Sixth Realm

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Sixth Realm Page 95

by Michael Chatfield

  "It is rare to find a bard to fight, this is a fight over mana pool and regeneration."

  "He's unaffiliated, I'll see if we can recruit him," Blaze said.

  "You are worse than the Marine Corps recruiters."

  "The deal isn't as shit and he's not forcing them to sign," Erik countered.

  "What is your hatred towards recruiters, didn't you enjoy your time in the Marines?" Chonglu asked.

  "Yes, but recruiters are..., recruiters. It's hard to explain. They're sneaky shits who somehow get you into the Marines and then, when you're in, you find out that they screwed you over."

  "You did the thirty day temporary recruiting duty, didn't you?" Erik asked.

  Rugrat ignoring the comment, just muttered darkly about recruiters and TAD as he chewed his seeds into oblivion and watched the match.

  Stephan was wearing down the bard. With his attacks messing up the bard's spell casting, the bard was looking pale as he had to use more mana to compensate.

  The Bard jumped backwards and pulled out a guitar letting out a couple of fast rifts, electricity appeared around him and shot out like snakes, Stephan frowned and was forced to defend with his sword.

  "Oh arrow, my arrow, fly for mee~!" The bard sang out as he played his guitar, arrows from his quiver jumped up and shot out towards Stephan. His playing became sharper and the notes closer together, like the rising tides of war.

  Arrows shot out from behind the bard.

  Stephan showed a grin as the glow around his body increased as he applied more buffs, he used one hand on his sword, the other created spells.

  Stone from the ground turned into darts, air turned to blades, mana barriers were his shields and his stepping stones as he was forced on the defensive, unable to close with the bard.

  "For my blood and my warrior spirit! Change for me!" The Bard left on a high note, the arrows turned into javelins.

  "With my power, with my words, enliven the elements, and bring down your righteous wrath!"

  One's heart couldn't help but speed up, all eyes were on the soul stirring musician and battle.

  Stephan let out a yell as tentacles of elements appeared around him and his attacks sped up again. In a semi-sphere in front of him, his sword was flashing out, nothing passed his defenses as the ground around him was torn apart.

  The arrows turned javelins showed elemental properties, lightning, ice, twisting wooden vines, metal and stone spears rained down, in so many numbers and at such speed it was hard to follow.

  "My heart goes to the forest and protects me from my worries!"

  The ground underneath Stephan cracked as a tree seemed to grow up around him.

  A frost stretched out from Stephan, freezing the very air. Stephan cracked the tree trying to bind him with a simple movement. He reached out to his side, lightning extended from his hand into a whip. He snapped it out, lightning draining from his hand down the length of the whip letting out a snapping noise. The lightning gathered at the tip into an orb and exploded outwards, tearing through the javelins and arrows, raining down on the ground. The bard was forced to retreat.

  The stone he stepped on was as soft as water. He let out a yell, it was strengthened, and the counterforce against the ground sent him backwards out of the spell’s range.

  A ball of power appeared next to the bard and exploded in light. The Bard had a mana barrier up but he his eyes were wide open.

  Stephan waved his sword in a circle, stirring up the wind, gathering the frost, water was injected into the air, creating snow. The lighting field was gathered into the spinning vortex of snow.

  Stephan stood there, a god of the elements, watching the bard as he was blinking rapidly to recover his vision.

  "Do you wish to continue?" Stephan asked casually spinning his sword, controlling the Lightning-frost vortex.

  The Bard regained his vision, his clothes were ruffled and his hair was in disarray.

  Seeing the storm waiting for him, the bard lowered his guitar.

  "I admit defeat," The Bard said bitterly.

  Stephan waved his sword and threads of energy returned to his body as the spell fell apart.

  "Spell reversal?" Rugrat sat forward.

  "Huh?" Erik asked.

  "When you cast a spell, you pretty much accept that you are losing that power. People believe that if you are holding onto a spell, you can reverse it, draw the power back into your body so you don't lose it and don't have to regenerate it. Most of the people that have tried to do it have been met with disaster. The power turns on them, hurting them instead. Stephan was able to cancel the spell and draw the power back into himself without any wounds."

  "This is only the first stage of spell reversal, Stephan has been working with two new techniques called spell alteration and spell combination. When he combined the lightning field and the frost spell effect together that was him utilizing spell combination. The three techniques if combined will allow someone massive flexibility on the battlefield. He could be halfway through casting one spell, something changes and instead of dismissing the spell and wasting the power he can change it into a new spell through combination, and alteration or, he can take that power back in and recast it in a new way." Blaze added.

  "I always thought that spells once cast had to be used, I didn't think that they could be changed this way," Erik said.

  The referee announced Stephan as the winner and the two fighters walked down off of their stage. While it had been an eye catching fight, there were plenty of other soul-stirring fights happening across the battle arenas.


  "Looks like Junior Kaya is going up," Low Elder Kostic said to Grand elder Cai Bo.

  "Yes," She said distractedly, turning her head from Stephan and the bard's fight. Her eyes reached out towards the Vuzgal City Lords who were talking to the Adventurer's Guild leader. As the fight finished they got up and walked around to talk to others.

  An aide walked up to Low Elder Kostic as Cai Bo's eyes turned to Junior Kaya.

  Her opponent was a tall man that stood as straight as the fine spear in his hands.

  Kaya walked to the middle of the stage and the referee talked to her as she moved the shield on her left arm her right hand hooked on the hilt of her sword.

  "Are you sure?" Low Elder Kostic asked in a grave voice.

  What has him so aggravated.

  The aide continued to talk in Kostic's ear.

  He had a dark expression as he dismissed the aide with a wave and turned to Cai Bo.

  "In the Third Realm, nearly a year and a half ago, a group of Willful Institute disciples ambushed a group of mercenaries, they had some valuable items on them. They nearly killed all of the mercenaries, but a few escaped back to their guild. The Guild sent messages to the Willful Institute branch where the disciples came from. looking for the attackers to be disciplined.

  “The Elders dismissed the group. They were just a minor power and the group who had killed the mercenaries had already, used the resources they stole and were strong enough to go to the Fourth Realm. The Elders dismissed the words of the guild. Over time, the Adventurer’s Guild harassed our branch through various ways, taking missions from the branch. It came to a head and the branch challenged the guild directly to showcase their strength and weaken their enemy by taking their resources."

  "The incident in the Third Realm that the Grey Peak Sect took advantage of?"

  "Yes High Elder, the same guild that has reportedly allied with the Grey Peak Sect branch. That Guild is called the Adventurer's Guild, a simple and widely used name."

  Cai Bo's eyes moved to Kostic.

  "Are you saying?"

  Kostic nodded gravely. "That simple guild, is the Adventurer's Guild that calls Vuzgal its headquarters."

  Cai Bo felt a chill as she thought of the fight between Stephan and the bard, the other qualifier matches she had seen with the Adventurer's Guild. Her eyes moved to the highest box, looking the Adventurer's Guild leader, talking with several other fight
ing guild leaders, Chonglu, the leader of the Battle Arena and powerful trading leaders.

  "How could they miss something so important?" Cai Bo hissed.

  Her eyes fell on Kaya but her mind was working overtime.

  Kaya and her opponent reached their corners and the referee waved her hand, starting the match.

  The two fighters charged out, their bodies started to glow as they gathered the surrounding mana, using combat techniques right away. The spear-user thrust out, his spear turned into a slippery eel, lashing out. It moved so quickly it seemed to create several copies layered over one another.

  Kaya's shield was an iron wall, deflecting and shifting the spear attacks away. Her eyes were shining as she looked for her opening.

  The two figures were hard to watch from the sparks made by each impact, wind blew over the ground as the spear wielder’s attacks left lines on the ground even as they connected in the air.

  Having a powerful enemy in the Fourth Realm, with access to Vuzgal. It remains to be seen if they want to go all out against the Willful Institute or if we can reach an agreement.

  "Find out just how strong this Adventurer's Guild is. That will determine our actions."

  "Yes, Elder Cai Bo."

  Kaya moved to the side, with a yell, in a flash, igniting the power of her mana enhanced muscles.

  The Spear-user's feet moved in a complicated manner, shifting to his new target. Kaya charged as he was shifting, using brute force she rammed her shield into the man's spear. He grimaced as the force transmitted through his spear started to throw off his attacks, changing the momentum and pace of the fight. He was on the back foot.

  Kaya's shield appeared to grow to twice the size and lightning covered it. It sounded like a bell from the underworld as it was struck by the spear.

  Lightning danced down the spear shaft, stunning the spear wielder for a half second. Kaya dodged to the side and back in, her shield seemed to grow heavy as she slammed it into his spear, slamming it into the ground. She jabbed forward with her sword over the spear, aiming at the man's neck.

  There was a flash in front of her sword, diverting it to the side.

  The referee was right there, as a mana barrier spell separated them both.

  Kaya was announced the winner. She showed an arrogant sneer and walked off the stage, not sparing the spear wielder a second glance.

  Cai Bo didn't feel a sense of victory. It feels suddenly like I know nothing about what is happening around me. There are too many shadows and mysteries.

  "The forces at Meokar are heading out tonight to attack the Grey Peak Sect in order to warn the other surrounding sects." Kostic said. "Should we say anything?"

  "Will it help? We must learn more and see if there is anything we can do? While they are a small power in Vuzgal, it remains to be seen how powerful they are in the lower realms. If we can make it clear they will lose more than they will gain, then they might back off with less effort on our side."

  Kostic bowed his head to her wisdom but Cai Bo couldn't help but have a bad feeling.

  Chapter: Cooperation? Aren't we cooperating already?

  Grand Elder Mendes' fine robes had been replaced with armor as he watched the Willful Institute's disciples marching past in their classes and on their mounts.

  On the fringes guards and the disciplinary elders watched for scouts and sentries.

  We're nearly at the Grey Peak Sect's territory, once we enter, with their dense alarm formations, we won't be able to hide our presence anymore.

  "Elder Mendes," A voice came from behind.

  "Elder Xiao."

  Mendes' guards moved to the side as Xiao and his guards approached.

  "Once we enter the Grey Peak's Sect territory it will take us several hours to attack their main city," Mendes said.

  "You are wondering if in that time they will get stronger reinforcements from the higher realms?"

  Mendes nodded.

  "We have only leaked that we have sent reinforcements over. It makes sense after the attack. They wouldn't imagine that we would attack them first. Even if they did, their higher ranks will think that this is something for the lower realms to deal with. It is a small matter. If it was not for the recent issues we have run into, we wouldn't be here. As we march on them, it will give them time to think about their actions. If they are willing to sign a nonaggression contract and give us back our resources with interest, then we can end this all. If they don't," Xiao's eyes turned deep and cold as he seemed to look through the dark forest, right at the Grey Peak Sect's city.

  The silence stretched before Elder Xiao patted Elder Mendes on the shoulder.

  "They can only call on a few allies in the surrounding area. They have their own interests as well. If we can show our power here, then those other powers will retreat as well. No one wants to fight a tiger, but they will pick over the corpse of a weak deer."


  Heidi Storgaard didn't need much sleep with her advanced levels. She had been tempering her body in the heart of her Grey Peak Sect Branch when she was interrupted.

  "So the Willful Institute dares to cross our borders. They are bolder than I thought," She said as she entered the war-room.

  Konal Gudriksson snapped to attention, he was a large man with a braided beard and only an armored vest, revealing his large arms. He looked as solid as the war bears that he rode on.

  "They have come in force, they must have had more reinforcements than we thought originally. They are making good time, but they aren't hiding their presence, it is a clear provocation."

  "Well we'll just have to answer them, send out word to our allies asking them to reinforce us, we will break the Willful Institute's attack and then chase them back to Meokar."


  Lieutenant Colonel Zukal entered the room of four people.

  "They will reach the Grey Peak Sect in a few hours," Mister Yi said to a tired looking Jasper and the fierce Zukal.

  Jasper took a breath and pulled out a small stamina potion, he took a swig and wiped his face with the back of his hand.

  "They're really going to kick things off. This isn't some kind of ploy?" Zukal asked.

  "They are hoping that with this they can warn the Grey Peak and other surrounding sects, that they are not to be messed with. If the Grey Peak has the numbers and the power on their side, they now have a clear provocation. We can tilt things in favor of pushing back the Institute."

  Energy started to fill Jasper's body he half turned his head towards his aide.

  "Send word to the Guild, those that wish to participate in the battle should get ready."

  The aide bowed her head and quickly left the room.

  "Well, lets see what happens. How are things on your side Lieutenant Colonel?"

  "All of the Adventurer's Guild members have trained for large guild operations. We've integrated smoothly, no issues on our side. We'll be ready."

  "Good, then I'll leave command in your capable hands," Jasper patted him on the shoulder.

  There was a knock at the door.

  "Come in," Jasper said.

  The door opened, Niemm walked in and closed the door behind him. He passed Jasper a scroll with a seal on it.

  "We checked it, no traps, from the Grey Peak Sect."

  Jasper opened the scroll.

  "The Grey Peak Sect are officially requesting our support." He passed the scroll to Mister Yi.

  "I have received word from my five special team operatives. With the help of Mister Yi's operatives they were able to gain access to the city. Once we lead the attack on the city, then they will be able to act. The whole place is locked down right now and there is little that they can do. Communication is hard so they will be waiting for your signals."

  "It used to be that battles were just people fighting one another," Jasper said.

  "This is still a battle. We're just stacking the odds in our favor," Zukal said.


  "What is the meaning of this?" Branch Leader St
orgaard hissed as she looked through a formation screen. Groups of fighters walked out of the totem.

  "Seems like token forces. Now that the Willful Institute has started to move, the other sects want to see what will happen and are holding back their strength." Gudriksson said.

  "They want us to weaken one another and take the benefits afterwards," Storgaard gritted her teeth together in anger.

  "The Institute is strong and brutal, crossing them is not something to do lightly. I don't agree with the other sect's actions but I can understand it. At least they sent some people. The smaller forces that came to your meeting haven't even showed their faces. That Adventurer's Guild that has a feud with them only said that they would send some support. But it has been a couple of hours already."

  Storgaard hit her fist on the bannister, displacing snow as the totem lit up.

  Through the formation screen she could hear the sound of feet moving before the light dimmed. As it did fifty people were revealed, marching away from the totem, in the fore they held a flag that snapped against the cold bitter wind.

  They stood in ranks, their gear was all different but they wore heavy armors, large weapons and shields. Each wore an Adventurer's Guild emblem on their chest. They were spread out because they didn't know how to march well but they all listened to the commands of a woman in the lead.

  "Seems that I was wrong about the Adventurers' Guild. It looks like they were able to scrape together some fighters." Gudriksson snorted as the totem lit up again.

  Another force, as big as the first marched out. This had fighters with bows.

  Storgaard frowned as they were wearing the same emblems as the force before. Already the number of people that the Guild had sent was more than some of the major sects that she had talked to.

  Another group walked out, the fourth group had Jasper among their ranks, he was wearing light armor and sported a spear.


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