Out of the Blue: Reed Security: Book Two

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Out of the Blue: Reed Security: Book Two Page 10

by Robin Leaf

  Still with the mouth full, I can only nod and watch my friend not drool and not make an ass out of herself with this specimen of fine-as-hell man to her left. What is wrong with her? Is she even fucking human?

  “I’m guessing you’re the Kelly she mentioned to Brianna?”

  “She mentioned me to Brianna?” Her eyes flick to me. “Why?”

  He smirks. “Something about harassing me, even though she wasn’t.”

  I finally swallow enough to be able to talk. “If you don’t think she was throwing herself at you, you are a woefully ignorant man.” Wiping my mouth, I throw my napkin on my plate and address Kelly. “You might want to have a talk with the girl. She was about to pass him her number.”

  “Well, duh, we give the employees cards to pass on to the guests for more personal service.”

  “Yeah, more like she wanted to personally service him. Trust me. That’s just a lawsuit waiting to happen, my friend.”

  Kelly rolls her eyes at me before turning to him. “I’m glad you’re here. I know this stalker guy really has her freaked out, which might explain why she’s a bit…” she shoots me a disgusted look, probably because I’m shoving a rather undainty bite in my mouth, “um, ill-mannered this evening. I can assure you she is not normally this messy or surly.”

  He chuckles. “You should have seen her attack me.”

  “Oh my God, Ember. You… attacked him?”

  “Yeah, kinda like an angry kitten.” Kelly covers her mouth, either in shock or to hide her smile. “In her defense,” he adds, “I surprised her.” He rocks on his heels. “She thought I was her stalker, and accused me of stealing her Beast. Care to tell me what that is?”

  Kelly doesn’t hide her laugh. “It’s some –”

  “Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no, no, no,” I blurt, pushing the cart away to stand and grabbing her arm. “Kelly, I need to show you something I noticed while I was in the shower.” I pull her toward the bedroom. “I think one of the phalanges is broken on the knobby thing.”

  She follows me through the doorway all the way to the other side of the bed before she shakes out of my hold.

  “That wasn’t a bit obvious. Taking the ‘phalange is broken’ thing from Phoebe Buffay, are we?” She shakes her head. “What the hell has gotten into you? I’ve seen you awkward, but I’ve never known you do be downright rude.”

  “Shh,” pointing to the bedroom door, I whisper, “It’s him.”

  “Oh, no, don’t you dare blame your behavior on that guy,” she says quietly, but not whispering, and places her hands on her hips. “He can’t have done anything to warrant full-bitch mode. There has to be something else.”

  “Well, let’s assess the situation, Kelly Ann,” I whimper, matching her volume. “I have a fucking stalker who broke into my apartment. I’ve been forced out of my home. I lost a sweet patient today, and while grieving that loss, I open the door to that.” I gesture toward the door.

  “By that, you mean Douglass?” She shrugs one shoulder. “I don’t get it. He seems really nice.”

  “No. You’re not getting it.” I reach up and pull the ends of my still-damp hair. “He’s the guy from my trapped time at the strip club and the next morning.”

  Her eyebrows disappear under her newly-acquired bangs. “You mean the guy you were convinced was emailing you?”

  “Yeah,” I begin pacing, “at first, and then I didn’t think it was him anymore, but when I saw him tonight, I thought it again. That’s why I tried to tackle him.”

  “Wait, do you or don’t you think he’s your stalker?”

  “Yes… no…” Throwing my hands out to the side, I look back at the door to see it’s still open a little, so I try to lower my voice, which is hard since I’m on the verge of full-on panic mode. “I’m honestly not quite sure. I’m leaning toward no, but that may be wishful thinking because I shouldn’t want to climb the guy who broke into my place and stole my Beast. Which leads me to the fact that you were about to tell him about it.”

  She smirks. “I wasn’t going to tell him everything. You need to chill.”

  I nod and take a second to control my breathing. That ranting is hard work. I close my eyes, rub my temples, and take several deep breaths.

  “Please explain to me how you are acting all normal around him.”

  She crosses her arms over her ample bosom. “Because, apparently unlike you, I’m a sane person.”

  Pointing to the door, I have to fight to control my voice again. “You seriously don’t think he’s the hottest guy you’ve ever seen?”

  She shrugs. “I mean, yeah, he’s attractive and all, but he’s a little too big for my tastes.”

  I stop my pacing and stare at her for a second wondering how the hell she is showing such restraint. And to think she questioned my sanity?

  “Kelly, Justin is like six foot seven. What do you mean my guy is too big?”

  She giggles. “He’s only six-four, and that’s not it. Justin is just right for me. Douglass is… bulkier. And since when is he your guy?”

  I cover my eyes, fall face first onto the bed, and let out a muffled, “I don’t know.”

  The bed dips as she sits next to me, and her hand starts to stroke my back, almost like she’s petting her dog, Meatloaf. “You just need some sleep.”

  Rolling over to my back, I look her in the face. “How can I sleep when he’s within fucking distance?”

  She bites the side of her cheek, her tell for when she’s trying not to laugh at me. “I don’t think he’ll be sleeping in your bed, Embie.”

  “No matter where he is in this suite, he’s not safe from my convulsing vagina.” I shake my head and point downward. “She wants him,” I whisper, closing my eyes. “She wants him real bad.”

  The bed starts shaking.

  “If you’re laughing at me, Kelly Ann Stein, I will hurt you. I’m not above cutting a bitch.”

  She doesn’t even try to hide her cackle. “I’m sorry, babe, but you have to admit, this is hilarious.” She snorts. “I have never, in the twenty years we’ve been friends, ever seen you go all meshugana over a man before.”

  I groan, probably too loudly, and roll back onto my stomach, which makes Kelly snort again.

  “God, I’m just so tired… and I need to get laid.”

  “Is everything okay?” I hear from over my shoulder.

  Kill me now.

  Apparently, listening to Kelly snort laugh at my misery is enough to mask the sound of the door opening and allow over six feet of hulking man to possibly overhear me. As if my humiliation regarding him isn’t prolific enough. Nope. I had to announce my need for sex. Maybe he didn’t hear me.

  Who am I kidding? Of course he heard me. I mean he’s standing six feet away. And I said it quite loudly.

  Here’s hoping the way-too-comfortable bed will swallow me whole.

  Kelly pops me on the butt and stands, her steps moving away from me. “We’re fine. She was just telling me that she needs a good night’s sleep.”

  “Oh, is that what she said?” I hear him chuckle. “Could have sworn I heard something different.”


  “I’m out,” Kelly says from the doorway. “Get some sleep, Ember.”

  “I kinda hate you a little right now.”

  “Okay, but we need to make a plan for Friday night.”

  “Call you tomorrow.”

  I hear them murmuring to one another, but I’m too far away, and frankly, too comfortable to hear, or even care what they’re saying. I can make out laughter and the clicks of locks before everything gets quiet. I don’t even hear him moving around in the other room. I should probably check on him to make sure he has sheets for the fold-out bed, but in the quiet, everything fades to black.

  I’m not sure how long I’ve been asleep when I rouse enough to turn over. I don’t know if it was a dream or a noise that woke me, but I’m conscious enough to notice that I’ve been covered by a blanket. I tuck it around me with a smile, comforted by the th
ought that at least my crazy didn’t chase him away.

  For the first time in a very long time, I actually feel safe knowing he’s here. I’ve never put my safety in another’s hands. It’s oddly comforting.

  That will probably freak me out tomorrow for reasons I’m currently too tired to think about, but for now, I’ll get back to the best sleep I’ve had in months.



  Ember is going to be a problem for me. Ever since last night, hearing her admission that she needs to get laid, I’ve had impure thoughts about her. My little research last night didn’t help matters. What I did… well, I’m not proud. Normally, urges like that don’t happen to me. Last night was supposed to get it out of my system, so I need to shake off these inappropriate thoughts. It’s unprofessional. I promised myself I wouldn’t be unprofessional where she’s concerned.

  She emerges from the bedroom looking way more rested than she did last night. She makes those green scrubs look good, too. I take a minute while she’s turned away to notice her ass, round and perky, grab-able, smack-able…

  Uh oh. Staring at her perfect ass is already breaking my professional promise to myself. I raise my eyes right before she turns around.

  “Ugh, you made coffee,” she groans.

  I lift my travel cup. “I did, poured it all in here. I can make another pot if you need some.”

  She shakes her head. “No, I don’t drink coffee. I was hoping to make some tea before work, now I’ll just wait until I get there.”

  “I can run some hot water through –”

  “No,” she wrinkles her nose. “Now that you’ve defiled the pot, tea will taste like that crap,” she says, pointing to my cup and turning to collect her things for work. She stops, but doesn’t turn around, to utter quietly, “Thank you, though.”

  I smile and sip from my mug, following her out of the suite and into the hallway.

  “I guess you’re going to insist on driving me to work?” she asks, mashing the button to the elevator several times.

  “I can, or you can drive. My job is to ensure your safety, not necessarily to chauffer you everywhere, unless you want me to.”

  She glances my direction. “It won’t offend your sense of masculinity to be driven around by a woman?”

  “My… what? No. That’s not really even a thing, is it?”

  The elevator dings and opens, and I politely wave her in first. It doesn’t go unnoticed that she scoots to the furthest side of the elevator and hugs her bag to her. Is she still afraid of me?

  “Apparently, in this day and age, some men are still threatened by a strong woman.” She glances at me, and the corners of her lips lift. “It’s nice to meet a man who isn’t.”

  I take a second to sip my coffee before turning to face her.

  “Some men happen to be turned on by strong women.”

  Her lips curl. “Yeah. Strong women who don’t need bodyguards.”

  My fingertips find her chin and lift it so her eyes meet mine.

  “A strong woman finds the courage to attack a would-be stalker twice her size. A strong woman possesses the strength to go into work, to a job not many would choose to do, after a loss that obviously broke her heart.” I lean closer to her and lower my voice. “A strong woman admits she’s scared and accepts help when it’s offered.”

  Her face softens, and she sighs, staring into my eyes like they have the answer to all of her unasked questions. I feel my heart speed up, but I’m not sure why it does. Her eyes glance at my lips, and she stands taller, leaning in closer to me.

  It’s this moment that I realize just how insanely pretty her face is. Smooth, flawless skin, with a light dusting of barely noticeable freckles across her cute nose, which has a slight upturn and a hint of a crease in the center. Sweet high, kissable cheekbones. Soft, rosy lips, the bottom one slightly fuller than the top. Eyes that are more green today than I’ve seen them, probably because she’s wearing the green scrubs.

  Shit. I’m in trouble. I now understand the reason for my rapid pulse; it’s her, all her. Without realizing, I’ve stepped closer to her. God, I want to kiss this woman. I shouldn’t. I can’t. But I want it more than I want my next breath.

  She licks her lips in anticipation, and my eyes follow her tongue’s journey. I want to taste those lips, too. My hand lifts to stroke her cheek to see if it’s as soft as I think it is.


  Her eyebrows shoot up her forehead, and a horrified expression accompanies the blush flooding her perfect cheeks. The doors don’t even open all the way before she’s turned tail and runs toward the front doors of the hotel.

  I follow after her through the parking lot easily. I’m six two, so her five-foot self’s legs, even moving at a fast clip, are no match for my strides. However, it’s obvious that she’s trying to get away from me.

  “Ember, wait.”

  She rounds the side of a bright yellow Volkswagen Bug while digging furiously through her purse.

  “I don’t see my keys.” She continues to dig. “I hope I didn’t leave them upstairs in the suite, but that’d be just my luck. If I have to ride on that slow-as-fuck elevator again…”

  “Blue –”

  “…I’ll be late, and that doesn’t set a good example for my students. I’ve never been late a day in my life, and I certainly don’t want to start now.”

  “Ember,” I bark, grabbing the hand not digging through her bag and turn it over to show her that she’s holding her keys.

  She pulls her hand out of mine quickly. “Shit, I’m losing it.” She pushes the button to unlock the doors and shoos me out of the way. “You’re making me lose my mind.”

  “Me?” I say, hurrying to the other side of the car before she can get in, start it, and take off without me. After opening the passenger door, I ask, “What did I do?”

  “Exist… looking like you do.”

  Smirking, I sit in the seat, feeling like my knees are at my ears. Reaching down, I move the seat back as far as it’ll go. It’s still a tight fit, but I manage to close the door and put on my seatbelt before she tears out of the parking space and practically lays rubber speeding out of the lot.

  “Jeez, slow down, Blue. I’d like to get there in one piece.”

  She takes a deep breath, but grips the steering wheel, white-knuckling her way through moderate traffic. We ride for a couple of miles before she breaks the silence.

  “I’m sorry for what happened in the elevator. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. What with the stalker and my patient yesterday…” She swallows slowly. “I thought the full night’s sleep would make it better, but I was wrong, obviously. You were right to stop me.”

  When the hell did I stop her? Doesn’t she know I was going in for the kiss? I don’t want her thinking I didn’t want that as much as she did.

  “I didn’t –”

  “You’re being so kind to give up your life to babysit me, and I get all moony about it. Not too many people have ever been…” her voice trails off. “Anyway, I apologize. It won’t happen again.”

  “It won’t? But –”

  “No, it won’t. I can’t let it. You’re my bodyguard. It’s your job to keep me safe. No crossing lines.”

  I nod, even though I don’t want to. What she’s saying is absolutely rational… well, except for the fact that it won’t happen again. I’m the one who reached up to touch her. I’m the one who almost kissed her. Sure, she was willing, that much was obvious, but I should be apologizing to her, not the other way around. However, I’m going to let her have the power here… allow her to make this decision and be strong for the both of us. Lord knows I can’t.

  What I can’t help is the disappointment I feel at her declaration that it won’t happen again.

  I know it’s for the best.

  It’s the way it should be.

  I have a company rule to follow.

  But God, I would absolutely break it for her.

  ~ ~ ~

  I fin
d Ember leaning against a wall in the hallway, looking like she’s taking a second for herself to eat some sort of power bar and concentrating on her phone. This is the first time I’ve seen her stand still since we got here.

  “You were with a patient when I left for the cafeteria,” I announce, startling her so much she fumbles her phone before looking up at me. “So I got you a little something that has to be better than whatever you’re eating.”

  Looking up from her phone, she sees that I’m holding two haphazardly wrapped grilled cheese sandwiches and two lidded Styrofoam bowls filled with her choice of soups. Her eyes travel from the food to me and back to the food. Reaching up, she liberates one of the grilled cheeses and nods once.

  “Thank you, but I only have a few seconds to eat.”

  “You can spare ten minutes. Can we find somewhere?”

  She points off to the left. “There’s a breakroom that only sees coffee or tea action. Nurses don’t usually take actual breaks.”

  I smile and follow her. She sits quickly, still staring at her phone.

  “Tomato basil or chicken noodle?” I ask.

  She raises one eyebrow, not looking up. “Which one do you want?”

  I smile. “I like them both.”

  “Me, too, but I like to dunk my grilled cheese into my tomato soup.”

  “Same,” I agree.

  “So,” she says, shrugging. “We’ll share both.”

  She stands, quickly grabbing two bowls from the cabinet, and hands them to me. While she settles back in her chair, I divvy up the soups. Although she’s returned to looking at her phone while she eats her sandwich, I notice she keeps glancing at me and shaking her head quickly before she goes back to focusing on what’s on her screen.

  “Are you looking at something important?” I ask, nodding to her phone.

  “Not really, just playing a game.” I almost laugh at how she’s trying really hard to keep her eyes glued to her task.

  “What game?”

  “Words With Friends,” she answers distractedly. “I have a long-standing game with my ex.”

  I don’t hide my smile, since she’s trying so hard not to pay attention to me anyway.


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