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Page 19

by Amy Brock McNew

  Trystan rose from his crouched position in front of a bleeding, tearful Brianna. He turned black, fathomless eyes on Rhys and pulled in the deep orange magic, bordering on red. Rhys glanced at the knife in Trystan’s hand, dripping blood.

  Rhys crossed his arms, reining in his fury. “I didn’t give the order to question her.”

  Question was putting it mildly. Brianna’s arms were shredded. Her designer shirt tattered, deep gashes displayed in the rips and tears. Her face was covered in bruises and her lip split in two places. The pungent stench of fear and pain clogged the air. Followed closely by rage.

  Rhys was sure the latter belonged to all three of them in the room.

  Trystan wiped the knife on his jeans before carefully laying it in its spot on the table and turning back to Rhys. Defiance and a feral wildness whipped in Trystan’s eyes, which were slowly returning to their usual green.

  “I took the initiative to gain the answers we require.” He tossed a glance at Brianna, who glared at him. Probably wishing her magic were intact so she could retaliate. “After all, I am Beta. It’s my job to deal with threats.” Trystan’s stare came close to challenging Rhys, but he pulled it back just enough.

  Rhys’ hackles raised. “So you keep reminding me.” His wolf growled, wanting to teach Trystan a lesson. Rhys shoved him back. That would come later. For now, he needed to do damage control and hope he could get Brianna in a talking mood after what Trystan had done. “Remove yourself.” He matched Trystan’s glare, pouring authority into his words.

  Trystan surprised him by smiling. “Certainly. I can finish later.” Before Rhys could respond, Trystan brushed past him and out the door. The walls rattled as the door slammed.

  Rhys moved to the sink in the corner. He grabbed a towel and wet it. Stepping cautiously, he approached Brianna. “May I clean your wounds?” He fought to keep his voice gentle. He needed to gain her trust.

  Brianna watched him with narrowed eyes. One swelled. “Yes, thank you.” Her voice was quiet, but strong. Trystan hadn’t broken her yet.

  While Rhys needed her softened up, he wondered if torture was the way with this one. Perhaps a gentler touch was warranted. Maybe using his position as her brother-in-law. Hoping somewhere, deep down, it would matter to her. It was a long shot. If not, he’d eventually figure out the way to unlock her. He always did.

  “This may hurt.” Rhys gently patted at her lip and she hissed. “Sorry.”

  He cleaned her face the best he could, then moved to her throat. It felt odd touching another female, but it had to be done. The only way to gain a semblance of trust from her was to try and undo some of what Trystan had done.

  “I apologize for my Beta. You know Amanda is his mate. He tends to get overly exuberant when it comes to her.”

  Brianna laughed, then grimaced. “Funny. He never mentioned her.”

  She tilted her head and for the first time, he saw what Makenna had seen. Brianna’s eyes scanned his form with too much attention for his liking. There was a hunger there that had Rhys rethinking his plan.

  He cleared his throat, staying focused as he wiped away blood. “What did he want?”

  An idea came to him, and he set the rag on the table beside them. He called on his magic, then let his hand hover above Brianna’s midsection. Light began to stitch together the wounds. Not completely, but the bleeding stopped. He repeated the procedure on her arms and legs. All without having to touch her. Thank the gods. He tried to hide his revulsion at the thought.

  Brianna smiled. “Thank you. However begrudging the partial healing.” She readjusted in the seat as best as she could, being tied to it. “How were you able to do that? I thought only mages held the power to heal others.”

  Rhys stepped back. “I’m mated to your sister. I can heal her. I suppose since your blood is similar, I can also heal you. Though not as thoroughly.” He picked up a knife and she sucked in a breath, stiffening. Then he cut through one of the bonds and she relaxed, eying him. Rhys handed her the towel. “You can finish cleaning up.” He backed away as she wiped most of the remaining blood from her skin.

  “Thank you. Again.” Brianna finished and handed him back the rag, which he tossed toward the corner. The witch tilted her head, inspecting him. “Though, I know you didn’t do that out of the kindness of your heart. Nice approach, using our familial connection. However tentative.”

  Rhys sighed internally. He should’ve known she’d be smart enough to figure it out. Regardless, he was staying the course. “I have to believe there’s a part of you that cares about your siblings.”

  Brianna laughed, but there was an edge of remorse to it. “Yes. Well. Even if I did, it wouldn’t matter."

  She watched him. Again, too familiar for Rhys’ comfort.

  He grabbed a chair. Flipping it around, he settled in it. “Perhaps you care enough to give me a little information. Or if not that, at least to show good faith. After all, I still haven’t decided whether to take your deal or not.”

  Brianna smiled. Rhys tried not to notice how much it made her look like Makenna. The same curve to their lips, the same almond-shaped eyes, though Brianna’s were blue. But Brianna’s held none of the kindness Makenna’s did.

  “I don’t give anything away for free.” She raked her gaze over him with a suggestive glint.

  Rhys growled. “Keep in mind my patience and kindness only go so far. And I am happily mated.”

  Brianna smirked. “That last part doesn’t seem as heartfelt as it should.” She rolled her eyes as Rhys growled again. “So, just what is it you want to know? I might be able to accommodate.”

  “The spell you created for Makenna. The one that hit Trystan. What was it intended to do?”

  “You ask a lot, Rhys O’Conaill.”

  “It’s a simple question. It’s not like I’m asking you to reverse it.”

  “You will. In time.” Her eyes hardened. “Trust me. Of course, I’d tell you all you wanted to know if you freed me.”

  Rhys wanted to growl again, as his wolf did. The animal paced inside him, keeping the witch in his sights. His raven gave an irritated squawk. She was a threat, especially to Makenna. It made the animals and Rhys edgy. While he hoped for a reconciliation, hoped Brianna truly wanted to change, he wasn’t stupid. He knew he’d have to keep a close eye on her.

  No one changed overnight.

  Rhys reached for the blade Trystan had used and twirled it in his hands. If the gentle, kind approach wouldn’t work, he’d happily try something else.

  He rose, setting the chair aside. Crouching close to her, he leaned in. “I think you know I can’t do that.” He ran the blade of the knife along her shin. “Now tell me. What is it I can expect from my Beta? What is it you intended to do to my mate?”

  Rhys buried the knife in the leg of the chair. Millimeters from her skin.

  Brianna jumped, eyes widening. “You won’t harm me.” Her eyes flashed, then displayed that hunger again. “You need me.”

  Rhys smirked. “Like a hole in the head.” He stood, then leaned over her chair. Covering her hands with his, he unsheathed his claws and let them dig into the skin of her wrists. “You can tell me what I want to know or, family or not, I’ll make what Trystan did to you seem like a day on the beach.” He let his power shine in his eyes.

  Brianna hissed again. “I’ll tell you. For a price.” Her eyes glinted with something Rhys wasn’t sure he wanted to decipher.

  “No games, Brianna. You’re not in a position to win.”

  “Oh, dear Rhys. You have no idea what─”

  The door blasted open and hit the wall.

  Rhys turned his head, knowing what he’d find. Makenna. Her eyes weren’t wolf. Weren’t goddess. The fury in them was all Makenna as she glared at him, then Brianna. She took in their proximity, Rhys’ hands on Brianna’s wrists. Her glare hardened.

  Makenna charged across the room. Rhys was sure she would’ve peeled him away if he hadn’t risen to stand and face her.

She growled at Brianna, then focused her rage on Rhys. “We need to talk.”

  Rhys’ heart echoed the anger and hurt so evident in hers. He didn’t need the bond to feel it. “Yes. We do.”

  He met her glare. The distance, the growing animosity between them, carved into his gut like a jagged knife. They should be each other’s port in this storm. Yet they were far from it.

  And growing farther apart each day.

  He knew he’d only made it worse by coming to Brianna on his own. Given the situation, he should’ve brought Makenna with him. But in her present state, it would’ve defeated his purpose. Frankly, he wasn’t in the mood to explain anything to her. Not when his rage at her disrespect and underhanded plans still churned. Along with a heavy dose of pain.

  Makenna didn’t flinch at his harsh stare. “I’ll be waiting outside.” She snarled as she looked at Brianna. Then she turned on her heel and headed back out the door.

  Rhys moved to the sink and rinsed the blood from his hands.

  “Trouble in paradise?” Brianna’s voice grated on his already frayed nerves.

  He turned slowly. “If I were you, I’d be more concerned with your present situation. Make up your mind quickly. Your existence depends on it.” He shut the door behind him and faced his seething mate, standing on the porch with her back to him. His wolf growled, partly at him for not soothing their mate, and partly at Makenna for hurting them. “Let’s walk. I don’t want Brianna hearing something she shouldn’t.”

  Makenna made a noise in the back of her throat. “I was actually gonna apologize and try to clean up this shit storm.” She shook her head as her wolf flashed in her eyes for a moment. “Then I walked in and saw you all cozy with Brianna.”

  Rhys growled at that. “Makenna, grow up.” Her eyes snapped. “Woods. Now.”

  Makenna hesitated, then stomped ahead.

  Once they were far enough away not to be seen or heard by any of the pack, he stalked toward her, backing her into a tree. “My claws were embedded in her. We were far from cozy. I was trying to find out what the fuck she did to Trystan. Trying to find some answers as to why my Beta and my mate decided to make a move on their own, without even consulting me.”

  Her fists clenched at her sides until he heard them pop. But he didn’t miss the regret and sadness zipping down the bond.

  It was too late for her remorse.

  “We did what you wouldn’t. Or we tried.” She crossed her arms, looking smug. “And I was right. She set a trap for us and you’re just walking deeper into it.”

  Rhys showed teeth. His patience long gone, he snapped. He was done trying to ease her into this life. Done walking on eggshells. Done giving her leeway she abused. It was time Makenna learned what it truly was to be wolf.

  To be Fianna.


  Lost In Paradise

  Makenna tried to slide away from the force before her. Rhys snarled, halting her attempt.

  Slamming his hand into the tree above her head, he lowered his face. “I’m doing what needs to be done. Sometimes we have to play the enemy’s game to get what we want. What we need.” He took a shuddering breath.

  She felt him fighting to control his rage. It was a losing battle.

  “Everything I do is to win this war. To save my people. To save you. Yet your ungrateful and disrespectful ass can’t seem to understand that.”

  She lifted her chin, refusing to cower before his fury.

  He shocked her by opening himself wide. For the first time in weeks, she felt everything.

  Though he was furious with her, pride billowed that she didn’t shrink away from him. He thought about taking her to the ground. She smirked as she caught the scent of his arousal, felt the proof against her hip. He was dreaming if he thought she’d give him anything.

  Makenna shook her head. “Oh, I don’t think so. You don’t get to call me a child, insult my intelligence, then jump my bones.”

  “You’re acting like a child. You’re not even trying to see the bigger picture.”

  Rhys ran a sharp fang down the shell of her ear. She shivered before she could stop herself as her animals basked in the attention.

  “I’ve been lenient, patient, because you’re new to this world. But now? All bets are off. You’re the Morrigan. It’s time you started acting like it.”

  Makenna focused on putting force into her words. A breathy response would only encourage him. “Oh, I’m seeing the big picture all right.” She pushed at his chest.

  He didn’t move. His skin burned under her palms, glowing red. A heated charge bolted through her. His power was increasing just like hers.

  “She’s a liar, and playing her game will get us all killed. You’re the one not seeing. She’s poison, Rhys. She has a plan. I can feel it. And you’re not going to distract me by licking my neck.”

  Though right now, it was difficult to form a coherent thought with his hard body pressing her into the bark of the tree. The bite of the rough wood on her skin as her shirt slid up her back only added to her desire. How did he do this to her? She was furious, yet wanted to leap and take him to the mud.

  Rhys chuckled, dark and throaty. “I’m well aware she has a strategy. I intend to find out what it is. But I’ll get what we need from her first.” His mouth traced a path down her throat as his body pressed impossibly close. He grabbed her hip and slid his thigh between hers. He tugged, forcing her to ride his leg. She fought a whimper. “And I’m not trying to distract you. I’m proving a point.”

  “You’re crazy if you think you can fuck me into submission.”

  Makenna swallowed hard as the points of his deadly fangs grazed her shoulder. Part of her didn’t want to fight him. She almost gave in. Then his words sunk in and rage flared. She jerked her head back. His teeth scraped her skin with the action, drawing blood. She was the Morrigan. But what he’d said only proved what had been eating her alive.

  “Let’s face it, Rhys. You didn’t want a mate.” She’d felt that much early on. “You only bonded with me because of my power. Because of what I could do for you and the pack.” Makenna echoed the words she’d said months ago.

  Rhys stiffened.

  She didn’t want to believe he’d only bound himself to her for eternity because of what she was. She loved him. Had thought he loved her. Now, she wasn’t so sure.

  Still, Makenna feared she’d said the wrong thing. Feared she may have killed something between them. She opened her mouth, but ended up looking like a fish out of water. Not able to form the words. To what? Apologize? Push him away for good?

  Something broke inside her as he pulled back enough to look in her eyes. The look she found there gutted her. Pain. Unbelievable agony. Tears formed in her eyes.

  His words were low, harsh. “Where did I fail you? What have I done to make you think my love was dependent upon your power?” He shook his head. “All I’ve done has been for you. Because I love you.” Rhys leaned in again, his look hard and determined. “I guess I have a larger point to prove.”

  “What is that?” She couldn’t keep the quiver from her voice.

  “I was going to show you I realize you were right. We’re better together. That I get what I was doing in distancing myself from you was wrong. That I was partially to blame for the path you’d chosen by going behind my back with Trystan.” He snarled. “I see now I need to prove all over again that you’re mine. Forever.”

  “What do you mean?” Makenna tried to slip from his hold, but his grip on her hip tightened. “Rhys, we need to get our heads clear and talk about this later.”

  She wasn’t afraid. He’d never hurt her. But this new side of him was unsettling. For the first time since she’d accepted the mating, she wasn’t sure what he would do.

  “No, Kenna. We’ll discuss this now.” He yanked his shirt over his head. The hand that’d been above her head moved to the waist of his jeans. She gulped, even as desire clawed at her hard and fast. “You need to understand a few things.” He poppe
d the button.

  “Like what?” She hated her voice was a squeak.

  Power oozed from his pores. Her animals were silent, intrigued by his display. The goddess approved. Deemed him worthy. She growled at Makenna for her resistance.

  “While you’re powerful, now that we’ve mated, I’m just as powerful as you. I know how to use it. You don’t.” He ripped open the button of her jeans, sending it flying. Then he released her zipper. “Second, we’re a team. Every decision is made together. I will not tolerate disrespect, just as I’ll never disrespect you.” His rage seeped into her, mixed with passion.

  Makenna squirmed. He showed his teeth and her blood turned to lava. She softened as the heat pooled in one area, her body screaming for him. “Rhys, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean─”

  “Hush.” He placed one finger against her lips. She gasped as he traced them. “Third.”

  He bent and tugged off her shoes. He peeled her jeans down her legs and helped her as she numbly stepped out of them. Then his face was level with hers again.

  “This is most important, so pay attention.” Rhys lowered his own zipper. “You will never,” he lifted her, and she instinctively wrapped her legs around him. “Ever,” he rubbed his cock against her center, stealing what thought she had left. “Doubt why I mated you.” One hand ripped her panties away, while the hand on her hip tightened further, leaving bruises. “You are mine, Makenna Callahan O’Conaill. And I am yours. Have been since before we were born.”

  He thrust into her so fiercely and brutally she cried out. Her voice echoed through the trees. Then his mouth enveloped her shoulder and his fangs extended. He struck fast and hard. His body remained still as he filled her beyond bursting. Marking her. Staking his claim.

  Makenna shattered.

  She could do nothing but cling to him, digging her claws into his arms as the waves pummeled her. All thought left her head. Any ideas of denial, of defiance. Her anger faded as their bodies melded.


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