Book Read Free

His Two Leading Men

Page 13

by Aidan Wayne

  Brent pressed his free hand over his eyes. “Sorry,” he said. He sounded wrecked. “Maybe… maybe a public place wasn’t the best venue.”

  Skye got out of his seat and went to slide in next to Brent. Leaned up against him in the booth and grabbed his hand again.

  “There,” Skye said quietly. “Now you’re less public.”

  Brent buried his face in Skye’s shoulder and shook against him for a long time.

  Chapter 14

  Thanksgiving had been easy; each one of them spent the day with their own respective families. But now, with Christmas right around the corner, Skye had no idea what to do. He wanted to spend it with Brent and Russell, but wasn’t quite sure how to go about that.

  Child’s Play was only running its matinee on Christmas eve, and the night show on Christmas day, but with performances on both days, Skye couldn’t really travel, even if he’d wanted to. He’d just been lucky that there had only been a matinee on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving and an evening show the day after, which gave him almost two days to go home and come back in time to perform.

  Russell was also going to be in town. His family all lived in Pennsylvania, and while he went over for Thanksgiving, he didn’t plan to go for Christmas. “Thanksgiving is the big gathering for us,” he’d explained. “For Christmas, everyone has their own little families to spend it with.”

  Brent was the only one who really had plans. Much like Thanksgiving, he spent Christmas day with his parents, Gloria, Gloria’s husband, and their six-year-old daughter. So Christmas day with Brent was out. Instead Skye asked Russell if he wanted to spend Christmas day together, just the two of them. They could exchange presents then (though Skye still needed to get the actual presents). Hopefully Brent wouldn’t mind that. Probably he wouldn’t.

  As for the night before…

  “Do you want to spend Christmas Eve together?” Skye asked Brent, as they walked through Central Park. It was snowing lightly, and they were both bundled for the weather, but there wasn’t the usual biting wind of winter. “Since you’ll be doing Christmas with your parents.”

  “Oh,” Brent said. And then, “Actually, I’m glad you brought that up. I’ve been meaning to talk to you about Christmas.”


  “I wanted to know how you’d feel about coming home with me. You haven’t met Gloria yet, and I’d–I’d like to introduce you to my parents. As my boyfriend.”

  Skye’s breath stuttered. “Oh.”

  Brent turned to look at him carefully. “Skye?”

  “Sorry, I–I just hadn’t even considered that–that you’d want to spend Christmas with me.”

  “Of course I want to.” Brent frowned. “Why wouldn’t I want to?”

  “No, I mean, it’s just, because you said you always went home for the holidays.”

  Brent smiled at him. “Well, yes. Hence why I want to bring you with me.”

  “You, um. You don’t think your parents would mind? Meeting me?”

  “You’re a Broadway star,” Brent said easily. “They’ll think very highly of you.”

  “Oh.” That was good to know. Skye had learned enough about Brent’s parents to know that he was already intimidated by them. But, “What um, what about Russell?”

  Brent’s eyebrows shot up. “Were you wanting me to tell them about him?”

  “No? Yes? I–I don’t–” Skye hadn’t thought much about being introduced to family. Or no, that wasn’t true; he’d thought about it just enough to know it gave him stomach aches, so he’d tried to quit thinking about it. “I was going to spend Christmas with Russell.”

  “Oh,” Brent said, after a long moment. He looked away. “Oh.”

  “Brent? What’s wrong?” Skye tried to think about what it was he’d said. It was just about spending Christmas day with– “Russell and I made plans because we both thought you were going home to your family,” he said in a rush. “I–I’m sorry I didn’t–”

  “No, it’s fine. I just… I guess I’m just disappointed. That you made plans without me.”

  “But I spend a lot of time with Russell without you,” Skye pointed out, confused.

  “Yes, but usually I’m included. You always tell me what you’re doing. Keep me in the loop. And for something as big as Christmas I just thought I warranted the same treatment. Even if you did think I had other plans.”

  “I’m sorry,” Skye said again. “I–I can talk to Russell. Maybe we can figure something out. I just, you know, he was going to be in town and so was I, and I didn’t want him to be alone for Christmas.”

  “I understand. And I don’t want you to break off plans with him, not when you’ve already made them. I guess I’m just a little hurt. And disappointed, since I really did want you to meet my family.”

  Guilt started clawing at Skye’s throat. “I’ll talk to Russell. We could spend Christmas Eve together, and then I could–I could go home with you.”

  Brent bit his lip, obviously torn. “If Russell doesn’t mind. I don’t want him to lose you, if he’d planned on it.”

  “I’ll talk to him and see. And maybe we could spend Christmas Eve together, you and me, if I can’t change my plans?”

  “Okay. Sure, let’s go with that for now.”


  When Skye brought it up to Russell, Russell took a long time to think about it. Eventually he said, “I’ll miss you on Christmas. I was looking forward to the whole day. But I know how important Brent’s family is to him.” He sighed. “He’s always trying to impress his parents. Live up to what they wanted out of him, you know?”

  “Yeah,” Skye said. “I know.” And he honestly didn’t like Brent’s parents all that much, from what he’d learned about them. Still…

  “But if he wants to introduce you to them, it shows how proud he is of you and how much you mean to him. I can’t really get in the way of that. Besides,” he added, “You’ll get to meet Gloria and her family too, and they’re all great.”

  “Are you really sure?” Skye asked. “I mean, really? Because I did make plans with you and–”

  “I know. I know. But we can spend time together after the show, and then spend Christmas Eve together and make our own little holiday then, okay? That’ll be nice.”

  It sounded nice. “Okay,” Skye said smiling shyly. “And I’m–I’m really looking forward to it.”

  Russell smiled back. “Yeah, me too.”


  Skye finished taking off his make-up and then grabbed up his bag. Russell was waiting for him, and Skye was so looking forward to spending the rest of the day and then evening with him.

  Part of him was wound up, knowing that tomorrow he’d be meeting Brent’s parents. His mind was already whirling over the ways he’d make a fool of himself, embarrass Brent, and otherwise mess up a family gathering. So not only was he happy that he was spending time with Russell the day before, but Russell always was able to help Skye turn his brain off. Or at least calm down.

  “Hey!” He grinned at Russell, who was leaning against a wall outside the dressing room.

  Russell looked up and grinned back. “Hey yourself.” He cupped Skye’s cheek and leaned down for a quick kiss. “Good show today.”

  Skye beamed. “Thanks.”

  “You ready?”

  “Yeah, let’s go.”

  They still took a few minutes for Skye to sign some autographs at the stage door, because even if he had plans, he wasn’t about to say no to someone on Christmas Eve. He waved goodbye to his fans as he and Russell walked away, heading for Russell’s favorite deli. Neither of them really cooked, and Skye didn’t have a lot of room (or inclination) to do so in his studio anyway, so they had decided to do a comfort food afternoon and evening, going around the city to pick out treats.

  Once their sandwiches were procured, they swung by Maison Kayser for desserts. Dinner, in true order-out fashion, was going to be Chinese.

  Food in hand, Skye and Russell made their way back to Skye’s place, s
hedding coats and boots once they got inside. Russell rubbed his hands together after he’d set his share of food down on the table.

  “Cold?” Skye asked, coming up to him.

  “Little bit.”

  Skye took Russell’s hands in his and brought them to his mouth, a trick his mom had taught him to warm his hands up when he was little. Russell’s fingers twitched in the hold, and Skye could see him swallow out of the corner of his eye.

  After a minute or two, Skye kissed Russell’s knuckles and let go. “Better?”

  “Yeah,” Russell said, taking a shaky breath. “Thanks.”

  Skye smiled at him. “Come on, let’s eat. I’m starving.”

  They made quick work of their food, the desserts shared between them, each taking tastes until there were barely crumbs left. Russell tugged Skye up from his seat, and placed a hand under his chin, kissing the taste of chocolate torte out of his mouth.

  The kissing continued as they stumbled their way toward Skye’s couch, eventually falling onto it. Skye ended up lying on top of Russell, chest to chest, their legs tangling together. “Okay?” Skye murmured. “I’m not crushing you?”

  Russell curled his arms around Skye’s back and pulled him even closer. “Are you kidding? Best part of my day.”

  Skye laughed and leaned back down for more kisses, closing his eyes and happily taking whatever Russell wanted to give him.


  “I’m so nervous. Fuck, fuck I’m so nervous. This is going to be awful. They’ll hate me.”

  “They won’t hate you,” Brent said as he led Skye up the walk of the brownstone. “They’ll want to talk all about your experiences on Broadway and ask about your background and find you fascinating. Besides, I took them out to see Child’s Play a few weeks ago and they enjoyed it.”

  “You took them to see my show and didn’t tell me?” Skye asked in a furious whisper.

  “I didn’t want you to worry,” Brent said easily. “And I did say they enjoyed it.”

  Skye moaned and covered his face with his hands.

  Brent just chuckled. “Come on,” he said, pressing the buzzer. “Showtime.”

  A pretty young woman about six inches shorter than Skye opened the door. “Brent! Hey, you finally made it.”

  “Hey Gloria,” Brent smiled. “Long time no see.”

  “Shut up, we did dinner like a month ago. I can’t help that we’re both busy people.”

  They followed her inside. “Wouldn’t change it for the world.”

  “And this is Skye?” she asked, turning to him.

  “Hello,” Skye said, trying to squash his nerves.

  “Hi! I’ve been dying to meet you. I haven’t made it to your show yet–I’ve been working on about three different fashion show deadlines and I’ve got a six-year-old kid, but Brent and my parents tell me it’s the next big thing on Broadway.”

  “Oh. Um, thank you.”

  “Anyway! How’d Brent rope you into dating him? I’ve heard him go on about you for ages, but it’s always important to get the other side of the story.”

  Skye laughed as she led them into a living room. “It’s really not that–he came to the show and we got to talking.”

  “Bullshit. I know there’s more to it than that. Brent’s told me more than that.” And then, “Grant, Stella! Come and meet our last two guests!”

  A child came bolting into the room. “Momma, hurry up! Breakfast!”

  “Breakfast on Christmas is very important,” Brent explained to Skye as they were tugged towards yet another room. The fact that it was a brownstone at all was pretty intimidating, but that there was so much space– there were floors. At least Skye had gotten used to Brent’s apartment. “–because we don’t open Santa’s presents until after breakfast.”

  “Just Santa’s presents?”

  “Family present exchange is after Christmas dinner. For us, that’s about one. Since we’re usually stuffed from breakfast.”

  “I see,” Skye said.

  “And here we are.”

  ‘Here’ was a giant dining room, set for the whole family, and covered with platters and platters of breakfast.

  “And before you ask,” Brent murmured into Skye’s ear, “No, we in no way made it. My parents hire a personal chef every major holiday.”

  “Wow. Um, wow.”

  Brent quickly made introductions for Grant and Stella, Gloria’s husband and daughter, and then it was time for Skye to meet Mr. and Mrs. Cook.

  “Lovely to meet you,” Mrs. Cook said, nodding to him, while Mr. Cook held out a hand. Skye shook it.

  “Nice firm grip,” Mr. Cook said. “I like that.”

  “Um. Thank you.”

  “I was impressed with your show,” Mrs. Cook said, as they all took their seats. “Brent had us all see it. Very nice. You’re quite the skilled performer.”

  “Thank you,” Skye said again. “We all, you know, work really hard. And the whole cast and crew is super proud that we’ve gotten the reviews we have.”

  “Mm. It’s looking like it might be the next Phantom. I wish you all the best.”

  “Thank you. I appreciate it.”

  “So,” Mrs. Cook said. “How do you know my son?”

  Oh boy.

  Skye fumbled through the story about how he met Brent, hoping that he didn’t come across as too awkward. Luckily Gloria seemed to find the whole thing very funny, and she interspersed Skye’s story with questions. Then Stella asked Skye if he was a prince for real, with both Gloria and Brent egging her on, and overall while the conversation occasionally flew over his head (which Skye was honestly a little grateful for, not being the center of attention for once), it wasn’t as awful and stilted (and judgy) as Skye had been expecting.

  Still, it was a relief when they finally left the table and moved to reconvene in the living room, Stella shrieking in excitement about presents.

  Brent and Skye hung back in the dining room for a moment. “How are you doing?” Brent asked him.

  “Not too bad,” Skye said. “But are you sure they don’t hate me?”

  “I don’t think my parents have the capacity for any feelings that strong,” Brent chuckled. “They’re very impressed with you. I told you they would be.”

  “And, um, Gloria? I know she’s super important to you. I want to make a good impression on her.”

  “Gloria would have a better impression,” she said, poking her head into the room, “if Brent wasn’t taking forever while her daughter waited for him to open presents from Santa.”

  Brent grinned. “Guess that’s our cue.”

  “Skye sits with me,” Stella insisted, grabbing onto his hand and pulling him down to the floor.

  “Okay,” Skye said, a little taken aback. He looked helplessly at Brent, who shrugged, smiling. See? They love you. “Which present are you going to open first?”

  “Remember,” Grant said, “only the ones from Santa.”

  “I know dad, I’m not five.”

  Skye had to laugh. He didn’t deal with a whole lot of children, even if he was in a show about them and their toys. The most interaction he had with kids was when he sometimes helped out with the youth dance classes at the studio. And those were all children diligent and focused on dancing, not happily tearing through the wrapping paper of a gift. But he’d always liked kids.

  “I love it!” Stella cried, hugging the box with the American Girl doll in it. It had curly black hair and green eyes and freckles, just like she did. It was clearly one of those dolls made to look like the person who owned it. “Daddy, help me get it out of the box.”

  Grant obligingly took the box and opened it, fiddling with the zipties, while Stella attacked another present. Skye watched, fond.

  “You look happy,” Brent murmured to him.

  Skye shrugged. “I like kids. And it’s fun to watch them having a good time.”

  “And a nightmare when they’re having a meltdown,” Gloria said, grinning.

  “Oh, I know,” Sky
e said. “I’ve seen a few of those at my studio.”

  “Oh yeah? Any good stories?”

  “I’ll trade you for a Stella story.”

  “Deal,” Gloria said, before launching into a story about an unfortunate incident with laffy taffys. Skye listened happily, letting the overall feel of everything wash over him. This was actually really nice, even if Brent’s parents were a little cold. Brent and Gloria and Grant and Stella made up for that.

  After Stella had opened all her presents–and there were quite a few from Santa—Grant and Gloria cleaned up the wrapping while she played, while Brent made conversation with his parents. It was the perfect time for Skye to pull out his phone and send Russell a text.

  Thinking of you. How is your day going?

  The reply came almost instantly. Pretty good. Went back to bed after you left, because we were up so late I wanted the extra sleep. Slept in, had a nice breakfast. How are things going with meet the parents?

  Pretty good, actually. Brent insists they like me. And Gloria is fun. She reminds me of Linda.

  Right? They can never meet. They’d take over the world.

  Skye laughed, and Brent turned to him. “Something funny?”

  “Russell thinks that if Linda and Gloria ever met, it would be a disaster for us all,” Skye said, before he realized that maybe bringing up Russell right now wasn’t the best idea.

  “Russell Turner?” Gloria asked, and oh no, now everyone was looking at him.

  “Uh, yeah. He um, he works with me? He’s a costumer for Child’s Play.”

  “I knew that,” Gloria said. “About the costumer thing. I mean, duh, I talk to him too.”


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