Sixth Realm

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Sixth Realm Page 6

by Michael Chatfield

  “I am here to see Elder Lu Ru, I have something I promised him,” Erik said.

  The man seemed to become skeptical.


  “Erik West,”

  “Do you have an affiliation?” The man asked.

  “Vuzgal,” Erik said simply.

  The man’s expression went through several changes.

  “I don’t have any mention of a meeting with Elder Lu Ru. Do you have some form of identification?”

  “Uhh,” Erik pulled out the honorary Elder token.

  “Thank you,” The man received it with both hands and pressed it to a formation.

  “Honorary Elder West, an escort will personally take you to Elder Lu, I am sorry for questioning your identity. If you take a seat your escort will arrive momentarily.”

  “Thanks,” Erik took a seat and pulled out a note and a box.

  They weren’t able to identify these ingredients so they wanted to ask me to use reverse alchemist on them? I thought that they had given me a gift!

  He put the box away and looked over as he heard the sound of rushing wind.

  A woman appeared with a dominating air. Behind her there were several guards.

  “City Lord West, I am General Lei Huo,” The woman said bowing.

  “Ah, yes I remember you, you were at Vuzgal after that incident, sorry I didn’t get to thank you,” Erik said.

  “I am sorry. I was pulled away before I could express my gratitude. Thank you for looking after my people,” She bowed from the waist again as the guard’s eyes went wide, pleased he hadn’t slighted the man in front of him in anyway as his brain started to make connections about what the two were saying and the information that the man had given him before.

  Lei Huo stood back up.

  “Elder Lu Ru is finishing up a meeting or else he would’ve come over personally. Could I escort you to his office?”

  “Please,” Erik said, he walked forward with his group. Lei Huo smiled and walked with them towards the main building in the middle of the city.

  “We have a carriage that can take us,” Lei Huo said.

  “Very well.”

  She pulled out carriages from her storage ring and then beasts from her beast storage, she signalled to her people and they got into the drivers’ seats. Erik and his people filled two carriages and they set off.


  Lei Huo couldn’t help but cast a look back at the carriages as they headed for the headquarters.

  Was he this strong when I saw him last? His strength then was all over the place, now he seems to have complete control over it and he has even increased in strength. It feels like he has tempered his body to the Diamond stage and not just to completion but beyond. Then there are the people around him. I recognize some of them, they were at Vuzgal as well, but their strength is higher than what his was back then.

  Just what have they been doing to increase their strength so quickly and make it theirs? Most people that level up fast do it for the status and then they reach a point where they can’t increase anymore as they have grown so quickly that their skills and abilities have fallen far behind.

  She put those thoughts to the back of her mind as they reached the headquarters. As the group got out of their carriages, she dismissed the guards with her and guided Erik forward. He left his guards at the door, showing his trust in Blue Lotus. They didn’t look pleased, but they obeyed.

  A little yelp came from Erik’s shoulder, his tamed beast complained to Erik. The little lizard looked cute as she played around.

  Lei Huo had noticed the shrunken tamed beast but she had been so surprised with the changes in Erik and his people that she didn’t pay attention to it. Now as she looked at it she felt her hairs start to stand up as all of her senses told her that this was no simple beast. She felt that she would need support and a team if she wanted to take it down.

  She pulled her senses back as they reached a grand door and nodded to the guards. They opened the door revealing a large office with windows that looked out over all of the Fourth Realm Blue Lotus headquarters.

  Elder Lu Ru moved over to them, he had been standing near the door. He had a hot look in his eyes as he stared at Erik.

  Erik let out an awkward laugh.

  “I am sorry that I took so long, I needed to get some help,” Erik said as he pulled out a pill bottle and passed it over to Elder Lu Ru.

  Lei Huo glanced at the pill.

  Expert level pill, low level. Being a person of the Blue Lotus she had gained an eye towards appraising.

  “Low Expert Concentrated level?” Elder Lu Ru said with a glance.

  “Your appraisal abilities are impressive,” Erik nodded, impressed. “Well, I hope that you have a good day.”

  He turned and started to leave.

  “Mister West,” Elder Lu said.

  Erik turned back around.

  “Do you not want anything?” Elder Lu asked.

  “I said that I would make you a pill, I made an oath a long time ago, if I can help someone then I will. I’m guessing the person is close to you and they need something to extend their lifespan. It is not my place to ask who or why. If I did wouldn’t you think that I was just trying to string you along and find a weakness?”

  “In my position, good intentions are rare.”

  “You have helped me and my people out. With this favor I hope that it helps you and the person who needs it and that there are no debts between us.”

  “I hear that healers from the academy heal anyone that comes to them for a low rate?” Elder Lu asked.

  “That is part of it, people that have the power to heal shouldn’t look at the coins they can make, but at the lives they can save. Same with alchemy.”

  Elder Lu fell silent.

  “Anyway, I hope you have a good day,” Erik smiled and continued on his way out.

  Elder Lu Ru put the pill away and performed a perfect bow.

  “Thank you for your hard work, Mister West.”

  Erik turned back and seeing Elder Lu like that he gave an awkward bow.

  “Thank you for giving Vuzgal the time it needed to stabilize and grow.”

  Elder Lu stood up, his emotions hard to read.

  “See you later.” Eri flashed a smile and departed.

  A man capable of getting a pill powerful enough to drive Elder Lu wild. Though not using it over his head as a bargaining chip. A fighter, a healer, an alchemist and a city lord. Lei Huo hadn’t paid a lot of attention to Vuzgal other than possible security issues for the branch there, now she felt that there were more secrets hidden in the new city.


  Lord Aditya was sitting at his new desk in King’s Hill Outpost, Pan Kun was sitting down opposite.

  Outside the window, the first sector of King’s Hill Outpost was nearing completion and the area where the second wall would stand was being prepared.

  If one looked around King’s Hill Outpost then they could see five new roads, leading to different outposts. There was some limited traffic on them, traders testing them out and taking a look at King’s Hill Outpost.

  There were several other cleared paths where laborers had cleared the land for the road making crafters and mages. Five other outpost paths were cleared, just waiting for the road.

  In less than a week, all of the outposts should be connected to King’s Hill. With all of them working together and the labor of the ex guards, they had been able to push ahead quickly.

  “From the people who have joined up, and from the guards of the different outposts we have added two thousand three hundred and forty members to the King’s Hill Army. With our own army, that is three thousand one hundred and twelve,” Pan Kun said.

  “And training will take another four weeks.”

  “That is correct, I want to train them according to what we learned from our benefactors,” Pan Kun said.

  “Very well, that should bring everyone closer. Make sure that they’re all spread out so that no one group can ta
ke control. How is the situation with the newly acquired outposts?”

  “They are taking a ‘wait and see’ approach, it appears. The guards are on strict orders to not inflate problems.

  “It seems that a lot of people have a good impression of Vermire and you, my lord. A lot of nice rumors have appeared about you which makes it easier for people to follow you.” Pan Kun said.

  “As long as they don’t raise an issue then we should be fine. We need to watch out for the kingdoms and nations around us looking to influence the new outposts. They’re unstable and the easiest to affect,” Aditya said.

  There was a knock at the door.

  Aditya frowned but didn’t say anything.

  “Is there anything else?”

  “We have had an increased amount of beasts attacking the road, fighting over it like territory. We have patrols moving up and down it but we’ve taken to advising the merchants to hire guards to make sure that they have a safe trip.”

  “Okay,” Aditya said.

  They stood up and Aditya walked him to the door.

  “It’s a lot of work right now, but it should pay off soon,” he said.

  “I’m yours to command,” Pan Kun said.

  “Thanks,” Aditya smiled and patted the big man on the shoulder. He opened the door to find Evernight standing there with four people around her. Each of them had a strong aura around them.

  Pan Kun nodded to Evernight and left.

  “Come in,” Aditya said, looking at the different people with Evernight that entered his office as he went to sit down at his desk.

  The two women and two men sat down in the chairs in front of his desk.

  Evernight closed the door behind the different people. All of them had fine robes and wore weapons as if it were a secondary thought, two of them wore armor but it was finely made.

  It looks well enough made to be Journeyman level armor, to have that much journeyman level gear. He was about to laugh at his own thoughts. Evernight brought them, could they be associated with her?

  “Lord Aditya, these are some of my friends. They’ve come pretty far to come and check out King’s Hill Outpost and they’re here to discuss the future of trading in the area,” Evernight said with a cat-like smile as Aditya leaned forward more.

  All of them smiled at his reaction.

  “I guess it could be said that you’re half a citizen,” One of the men wearing armor said with a smile.

  “We’ll go easier on you,” the woman not wearing armor said.

  “Yao Li,” Evernight said.

  The man not wearing armor coughed a bit and smiled.

  “We would like to hear your plans for King’s Hill Outpost and see how we can help.”

  “Well, first get us connected to everyone, then sell rare items here, draw more people over, then keep going,” Aditya said.

  “Simple is easier,” Yao Li said. “What have you thought about transportation, warehousing, the goods that you are looking to sell? Will you have bartering, can people sell to the auction, what will the rent be? What advantages will people get selling here as compared to other places?” Yao Li asked.

  Aditya flexed a different muscle as he and the four traders started to discuss the future of King’s Hill Outpost.

  “Without influence in the Realms we can draw more attention to the outpost, but we need to do so once we have everything set up,” Yao Li surmised.

  “With your idea to offer a service to take people to and from the outposts, it should increase the amount of foot traffic and then the traders will be paying us to protect them and getting a safe trip in return. That way people who aren’t traders can reach the outpost to sell their goods or make a purchase. I like the different renting opportunities. With us controlling the warehouses, we can keep them operating all the time and take a small fee. With allowing people to buy large shops with a maintenance fee, it then allows us to take it back if they aren’t selling anything. The stalls will allow people to rent for a few days or a week without trouble while the bartering area means people pay a smaller fee but don’t have to sit at a stall hoping for someone to trade them what they need. Are you sure that we can really have an auction to bring in people from across the First Realm?”

  “You underestimate the strength of our fellow traders, trust me, the power that is backing us both is much more widespread than you could guess,” Yao Li said, the others sharing a knowing smile.

  “Thank you for your help on this matter,” Aditya said.

  “You stabilized the area and made the opportunity. I’m interested to see how far it will go. I wonder if we can make the most popular nation in the First Realm,” The woman wearing armor said.

  “If we can make the outpost a central trade hub, then we can stop the surrounding nations from talking and thinking about attacking.”

  “If we have more goods doesn’t it make us a bigger target?”

  “If they start targeting you for the traders, then traders will stop heading to their lands, fearing that they might have their goods stolen by the leaders there. With more people trading here and you leaving the door open for those nations, then attacking and taking over will get them the location but how will they be able to trade as well as a neutral party?” Yao Li said.

  “That isn’t saying you should just rely on trade, even traders need guards,” Evernight warned.

  Chapter: A Medic and a Marine enter the Sixth Realm

  Rugrat checked his storage ring again and then checked his gear; he was wearing his armor, his carrier was beaten up but he had changed the plates inside, increasing the damage that it could take. He pulled out his rifle, checked the action a few times before he put a loaded magazine in it and pulled the action back, letting it slide all the way forward and loaded the underbarrel grenade launcher.

  It was one of the first FAL rifles that had two sockets, unlike most that only had one, allowing Rugrat more options.

  He moved onto his grenade launcher, checked his mana recovery potions, grenades and checked the medkit attached to his carrier.

  He looked over to Erik who pulled on his ass-kicker gloves, opening and closing his hand.

  “Almost called those the ass-grabbers,” Rugrat spat out seed shells into a cup, shifting his shoulders against his carrier’s shoulder straps.

  “And that is why I am just taking issued gear from now on,” Erik muttered.

  Rugrat grinned as he checked his weapon’s action and inspected the chamber.

  “Ready for this?” Erik asked, repeating what Rugrat had done and checked his weapons.

  “Locked, loaded and ready to rock,” Rugrat gave Erik the devil horns, as he stuck out his tongue.

  Yao Meng entered the armory.

  “Boss, boss?” He said looking at them both.

  “Boss boss, that sounds weird,” Rugrat said.

  “You want me to say milord Rugrateth the first of his name, the mariniest of them all instead?”

  “I’ll take that boss one instead,” Rugrat said.

  They all laughed checking their weapons as Yao Meng pulled on his vest.

  The others filed into the room. They started to get their gear on, grabbing ammunition from the storage crates in the room.

  “You sure you don’t need more backup?” Niemm asked from the armory’s door.

  “If we take too many of our people then others are going to have more questions.”

  “When the training is done than the two special teams will become foursoon.” Rugrat said. That slowed the preparations for a half second. These people were like family with one another but they’d be split apart, creating two special teams. The new people would be filling in the empty spots, that way they could have the veterans teaching the newer members the ropes.

  They all knew it was coming, it just wasn’t something they were looking forward to.

  “Just be safe, you know,” Niemm said.

  “We’re fighters Niemm, we’ll do our best but there are risks,” Erik said.

p; “Yeah I know,” Niemm said, they were two sides of the same coin but Erik and Rugrat had been kept caged up. They needed to be out there in the world, alive; staying back and resting for too long made them restless.

  They said their goodbyes to the rest of the special team as all of them had come out to see them off.

  Rugrat checked the team, Storbon was leading, with Yao Meng as his second-in-command. Tian Cui, Yuli and Lucinda were with them. All of them moved through the underground, coming out in a Sky Reaching Restaurant. They met with an agent that was organized by Elan who connected them with a guide.

  The guide didn’t talk much, taking the fee and then walking with them to the totem.

  Rugrat moved his shoulders, anticipating the new scenery, George stretched on his shoulder, ready to jump off and return to his regular size in a moment.

  All of them were alert and ready, the tang of adrenaline making them feel alive again.

  They disappeared in a flash of light and a new city surrounded them, instead of being early morning, it was late afternoon.

  “Ah, a time change,” Yao Meng said.

  “Like you sleep anymore,” Tian Cui said as Storbon paid the totem guide who quickly left their group, walking up to the city gates to get his next client.

  Everything looked old, nothing in the Fourth Realm that was still standing looked this old. Most of the older places had been used to build newer strongholds and cities. Vuzgal was old but its stones were from several other cities and it was a ruin when Rugrat and Erik had stepped into it the first time.

  “Five Earth grade mana stones per person,” the guard said.

  Erik paid the fee for everyone.

  “Welcome to Acal,” The guard said and they walked past, entering the city.

  Once outside of the defensive works around the totem, the city opened up for them. It sprawled over several square kilometers. Rugrat could see multiple totems in operation. There were massive towers with different crafter, guild and sect emblems on them.

  “Those must be the different academies,” Rugrat said looking at them.

  “A city of academies,” Yuli said.

  “And an underground of Dungeons,” Erik said.


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