From the Grave

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From the Grave Page 6

by Karina Espinosa

  “Have you finished gawking?” She pulled her shirt down. “It's rude.”

  “My bad,” I mumbled. “What’s your name?”

  She thought about it for a moment, biting her lip in contemplation as she looked around the room. “Natasha.”

  I nodded. “I’d say it’s good to meet you, but under the circumstances,” I waved a hand around us, “not so much. Now, tell me why you think one of the Brooklyn Pack has bitten you.”

  She grimaced. “I don’t have to explain myself to you.”

  “Actually, you do. If you want to make it out of here to see the next full moon, you’d better answer all my questions. Sit.” I pointed to the edge of the bed.

  She huffed before doing as told. I stood between her and the door. There was no way she was leaving. Bash wanted to interrogate her, fine, but I’d do it—my way.

  “This will be the last time I repeat myself, Natasha. Why do you believe one of the pack bit you?” I stood before her, arms crossed over my chest.

  Her brown eyes narrowed immensely, and she sucked a breath through her teeth. “I was told.”

  “By whom.”

  “I can’t tell you.”



  “Because why?”

  “Because I can’t.”

  I sighed. “Stop playing games, Natasha! Who are you protecting?” I growled, leaning over her as I extended my canines ever so slowly.

  She gulped. “His name is Enzo. He told me and a group of others who were bitten that it was Duke Davenport and Sebastian Steel who did it. And we didn’t stand a chance because they were Alphas playing with mere humans.”

  Heat radiated off my body in waves as anger consumed me. Who would lie about Bash?

  “Is this Enzo human too?” I began to pace to calm myself down. If I didn’t, I was sure to lash out on the wrong person.

  “No, he’s a werewolf. Enzo said he would help us kill those who tried to turn us to stop the curse from happening before the next full moon.” Natasha’s voice trembled. “Do you see why we must kill them? This is a curse! If I can stop it from happening to me, I’ll do whatever it takes.” Natasha gripped the bed sheets so tightly, I thought she’d rip them apart. Her eyes glossed over with unshed tears as her bottom lip quivered.

  Whoever this Enzo was had really sold her on this horseshit story. Except I wasn’t sure if the story was bullshit or not. I still wasn’t an expert on all the lore. For all I knew, this could be true, a way out for those bitten. Except in her case …

  “It won’t work, Natasha.” I sighed. She tried to interrupt me, but I stopped her. “It won’t work because you’re killing the wrong person. Unless you’re from Nashville or were recently there, Duke couldn’t have bitten you. And I know for a fact Sebastian didn’t, so this Enzo guy is pulling a fast one on you.”

  “And I’m just supposed to take your word for it? How do I know you're not pulling a fast one on me?” she countered.

  That was true. I wasn’t giving her any actual facts except promises, and from a stranger such as myself, they meant nothing. Unfortunately, I couldn’t give her anything. I just knew in my gut that Bash would never do anything like this.

  “What proof did Enzo give you?” For someone so adamant on having evidence, he must have had some serious backing to prove this BS story.

  “I’m done talking.”

  I laughed. “You’re done talking? You’re done when I say you’re done!” I raised my hand to strike her, but I refrained from hitting her. Bash would have stopped me. I needed to find a better way. I needed the pack to wake up.


  “Who else is in the warehouse with you?” I asked. “Besides your partner who went to Sebastian’s room.”

  She shook her head. “Just him.”

  “Are you lying?” I growled.


  I paced as a million thoughts raced through my mind. I couldn’t keep watch over this girl for twenty-four hours until the wolfsbane started to wear off on the pack, and even then, they still wouldn’t be at a hundred percent. I also hadn’t thought about who this Enzo guy was. He could be waiting on her and her companion. If they didn’t make it back, he could send others. I’m good, but I’m no Wonder Woman. I needed to be strategic, I needed a plan.

  I pulled out my cell phone and sent a text message to the one person I knew could help me out.

  Twenty minutes felt like an eternity as I waited for my backup, but it would be worth it—I hoped. When I heard the doors of the warehouse open, I hauled Natasha up by the neck and dragged her out of the room and to the main floor. I dug my claws into her skin, making sure she didn’t make any sudden moves, or I’d strike.

  Bobby Wu entered the warehouse wearing cargo shorts and a long tank top, multiple-colored beads hanging around his neck, and flip flops on his feet. With a fanny pack around his waist, he stood in front of the entryway with the brightest smile on his face.

  “Princess! Long time no see,” he said. “Man, it’s really quiet in here.” He looked around the warehouse as he walked in farther.

  “Bobby,” I nodded at the shady warlock of Chinatown, “I need your help.” I pushed Natasha forward, still gripping her tightly.

  “Hey!” he pointed at her, “I know you.”

  I rolled my eyes. “For fuck's sake, Bobby, please don’t tell me you sold her wolfsbane.”

  He shrugged. “Business is business.”

  “She put down the whole Brooklyn Pack!”

  “How was I supposed to know?!” he said defensively.

  “Bobby, she bought enough to sedate the whole East Coast. That should have been a red flag! I swear—”

  “Princess, do you want my help or not? I’ll even give you a discount.”

  I sighed. “Of course. It’s still infuriating though.”

  Bobby smiled. “I know, Princess, but I can’t help it if they come to me for my services.”

  “You’re so damn shady.”

  “That’s why.” He winked. “Now, what are we going to do with her?” He crossed his arms over his chest and tapped a finger over his lips.

  Bobby waved a dismissing hand Natasha’s way and she flew out of my grip and slammed into the wall. Purple lightning shot out of Bobby’s fingertips and outlined her body, sealing her to the surface. She couldn’t move.

  “What the heck did you just do?” I asked, my mouth agape.

  “I stuck her to the wall.” He shrugged as if it were no big deal. “Call it a freebie. Now, we have some work to do.” He tapped at his fanny pack. “I have some, not enough, but some elixirs to wake up the pack from the wolfsbane. It takes away the paralytic effects. Shall we begin?”

  I nodded enthusiastically. And this was why I contacted Bobby Wu, the shadiest warlock I knew. He knew how to do the impossible—like curing vampirism. I’d never forgotten that. So yeah, if I had to turn a blind eye here and there, I would. Although, the warlock knew not to test my patience.

  I gave Bobby a list of the captains and their rooms, as well as Duke’s. Once they were awake, they could decide who else would get the elixir. The only person I wanted to care for at the moment was Bash. I made it to his room and went into a half-shift. Ramming my shoulder into the door, I burst into the locked room, shattering the door. Everything was as I’d left it, including the dead human I now knew was bitten and had been in transition to turn at the next full moon.

  Elixir in hand, I went to Bash’s side and didn’t waste any time. Uncapping the thin, clear vile, I opened his mouth and poured the blue liquid in, shutting his lips and forcing him to swallow by tipping his head back. It only took a few minutes, but they were the longest minutes I’d ever experienced as I waited for Bash to regain feeling once again.

  “Wa-Water,” he croaked.

  I grabbed the water bottle he kept on his nightstand and helped him drink.

  “Slowly,” I said, but he took hearty gulps until the bottle was empty. “Everything is okay for now,” I tr
ied to reassure him, but his eyes told me otherwise. His pride was bruised.

  “How’d they get in?”

  “I don’t know, Bash. I wasn’t here when they did.”

  He frowned. “I guess that was a blessing. What about the pack?” Panic filled his eyes, and he quickly tried to sit up, but I stopped him.

  “Everyone is okay. They were sedated as well. Bobby doesn’t have enough elixir for everyone, but we’re trying to disperse it as evenly as possible.”

  He nodded. “Duke?”

  “He got wolfsbaned like the rest, but that’s it. He’s safe.”

  Bash let out a deep sigh of relief before pulling me into a hug. It took me off guard, and I stiffened for a moment before hugging him in return.

  “Thank you, Mackenzie. I’m glad you’re safe.”

  I slumped into him. “I’m glad you’re not pissed.”

  He chuckled. “Oh, I’m pissed, but we’ll argue later.”

  “Sounds good.” I laughed and hugged him even tighter.

  The Alphas and captains congregated on the main floor while Bobby tried to make more of the elixir. Some of the Lunas had been awakened with other male wolves and were tending to those still under paralysis. It was good to see everyone putting in an effort, not just the Lunas.

  Natasha was still sealed to the wall and wouldn’t be released anytime soon.

  The cafeteria-style tables littered the main floor, and we huddled around them, discussing what I’d learned about Enzo.

  “It's not true?” I turned to Duke and Bash. “Humans who’ve been bitten can’t kill their maker to reverse the curse before their first full moon, right?”

  “Of course, it’s not true. That’s ridiculous,” Duke said.

  “Whoever this Enzo is,” Bash said, “he wants us dead enough that he’ll bite humans and make up this story to get them to hunt us down. That’s dangerous.”

  “You think he bit them?” Jackson asked as he sat beside me.

  “Makes sense.” I shrugged. “He knows way too much not to have bitten them himself.”

  “He’s also playing on their fears,” Mohammad added. “These humans are innocent.”

  Jackson reached for me, but I pulled away. I felt sick. All those humans I’d killed. I shook my head. I couldn’t think that way. I would drive myself insane.

  “The pack wants bloodshed, boss,” Thomas said. “They want revenge.”

  “And they shall have it,” Bash glared, “in due time.”

  “Does anyone know who this Enzo guy is?” I looked around the group, steering the conversation in another direction. Everyone responded “no” in unison. “This doesn’t make sense. Could he have a connection with Killian, or could he be Killian?”

  “I told you it’s not him,” Duke argued sternly.

  “Anything is a possibility at this point,” Bernard replied. “Now, we need to be vigilant. They infiltrated our home with ease. Humans, at that. We need to do better.”

  “You’re right,” Bash said. “From now on, the warehouse entrances will be guarded round the clock. I want two wolves at each door working two-hour shifts.”

  “Boss, we don’t have the manpower for that—” Thomas interjected.

  “We have Lunas,” Bash offered. “We have more than enough pack members.”

  “Wyatt and Beau will also take a shift,” Duke added, volunteering his captains.

  Bash nodded. “Everyone will pull their weight. No exceptions.”


  “Are we going to argue now?” I asked as we walked into Bash’s bedroom. We needed to get some rest before our guard shift at two in the morning.

  “I’m too exhausted to fight,” he said as he tossed himself on his bed in only his boxer briefs.

  “Phew, that’s good.” I stripped to only my undergarments and laid beside him. Before I knew it, he grabbed me and flipped me on top of him. He wrapped his arms tightly around my waist, and I could feel him harden beneath me.


  “I said I’m too tired to fight, not play.” He gave me a rare smirk, and I almost melted on top of him. I straddled my legs on either side of him, and with my palms on his bare chest, I moved forward to place my lips on his. They danced with mine with ease, and a growl rumbled from deep within him. The sound made me tremble in his arms, and he moved to grip my ass. A small moan escaped my lips between kisses as I rotated my hips on top of him, and he only held me tighter.


  I stiffened at the whisper of my name.

  “Don’t stop,” Bash murmured as he began to pull off my underwear.

  “Uh …”

  “Mackenzie!” the voice whispered again, and I smashed my eyes shut. “It’s an emergency.”

  Hesitating, I looked behind me to find Jonah standing at the foot of the bed. He was covering his eyes, but I caught him taking a peek.

  “Don’t look!” I yelled.

  “Huh?” Bash furrowed his brows.

  My gaze whipped back to the living, breathing man who probably thought I was going insane. “Sorry, sorry! I uh … got shy for a second. You know me, I can be bashful.”

  “No, you’re not,” Bash countered. “How many times have we joined the mile-high club already?”

  “Bash!” I slapped his chest.

  “Mile-high club?” Jonah smirked.

  I climbed off Bash, feeling flushed all of a sudden. There were too many people in the room.

  “Cover yourself!” I yelled at Bash and threw the blanket at him to hide the very obvious boner he had.

  “Mackenzie, what the hell is going on?!” Bash covered up and peered around the room uneasily.

  “Kenz, there’s an emergency at home,” Jonah interjected.

  Too many damn voices. I was starting to get a migraine.

  “I need to use the bathroom,” I muttered. I put my clothes back on and went to leave the room when Bash cleared his throat and pointed to his bathroom.

  “I have an en-suite.”

  I shrugged. “I want to use the public bathroom. Sue me.” I left without another word. Jonah followed, and I didn’t stop walking until I was out of the basement and in the somewhat-empty main floor. Unfortunately, Natasha was still sealed to the wall, thanks to Bobby Wu.

  “What happened at home?” I whispered to Jonah, my back to Natasha.

  “A man broke into the apartment. I didn’t recognize him, but I know he was a wolf. He half-shifted.”

  “Did he steal anything? What did he take?” I rambled. I couldn’t imagine anyone wanting to break into my place. There was nothing of value there.

  “He took a picture of you and Amy. That’s it.”

  “Son of a bitch.” I knew in my gut it had to be Enzo. It was too odd that my place got ransacked after what happened at the warehouse.

  I filled Jonah in on what happened, and he agreed it was too much of a coincidence.

  “He might have been at Central Park,” Jonah suggested. “If it were me, I’d want to make sure the job was done. He could have been looking from afar to make sure the humans actually killed Bash and Duke. He could have gotten a good look at you. It is odd to see a Luna out in the field.”

  “I wasn’t the only female wolf out there that night.” My stomach dropped as I thought about Sterling.

  “But she’s safely tucked away in the warehouse. He could have tracked her down and switched over to you. You also made a scene at the park that night. It was obvious Bash meant something to you.”


  “Kenzie, he knows where you live, he has your scent. You must be careful. Tell Bash.”

  “Tell him what? That our mutual ghost friend is feeding me this information? No thanks. I can’t tell Bash any of this shit. I’ll handle it on my own.”

  I spun around and walked toward Natasha, who was eyeing me carefully. The chick probably thought I was nuts. Good.

  “Kenz … what are you doing?” Jonah inquired.

  “Tell me about Enzo, Natasha. Wha
t does he know about me?”

  Her eyes narrowed. “I don’t even know who you are. What would he know?”

  I extended my claws and jabbed my pointer finger at her neck, not penetrating the skin. “That better be the truth Natasha, or I’ll slit your throat and no one will know.”

  “Where did you go?” Bash asked when I returned to his bedroom. It was time for our guard duty at the front entrance of the warehouse.

  “I told you I had to use the restroom.”

  He eyed me carefully before nodding and getting dressed.

  “I love you, Mackenzie. You know that, right?” He narrowed his eyes as if wondering whether I did or not.

  My shoulders sagged, and I melted into a pool of regret and defeat. Sebastian walked toward me and planted a soft, drawn-out kiss on my forehead, holding me in place by the forearms.

  “I love you too, Bash,” I whispered. He gripped my hands, giving them a squeeze before he let me go. It was almost my undoing. There was a barrier between us, and he could feel it.

  He didn’t say much for the next two hours, and I preferred it that way. I needed a clear head to think and strategize. Not only did Enzo have my scent, he had a picture of Amy. Although she could handle herself, I worried. Amy was still tinkering with the idea of taking the cure for vampirism. If she suddenly decided to take it, she would really be vulnerable. This whole ordeal was giving me severe anxiety. I needed to get to my apartment and catch a whiff of this guy’s scent so I, too, could get ahead of the game. If I hunted him first, maybe I could find out who the hell he was and why he was after Bash.

  When our shift was over, I went to bed with Bash and got some rest. I wasn’t stupid. Enzo could be outside the warehouse at four in the morning just waiting for me—for any of us—to mess up. I wasn’t going to be the one. No matter how anxious I was, I’d play it cool. I also didn’t want to give Bash any more suspicions.


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