The Long-Eared Easter Enigma

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The Long-Eared Easter Enigma Page 3

by Kian Rhodes

  I narrowed my eyes at him and thrust my lip out in a pout. “I could drown over here. I mean, I was in an accident earlier. It would be safer if you were next to me.”

  “Ah, right,” Keeson responded seriously as he slid across to sit beside me, stretching one arm across the ledge behind my head. “Is that better?”

  I pretended to consider that as I studied him from the corner of my eye. “Not quite,” I finally decided, placing my good hand on his shoulder to steady myself as I stood and threw one leg over his thighs, dropping onto his lap.

  Keeson’s surprised moan when my hard length brushed his made my stomach clench. One strong hand slid up my back, encouraging me closer still, until we’d squeezed all the water from between our bodies. His other hand cupped my butt, holding me tight to him.

  I sighed, soaking in the feel of his hard body against me, under me. “That’s better.”

  “You’re sure you want to do this?” Keeson murmured in my ear, the hand on my back moving in firm, gentle strokes before coming up to tap the damp bandage on my forehead. “You’re thinking clearly?”

  “Are you suggesting I need to have my head checked because I want to sleep with you?” I teased him. He laughed and the movement made me bounce in the water, dragging our throbbing erections together and forcing out a set of matching moans. “Can I tell you a secret?”

  Keeson nodded.

  “This is why I’m here,” I said softly. “The entire reason I came up was to try and score with you.” Keeson raised a brow and I shrugged. “It’s true,” I insisted. “I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you.”

  “In that case, it would be rude of me not to put out, wouldn’t it?” Keeson’s voice was thick with amusement. I had a hunch he thought I was teasing him, but since the hand on my butt had finally started moving, stroking one long finger along my crease, I sure as hell wasn’t going to argue with him.

  “It would,” I gasped when he began to rub my hole, teasing my nerve endings alive until my pucker began to twitch under his touch. “Oh, yes!”

  “Mmm,” Keeson exhaled in my ear as he kissed my neck. “Aren’t you a responsive little thing.” There was no time for me to respond before he drove two thick fingers deep inside me, hitting my happy spot on the first try.

  “Oh, fuck!” I choked on the steamy air I was trying to breathe. “Oh, Keeson!”

  “Yeah?” Sharp teeth continued to nibble on my neck as those amazing fingers stroked the fire building inside me. “What do you want, baby?”

  I reached down to grab his cock and smirked when he hissed at my touch. “Not as funny now, is it?” I teased him, stroking his hard flesh.

  “Oh, I don’t know,” Keeson countered, stilling his fingers in my ass where they just barely grazed the spot where I wanted them most, making me whimper.

  Then the bastard just left them there!

  When I tried to grind down against his fingers, the hand on my back slid down to my hip and held me in place. “Ah-hah,” he growled, thrusting up into my fist. “You never answered my question.”

  Unable to remember what he’d asked as my desperation grew, I whined, “More!”

  “More? More what?”


  I stared into his eyes, panting with the exertion of trying to get his fingers moving again. My confusion must have shown, because Keeson took pity on me and repeated the question.

  “Tell me what you want, Antoine.”

  “You,” I huffed, clenching my inner muscles with all my strength. “I want you inside me!”

  “Good boy.” Keeson rewarded me with a firm press against my happy spot that made my dick jump against his stomach and sent stars shooting on the edge of my vision. “Ask nice, baby.”

  Ask? Oh, hell, that I could do!

  “Please, Alpha,” I leaned close, directing my words to his ear. “Please shove that thick cock up my ass and fuck me. I want you so bad!”

  For a second I was afraid I’d gone too far, but Keeson slid his other hand under my butt and, holding me tight against his body, he stood suddenly and sloshed to the step, carrying me out of the hot tub. I barely had time to register the cold air when he’d slammed the door behind us and lowered me until my feet rested on the floor in the kitchen.

  Reaching for the wallet he’d thrown on the kitchen counter, he pulled out a foil packet and I sighed, confident that I was finally going to get what I needed. Sliding one leg between mine from behind, Keeson spread my legs apart and, without warning, shoved me flat over the table. I was trying to decide if I minded the rough treatment when the wide, blunt head of his cock pressed against my hungry hole.

  “Ready?” Keeson’s voice was rough with need.

  I managed to gasp out an affirmative response and he drove into me in a long, slow glide that made me gasp for breath as he stretched me open, filling me almost beyond my limit and making me cry out. When he bottomed out, I shifted my hips, expecting him to pause and let me adjust, but instead he bent over me, pinning me to the table and began to roll his hips in a slow, deep rhythm that ground his cock against every sensitive spot inside me and stole my very breath.

  Unlike some of the Omegas that I’d been rescued with, I was no virgin – far from it – but I’d never before experienced anything as intense as the way that Keeson was riding me. The pressure built steadily, creeping up my spine as my balls began to tingle, and then to throb.

  I tried to reach for my dick, but without ever breaking his pace, Keeson caught my wrist and pinned it to the table by my head. “No!” he snapped in my ears, punishing me with a nipping bite to the nape of my neck that made me moan. “Not until I say so, understand?”

  “Yes, Alpha,” I moaned, gasping for breath as pleasure began to break over me in waves. “I don’t think I can stop, though,” I tried to warn him.

  “I’m almost there, baby,” he promised, his deep voice in my ear sending another wave of sensation splintering through my body. Still, he never sped up and his rhythm never faltered.

  My balls were throbbing and I could feel the precum sliding down my painful dick, each new stream made me shiver. My head was pounding and my inner muscles pulsed in time to the blood pounding through my veins, but still I was somehow – I have no clue how – barely holding back.

  Keeson kept me on the edge, driving the shards of pleasure-pain through my body until I thought I was about to pass out. Then, when I couldn’t take anymore, he finally -finally -growled, “Come for me, baby!”

  I screamed in relief as I dumped my load on the floor under the table, my entire body was a massive throbbing pulse as my ass tried to swallow Keeson’s cock, squeezing it until I couldn’t be sure he was grunting in pleasure and not pain.

  A sudden gush of heat alerted me that the condom had broken, but I was much too far gone to care. When Keeson stuttered, I shoved myself back against him.

  “Don’t stop! I swear, I’m clean!”

  After the briefest indecision, the Alpha over me moved again, stream after stream of hot juice filled me up, I could feel it running down my thighs while Keeson was still pumping deep inside me.

  “Oh, fuck!” Keeson shouted, releasing my wrist to dig his fingers into my hips, holding me in place as he forced his way deep. His throbbing cock ground against my prostate, making me howl and unload another spurt of jizz, not as much as the first time but enough to add to the mess on the floor.

  Finally, unable to take any more, I collapsed on the table top only to have my knees buckle. Keeson caught me around the waist and hauled me back up before I landed in my mess.

  Hoisting me up into his arms, he stumbled through a doorway and laid me on a bed. I was much too far gone to notice anything about the room, or even about the bed itself. The only thing that mattered was that Keeson fell down next to me and pulled me close.

  “Are you okay?” he asked through ragged breaths.

  I opened my mouth but all I could do was laugh. “I’m not sure. I’ll
let you know when I can feel my extremities again. That was intense.”




  Lying on the bed in the dark with Antoine’s warm body curled against me, watching the snow fall outside the window, I felt more at ease than I had in a very long time. So at ease, in fact, that the sound of my pager vibrating on the countertop in the kitchen barely managed to catch my interest. In fact, the only reason I finally sighed and gently eased the sleeping Omega’s head off my shoulder to rest on the pillow was the storm still howling outside and the risks associated with it.

  My jaw was clenched as I made my way out to the kitchen, but the alert was only a statewide BOLO for a stolen car, something that struck me as odd since they were normally faxed to the office and distributed on paper at the start of each shift. Given a choice between unnecessary paperwork and the gorgeous Omega sleeping in my bed, well, it wasn’t exactly a hard decision. I tossed the pager back on the counter and headed back to bed.

  “Missed you,” Antoine mumbled, reaching for me when I sat on the edge of the mattress. When I laid back on the bed, he burrowed up against me, breathing deeply.

  “You smell good, Alpha,” he sighed as I pulled the pile of blankets over us.

  Seeing his eyes were still closed, I guessed he was talking in his sleep, but answered anyway. “I do, huh?”

  He cuddled closer still, pillowing his head on my shoulder and tossing one leg over me. “Mmm hmm,” he confirmed, his eyes still closed and a smile playing over his lips. “I’m not sure how to describe it, but it's so good.” He punctuated his words with a shift of his hips that made his hardening dick press against my thigh.

  “Mmm. That kind of good, huh?” I growled, my own cock rushing to catch up to him. I slid my hand down to cup Antoine’s ass and he moaned. “You want to go again, baby?”

  Antoine’s long, dark lashes fluttered up as he smiled at me. “Want to, yes, but not sure I have the energy yet.” He laughed softly. “I’ve never been used that hard before.”

  Used? I felt my brows knit together as a frigid cloud of dread crept through me. “I’m so sorry,” I apologized, shifting to the side of the bed and away from his warmth. “I shouldn’t have..” I trailed off when Antoine’s easy smile faded.

  “Where are you going?” The hurt in his eyes made it hard to catch my breath. “I, ah, must have misunderstood?”

  From the question in his voice, I gathered he didn’t really believe that but, rather, was giving me a graceful out. Before I could respond, he slid to the other side of the bed, wrapping the sheet around himself. “I’ll, ah, just go and find my clothes, then.”

  He stood and swept from the room with the sheet trailing behind him. Or tried to, anyway. With the sheet still tucked into the foot of the bed, he pitched forward and landed in a crumpled heap on the floor.

  “Oh, hell! Are you okay?” I jumped over the bed to kneel beside him. “Antoine? Can you hear me?”

  He groaned, the sound muffled by the carpet and the sheet. “I’m fine,” he grunted, but his voice sounded pained. “I just jostled my arm.” He drew himself up to his knees, holding his injured arm to his chest. “So much for salvaging my tattered dignity.”

  “Your..what?” I waited for Antoine to look at me, but he seemed determined to stare at the wall until it disintegrated. “I didn’t mean to take advantage of you, Antoine. I’m sorry.”

  That got his attention and the Omega turned to stare at me, disbelief written all over his face. “What are you talking about?”

  I drew in a measured breath. “I thought you wanted what we did,” I tried to explain. “I didn’t mean to make you feel used.” I breathed out just as carefully as I’d inhaled. “I should have known better, what, since you’re hurt and stranded.” I shook my head. “I’m honestly very sorry for taking advantage of you, Antoine.”

  While I’d been talking, Antoine’s expression had morphed from disbelief to the confused look of a dog staring into a mirror. “I’m lost, Alpha,” he finally said. “How did you take advantage of me?”

  I waved to the bed, hoping that would clear it up. It didn’t.

  “You’re sorry we fucked?” The confusion and disbelief were replaced by anger. “Well, I’m so fucking sorry for you, but if it was a mistake, it was your mistake!”

  “I know that,” I agreed, trying to keep my voice steady. “That’s what I was trying to tell you.”

  Dropping the sheet, Antoine scrambled to his feet and planted his good fist on his hip while he glared down at me, still kneeling in front of him. He was so gorgeous standing there, naked and angry that it took all of my self-control not to drag him to his knees and mount him in the seconds before he stomped out of the room.

  Well, that certainly hadn’t gone as expected.

  Grabbing a pair of jeans from the pile of clean laundry on the chair by the closet, I yanked them up and went in search of my guest. I found him in the bathroom, pulling his still damp clothes on. He caught my reflection in the mirror and glared before turning away and pointedly ignoring me.

  “Antoine?” I said his name softly. “Please, will you talk to me for a minute?”

  He spun around and I saw that he’d buttoned his shirt over the injured arm. To make me feel worse, when he fell, he’d also reopened the wound on his head and blood was seeping out from the edges of the bandage.

  “Of course, Sheriff,” he said politely, his tone exaggeratedly calm. “What would you like to discuss?”

  I sighed. “It seems like you’re mad at me for apologizing, but I don’t understand why, Antoine.”

  In the bright light of the bathroom, I caught the glint of tears in his eyes. “I’m fine,” he said firmly. “If you don’t mind me using your phone, I’ll call a cab.”

  “You’re not fine,” I disagreed, “and in this storm, a cab won’t be able to make it up the road.” I waved toward the window. “There’s a blizzard, remember? You might as well talk to me since you’re stuck here.”

  Antoine made an unexpected sound deep in his throat and the hair on the back of my neck stood up. “Did you just growl at me?” I fought the urge to take a step back.

  Antoine stared at me, his cheeks bright red, but I couldn’t tell if it was anger or embarrassment. Then he pushed past me and flopped down on the couch in the living room. I was close enough behind him to see the grimace when his arm jolted. What he did next surprised me. He dropped his face into his good hand and apologized. “I’m sorry.”

  Then, he started to cry.




  Normally, I wouldn’t think anything could be more embarrassing than getting into a lover’s spat with a man I’d just met. An Alpha who was really only interested in a roll in the hay. At least, had been interested in a roll in the hay before I’d disappointed him.

  Seriously, how bad was I that he was actually sorry for having fucked me?

  Of course, normally, I also wouldn’t ever be so clumsy as to try to run from said Alpha and trip in the sheet I was hiding in, pitching face-first onto the floor.

  But to growl -actually growl – at an Alpha who had saved my life just because my princess-sized ego was hurt? That was fucking humiliating.

  I managed to choke out an apology before the tears came, but I hid my face in my hand before I saw whether or not Keeson had accepted it.

  Not like he should.

  I wish I could say that I was only crying because I’d had an awful day. Or that I was more injured than I’d thought. Or that there had been any rational excuse for me acting like a pup who’d lost his favorite ball. The truth was – and I was well aware of it – that I was crying because I’d built up an entire fantasy world where Keeson and I lived happily ever after and one fuck in, he’d all but said thank you, next.

  Anyway, the reason I was crying didn’t really matter. Not right then, anyway. I’d have plenty of time to feel sorry for myself later
. What did matter was turning off the waterworks and not acting like some overwrought virgin who’d just been deflowered.

  Which I wasn’t, so it shouldn’t be a problem.

  In theory.

  I drew in a deep breath and tried to calm myself. Then the couch dipped and I was tipped into Keeson’s side. He cautiously wrapped one strong arm around me in a side hug.

  “I feel like something went really wrong when we tried to talk,” he said carefully. “Will you listen while I try again?”

  Oh, hell. That was the last thing I wanted to do, but, after growling at him in his own home after he saved me, was I really going to say no? I nodded but kept my eyes on the floor in front of me.

  Keeson wasn’t having it. He gripped my chin carefully between his thumb and forefinger and turned my face to his. “I’m not sorry we had sex, baby.” His thumb stretched up to brush a lingering tear off my cheek.

  I sniffled and rubbed my fist over my eyes. “But you kept saying you regret it.”

  “I’m sorry you felt used. I wanted it to be good for you, too.” Keeson gave me the most uncertain smile I’d ever seen on an Alpha. “It was wonderful for me.”

  I swallowed the lump in my throat and stared at him through my watery eyes. “I didn’t mean used in a bad way,” I mumbled, feeling the heat burning in my cheeks. “It’s just an expression for, well, you know.” I gave up when I couldn’t think of a classier term than you fucking me senseless.

  The Alpha surprised me by laughing.

  “I think I do,” Keeson agreed, dropping a kiss on my nose. “I’m sorry I overreacted. I should have asked you what you meant before I freaked out.” He gave me another shy non-alpha-like smile. “I don’t really date much, if you can’t tell.”

  I felt my brows creeping up. “Why not?” I ran my eyes over his gorgeous bare chest and back up. “You’re amazing.”

  Keeson laughed. “Well, police work can be dangerous, so there aren’t exactly tons of people who want to date someone who may not make it home at the end of the shift,” he reminded me. “And the hours suck. And I’m not always home for holidays. And..”


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