
Home > Romance > Lawless > Page 42
Lawless Page 42

by Sam Crescent

  Eli Logan might have returned for the money, but he stayed for the woman.

  The End


  Kait Gamble

  Copyright © 2017

  Chapter One

  Allegra Mariano smiled into the mirror and tried to exude happiness. Despite her best attempts, she could only look a little less dismayed. Why? She had everything her heart desired thanks to her husband. A beautiful home, clothes, and jewelry, and a wide circle of influential friends.

  All because she had found love and married the most handsome and successful man at the party.

  Enrico had been her key to this magical world.

  So why couldn’t she muster a tiny smile?

  It had been almost two years since they’d met at a party much like the one they were at now. Only she had been waitressing.

  Four leg-aching hours into the party, he’d smiled at her over a tray of canapes and that had been it. Love at first sight he’d called it. Whatever it was, Allegra had never experienced anything comparable before.

  He swept her off her feet, and two months later they had been married in a fairy tale ceremony and here they were eighteen months later. The picture of marital bliss. Travelling the world and living her fantasy life.

  So why did it feel so hollow?

  He’d introduced her to the most incredible things and amazing places. She’d experienced enough to fill five lifetimes. Allegra couldn’t help but think that now was time to settle down and start the next phase of their life. Enrico had never mentioned any interest in starting a family. Maybe that would bring them together?

  She touched her fingers to her stomach. She’d been dropping the mention of babies into conversation here and there to get a feel for his reaction. So far, he hadn’t been shocked or disgusted. The thought of children made her stomach flutter with anticipation. Or was that apprehension? Somehow it was becoming harder and harder to differentiate between the two.

  “Are you okay, Mrs. Mariano?” The gruff voice came from next to her the moment she stepped out of the washroom, giving her a little frisson of surprise.

  Viktor, her new bodyguard, had the amazing ability to see everything and be everywhere. She supposed it was a good quality for a guard to be so perceptive, but it didn’t always feel that way. Her awareness of his presence unnerved her while his attentiveness to her bordered on obsession. He’d only been with them for about three months and had stuck to her side as if he’d been glued to her.

  Enrico said he was there for her own good. That someone of her stature needed protection from the evils of the world. What evils she couldn’t imagine, but Enrico’s insistence made her feel a little bit cherished.

  Even if the act of having someone watch over every second of her life was a bit controlling.

  Allegra nodded at him as she smoothed her dress, “I’m fine, Viktor.” She caught his concerned gaze and fought the little zap of awareness that she always got when their eyes collided. Sure, he was a handsome man—beautiful, in fact—but she was a married woman and the man she’d bound herself to was a decent one who’d given her everything.

  Allegra wouldn’t betray Enrico.

  She straightened her back and did her best to ignore Viktor while she walked back into the group of friends who were waiting for her along with her husband.

  “Darling.” He stepped away from a young blonde who shot her a dagger-filled glare before leaving the group. What was her name? Helena? She’d been seeing her quite a bit at parties lately. They’d had a few conversations, but she’d gotten the distinct feeling that the woman didn’t like her. It was par for the course. Allegra was used to the jealousy some hurled her way. Many wanted what she had. What they had.

  Allegra didn’t get the chance to ponder over it before Enrico fussed with her hair a moment. She allowed it. He liked perfection. It was only a moment before he slid an arm around her waist and held her close, arranging her carefully in front of him. “We were just talking about where everyone was going this winter.”

  “How wonderful.” Allegra wondered where the conversation would go. A surprise holiday to somewhere wonderful later in the year, perhaps?

  They made chitchat for a little while longer before Enrico led them away.

  “Ready to get back home?”

  Allegra nodded. “It’s been a wonderful trip, but an exhausting one as well.”

  “I thought you might feel that way.” Enrico kissed her forehead before helping her get into the waiting limo. “Which is why I’ve arranged for you to fly home tonight.”

  She slid forward, sticking her head out the door. They traveled separately often so this didn’t come as too much of a surprise, though she had expected them to leave together that evening. “You’re not coming with me?”

  “Not just yet. I’ve got another meeting in the morning then I’ll be heading back to you.” He leaned in and kissed her gently. “I want you to take care of yourself. When I get back we have some important things to discuss.”

  Allegra’s heart softened. He took such good care of her. “Really?”

  His smile widened. “Of course. I think it might be time to talk about the future.”

  The fact that he appeared to be happy about the prospect loosened the grip doubt had on her insides. She relaxed. “I look forward to it.”

  He slowly winked a dark eye. “I can’t wait to show you exactly how I feel.” Enrico took her hand and gave it a kiss. “Have a good trip.”

  Settling back in her seat she nodded. “See you soon.”

  Enrico only smiled and closed the door.

  Allegra blew him a kiss as he turned to walk away. She had started to make herself comfortable and was already daydreaming about cute babies with her husband’s smile when the door on the other side opened and Viktor stepped in.

  He shrugged. She decided it was in apology for taking so long.

  Allegra nodded. “Nice of you to join me.”

  All she received in reply from the man was a grunt. He slumped into the seat across from hers and punched the roof. Moments later they were on their way.

  “Mr. Mariano sent a team ahead to collect your things so you don’t have to worry about them. We’re headed straight to the airport.” When she nodded, he continued. “He wanted me to make sure you stay hydrated and fed.”

  Allegra watched him as he rummaged through the fridge and retrieved a bottle of water and an apple to hand to her. “Please, eat this. I noticed that you didn’t eat much at the party.”

  Rolling her eyes, but because she was hungry, she took them from him. Their fingers grazed, shooting a flare of awareness up her arm. Viktor, however, seemed unmoved. Allegra cleared her throat and quickly drew her arm back. “I will this time, but don’t think that I’ll let you boss me around again.”

  There was no reaction from him as he watched her bite into the apple. In truth, she was starving and it tasted better than anything at the party. She quickly finished it off and washed it down with half the bottle of water.

  Replacing the cap, she placed it and the apple core next to her.

  Viktor still watched her closely with those amazing eyes of his. Dark and glittering, they seemed to pierce into her soul and give him the ability to read her mind. He looked away after a moment, giving her time to scrutinize him. He almost always wore a dark suit, a snow-white shirt, and dark tie and hadn’t deviated this evening. It all went well with his black hair and tanned skin.

  So handsome. Allegra knew that if she had been single, she would have definitely acted on her attraction to him.

  As she studied Viktor, his face blurred and Allegra had to blink several times to clear her vision. That only succeeded for a few seconds before they lost focus again. She clawed the leather seat with her nails in an attempt to stay upright as the car began to swim around her.

  She looked to Viktor for help, but he only watched her with a grim face.

  Why was he pulling out his phon
e? And turning it on and pointing it at her as if he was filming the whole thing? Did he think this was funny? Was he going to put it online or something? She reached for it, but only managed to fall out of her seat and onto the floor of the vehicle.

  “Vik…” As she struggled to make her lungs respond, Viktor only watched impassively with the damned phone still aimed at her.

  Darkness crept into the edges of the blurs of color that was left of her vision. She fought it with everything she had, but it only ate up more and more of her consciousness.

  The last thing she remembered was the feel of Viktor’s cool hand on her cheek and something that sounded like a murmured apology.

  Chapter Two

  Allegra lurched awake to find herself in a beautiful room that wasn’t her own. With a mouth full of cotton and a head buzzing with angry bees, she tried to sit up, but found it too hard. Instead, she surveyed her surroundings from where she was.

  Her vision was once again clear so she could see in high definition that the room was opulent—even more than any she shared with Enrico.

  Where was she?

  She tried to lift her arm, but found it entangled in the tube that fed her IV.


  What the hell happened? The last thing she remembered was riding in the limo with Viktor…


  Where was the bastard? Filming her when she was in distress! How could he do something like that? Something could have been seriously wrong with her.

  Allegra fought the bedsheets as she tore the IV from her arm.

  “I wouldn’t do that if I were you.”

  The warning came too late. The instant she tried to put her weight on her legs, they gave out.

  Strong arms caught her before she hit the ground. Allegra would have known who held her even if she never saw him.

  “You bastard!” She clawed and kicked with as much strength as she could muster, but even at full health he could overpower her easily. “What have you done to me? Where am I?”

  Frustrated with her weakness, tears ran down her cheeks as she hurled questions at him. Accusations. And when she could no longer form words, she screamed, needing to purge the anger, hate and pure helplessness from her weak body.

  Viktor simply held her, pinning her arms to her sides, letting her cry herself out.

  Unable to take any more, she retreated into her mind. To a place that was safe.

  Allegra was dimly aware of being placed gently back in the bed and the prick of a needle in her arm.

  She didn’t fight falling into the darkness this time.


  When Allegra woke again, the windows framed the darkness outside. What the hell was going on? The IV was gone as were most of the aches and pains, too. There was just a heaviness to her body that suggested she had been in bed a long time.

  Groggily, she slid out of bed again, fully intending to crawl if she needed to just to get away from this place.

  Wherever the hell this was.

  Allegra put her feet flat on the cold floor and tested her weight. When she was fairly sure that she wasn’t going to end up in a heap, she half-walked, half-stumbled to the middle of the expansive room.

  This place was clearly a step up from her home. Allegra had thought that Enrico had provided her with the best, but seeing the luxurious room she was in now had her believing otherwise. The bed was huge and dominated the space. She knew from experience that the sheets were high thread count and felt wonderful to the touch. The other furnishings were equally beautiful and were from designer collections she coveted.

  In truth, everything she saw seemed to be designed to make her want.

  The exact opposite of what she should be feeling at the moment in addition to the overwhelming confusion. Anger. Grief. Desperation to get back to Enrico.

  A breeze whispered over her, turning her gaze to the source. Fluttering gossamer curtains hung over French doors beckoned her to come closer. To breathe.

  As she made her way over she heard the rhythm of the sea. Allegra also caught the scent of something familiar mixed with the salty tang of the ocean on the wafts of air, but her dulled mind wasn’t able to figure out why it was familiar until it was too late.

  She parted the curtains and saw Viktor standing at the railing gazing out at the sea. The movement hadn’t escaped his noticed. Though he hadn’t turned to look at her, she caught the infinitesimal stiffening of his shoulders as if he was preparing himself for a fight.

  One good push—if she caught him right—would send him over. But then what? She had no idea where she was or how she could get away from him.

  Allegra knew enough about him to know that he would have a contingency ready for something like that and there was no chance of her catching him off guard. The man knew everything that was going on around him. Clearly.

  Unsure of what to do, or what she would even be able to do, Allegra waited.

  She heard him sigh before he turned around. Viktor’s dark eyes shone in the near dark as he studied her. “Sleep well?”

  Sleep well? “Are you kidding me?”

  His expression was grave. “Not at all. I’m concerned about your welfare.”

  Rage gave her strength as she stalked toward him. “Like you were worried about me in the limo?”

  The muscle in his jaw clenched. “You weren’t in any real danger.”

  Would she be able to get a punch in? Allegra doubted it. “You’d gamble with my life? When Enrico finds out—”

  He gripped her shoulders. “I don’t want to hear his name from your lips again.”

  The flare of anger in his eyes froze the breath in her lungs, but anger quickly thawed it again. “Why not? Don’t want a reminder of the man you betrayed? And while we’re at it. Where are we? Why have you brought me here?” She pressed a flat hand against her stomach trying to keep down the bile. “And what about—what about—”

  He pushed her back. His voice held no inflection when he said, “Calm down.”

  The twisted gnarl of emotions that she didn’t try to figure out engulfed her. “How can I calm down? You kidnapped me!”

  Viktor levelled his gaze on her and growled, “I saved your pathetic life.”

  “Liar!” The staggering pain of his words hit her full force. How could someone rock her entire world like he just had and feel nothing? Absolutely nothing.

  “You’re one cold bastard, aren’t you?” She stood as straight as she could manage and closed the gap between them. “You weasel your ways into our lives and tear me away from everything I know and love! You lying son of a bitch!” Allegra couldn’t hold back the sobs any longer. “What kind of man does that?”

  He growled something she couldn’t make out as he gripped her arm and half-carried, half-dragged her through the room and out into the hall.

  “Where are you taking me?” Panicked now, she dug her heels in and tried to pry her arm out of his iron grip. “Let go!”

  He didn’t react except to tighten his hold and drag her behind him.

  Allegra clawed and tore at his arm, not that it did any good. Her kicks and punches might as well have hit a stone wall for all the reaction she got from him.

  Viktor dragged her down the stairs and into a room that looked like an office. Without letting go of her arm he flicked on the large television then grabbed a tablet. He tapped the screen and with a flick of his finger the footage appeared on the larger screen.


  “What is this?” Instinct told her it wasn’t going to be anything she wanted to see so she closed her eyes. Backed away.

  Viktor yanked her back toward him. “Look at it.” The snarl brooked no argument.

  When she wouldn’t, he gripped the back of her neck and angled her to face the TV. His fingers clamped into her nape until she had no choice but to do as he said, though there was nothing he could show her that she had any interest in seeing.

  She observed with a strange detachment the perfect symmetry of the gardens. Her gar
dens. She’d worked for ages to get the perfect flowers in the perfect design. Enrico hadn’t even noticed.

  It took a moment for it to click that what she watched was news footage taken from a helicopter over her home. “What is this?” she demanded.

  His fingers bit into her neck. “Watch.”

  “It’s been five days since the tragic death of Allegra Mariano and her husband, billionaire financier Enrico Mariano is on his way to the funeral. As we’ve all heard, Allegra tragically died of a drug overdose despite the help her husband and close friend Helena Stanton had tried to give her…”

  There he was. Her beloved husband. As handsome and as put together as ever. Dry eyed, calm. Not at all looking like a man who had lost the love of his life. And on his arm was that blonde. The one from the party. The one who had started appearing at all the parties lately…

  What the hell was she doing there? And so cozy with Enrico?

  She watched him help her into the waiting limo. No one else might have caught it, but she saw the smile the two shared just before he followed her into the vehicle. The look they gave each other. How intimate it was…

  The rest of the words died away as again her head started to reel.

  “What the hell is this? Some kind of joke?” Her words sounded hollow and rough as they tore their way out of her throat.

  “No joke.”

  “I don’t understand. What’s going on?” The last couple of years flashed through her mind. It had all been what? A game? And Enrico was now with her? How long had this been going on? And that story! Bullshit! She never touched any drug. Ever! And that was saying something with the amount of it floating around the parties they’d attended. And on top of everything she’d been here for nearly a week?

  She didn’t get time to dwell. The footage had switched to Enrico and Helena tearfully recounting her fight with addiction. How they had forged a close kinship over it all and how it had eventually bloomed into love.


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