Book Read Free

His Two Leading Men

Page 5

by Aidan Wayne

  That sounds good. 11?

  I’ll be there, Russell promised. Looking forward to actually seeing you after all that.

  I’m fine, Skye replied. But I’m looking forward to seeing you anyway :p

  He did have a bit of a headache, so he downed some ibuprofen, and then it was time to leave his apartment and head out to meet Brent.

  When he arrived at Lillie’s and told them Brent’s name, he was led to a table, catching sight of Brent, who was already there. He was wearing a slim-fit button-up, sleeves rolled, and looked just as devastating as he had before. Almost more so, without the suit. He looked like someone Skye could touch.

  And Brent was smiling, looking so pleased that Skye had shown up to meet him, that an entirely different flutter started up in his stomach, instead of his usual overlay of not-quite-panic.

  “Hi,” Skye said as he took his seat. “I hope I didn’t keep you waiting.”

  “I just got here,” Brent said. “Don’t worry about it.” His eyes flicked to Skye’s bandage. “How are you feeling?”

  “Way better than yesterday. It really wasn’t a big deal.”

  “Are you kidding? I was worried sick. You looked awful, walking off that stage.”

  Skye shrugged and ducked his head. “The doctor just said that head wounds bleed a lot. It looked way worse than it was.”

  “I’m glad.” Brent smiled. Brent’s smiles were always so open and friendly. “And I’m also so glad you contacted me. Thank you.”

  “Thank you for taking me out.”

  “Of course. I’m always happy to see you.”

  Skye’s cheeks warmed. “Oh. I–”

  “Are you ready to order?” Their waitress asked.

  “Skye?” Brent looked at him. “Do you need a minute?”

  “Oh, um, no, I-I’m ready.”

  “Great.” To the waitress, Brent said, “I’ll have the eggs benedict and a kitchen sink bloody mary.”

  “Of course. And for you, sir?”

  “The vegetarian omelette please.” He’d dithered over that or the pancakes for ages, but in the end he’d decided that he was more likely to make pancakes at home, so it made sense to get something different when he was eating out.

  “And your drink?”

  Oh. He hadn’t thought of that. “Um…” Stupid, stupid, stupid, how could you not have picked a drink–

  “The bellini mimosa’s pretty good,” Brent said gently. “It’s got peach puree, instead of orange juice.”

  Right. Yes. Okay. “I’ll have that one,” Skye said, relieved. The waitress nodded and left, and Skye turned back to Brent. “Thanks. I um, I’m not the best at… choosing things, sometimes.”

  “It’s okay.” Brent grinned. “I’m always up for a suggestion or two.”

  “Thanks,” Skye said again.

  “Sure. And you’re positive you’re feeling alright?”

  “I had a little bit of a headache when I woke up,” Skye admitted, “but I took something for it and I’m fine now. Really.”

  Brent nodded. ”Sorry to keep asking. I just–I want to make sure.”

  “It’s okay. I don’t mind. It’s kind of um, nice. That you care so much. Everyone else has been great too.”

  “They must’ve been really worried about you.”

  “I was more worried about them,” Skye said. “I can’t imagine if that happened to Linda or Michael, and I’d just have to keep going after they left the stage bleeding. If it had to be anybody, I’m glad it was me. Anyway,” he continued, not wanting to dwell, “That’s probably enough of that, right? How’s your day going?”

  “Great, now that I’m with you,” Brent said easily. He chuckled at whatever expression Skye made in response to that. “But no, it’s been a good day so far. It’s not unusual for me to be working all week, including the weekend–that’s the nature of my business. But I try to make some time for myself within all that. Seeing you was another reason to do that.”

  “What are you working on right now?”

  “A few different projects.” Brent shrugged. “It always seems to be a few different projects. But right now the biggest one on my list is a company working to acquire another company. I’m on a team working with the negotiations.” He smiled ruefully. “I’m sorry, I’m not really allowed to talk in more detail.”

  “Oh, that’s okay. I probably wouldn’t be able to follow much of it anyway,” Skye said. “Just because I don’t know the technical aspects.”

  “I’m sure you could follow along just fine,” Brent frowned.

  Skye laughed. “Sorry, I know it sounds like I’m putting myself down. I’m not. I’m sure if you really explained things to me I’d get it. But it’d be like me trying to teach you advanced choreography. If I really broke it down and we took it slow you’d probably get it, but we could both be doing other things with our time.”

  Brent smiled slyly at him. “That’s assuming I didn’t already know how to dance. Or that I didn’t want to spend as much time with you as I could, so I’d be happy to muddle through that choreography.”

  God, he was probably beet red. “I didn’t–I meant–do you dance?”

  Brent laughed. “I can waltz. That’s about it.”

  “You can waltz?”

  “Very cultured upbringing, remember? I can waltz, play the piano, sketch, identify most classical musicians and artists, and speak French and Italian.”

  “Really?” Skye squeaked.

  “My mom’s from France,” Brent explained. “So I grew up with it as a second language.”

  “And... the Italian?”

  Brent chuckled. “Opera.”

  Skye swallowed. The nerves were coming back full force. What was Brent doing with him? “Oh,” he ended up saying. “Wow. That’s–that’s a lot. Wow.”

  “Tu es très beau.”

  “W-what does that mean?”

  “It means I’m trying to impress you,” Brent said with a smile. “Is it working?”

  “Yes,” Skye said immediately. “I am... I am very impressed.”

  Brent laughed. It was a nice sound. “Note to self, speak French to you more often.”

  Skye huffed a laugh. “I think everything else helps too. You’ve got quite a resume.”

  “I’ll have to thank my parents.”

  Skye laughed again, settling. Talking to Brent was easy. And it felt so, so good.

  Chapter 5

  When Russell met Skye at the park on Monday, he immediately went in for a hug. Skye sank into it, enjoying the tactility like he always did. Russell pulled back just enough to look at Skye’s face, and hugged him again. “You really scared me,” Russell said when he finally stepped back. “The music cutting out and then you coming offstage covered in blood… you looked like you were dying. Fuck, I’m so glad you’re alright.”

  “I’m sorry I worried everyone,” Skye said, as they found a bench to sit on. “How did the rest of the show go?”

  Russell made a face. “Everyone else tried to stay upbeat, but it was kind of hard. I think the audience understood though. There was a mass of them waiting outside the stage door. Also, heads up, your part of the dressing room is currently covered in flowers and cards and balloons and stuffed animals.”


  “Like I said, the audience was worried about you too.”

  “Oh. Well, I’m fine. Although… did they find out who, you know, took the picture?”

  “Yeah.” Russell’s expression turned dark. “The audience members around her pointed her out to the usher. I don’t know what happened after that. I think the theatre might be pressing charges.”

  “Oh wow.”

  “She deserves whatever she gets,” Russell bit out, looking and sounding angrier than Skye had ever seen.

  “Well,” Skye said, trying to lighten the mood. “All it meant was that I had a surprise day off. It wasn’t too bad. I had fun.”

  “Yeah? What’d you do? Nothing too strenuous, I hope.”

ye shook his head. “No, uh… I actually met up with my admirer?”

  “Really?” Russell’s expression flickered, but then he was smiling. “Hey, that’s great. How did it go?”

  “Pretty well.” Skye smiled, remember how long he and Brent had talked. They’d each ordered another drink as an excuse to stay at the restaurant longer. “We talked for a long time.”

  “Good,” Russell said, encouraging. “That’s good. You weren’t too nervous?”

  “No,” Skye said. “And it was weird, honestly, that I wasn’t. But super nice. It was like talking to someone I was already comfortable with, like you.”

  “Oh,” Russell said quietly. Then, “Well, I think everyone’s pretty relieved you’re not dying. Are you going to be ready to go onstage tonight?”

  “Oh yeah, for sure.”

  “Good to hear.” Russell clapped Skye gently on the back. “Now come on, you want a smoothie or something? My treat.”

  “That’s really okay, you don’t have to–”

  “You’re not going to win this argument, Skye.”

  Skye heaved a put-upon sigh, but he couldn’t hide his smile. “Okay, sure. A smoothie sounds good.”


  Do you mind if I come by to see you after the show tonight? was the text Skye got, checking his messages after he’d put on his makeup.

  He worked up his courage and called Brent.

  “Hi Skye,” Brent said, sounding pleased.

  “You’re not really going to see the show again, are you?” Skye blurted out. “I mean, it’s fine if you want to, but–”

  Brent laughed. “Don’t worry. I meant if I could come by to see you once the performance was done. Maybe take you out to a late dinner?”

  “Oh.” Oh. “Yeah, that um, that’d be nice.”

  “Great. It’s a date.”

  His voice was so warm. It made Skye flushed and nervous but… it was a good kind of nervous. One where he was anticipating and looking forward to something, not panicky it was going to happen.

  Brent had made him feel so at ease so quickly. Skye couldn’t help but be drawn to that.

  Knowing he’d be seeing Brent again soon… Skye couldn’t wait.


  Warm-up that day brought on some new unwelcome, intrusive thoughts. What if he flubbed the jumps again? What if another audience member decided to take a picture? Even worse, what if he fell into someone else and hurt them? What if, what if, what if– He tried to concentrate on his music, push past it, but he was sick with nerves by the time he was ready to pull on his costume.

  Russell was waiting in the dressing room when Skye entered. “Russell!” He rushed over to him.

  “Hey,” Russell smiled. “I’ve got to start pulling wigs, but I figured this was easier than having you going around trying to find me.”

  Wow, that was… wow. “Thanks,” Skye said quietly. “I really appreciate it.”

  “How’re you feeling about tonight’s performance?”

  “Nervous,” Skye admitted.

  “Yeah,” Russell said softly, “I figured. But we’ve all got your back, remember?” He laid a warm hand on Skye’s shoulder. “You’ll do fine. Break a leg out there.”

  Skye summoned up a shaky smile. “I will.”

  Russell gave his shoulder a squeeze before letting go, and Skye missed the warmth immediately. God, Russell was always so good to him.

  It was a thought that circled through his brain as he got dressed. How much Russell did. How he was always there with encouraging words, a steady, gentle presence. It was–

  “Skye!” Skye just barely managed to stay upright and not buckle as Michael threw himself across his back. He was in full costume, already wigged. “Ready for your grand return?”

  Russell was right. Nothing bad was going to happen. It would be fine. And-and if something bad did happen, it wouldn’t be the end of the world. He’d get through it. He always did, in the end. The whole cast and crew had his back, where there for him, just as he tried to be there for them.

  It would be fine. It would be good. He’d have fun, once he managed to actually get onstage. And he had a whole theatre family to help him do that.

  “Yeah.” While the nerves were still there, his grin was all confidence. What he wanted Michael to see. “I’m ready.”


  The show went fantastically, everyone’s energies up with Skye back, whole and well. They lit up the night, and even Skye’s usual quick-change anxiety was dulled somewhat. And, as always, helped by Russell just being there, strong and steady.

  Linda slung her arms around him as Skye was wiping off his makeup. “You coming out with us tonight?” she asked. “Going to celebrate your triumphant return?”

  “Oh,” Skye said. “I’m sorry, I can’t.”

  “Aw. Why?”

  “I’m, um, I’m meeting someone else.”

  “Really!” She grinned at him. “Who?”

  Skye focused on his reflection. “Brent.”

  “The lawyer?”


  “I’m so glad you decided to take the chance,” Linda said. Before, “Wait–you’re not saying he saw the show again?”

  She sounded so taken aback that Skye had to laugh. “No, no, he’s just meeting me after. We’re going to go out to dinner together.”

  “So he’s coming downtown, on a Sunday night, after a Broadway show, to take you out to dinner?”

  “Um, yeah?”

  “He must really like you,” she said approvingly. “Good. I’m glad. Do I get to meet him?”

  “I guess so. I mean, I don’t see why not.”

  “Okay.” She clapped her hands. “Chop-chop then. Makeup off. I want to meet this guy.”

  Skye laughed again and got to it. When he was finished, Linda grabbed his hand and pulled him out of his chair. “Come on,” she said. “I want to meet him now.”

  “Why the rush?” Skye asked, following her.

  “Because I’m also starving, and I’m going to get my own dinner after I meet Mr. Corporate Lawyer.”

  “His name’s Brent,” Skye said helplessly.

  “Fine, Brent.” They turned a corner, and met Russell in the hall.

  “Oh, hey you two,” Russell said. “Going out to dinner?”

  “Yeah,” Linda said. “Well, I am and Skye is, but not together.”

  “I’m um, meeting someone,” Skye said. For some reason telling Russell that made him nervous. Why? Russell was happy for him. Skye shouldn’t–

  “Oh, yeah?” Russell smiled at Skye. “Good for you. I hope you have a good time.”

  “Thanks,” Skye said, smiling back.

  “Russell,” Linda said. “Do you want to come out with me?”

  “Sure,” Russell said easily.

  “Great. Let’s go!”

  They got to the backstage door. Russell pushed it open, and Skye and Linda filed out behind him.

  “Okay,” Linda said, scanning the small crowd. “Is he here yet? What does he look like?”

  “Wait a–” Russell said, catching sight of someone. “Brent?” Skye swiveled around. There Brent was, coming toward them. He was in another suit, smiling at all three of them–

  And holding out a hand to Russell. “Hey, Russell,” he said. ““How have you been?”

  Russell pulled him in for a hug. “Not bad, not bad. How’s lawyering?”

  Brent laughed. “About the same as it was since the last time we talked.”

  “You fucker,” Russell grinned, “Gloria had to have told you I was on this show. Why didn’t you say anything? I could’ve helped go in for tickets tonight or something.”

  Skye looked from one to the other. “You know each other?”

  “Oh yeah,” Russell said turning to Skye. “I’ve known Brent forever. My designer friend? She’s his little sister. They’re fourteen months apart, so it was usually the three of us hanging out together.”

  “Oh.” Skye said, taken aback. “That’s… nice.”
  “Hold up,” Russell said, looking between them, “Don’t tell me–you’re the admirer?”

  Brent shrugged and smiled ruefully. “Guilty as charged.”

  “Oh.” Russell said. “Well… I can’t say I blame you.”

  “I–What?” Skye asked, dumbfounded.

  “I know,” Brent said, “Let me take you two out to dinner.”

  Linda squeezed Skye’s hand. “Skye?” she asked quietly. “You okay?”

  “Oh, uh,” Russell rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t want to intrude. You were going out with Skye, weren’t you?”

  Brent smiled at Skye. “I was, yeah.” He cleared his throat. “But we should make plans too.”

  “Right. Sure.”

  Brent held out a hand to Skye. “Shall we?”

  Skye looked wildly to Russell, who smiled softly at him. “Go have a good time,” he said.

  Both of them were looking at him now, and their attention on him fully was–

  Skye flinched back. “I–sorry. I have to go. Sorry.”

  Chapter 6

  Skye got home, dropped his bag, and flung himself onto his bed, burying his face in the pillow. What was that? Why had he freaked out on them? So they knew each other. Big deal. He had literally just run away. What was wrong with him?

  He needed to calm down. He needed to calm down and apologize. To Brent for ditching him and… well, to Russell, for ditching him too. Russell especially–he was one of Skye’s best friends and they worked together. They needed to be in good shape. And from a selfish standpoint, Skye couldn’t even imagine what Prince’s quick change would be like if Russell were mad at him.

  Right. Breathe. Breathe and think. Why had seeing them both together made him freeze up and needing to get away?

  His phone rang, startling him, and he jerked up to go grab his bag. By the time he reached it, the ringing had stopped. Missed call: Linda and, a moment later, his phone beeped to let him know he’d gotten a voicemail.

  Skye unlocked his phone and played the message. “Hi Skye, it’s Linda. Just wanted to check up on you. Are you okay? Call me when you can.”

  Skye swallowed and sent her a text. Sorry I freaked out. I’m fine. I’ll see you tomorrow and explain then, okay?


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