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Awakened Page 1

by Amy Brock McNew


  Rise of the Fianna

  Book Two


  Amy Brock McNew

  Copyright 2018 Amy Brock McNew

  Awakened Rise of the Fianna Book Two

  Written by: Amy Brock McNew

  Published by: Amy Brock McNew/ Amaeris Designs Productions

  Cover Design: Tracie Douglas Of Dark Water Covers

  Cover Model: Gina Sevani

  Photography: Reggie Deanching of RPlusM Photography

  Editing: Janeen Ippolito

  Formatted by: Amy Brock McNew

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, incidents, and dialogues are products of the author’s imagination and are not to be construed as real. Any resemblance to actual events or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the publisher. The only exception is brief quotes for review.

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Table of Contents

  CHAPTER ONE | Heavy is the Head


  CHAPTER THREE | True Strength

  CHAPTER FOUR | Show Me a Leader

  CHAPTER FIVE | Delirium

  CHAPTER SIX | Never Forever

  CHAPTER SEVEN | Still Here


  CHAPTER NINE | Save Tonight

  CHAPTER TEN | Hear Me Now


  CHAPTER TWELVE | Heart of the Darkness

  CHAPTER THIRTEEN | Til My Heart Stops



  CHAPTER SIXTEEN | King Nothing

  CHAPTER SEVENTEEN | Trip the Darkness

  CHAPTER EIGHTEEN | Jekyll and Hyde


  CHAPTER TWENTY | All Along the Watchtower

  CHAPTER TWENTY-ONE | Lost In Paradise

  CHAPTER TWENTY-TWO | Deal With the Devil

  CHAPTER TWENTY-THREE | Close My Eyes Forever

  CHAPTER TWENTY-FOUR | Right Left Wrong

  CHAPTER TWENTY-FIVE | Ripping Me Apart


  CHAPTER TWENTY-SEVEN | Killing My Dreams



  CHAPTER THIRTY | Under Your Scars



  CHAPTER THIRTY-THREE | Walk Through the Fire



  Musical Inspiration:

  Also by Amy Brock McNew

  Table of Contents

  Heavy is the Head


  True Strength

  Show Me a Leader


  Never Forever

  Still Here


  Save Tonight

  Hear Me Now


  Heart of the Darkness

  Til My Heart Stops

  New Blood

  Wild Thing

  King Nothing

  Trip the Darkness

  Jekyll and Hyde

  Farther Away

  All Along the Watchtower

  Lost In Paradise

  Deal With the Devil

  Close My Eyes Forever

  Right Left Wrong

  Ripping Me Apart

  Break In

  Killing My Dreams

  Made of Lies


  Under Your Scars

  Who We Are


  Walk Through the Fire

  The Death and Resurrection Show


  Musical Inspiration

  About the Author

  Also by the Author

  For Amanda

  A peacemaker with the heart of a warrior, and one of

  The strongest women I’ve ever known.

  I love you, sissy.


  Heavy is the Head

  “Kenna, move!”

  Makenna O’Conaill dodged at Rhys’ yell, barely missing the blade aimed for her head. She slipped in the wet grass and landed in the mud. The impact knocked the wind from her lungs and sent her knife flying. She lay in the mix of blood and muck, stunned.

  The once peaceful meadow two parishes outside New Orleans had seen more blood on this day than in its long history. She’d lay money on it.

  Rhys’ voice jarred her back to reality. “Catch!” He tossed her another blade.

  She caught it deftly. “Thanks!”

  Makenna rolled to the right and plunged the steel into the thigh of the enemy trying to skewer her like a shrimp kabob. Flipping to her feet, she conjured a ball of red flame in her palm and threw it like the fast pitches from her years in softball. The flame hit her enemy’s abdomen with a pop and a sizzle. Within seconds, he was consumed.

  Sadness flared in her gut, followed by a biting rage. They were now being forced to destroy their own kind. Kylian Callahan was systematically destroying their world.

  And his blood ran through her veins.

  Makenna wiped rain out of her eyes. She whipped her head around to find her mate. Two warriors in wolf form stalked his back as he fought. Panic fluttered in her chest before rage tamped it down. She roared and leapt into the air, shifting into her wolf form at the same time.

  Rhys had taught her that trick.

  She landed on the back of one of the wolves attempting to sneak up on her mate. Her razor-sharp claws sliced a path down the wolf’s spine, wrenching a horrific howl from the creature. She jumped off, then spun and barreled into him. Landing on top of his belly, she carved it open while ripping his throat out with her teeth.

  Nobody attacked her mate and lived.

  Makenna leapt from the carcass, spitting flesh and fur, shaking rain and blood from her coat. Then she charged for another target, her paws sliding in the slick grass. She quickly recovered, barreling across the smoky field, dodging warriors fighting with unleashed viciousness. An enemy wailed and flew as an orange fireball from Talon hit him dead center. She smoothly leaped to the side, continuing on her way.

  Makenna shoved past the hurt that burned her own chest that the wolf who was now nearly ashes was one of their own. One turned by Kylian and his evil.

  It seemed silly now that she’d ever been frightened of the beasts inside her. After only a couple months of being truly wolf and raven, she’d fully embraced those parts of herself. She’d thrown everything into learning to be the Alpha her people needed. Learning how to walk in her destiny.

  Pity that destiny now included killing those she was born to protect and lead.

  Rhys had been right by her side, patiently and lovingly guiding her. Helping her push past the pain of what they had to do and focus on saving the wolves still in their care. Though the education was happening on the fly, he'd tried to let Makenna set the pace.

  That was difficult when they faced the enemy almost every day. If it wasn’t these large scale incursions, it was assassins sent to hit members of the pack as they went for supplies, or scouts out on missions. Kylian wasn't letting up.

  Rhys and Makenna and their pack couldn't either.

  As she tore more flesh from yet another who should have been hers to watch over, the truth bored into her soul.

  If they didn’t end this war soon, they’d annihilate their own people.

  “Retreat!" The enemy captain yelled.

  The enemy wolves released their targets or fought to get away fro
m their opponents. Makenna and Rhys’ own force shifted back to human form right after they did, and looked to the Alphas for orders. At Rhys’ nod, the pack let the enemy go.

  Conflicted emotions raced through the pack link. As warriors, it was frustrating to let the enemy get away. That frustration collided with the relief they didn’t have to inflict any more pain on their own.

  At least, not today.

  “Are you all right?” Rhys trudged through the mud to Makenna.

  His leathers were nearly shredded, much as hers were, deep gashes already healing up and down his legs. His T-shirt hung in tatters from his muscular arms. Rubbing a bloody hand up her equally bloody back, he checked that the blood mixing with the rain wasn’t hers.

  “Few cuts and bites, nothing major. What about you?”

  “I’ll survive.” The heaviness and heartbreak in his voice weighed on her own heart. He glanced at her left arm, his eyes widening. “Kenna, that’s not just a cut.”

  He called fire to his hand and pressed it to her arm. Makenna closed her eyes as soothing warmth flowed into her skin.

  “There, that’ll hold until you can heal it.” He kissed above the wound. But his eyes darkened, the emotions pouring from him more than she could sort out.

  Makenna wrapped an arm around his waist and rested her hand over his heart. This was killing him. She had to come up with a way to stop it. A way to defeat Kylian before he destroyed their people. They’d won the fight today. Still, the victory was hollow.

  Nobody was truly a victor when they were killing their own people.

  We’ll find a way.

  She projected the thought he was already privy to through their connection. That part of being mated, she was still getting used to. Being so closely bonded to another that they shared emotion and thought was a disconcerting, yet at the same time, comforting experience.

  She tried not to think about how for the past several weeks, Rhys had been partially blocking from her, and just enjoyed having him in her head again.

  Rhys exhaled heavily. “I hope it’s soon,” he said out loud as he glanced at their soldiers.

  Those still on their feet aided the ones who’d taken too much damage. The field was littered with smoking bodies and piles of ash. Thankfully, today’s battle hadn’t yielded any losses for them. However, Brianna had added barbs to the magic Kylian’s fighters threw, and the damage was devastating. Instead of burning, it burrowed. Leaving gruesome, ragged holes.

  Makenna sighed. “We may have won today, but we’ve lost too many.”

  She nuzzled Rhys’ neck, inhaling his woodsy, comforting scent beneath the stench of battle. Letting it quell the fire building within her even as she shielded him from it. He didn’t need to know her fury had been building to frightening levels lately.

  “Let’s get home. We can talk about all this later.”

  They started across the field. She spied Talon on the edges of the group. He gave his sister a sad smile as he slid his arm around one of their injured. Talon’s long hair was matted with blood and God knew what else, his leathers in worse shape than Makenna’s. He was bleeding and scorch marks covered his body, but was more concerned for his fellow warrior.

  They’d run here to the nature preserve in their wolf forms after their scouts had brought back word Kylian’s forces were getting closer. But those who were hurt didn’t have the strength to shift back into their wolf forms now, let alone run for miles. When a wolf was hurt bad enough, they couldn’t hold the form until they’d at least partially healed.

  It was going to be a long trip back home.

  Rhys and Makenna each assisted other warriors. The group stayed close together, constantly on alert as they traveled across the field and back into the marsh. Their head mage, Bowen Ferreiri, conjured a shield around the pack, then walked to the side of the Alphas.

  Rhys spoke while his eyes swept the area. “Bowen, when we get back, gather the clan. I’ll give them an update, then we’ll convene the inner circle.” He shot a look at Makenna. She got the feeling she wasn’t gonna like what was coming. “It’s time our tactics changed.”

  Bowen nodded, his brown hair swinging on his broad shoulders in wet ropes, blue eyes full of sorrow. He walked on to help Talon with the flagging soldier in his grasp. Light flowed from Bowen’s hands as he kick-started the healing process, then moved on to do the same with the other injured pack members.

  Makenna glanced over as Trystan and another soldier came up beside her. Standing as tall as Rhys at six and a half feet, his thick arms struggled with the weight of his pack mate.

  Emerald eyes flashing with anger caught her gaze. It wasn’t directed at her. She and Trystan had come to a truce. The constant battles allowed her to prove herself to the Beta. Now when he looked at her, instead of loathing, there was respect. They probably wouldn’t ever be close. Makenna had killed the woman he’d been dating. But at least they weren’t enemies.

  Trystan tilted his head toward her arm and the nasty gash there. “You good?”

  “Yeah.” She pointed to his wounds. “Amanda’s not gonna be too happy about those.”

  He glanced down and his eyes widened as if he were just noticing the slashes and bruises covering his abdomen and legs. “She’ll be more pissed she missed another fight.”

  Trystan had been by Amanda’s side tirelessly as she healed, but she’d yet to recover her magic or her ability to shift after their encounter with their other sister, Brianna. She’d regained some of her strength, but for all intents and purposes, Amanda was now human.

  Makenna caught Rhys’ eye. He gave her a knowing grin. He was thinking the same thing she was. The same thing they’d talked about multiple times in private. If Trystan mated Amanda, it could bring her magic back. Possibly.

  Rhys said it had been done before, using the mating bond to heal one partner. If it would work for anyone, surely it would be Amanda. Especially since Trystan was her destined mate. Their bond would be even stronger. But that idea hinged on Trystan accepting they were mates.

  Something he had yet to do.

  Makenna readjusted her hold on the warrior walking beside her. The blonde giant tried to keep his considerable bulk mostly off of her. She sent the brown eyed young man a sharp look before turning back to Trystan.

  “Maybe when we gather the pack, you should take her inside. Let her take care of those wounds for you. It might make it easier if she doesn’t have to hear about it.”

  She hadn’t been able to save her sister before, but she could spare her more pain now. Then she’d find and kill Brianna, and give Amanda her chance at a normal life back. Well, as normal as their lives could be.

  Trystan looked at her like she was stupid. “I don’t really feel like adding a broken jaw to this mess.” He gestured at his body, then tucked his wounded arm into his side as he winced.

  In her current state, Amanda wouldn't be breaking anything.

  Makenna let the conversation drop as the battered group trudged on. Over an hour later, they neared the outer edge of camp. Two watchmen howled the signal the fighters had returned.

  Worry twisted her gut. They’d been able to remain at the old plantation without discovery, but this incursion had occurred closer to home than others. Kylian was closing in on them, despite that they were heavily warded by some of the most powerful mages in the clans. They’d even added to the homes in the camp, taking in wolves who refused to serve Kylian and had joined their cause.

  She glanced at the imposing structure that was their home and the scattered cabins and outbuildings surrounding it. Sitting on the edge of one of Louisiana’s largest swamps, it was a throwback to a bygone era.

  She loved this place.

  Her wolf finally relaxed, and her raven fluttered at being back in their territory. Though they had all the modern conveniences, it almost felt like she was stepping back in time. Ivy crawled up massive pillars lining the front porch, pillars topped with intricate swirls carved into the wood. Sunbursts decorated the t
ops of windows and doors. After a fresh coat of white paint and a few other repairs, it looked nearly new. The bright red front door in the middle of the sprawling porch signaled home. Safety. Peace.

  Things that had been rare for Makenna until a few months ago.

  Their group shuffled through the huge, creaking gate. The rest of the pack met them there. Several moved to take the wounded to their newly constructed infirmary.

  Makenna handed her fellow warrior off to one of the healers just as her sister blew out the front door, running toward them at breakneck speed.

  “Makenna!” Amanda hugged her, then inspected her for damage. “You’re all bloody!”

  “Most of it’s not mine.”

  She gave her sister a weak smile, happy Amanda was displaying an emotion other than anger. Which had been the norm of late. Makenna reached for Rhys, sagging against him. Perpetual war was exhausting. He grabbed her tight, providing the comfort she craved.

  Trystan sagged toward the ground. Makenna jumped, releasing Rhys to grab him.

  Amanda was closer. “Shit, Trystan!” Apparently his injuries had been worse than he let on. She stumbled as she wrapped her arms around his waist. “Let’s get you to the infirmary.” She tried to pull him in that direction, but he resisted.

  “We can do that after the meeting.” He shot a look at Makenna, then sighed. “Though, I’d kind of like to get this one taken care of before that.” He pointed to the still gushing slash across his abdomen. It was healing, but not fast enough.

  Amanda slapped her hand to the gash and Trystan grunted. She turned to one of the healers. “Bring supplies to the porch. I can patch it up while we listen to what Rhys has to say.”

  Trystan sighed again, but nodded. He’d tried to keep Amanda from hearing about the fight she’d missed. They’d just have to hope it didn’t upset her too badly.

  They all chose to ignore the rage and disappointment flowing through the pack link from Amanda. For a while, she’d tried to hide it. Convince them she was fine. Now she’d given up on that. One minute she was fuming, the next, it was as if she had no emotion whatsoever. Makenna feared for her. Every day Amanda grew more depressed, more detached. Not just from the pack, but from her brother and sister. Even Trystan.


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