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Awakened Page 30

by Amy Brock McNew

  At that, the hunger inside him exploded. He slid his hand down and gripped her hips. With a feral growl, he buried himself inside her. She cried out his name as hers ground out between his teeth. So hot, so tight. All his. Just as everything he had was hers.

  After giving them both a moment to adjust, Trystan began to stake his claim. Harder and faster, he wanted to imprint himself on her. Ensure she knew it was always her, only her. That she was everything and always would be.

  She reared back to meet him. Their song and magic wound around them in colors he’d never seen before. Power surged from where they were joined to their souls.

  When Amanda quivered around him, he knew she was close.

  Once again, he leaned over her. He licked from the point of her shoulder to the place he’d leave his mark. Then his mouth enclosed her skin, his fangs elongating. Tingling with the need to find purchase in her flesh. He struck, embedding the sharp points deep.

  Amanda broke with a scream. She shook beneath him, her back bowing. Trystan flipped her over. He lowered his lips to her chest, taking one perfect breast into his mouth. She arched, feeding him more. The sounds she made drove him toward oblivion as he kissed his way across to the other breast.

  She tasted like raspberries, sunshine, and home. Perfect. So damn perfect it squeezed his heart. He wasn’t worthy of such perfection, but he’d do everything in his power to try and be.

  Amanda tangled her hands in his long hair and raised his face to hers. She smiled, and their song rang louder. The world lit up in a burst of color.

  “My turn.” She pulled his neck to her mouth and sank those delicate fangs deep.

  Marking him for all time in a spot no one could ever miss, or mistake for anything but what it was. A claim.

  Fire lit his spine as her teeth sank deep. The melody floating around them became the world, the harmony perfect as their souls melded.

  With a roar of her name, he exploded inside her at the same time she squeezed him tight. She released his neck, and their eyes met. Their heads jerked back as a flash of lightning struck them. Then there she was. In his head. In his heart. Around him and within him.

  His for all time.

  Trystan’s world finally made sense. Never had he felt so complete, so full. She was all he’d needed. He rested his head between her breasts as their harsh breathing filled the swamp around them. Amanda clutched him to her.

  When he finally had the strength to lift his head, he captured her gaze. “I know I’m far from perfect. I’m scarred, baby. But I swear to you, I’ll never make you regret this.”

  Amanda shook her head, smiling. “I’m not perfect either. I’m scarred too. But I love your scars. I love every part of you. I’ll never regret this for one second.” Her breath hitched. “You’re all I’ve ever wanted, Trys. Only you.”

  His smile was so big it hurt his face. “And I love you. Only you.” As reality seeped in and their music faded, their situation rushed back. Trystan cupped her long, elegant neck in his big, rough hands. “We’ll figure this out. No matter what, I’ll be by your side.” He kissed her nose. “I’m sorry I haven’t always been. Sorry for how I’ve─”

  She pressed two fingers to his lips. “You don’t have to apologize. This war has been difficult. On all of us.” Amanda threaded her hands through his hair. “You’re right. We will figure it out.” A shadow passed over her eyes. “Whatever happens, we have each other.”

  Trystan smiled, pushing away the worry and fear, choosing instead to keep this one perfect moment just for them. He kissed her gently, but fervently. Putting into it all he didn’t know how to say. But he could show her. He could make sure she knew how vital she was to him.

  Without her, life meant nothing.


  Who We Are

  Makenna’s eyes cracked open. Splitting pain ripped through her skull.

  “Welcome back, love.” Rhys’ rough, quiet voice greeted her.

  She opened her eyes fully, grabbing her head as the world spun. The events that led to her passing out like a weakling came flooding back. She jolted.

  “Shh. Take it easy.” Rhys’ warm body stretched out beside her. His hand caressed her stomach.

  Makenna looked down. She was naked, as was he. She cocked an eyebrow. “I think you may have gotten a little carried away with the taking care of me.” She laughed, her vision clearing and the pain in her head receding.

  The gnawing agony in her heart kept chewing.

  Rhys ran a finger down the side of her face. “I got us both cleaned up and into bed. Though,” his fingers traced between her breasts, “can’t say I wasn’t tempted. You always tempt me.” His angular, handsome face turned serious. “I’m guessing naked fun time, as you call it, is the last thing on your mind.”

  Makenna frowned, wishing she could forget. Forget what Brianna had done. Forget what they had to do. Impossible choices. Her life suddenly seemed full of them.

  She glanced at the open patio doors. The first rays of the sun sparkled as the curtains blew in the gentle but already warm breeze. “I was out all night?”

  Shit, that blast of power had shut her down but good.

  Rhys’ fingers played along her skin. “Aye. You overdosed on power.” She sensed the remnants of fear coursing through him and cuddled into him. “Part of me was afraid you wouldn’t wake up. While you were out, I could barely sense you.” His voice shook.

  Makenna ran her hands along his solid chest. “I’m sorry. It just happened. When Brianna told us...” She buried her head under his chin.

  “I know. I’m sorry, love. I wish it didn’t come down to this. If I could─”

  “No. Even if we gave up the throne, we’d still need to take Kylian down. Apparently, this is the only way.” Tears gathered as her heart twisted.

  For so long she’d imagined her mother, hoping that someday she’d find out they were wrong and she was still alive. The vicious irony wasn’t lost on her.

  At least her father wasn’t a psychotic maniac. Bowen was good. And though he’d lied, it was for the right reasons. She just wanted her daddy, plain and simple. That he’d turned out to be a good man who had given up everything to protect them settled something in her chaotic heart.

  “It’s not her, Kenna,” Rhys whispered in her ear as his long fingers teased her spine. “What they brought back isn’t your mother. You can do this. Give her peace. Let her soul rest in Néamh, as it should.”

  Makenna nodded. He was right. She could do this. The Meredith that Kylian had conjured wasn’t the one who’d given her life. Who’d sacrificed that life to keep Makenna safe. Still, she wasn’t stupid enough to think any of this would be easy.

  She smiled at her mate. “I know. I can do anything as long as I have you.”

  His lips met hers in a kiss so sweet tears stung her eyes. “You’ll always have me, love.”

  “I suppose we should get ready and meet the others.” She let her fingers travel over the ridges of his abdomen. His body jerked in response, hardening for her. She grinned. “Though, maybe we could take a few minutes to ourselves.”

  Rhys rolled her beneath him. “I’ll definitely make time for you.” He kissed a path down her body, spreading her legs with his broad shoulders.

  Nearly an hour later, sated, showered, and dressed, they made their way downstairs. They’d also come up with a plan. She was still surprised she’d gone along with his idea. But she’d set her rage aside, agreeing to what was best for their people. Sacrifice. It was their motto.

  When they entered the kitchen, she raised a brow and snorted. “Seriously, I don’t need to be seein’ this shit, y’all.”

  Talon and Reagan’s heads popped up. Reagan hid her face in Talon’s shoulder from her position on the counter.

  Talon turned to partially block her from their sight. A sheepish look darkened his cheeks. “Um, sorry.” He lifted Reagan and sat her on her feet. As the woman scurried to the stove, Talon faced them. “We didn’t figure anybo
dy would be up yet.”

  “Obviously.” Makenna gave her brother a fake look of reprimand. “Dude, people eat on that bar.” She walked toward him, scooting back the basket of biscuits they’d nearly knocked to the floor. “Please tell me you haven’t done anything else on there.”

  Talon ruffled her hair, and Makenna smacked at him. “Oh, I could tell you stories. Like the one time we─”

  Reagan sucked in a sharp breath and threw a spoon at his head. Which he ducked. “We did no such thing!” She eyed Makenna with a sigh. “I am sorry.” She cut a glare at a laughing Talon. “It won’t happen again.”

  Talon’s gaze sharpened on Reagan. “We’ll discuss that later.” He turned to Rhys as Makenna went to help Reagan. “So, meeting after breakfast?” Makenna glanced at Talon. Though he hid it well, she could sense his pain.

  Rhys nodded. “Yes.” He came up behind Makenna and encircled her with his arms. “We strike tomorrow night.”

  Just like that, the jovial air in the room vanished. The weight of what lay before them crashed down. Makenna leaned into Rhys as Reagan shot a sympathetic look at Talon.

  They may have all been born warriors, ready to give all for the cause, but this mission might ask more of them than they could give.

  RHYS WANTED TO REASSURE and comfort Makenna and Talon. But those words didn’t exist.

  The situation was untenable.

  The weight of that invisible crown had never seemed so heavy.

  He cuddled into Makenna as she flipped bacon.

  She slapped at him as he reached for a piece of meat already laid out on paper towel. “Alpha or not, you’ll wait. Just like everybody else.” She pushed at him. “Now get out of here so we can get this done.”

  He smacked a kiss on her cheek, then brought a hand down hard on that fine ass. She jumped and glared, but couldn’t fight her smile. At least he’d been able to bring out that grin.

  Rhys turned to the table and stopped cold.

  Trystan and Amanda fairly hopped into the room. Side by side. Hands entwined. Dark, still healing claiming bites front and center on their necks.

  “Well, it’s about fucking time.” Rhys’ voice boomed as he crossed his arms, grinning.

  Makenna and Reagan whirled from the stove. Bacon splattered on the floor. Reagan’s dripping spoon slung gravy over the female’s legs. Talon’s head popped up out of the fridge. A can of soda hit the ground and spewed its contents.

  Trystan pulled Amanda into him and gave a grin that was all wolf. “Well? Nobody’s gonna congratulate me for getting my head out of my ass?”

  Amanda slapped his chest and laughed. The room exploded in sound as the females squealed, then ambushed the couple with hugs.

  Rhys clapped Trystan on the back. “I knew you’d come around. Eventually.” He pulled the male in for a hug, relief spilling into his veins. “Are you good?”

  Trystan looked his Alpha in the eye. “I’m good, brother. At least,” he tugged Amanda closer and she looked up at Trystan with shining eyes, happier than Rhys had ever seen her. “I will be.” He kissed Amanda as Rhys nodded.

  At the sudden silence in the room, Rhys turned to see Talon slowly walking toward the couple. Trystan slid Amanda behind him and faced his new brother-in-law. Trystan’s face hardened, preparing for Talon’s reaction. Everyone else but Amanda stepped back. This was between the two wolves.

  Talon tilted his head, examining their marks, then met Trystan’s gaze. Long moments passed as he assessed his Beta. “You ever hurt her again, and I’ll disembowel you and feed your own guts to you.”

  Trystan stared, then smiled. “If I hurt her, I’ll let you.”

  The tension lifted, and everyone sagged as the two males embraced. Then Talon picked Amanda up and spun her around.

  Everyone helped set the table and fill it with food as members of the pack filtered in. More than usual. As if everyone knew that after tomorrow night, some of their pack wouldn’t be here to share a meal with.

  They’d just sat down and started filling plates, when the conversation and laughter came to an abrupt halt. Makenna stiffened beside him.

  Bowen entered, shoulders back but uncertainty shining in his eyes. He cleared his throat. He scanned the table, taking in Talon, then Trystan and Amanda. A small smile creased his lips at seeing their marks. Then his eyes fell on Rhys and Makenna.

  “Is there room for one more?” The question hung in the air.

  Makenna shoved back her chair. She threw herself at Bowen, wrapping her arms around him. A heaving sigh shuddered through the mage as he enfolded his oldest daughter in his embrace. Tears fell unchecked as Amanda joined them, lending her arms to the tangle of limbs.

  Rhys smiled, feeling his mate’s joy. The sense of home and security that raced through her. They were still angry for what they’d lost. But now more than ever, they needed one another. Needed to be as strong as possible as a family.

  As the girls pulled away, wiping their eyes, Makenna took Bowen’s hand to lead him to his usual seat beside her. They were stopped by a stone-faced Talon.

  Bowen straightened, preparing for whatever his only son chose to dish out. Resignation settled into the lines of his face.

  Breathing hard, Talon stared the mage down. Then he charged, delivering a solid punch. Bowen’s head snapped to the side. He staggered.

  Everyone held their breath. Bowen stood tall, obviously expecting harsh words. Instead, Talon’s face softened. Rhys saw the boy he’d once been in his eyes as Talon lunged forward. This time, he threw his arms around Bowen. A great sob heaved from Bowen as he clutched his child to him. After a moment, the two parted. No more was said about it as they took their seats.

  Rhys looked around at the members of his pack. His family. With prices on their heads, the threat of being discovered and having to uproot any day hanging over them, they’d stayed with him. They’d put their faith in him anyway. Put their lives on the line.

  Pride swelled in his heart. He just hoped they’d still feel that trust in him once he let them in on the plan he and Makenna had come up with.

  An hour later, he sat behind his desk with Makenna at his side and Talon, Trystan, Bowen, and Amanda in front of him. There was a knock at the door.

  Everyone’s heads swiveled at the sound. Makenna patted his arm.

  “Send her in,” he said.

  They all focused on the door as it opened.

  Brianna sauntered into the room, Connor behind her, looking every bit the regal mage even in jeans and a T-shirt, her powers bound. Connor nodded and closed the door as he left.

  Silence reigned for all of a second. Then the room erupted into cacophony.

  Trystan, Amanda, and Talon jumped to their feet, shouting.

  Trystan seethed. “What the fuck, Rhys?”

  Bowen rose, but remained quiet. He shook his head, but sent Rhys a look of approval.

  Makenna’s grip on him tightened as red surged on her skin. He felt her fighting rage through their link. Slowly, acceptance filtered in. She gave him a smile. He breathed an internal sigh of relief. He’d wondered if once she was face to face with her sister, she’d still agree to their plan. She didn’t like it, but she’d deferred to his judgment. Her trust flayed him.

  Rhys stood, ready to face the consequences of his and Makenna’s decision.

  Destiny rode him hard, cracking its whip.

  A STREAM OF CURSES left Amanda’s mouth in every language she knew.

  Rhys had invited Brianna to their strategy session? What the fuck? Her eyes fell on Makenna, standing controlled and quiet. Her sister backed Rhys’ move. How could she?

  Trystan grabbed Amanda’s hand. He sent calm to her even as he ranted. His efforts smoothed out the edge of her fury enough so she could breathe.

  “Sàmhach!” Rhys’ authority silenced the room. He gestured toward the chair nearest the desk. “Brianna, sit.” Everyone backed off, but remained on alert. “One word that isn’t answering a question, one smartass comment, and I’ll unl
eash Makenna to finish the beating she started yesterday.”

  Brianna lowered her eyes, looking appropriately submissive. Makenna snorted. Then Amanda caught her eye.

  Makenna begged her to understand, her gaze filled with a plea. The only thing that drained the tension from Amanda’s muscles was the knowledge Makenna would be more than happy to complete what she’d started in the cabin.

  That had been one epic show.

  It was also one of the scariest things she’d ever seen. She’d heaved a sigh of relief when her and Trystan had gotten back to his room last night and seen the text from Rhys saying Makenna was resting comfortably.

  She felt a twinge of guilt she’d been out in the woods, fucking Trystan like an animal, while her sister was recovering. But Trystan had assured her there was nothing she could’ve done anyway.

  As the memory of their wild mating filled her mind, she trembled. She’d been terrified she’d lost him for good as he’d spouted those horrific lies. Thank the gods she’d picked up on his pain, on his love. That she’d turned around and demanded the truth.

  Rhys moved in front of the desk, bringing her attention back to the moment.

  A moment she’d rather avoid.

  Although at least this time, instead of just creating plans with the others and sending them off to fight, she was once again going to set her feet on a battlefield as a whole wolf. A thrill ran through her.

  The fact she had Brianna to thank for not only crippling her, but restoring her abilities, was a dichotomy of thought she didn’t want to try and evaluate.

  She’d said thank you. That was all Brianna was getting.

  Rhys crossed his arms as Makenna stood at his side. “None of us want Brianna here. But it’s necessary. She not only has knowledge of the layout of Kylian’s compound, but of his plans and troop movements.” He sighed. “She’s brought it to my attention that all of Kylian’s soldiers will be in one place for a strategic briefing. Tomorrow night.”

  Amanda inhaled sharply and glanced at Talon and Makenna. Their faces said exactly what she was thinking. It was too soon. Though they knew there was really no choice, they needed time to come to terms with what Brianna had forced them into.


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