Reviving Olivia (Project DEEP Book 7)

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Reviving Olivia (Project DEEP Book 7) Page 10

by Becca Jameson

She glanced down. “Partially,” she whispered. “He’s so hard on himself. He may be smarter than anyone I’ve ever met, but he’s still human, and I don’t think he’s used to running into a brick wall like this. No amount of hacking has given him the information he wants.

  “He’s worried about people finding us, but he’s also worried about the rest of your DEEP team being discovered. He gets obsessed with hacking into whatever plans Blue Cell might have, afraid they will go after a specific member of DEEP before he can catch it. He carries a huge weight of responsibility on his shoulders.”

  “Does he sleep?” Damon asked. He figured the tossing and turning in the night was Spencer, but he couldn’t be sure. In every hotel suite, Damon had taken the pullout couch while Spencer and Olivia slept in the king-sized bed.

  “No. Not well and not long. I usually wake up to find him…”

  “What?” Damon encouraged.

  “Staring at me.” She threw her hands up. “Is that weird? Why did you trade places with him? You’re more frustrating than he is with your mixed signals. One night you kiss me without a word, and the next night you hand me to another man.”

  Damon sighed. “I thought it was best. You two have a lot in common.”

  “You thought it was best? How is that fair? What about what I thought?”

  “You going to tell me you aren’t interested in Spencer?” He wasn’t going to buy that.

  “Ugh.” She stomped a foot, set her hands on Damon’s waist, and shoved him backward, her body flattening against his. “I never said I wasn’t, but you made me turn my head your way first. It’s confusing.”

  “Is it?” he pressed, grabbing her waist too, even though in his mind he was shouting that he should retreat. “Are you confused, Livvy?”

  “Of course I am.” Her voice rose. “I’m living in a small space with two men who both stare at me like I’m the last woman on earth. And I like it. A lot. So yes, I’m confused.”

  “Have you kissed him?” Damon pressed.

  “No.” She shook her head. “He holds my hands and stares into my eyes, but he hasn’t made a move like that. You probably scare the fuck out of him the way you send so many territorial signals. It’s a wonder he will even look at me.”

  “Maybe you should.”

  “Maybe I should what?”

  “Kiss him. Take charge. Just do it.”

  “Why?” She tilted her head back and gave a quick frustrated huff. “Why the hell would you encourage that?”

  “Because I think you’re good with him, and you should see if there’s chemistry.”

  “So now you’re a martyr?”

  “Maybe.” Definitely. Damn, she was on fire. It did nothing to dampen the flame that burned in his gut for her. She was hotter than ever, all feisty and angry, and the way she gripped his waist as if she couldn’t decide to draw him closer or shove him away made his blood pump.

  This wasn’t how he’d imagined this conversation going. He had trouble controlling himself when he was with her.

  She suddenly leaned forward, closing the distance, and rose onto her tiptoes. Before he knew what she intended, she was kissing him. Not a small peck, but a full open-mouthed desperate kind of kiss that sucked the brain cells out of his head and sent his blood flowing south.

  He pulled her body tighter against his and tipped his head to one side, unable to keep from taking what she was offering.

  God, she tasted amazing. Just like he remembered. Sweet and spicy and all Olivia or Livvy or Evelyn or whoever she wanted to be. It seemed like forever before Damon forced himself to stop the train and drag his lips away from hers.

  She was panting, her eyes glazed with lust. Her chest was arched against his, and she was rubbing her crotch against his thigh. His erection pressed into her leg. There was no way she was unaware. She was breathing heavily when she spoke. “You still want to throw me at another man?”

  He closed his eyes. What he wanted was to drag her shirt over her head and pop her bra off so he could get a look at her bare chest. What he wanted was to suckle her nipples until she writhed against him and tugged her jeans off to get closer to him.

  What he wanted was her naked beneath him…while Spencer propped himself up on her other side and stroked his erection against their combined thighs.

  Instead, he closed his eyes and said the only thing he could conjure, “I want you to kiss Spencer like you just did me, and see if the sparks are the same for him.”

  She jumped back, releasing him. “Why?”

  “Because you’re in an intense situation here, and you should make decisions based on a fair comparison of information.” What the hell was he suggesting? Half of him knew he was right. The other half wanted to slap himself with his own hand.

  The truth was, he wanted her. Badly. But she was so happy when she was with Spencer. Damon never made her laugh and relax the way Spencer did.

  In a perfect world, he would have both of them. Together. Separate. With each other. With him. Every single combination made him aroused. But he didn’t live in that perfect world. There was no way to hope the stars could possibly align so perfectly.

  Olivia had been gone for ten years. Sure, she felt like it had been two weeks, but she was out of sorts trapped in this hotel room. She needed to kiss Spencer with as much passion as she’d just kissed him and see how it felt. If it was even more powerful, than she’d have her answer. And so would Damon. If it wasn’t, then lucky him. He would know she was his outright, without doubts or regrets on her part.

  The bathroom door opened behind Olivia, and she spun around as if she’d been caught doing something illegal. She was still panting, her chest rising and falling.

  “What’s the matter?” Spencer asked, freezing in his spot after taking only a few steps into the room. “I thought I heard you shouting.”

  Olivia suddenly sprang forward, aiming for Spencer. She came at him like a bull, making him retreat.

  Damon felt bad for his part in making her so angry, and he wondered what the look on her face portrayed.

  Spencer’s eyes went wide as she came at him. He grabbed her waist as she barreled into him, backing him up until he hit the wall. Two seconds later, she was kissing him, her head angled to one side while she devoured him without warning.

  Spencer rose onto his toes for a second, his body stiff, and then he fisted his hands in her shirt and drew her closer.

  Damon was half-stunned and half-aroused. No. He was totally aroused. Did she realize her actions would have that effect on him? He inched forward, wanting to watch, drawn to the two of them as if by a magnet.

  Spencer flattened his hands on her back and smoothed them up and down. The kid was caught totally off guard. Olivia could do that to a person. There was a good chance it hadn’t occurred to Spencer that he had an audience. Or else he didn’t care.

  Olivia moaned into Spencer’s mouth, which made Damon’s erection twitch while hurting him at the same time. He had his answer. If he wanted her to see how much passion was between her and Spencer, now he knew.

  Spencer’s hands roamed up and down her slender back and then lower to cup her ass.

  Damon didn’t blink. He kept advancing until he was right behind her. He wanted to touch her so badly, but he didn’t dare. This was her show. He may have demanded it, but she was the director.

  And Spencer… Damon’s gaze roamed up and down Olivia’s back, taking in the way Spencer held her with a firm grip, his fingers working into the muscles in her ass. He wanted to feel that same grip on his own body. He’d felt it from Olivia. He’d give anything to feel it from Spencer.

  Damon knew he made the guy nervous. He’d caught him staring at him dozens of times. What Damon couldn’t be sure of was what Spencer was thinking while he watched Damon move around the room.

  Suddenly, just as Olivia had done with Damon a few minutes ago, she released Spencer and stood back. She turned her gaze toward Damon. “Happy?” She was breathing heavily, her expression just as dazed as
it had been when she broke their own kiss. She licked her lips, her hands shaking at her sides.

  Spencer’s eyes were wide. He flattened himself to the wall, his mouth hanging open.

  Olivia stepped back and narrowed her gaze on Damon until he felt the thickness of her ire in the air. He had no idea what she intended to say or do next, but her words shocked him. “Your turn.”

  He flinched, not sure what she meant by those two words.

  She nodded toward Spencer, her eyes never leaving Damon. “You wanted to fucking know if my heart raced more when I kissed him than when I kissed you, then it’s only fair that I know the same thing.”

  “Livvy?” Spencer’s voice was broken. Soft. Gravelly with lust and confusion.

  Damon held Olivia’s gaze.

  Olivia continued. “I want to know if you feel the same level of heat with me that you do with him. You think I haven’t seen you following him around the room with your eyes, nearly salivating? This is about more than keeping us safe; it’s about watching us and wanting us. Both of us.”

  Damon winced, unaware he’d been that obvious.

  Olivia jerked her attention to Spencer. “You too. I’ve seen you watch Damon for minutes at a time. It’s like we all wander around here on eggshells, no one willing to point out the elephant in the room. Well, it’s D-Day, boys.”

  She glanced back and forth between them and took a step closer to them both. “I’ve kissed you both. It was hot. My blood is pumping. You wanted to know why I left Russia? Why my father and I fought when I was a teenager? Why he worried I was in danger? I know Spencer had the impression I was into girls, and I’ll admit I’m attracted to both. I’ve had sex with women. I’ve also had sex with men. But more importantly, I’ve had sex with two people at the same time.”

  If she thought she could say those things and turn Damon off, she was wrong. He would have given his right arm to hear those words from her lips. But what about Spencer? What experience did Spencer have, and how would he respond to a man’s touch?

  Damon turned his attention to Spencer, trying to gauge his reaction.

  Spencer was biting his bottom lip. He gave nothing away for long moments.

  Damon didn’t want to piss the guy off or get punched, so he continued to try to read Spencer’s body language.

  Finally, Spencer released the plump lip, leaving behind teeth marks that Damon wanted to lick. He cleared his throat. “I’ve dabbled.”

  Damon was a little shocked to hear those words. He’d suspected the kid was confused by his duel attraction, but he hadn’t considered that this nerdy genius had been with a man before. “You’ve slept with men?” Damon asked to confirm.

  Spencer shrugged, his face turning red. “Sure.”

  Unlike the way Olivia slammed herself into Damon minutes ago and then did the same with Spencer, Damon inched toward Spencer and cupped the side of his face gently. He set his forehead against the younger man’s and murmured, “You want me to kiss you?”

  Spencer nodded subtly. “Please.”

  Damon smiled. My God. Was this really happening? He set his hands on Spencer’s shoulders and slid them down to the guy’s fisted palms at his sides. When he engulfed Spencer’s hands with his own, he released his grip and permitted Damon to thread their fingers together.

  Damon still didn’t rush things. He kissed Spencer’s nose first and then nibbled a path to the corner of his mouth. While Spencer held perfectly still, nothing moving except the rise and fall of his chest, Damon claimed his mouth in a soft kiss, loving the feel of Spencer’s full lips, lips he’d been ogling for a week, wishing he could taste them.

  He was marginally aware that Olivia was inches away, watching, judging, burning up. But this kiss belonged to Damon. Olivia hadn’t shared her kisses with the third party, and Damon didn’t intend to either. Not this one. Not this first combining of lips and tongues.

  He tilted his head to one side and deepened the connection, dragging his tongue along the seam of Spencer’s lips until he opened up and tangled his own tongue with Damon’s.

  Yes. God, yes.

  Timid. Probably less experienced than he let on. But delicious.

  So many thoughts went through Damon’s mind. Spencer was clearly a bottom, but what had he done with other men? Damon had no doubt he would eventually find out, either by words or actions.

  But right now, he just wanted to enjoy this kiss, savor it.

  Finally, when he knew he had to either break free or risk losing all control, he eased his lips back, set his forehead against Spencer’s again, and spoke into their mingled breaths. “That answers that question.”

  “Jesus,” Olivia said to break the intensity of the moment.

  Damon turned his head to face her. For a moment he stared at her heated gaze. If anything, she looked more turned on now than she had when she’d finished kissing either man. She was breathing heavily, and her body was stiff, as though she might erupt.

  Damon released Spencer’s hand and reached for her, but she shocked him by jumping back.

  “Livvy?” Spencer asked, his voice concerned. He tried to wiggle away from Damon, but Damon pressed his body into the wall to keep him from moving. He sensed Olivia needed a moment.

  Her gaze wandered wildly around the two men, and then she swallowed. “I need a cold shower.” She took a step back.

  “Really? Now?” Damon asked.

  She nodded, still retreating. “Yes. That was…fucking hot. Everything that’s happened in the last ten minutes was fucking hot. But we should all take a step back and discuss this. We can’t just jump into bed and start fucking. Too much is at stake. We’re in danger. We’re on the run. People want us dead. If we follow our stupid lust and then things go south for us, how the hell are we going to continue to share a small space?”

  Damon didn’t move. She was right. He hated it, but she was right.

  “Livvy?” Spencer repeated. He fought against Damon, who released him just to give him a few inches of space, but Damon wrapped an arm around Spencer’s waist and pulled his back against Damon’s front.

  Olivia shook her head, still backing up. “It’s okay. It’s all good. It’s great, actually. Now, I’m going to take a shower. A long shower. I need to orgasm worse than ever in my life. You two take your time. We’ll get a few hours’ sleep, relocate, and see how we feel tomorrow.”

  Damon groaned at the thought of her masturbating in the bathroom when he’d really rather strip her jeans off and make her come with his mouth while Spencer sucked her nipples.

  But she was right. Fuck.

  And then she was gone, the bathroom door shutting with a loud snick. Moments later, the water and the fan in the bathroom came on.

  Damon set his chin on Spencer’s shoulder, still holding him around the waist.

  Spencer’s hands came up to settle on Damon’s forearm. “Do you think she’s okay?”

  “Yes.” He really did. In fact he admired her willpower and ability to think things through.

  “I can’t believe we just did that,” Spencer continued, his body shivering.

  Damon pulled him tighter against his chest. “I’ve wanted to do that from the moment you stepped into that studio apartment. No. That’s not true. I wanted to do that from the moment you first spoke to me over the phone.”

  Spencer shuddered. “Really?”


  “But you and Livvy…”

  “Yeah, I wanted her too. I had no idea either of you would go for it, so I bowed out and decided to let you two have a chance.”

  Spencer leaned his head back against Damon’s chest. “I haven’t touched her. I mean, not before right now.”

  “I know.” Damon set his free hand on Spencer’s belly and stroked, pleasantly surprised to find the guy was firmer than he’d expected.

  “I wasn’t going to make out with her with you in the room. I couldn’t do it.”

  “I know.” Damon kissed Spencer’s temple. “I get it. Maybe that’s why I took
the couch. I didn’t trust myself with her in the bed.”

  Spencer tipped his head to one side so he could meet Damon’s gaze. “We’ve opened Pandora’s box.”

  “Yes, we have.”

  Chapter 11

  One week later…

  Spencer was leaning his ass against the small sink in yet another hotel kitchenette, drinking a glass of water, when Olivia announced she was going to take a shower. As she gathered her things and headed for the bathroom, Spencer set his glass down on the counter and pushed it back. If he didn’t do so, there was a good chance it would end up crashing to the floor and shattering in about fifteen seconds.

  He wasn’t breathing as his gaze shot from the bathroom door to the man sitting on the couch. Damon’s eyes were narrowed, his gaze fixed on Spencer as if he were going to pounce. And Spencer knew from experience, he would do just that in about ten more seconds.

  The moment the shower was turned on, sure enough, Damon was on his feet. Spencer had gotten to know Damon well in the last week. He knew every intimate detail of what Damon liked and demanded that didn’t involve removing their clothing.

  Whether or not it was a good idea, Spencer had no clue, but every time Olivia locked the bathroom door and turned on the water, Damon was on him in an instant. He always made the first move.

  Damon grabbed Spencer by the waist, hauled him to the nearest wall, and lodged his knee between Spencer’s legs.

  Before Spencer could take a breath, Damon’s lips were on his, his hands running up and down Spencer’s body. He grabbed Spencer’s ass and squeezed, the kiss deepening.

  Spencer was breathless, his erection threatening to bust out of his jeans.

  Damon’s hand wandered to Spencer’s cock, cupping it, molding around it through the denim. He didn’t unbutton the jeans, nor did he let Spencer’s hands get near his own cock. Instead, Damon pressed his dick into Spencer’s hip while he let him know without words just how badly he wanted him.

  The feeling was mutual. Spencer struggled to regain his composure, his hands grasping at Damon’s back, exploring the contours of his muscles. Wanting more. Wanting anything. Wanting everything.


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