was probably rude to watch you. Voyeur-like, you know.”

  “Dex,” Sebastian growled.

  Alyssa’s fingers locked around Sebastian’s shoulder. “I thought your home was secure.”

  “It is secure. Don’t worry.”

  Her hold tightened on him. “It’s not secure. There’s a man standing right there. He got past your guards, he got past your security, he got in here without us even catching the sound of his footsteps—”

  “Because I am that good,” Dex bragged. “What can I say? I have mad skills.”

  Sebastian turned to glance back at Alyssa. They’d been having a freaking moment. A moment. Trust Dex to screw things up for him. “It’s okay. I called him.” And he’d given orders for the guards to let Dex pass when he arrived. Those were actually standing orders—Dex always could get to Sebastian.

  Because he’s my handler.

  “You called him?” Alyssa’s dark eyebrows rose. “Why? Is he another bodyguard or something?”

  “Or something,” Dex drawled.

  Sebastian shot him a killing glance.

  “What?” Dex blinked. “Come on, buddy, you know I’m here to help.” He smiled. “Why don’t you introduce me to the lovely lady? Though I have heard so much about her that I feel like we’re already besties.”

  Sebastian shifted his position so that Alyssa could get a full look at Dex—and so that he could stand at her side. They were still behind his desk. Dex was still lounging against the doorframe. He didn’t look particularly intimidating—he never did. His blond hair was messy and a little too long. His arms were crossed over his chest, and his body seemed ever so casual.

  The casual pose was a lie, though. Sebastian knew nothing about Dex was casual.

  “Alyssa, this is Dex.” Sebastian waved vaguely between them.

  Dex roused from the doorway and headed across the room.

  Sebastian stiffened.

  Dex offered his hand to Alyssa. “I’m a friend of your brother’s and of Sebastian’s.”

  Alyssa took his hand.

  His fingers closed around hers. “You definitely got the looks in the family,” Dex added. His head tilted. “You are gorgeous. Are those flecks of gold in your eyes?” He leaned closer. “Yes, they are. Beautiful.”

  Alyssa’s head turned toward Sebastian.

  Dex kept her hand.

  “Can’t imagine why Sebastian didn’t tell me how gorgeous you are,” Dex continued. “He mentioned plenty of other little details, but he skipped that particular part. Oh, wait, now I know. I bet it was because he didn’t want the competition since he was trying to get in your—”

  Sebastian shoved a hand against Dex’s chest. “Drop your act.”

  “I’m not acting,” Dex fired back, seemingly offended. “Friends don’t keep friends from—”

  “You’re not my fucking friend.” And Dex wasn’t touching Alyssa any longer. Good. “Antony is my friend. Winston is my friend. You? You’re my pain in the ass handler.”

  Dex’s face tightened. “I think you’ll want to stop now.”

  Because he wasn’t supposed to tell Alyssa about Dex’s real identity. Because Sebastian wasn’t supposed to tell her who he really was, either. “Screw that. Alyssa already knows. From here on out, she knows everything.”

  Dex’s gray eyes glittered. “Do you know what the hell you’re doing? Do you really want to fuck Antony’s sister so much that you would risk destroying everything else?”

  He could hear a fast drumming in his ears. Sebastian smiled at Alyssa. “Would you scoot back just a little bit?”

  She blinked at him.

  “Please?” Sebastian added.

  She scooted.

  “Thank you.” Another smile for her. One with his dimples.

  Then he turned, drew back his hand, and plowed his fist right into Dex’s jaw.

  Chapter Eight

  Well, that had certainly accelerated quickly.

  One minute, the blond-haired guy with the torn jeans had been all smirky and insulting with his whole, “Do you know what the hell you’re doing? Do you really want to fuck Antony’s sister so much that you would risk destroying everything else?”

  And in the next moment, Sebastian’s blow had sent the man—Dex?—stumbling back.

  “Lucky punch,” Dex snapped.

  His lower lip seemed to be bleeding.

  “Let’s see if I can get lucky again,” Sebastian fired back as he lunged for the other man once more.

  Were they seriously about to have a fist fight? Right there?

  “Stop! Sebastian!” The sharp cry exploded from her before she could give it a second thought.

  Sebastian stopped. He turned to look at her.

  And Dex shoved his fist into Sebastian’s side.

  Her eyes widened in horror.

  “Sonofabitch,” Sebastian breathed. “You’ll pay for that.”

  “Yeah? Will I?” Dex taunted. “Did you see what just happened? Your crush over there called out your name and your fool self got distracted. You get distracted in this business, and you get killed. That’s why I’m taking her away from you.”

  She’d misheard. Obviously. Or he was just insane. “I’m not going anywhere with you.”

  “Damn straight, she’s not.” Sebastian straightened. His body moved protectively closer to hers. She could practically feel the tension pouring from him as he dared, “Try to take her and let’s see how fast I can kick your ass.”

  If this Dex person was his handler, were they really supposed to be fighting? Because the air was so thick that she could barely breathe. “I think we all need to take a moment and calm down.”

  Dex quirked a brow. “I am super calm. Folks say I have ice in my veins.” He motioned toward Sebastian. “Everyone knows he’s the crazy one.”

  “Try to take her from me, and I will show you just how crazy I can be.”

  “Sebastian.” She put her hand on his chest. “I’m not leaving you.”

  Some of the stiffness left his shoulders.

  “He’s not taking me away. He…he can’t do that.” Can he?

  “With the power of the government behind me, I can do lots of things,” Dex assured her. “So don’t go making assumptions over there.”

  “Let me kick his ass,” Sebastian muttered. “It will be fast, I promise.”

  “He’s your handler.”

  “He’s a douche.”

  “I heard that,” Dex said.

  “You were supposed to. There’s a reason I said it loudly.”

  Alyssa stared into Sebastian’s eyes. “I’m scared.”

  His whole expression immediately changed. “You do not have to be. I will never let anything happen to you.”

  Behind her, Dex coughed. “He’s not Superman. Or, if he is, then you’re his kryptonite. So, yes, shit can happen. We should talk about it. Get it all out in the open.”

  “I’m his kryptonite?” Now she did glance back at Dex. “What are you even talking about?”

  He smiled at her. He didn’t have Sebastian’s perfect dimples, but she supposed he was an attractive guy. Good bone structure. Slightly hawkish nose. Hard jaw. Tanned skin.


  He was scaring her and pissing her off so she didn’t like him. At all.

  “You.” Dex waved vaguely toward her and ignored his swelling lower lip. “He’s distracted by you. Normally, Sebastian knows when I’m close, but I walked my ass right into his study, and he was so busy trying to get in your pants that he didn’t even hear me—”

  Sebastian tried to surge past her again.

  She pushed her hand against his chest. “Don’t. I get that it’s tempting—”

  “He shouldn’t talk about you that way.” His hard glare was on Dex. “Just going to teach him manners. You don’t say shit like that to a lady.”

  Now Dex laughed. “Since when do you care about ma

  “Since Alyssa.”

  She could feel the frantic beat of Sebastian’s heart beneath her hand. Alyssa nibbled a second on her lower lip, then asked, “Won’t you get in trouble for, um, kicking his ass?”

  A shrug. “Like I care about trouble.”

  “Yeah, that’s what I’m saying,” Dex pointed out. “You don’t typically care about anything. Except maybe hitting up your next adrenaline rush. So why you are trying to pretend to be some kind of knight in shining armor for her is beyond me. I mean, I clearly heard her tell you that she didn’t have sex on the first date and that you two hadn’t been on a date so…”

  Alyssa turned toward him. “I don’t like you. You’re rude and insulting.”

  He blinked. “You’re direct.”

  “I’m also terrified. Someone shot at me. Sebastian is helping me, and you bust in here, eavesdrop on our private conversation, and then start insulting us both. You know what?” She nodded decisively. “Maybe he should kick your ass.”

  Dex’s lips twitched. “I think I see why he likes you.”

  “And I definitely see why he wants to kick your ass so much.” She puffed out her cheeks and blew out a breath.

  Sebastian surged past her.

  Dex held up his hands. “Hold on, man. Just hold on.”

  It didn’t look as if Sebastian wanted to hold on. She was also no longer in the mood to hold him back.

  “You called me, remember?” Dex’s words rapped out. “You called me late. As in, I should have been the first person on your speed dial, but instead, I had to catch your big story on social media and only then did you give me a ring. Probably because you knew I was already heading your way.” His gaze flickered to Alyssa. “By the way, you photograph beautifully. Probably those cheekbones of yours. Did I mention you are gorgeous and that I’m available?”

  Her hands flew to her hips. “And did I mention I’m not interested?”

  “Fair enough.” He straightened. “Let’s start over. My name’s Dexter Ryan, and I’m the man you want on your side when the world goes to hell.”

  She wasn’t so sure about that.

  Dex slid his gaze to Sebastian. “You should have called me first.” His voice was lower, rougher. “As soon as you received the text from Antony, you should have reached out to me. I could have collected Alyssa and moved her to a safe location. You didn’t have to get involved.”


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