
Home > Paranormal > Awakened > Page 35
Awakened Page 35

by Amy Brock McNew

  Makenna swung fast and true, severing the head of the guard who had put her to sleep so many times. Who had deposited her limp body on the hard cot in the barracks.

  He’d never hurt another wolf again.

  The four of them continued down the line until each accused had been relieved of their heads. Then the Alphas and Betas took several steps back. Again, moving as one, they sheathed the knives and raised their hands. Rhys and Makenna’s lighting with the same shade of red so dark it verged on black, Amanda’s red nearly matching theirs, and Trystan’s ferocious power equaling hers. They threw, setting the line of bodies ablaze, the flame licking to consume the heads at their feet.

  Within moments, only ash remained where the wolves and the posts behind them had stood. No remorse tainted the pack link. Only satisfaction and justice.

  Rhys turned to the pack. “Let all who stand in witness here remember this day. May all who come after us remember this battle. Remember and pay homage to the warriors who fought and died with honor.” He grabbed the blade from his hip again and raised it in the air. “Fianna, raise your voices in victory. Let our shouts ring all the way to Néamh, to the ears of the Fionn and the warriors by his side. For this day, we rise!”

  A shiver ran through Makenna as her own voice rang out with those of the warriors around her. Though the past four months had stretched out as if they were years, the war was over. No more battling their own kind. No more killing those she and her mate should be protecting.

  Their people were free.

  The shouts died down and the crowd began to disperse. Several came to the Alphas and Betas, and to Talon and Bowen who had joined them, giving hugs and words of thanks. Some even approached Brianna, who stood off to the side with Reagan. A couple even hugged her, older wolves who no doubt remembered her as a child. Those who didn’t come close gave her nods or smiles, showing their gratitude.

  Makenna smiled, beyond thankful she’d been wrong about her sister. She and Amanda had made certain everyone knew the part Brianna had played in saving them. Now she hoped Brianna would find her way, find her place within the pack.

  Makenna was ready to put the past behind her and move forward. She could only pray that Brianna would do the same.

  Rhys snuggled into her side and nudged her earlobe with his nose. “You did well, love. If I hadn’t felt your peace with the task...”

  “I know. You would’ve given me an out.” As she’d only been pack for a few months, everyone would’ve most likely understood. “But this is who I am. Part of my responsibility.”

  She smiled as the remaining pack members moved on about their day. She looked up at the hot bayou sun, taking the moist air into her lungs with the scents of the land she loved.

  She kissed her mate. “I’m okay with it. All of it.”

  Rhys grinned. “Speaking of responsibilities,” he tugged her closer, aligning their bodies. “I can think of a more enjoyable task that requires your attention.” He palmed her ass.

  She had a feeling she knew what that task was, if the hard line against her hip was any indication. She made a face. “I don’t know. It’s been a long couple of days.” Makenna gave a fake yawn, backing away and sliding out of his grasp. “I’d rather take a nap.” She tried to look serious as she increased the distance between them.

  Rhys stalked her steps. “You can nap after.”

  “After what?” She smirked, turning to face the porch.

  “After your punishment for lying.” He kept his face straight, but she felt his amusement in her heart. Along with his increasing arousal as he hunted her like prey.

  Makenna shook her head. “No idea what you’re talking about.” She took off for the house. “Wake me before supper.” She ran hard.

  For all of three steps.

  Rhys’ long, strong arms wrapped around her waist. In seconds, he had her over his shoulder, marching up the steps and swinging the door open.

  Makenna punched his back, laughing the entire time. “You can’t just throw me around and carry me off. I’m the queen. This treatment is deplorable.”

  Rhys laughed and smacked her ass. Hard.

  Makenna lifted her head to see Brianna, Bowen, and Amanda sitting at the bar, Trystan behind Amanda with his arms circling her. She yelled. “A little help here! He’s manhandling your queen!” Another laugh whooshed out with her air as she bounced on Rhys’ shoulder.

  Trystan shook his head. “Sorry, your highness. You’re on your own with that one.”

  The rest of them laughed as Rhys toted her toward the stairs. Except for Brianna. While a small smile lifted her lips, she didn’t join in the merriment. Makenna chose not to think about it. She had a caveman of a king to tame.

  Rhys ran up both sets of stairs until they landed in their suite, slamming the door behind them. A flick of his hand had the lock clicking. He carried her all the way to the balcony. He swung her around to cradle in his arms, and hit the button to raise the privacy screens. Then he turned on the hot tub.

  Oh, things were about to get interesting.

  Twinkling eyes in a mock-serious, handsome face stared her down. “You going to apologize for lying and saying you’d rather sleep?”

  Makenna leaned up as she pulled his head down. She traced the scar on his left jaw with her tongue. Then she extended a claw and ripped his shirt down the center. “Oh, sorry.” She pulled the fabric aside and wandered down to lick her mark on his shoulder.

  He shuddered and groaned, his grip tightening. “Hm. I guess that’s a no, since you just lied again.” Rhys leaned over so her ass dipped into the warm, bubbling water of the hot tub. “Apologize, love. Or do you want to be punished?” One thick eyebrow went up.

  Makenna inhaled a jagged breath, remembering the last spanking he’d given her. Ooh. Yes, please. But she couldn’t tell him that. Even though his smirk said he’d heard her thought. “I have no idea what you mean.” She shredded his sleeves and tossed the ruined shirt aside.

  Rhys cocked his head. “Remember, you had your chance.”

  Her blood fired, and flame erupted on her skin as she readied herself for that spanking.

  A second later, instead of being flipped over and spanked, Makenna found herself dropped into the water. She popped up, sputtering.

  She splashed him as he lowered his zipper and slid his jeans down his hips. Makenna gasped in fake outrage. The sneaky little fucker. “You tossed me in with my fucking clothes on!”

  He kicked his pants aside. “I did.” Rhys’ grin didn’t hold a trace of guilt. In fact, he looked rather pleased with himself.

  Makenna unclipped her bra and tossed it at his gorgeous head. “You’ll pay for that.”

  “I doubt it.” Rhys stepped into the hot tub, catching her sopping wet jeans as she threw them at him. He dropped them onto the wood plank floor. “You don’t mind being wet.” He ripped off her thong with one yank and tossed it in the direction of their jeans. Then he cupped her center, sliding one long finger through her heat. “And I love it when you’re wet.”

  Makenna circled his neck with her arms. “You’re right about that.” She gasped as two skilled fingers slid inside her. Just enough to torture her. “But you’re still gonna pay.”

  Rhys chuckled. His lips dropped to her neck as his fingers sped up. He licked over his own mark on her neck. That was all it took for Makenna to gasp and arch up. Shaking and panting, she clung to his hot, wet skin. When she opened her eyes, his were heavy lidded and love-filled, watching her.

  One thought pierced the fog in her brain. “Now, Rhys. Fuck me now.”

  His grin turned wicked. “As you wish, love.”

  Rhys settled back onto one of the built-in seats and pulled her to straddle him. She eased onto him slowly, torturing them both. She’d said he’d pay, after all. Tightening her internal grip, she raised back up without seating herself fully. Her eyes rolled back in her head as she once again began a slow, agonizing descent.

  Rhys growled. “You may have bitten off more
than you can handle here, love.”

  It was her turn to quirk a brow. “Oh really?”

  In answer, he gripped her hips so tight she knew he’d leave those little bruises she loved. Then he pulled her down on his cock, pressing up. His name left her lips on a scream.

  She watched him as he began a hard, fast rhythm. “I’ve always liked playing with fire.”

  Rhys growled again, this time with a glint of triumph in his eyes. She wondered why until he quickly lifted her and a breath later she found herself bent over the side of the tub. He surged into her with a power that drove the air from her lungs. He paused, entwining their hands on the ledge. Red flame twisted around them, binding them together.

  He sucked her earlobe into his hot mouth, letting the tip of a fang nick her. “Good thing, because I prefer a five-alarm blaze to a slow burn.” He latched onto the nape of her neck.

  As they lost themselves in the intense pleasure, in the song that wound through their hearts, Makenna was utterly at peace. She had a family and a pack. She understood who and what she was, and had found a place carved out especially for her. Most importantly, she had Rhys. They ruled as equals, sharing power that rivaled anything she could ever imagine.

  She let herself begin to believe. Begin to dream.

  She was finally fully alive and ready to face whatever came next with the only one who could have awakened her from her slumber and shown her how to live.

  RHYS LED MAKENNA THROUGH the center of camp along the flower-lined path. Heading toward their destiny. A moment he’d been waiting for his whole life.

  The only moment that outweighed it in his heart was when they’d first bonded.

  He let his eyes roam her form as they walked. She was so beautiful. Her long, dark hair trailed down her back and flowed over her shoulders in gleaming waves that reflected the light of the moon. The long white dress clung to her svelte curves, showcasing not only enviable beauty but epic power in the smooth, lean muscle. The fresh Celtic tattoo, the markings of their clan, their bloodlines, twined around her right arm from shoulder to wrist. It was an exact replica of the one on his arm.

  Both were about to have another piece added. The marking of the royalty of the Fianna.

  His heart stuttered. He clenched her hand. Makenna angled her head and smiled. His world lit up. Power flowed between them, strong and pure. What they had now was beyond his wildest dreams. He couldn’t imagine what it would be like when the rings were placed on their fingers.

  He glanced again at the beauty at his side. He’d trade all that power, all the authority, the throne, everything, in order to keep Makenna right where she was.

  Hearing that thought, she winked at him. Then they both sobered as they approached Bowen, standing on the small platform that had been set up at the center of camp for this special occasion. They climbed the three steps together. Bowen embraced Makenna, then took Rhys’ arm in a warrior’s handshake.

  The mage smiled and pulled him in for a hug as well. He whispered in Rhys’ ear. “Thank you for returning my bana-phrionnsa bheag to me. She may be your queen, but she’ll always be my little princess.”

  Rhys smiled and patted the mage’s back. “Thank you for keeping her safe for me. I’ll forever be grateful for your sacrifice.” When they pulled back, there were tears in Bowen’s eyes.

  Bowen patted Makenna’s cheek. “Are you ready to become a queen, my princess?” His eyes shone with pride.

  Makenna’s smile rivaled the moon. “Abso-freakin-lutely.”

  Rhys and Bowen laughed, shaking their heads. Only Makenna. They wouldn’t have her any other way.

  Bowen motioned them to turn around, and Rhys and Makenna faced their people. The wolves nearly bounced with excitement. A low roar of conversation reached his ears, hushing as their Alphas smiled at them. He felt her joy as she spotted Labeaux in the crowd. Rhys had made sure to invite the man for her.

  She squeezed his hand. Thank you.

  Anything for you, love.

  Bowen raised his hands. “Today is a glorious day for the Fianna. We gather under the light of a waxing moon to crown our first king and queen in centuries. Rhys and Makenna O’Conaill have led us through a devastating war, our people emerging victorious. Both have shown themselves willing to lay down their lives for their pack. A willingness to step in wherever necessary, even doing menial tasks, to ensure the comfort, safety, and happiness of that pack. No greater, more deserving pair could the gods have chosen to lead our people into a new era. Is dòcha gu bheil na diathan a ‘beannachadh an rìgh agus na banrigh.”

  A ripple of excitement burst through the pack link as Bowen stepped back and motioned to Rhys and Makenna. Rhys held his breath. No one present had ever seen this ceremony. They had never witnessed the rings called forth from the ether to rest on the hands of the king and queen.

  His right hand shook as he held it in front of his body. Makenna did the same, trembling as well. She glanced at him, a nervous smile on her face. He reached over, entwining their outstretched hands.

  There would be no standing separately for them. Everything they did, they did together. Bound as one.

  Calm filtered through their bond, coming from Makenna. He was once again bowled over by her strength, her courage. She’d been with them for such a short time, but had embraced her new life with open arms. Fearless. Brave. More than worthy of the throne.

  As Bowen began to recite the ritual chant, Rhys held Makenna’s gaze. The air popped and crackled, sparks like so many fireflies filling the space around them. The flickers grew, illuminating the area as if someone had turned on a floodlight.

  Rhys held Makenna’s hand tightly as the sky above opened up. A ray of white rained down on them, shining a spotlight on only Rhys and Makenna. She took a deep breath, never faltering. They smiled as the light grew brighter, warming them from the inside out. Their heads snapped back, and the crowd gasped as the two of them were hit with a bolt of lightning.

  Power flushed from the top of his head to the soles of his feet. He felt the same rush through Makenna. The god and goddess threw their heads back, arms wide, accepting the gift. What they wielded before was nothing compared to the magic coursing through their veins now. It popped in his blood like sparks.

  He’d never felt closer to Makenna, more connected to her, than he did in that moment.

  When they opened their eyes again, their joined hands were encased in pure light. Rhys and Makenna stared in awe as their ring fingers were wrapped in warmth.

  Their smiles almost outshone the light as smooth metal encircled their flesh. Then the light raced up their arms, burning slightly as it carved the markings of the king and queen, intricately woven into their existing ink. The light faded, leaving behind the new power, two gleaming, white gold rings, and twin knotted Celtic ropings with the symbol of the Fianna.

  Makenna gasped along with the crowd as she inspected the markings and the rings. Bowen’s chant ended. Rhys leaned in to kiss his mate. They stood for a while, marveling in each other, their new power, and the amazing sensation of meeting their destiny. Then he raised their hands in the air.

  The pack came alive with cheers and shouts.

  Bowen raised his voice over the noise. “All acknowledge the king and queen of the Fianna!”

  Rhys pulled Makenna into his side as the celebration intensified, ringing in their ears. He turned her in his arms to kiss her soundly. Then they walked down the steps to embrace their pack.

  He could spend a thousand years trying to describe the joy in his heart. The completeness. It wasn’t the magic in their veins; it was the magic they made together that made them strong.

  Hours later, Rhys sat leaning against a willow, Makenna’s head in his lap. As she slept soundly after all the feasting, dancing, and merriment, he surveyed their pack, letting his thoughts wander.

  Other pack members rested on the grass as Rhys and Makenna did, some in wolf form, some as human. All content. Many had simply passed out after too many beers, or w
hatever that was in the huge iced tea dispensers Reagan had concocted. He’d seen her shoo the pups away from it. Her famous drinks tended to be loaded with alcohol and guaranteed to have even a hearty wolf sprawled on the ground in record time.

  He chuckled as his eyes fell on a group of pups, running around tables and lounging wolves even though the sun peeked over the horizon. He wished he had the pups’ energy. They’d make great warriors someday. Hopefully they’d never have to war with their own people.

  He frowned. Kylian had opened several of the sealed portals to the old worlds. The ones containing monsters humans could never imagine. Creatures whose only aim was to destroy. They had to find and seal the portals, and eradicate the beasts that had made it through. Or they’d have a problem bigger than Kylian to deal with.

  Rhys shook the disturbing thought from his head. It was a sacred day, and he wanted to squeeze all the joy out of it he could. Those future worries would be dealt with soon enough.

  “We’re heading to bed.” Trystan and Amanda approached, wrapped around each other. “You guys coming in soon?”

  Rhys grinned and looked down at the sleeping goddess on his lap. He ran a hand through her luxurious hair, spread across his legs. “I don’t want to wake her.”

  Amanda smiled widely. “The ceremony was beautiful.”

  Rhys looked up. “Aye. It was.”

  “Talon! Could you please stop stepping on my damn feet! And stop singing that stupid ass song!”

  Reagan stumbled into view, her gait inhibited by a swaying Talon, his arm slung around her while he belted out some song about bump and grind. The song was fine, but Talon’s rendition was atrocious. Rhys laughed at his brother-in-law as he hit his knees, bringing Reagan down with him. She grabbed the half full plastic cup in his hand and slung it across the yard.

  Makenna stirred in Rhys’ lap. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. When they landed on Talon, and his “song” hit her ears, she snorted out a laugh. “Oh God, Talon.” She glanced at Reagan. “Why did you let him drink so much, Reagan? You know he always tries to sing when he’s drunk.”


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