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Envied Page 5

by Samantha Britt

  “Paige Green actually hit one of her potential mates?” Alexander’s amusement flowed through the earpiece. “I’d pay money to see that. Do you think you can snag the security tape from the club and send it to me?”

  Gregory shook his head. Despite the many years working for the king, he still marveled at how laid-back and mischievous his leader could be. “I believe her father has already obtained and destroyed the evidence of his daughter’s behavior.”

  “Pity. I would have enjoyed sending the footage to Preston’s father. It would do that prick good to see his son’s ass handed to him – especially by a female.”

  Gregory was performing his bi-weekly check in with the king. During their conversation, he’d shared the latest hiccup on the scouting mission. Alexander hadn’t been surprised by Preston’s actions. Apparently, his father, the beta of the Great Lakes pack, was notoriously brutal and violent. The king interacted with the male on a semi-regular basis since the coven and the pack were in such close proximity, and he found the male wanting.

  However, despite his web of spies, the king had been unaware of the hunt to become Paige’s mate. Gregory had mentioned it to his superior, hoping he could provide more insight on the subject, but he was disappointed. King Alexander knew nothing more than what his second reported. He cited werebeasts’ privacy regarding their alpha traditions as the reason for his ignorance.

  “While I enjoyed seeing the pup punched, it resulted in giving the vampire I sensed time to get away.” Gregory couldn’t shake the feeling that he’d missed a huge opportunity.

  “You believe he associates with a witch?” The king repeated back the intelligence Gregory shared.

  “My gut says yes.”

  “Well, your instinct hasn’t failed you yet,” Alexander replied with complete faith. “Follow the lead. I will wait for your…” The king trailed off and silence filled the earpiece.

  “Hold on one second, Gregory. I’m receiving another call.”

  The vampire heeded the request and waited patiently for his leader to return. He spent the time thinking about additional information to report, but he realized he’d already shared all pertinent intel.

  Alexander returned three minutes later. “Sorry about that. It was Darcie. She and Jennifer just landed in Pennsylvania.”

  “Darcie is visiting the coven?” The last he heard, she wasn’t due to visit for some time. Gregory lifted a silent thanks to The Creator for allowing him to avoid the awkward encounter.

  “Jennifer was planning to arrive to negotiate on behalf of the Nightsbane clan,” the king explained. “Darcie decided to come along last minute.”

  Wanting to avoid thinking of the girl he humiliated himself for, Gregory focused on the other visitor. “Jennifer is visiting without the professor?” Ever since Darcie’s parents had been reunited, Gregory only heard about how they rarely spent a moment away from each other. After being separated for over a decade, the couple seemed eager to never spend another day apart.

  “Yes. He couldn’t get away from work.”

  The urge to pursue the topic was great, but Gregory shoved the desire away.

  Not long after Jennifer Bane’s reappearance in her daughter’s life, the king had confided the truth of his past with the witch. Alexander met Jennifer when she was young and untainted by the politics the Nightsbane clan tried to instill in her. The two became friends. When Jennifer decided to run away from her family’s clan, it was Alexander who gave her a safe place to stay.

  Gregory long suspected his king’s affection for the rebellious witch, but he had no idea Alexander considered himself in love with her. The admission came at a moment of weakness after the leader watched Jennifer reunite with her ex-human husband, Darcie’s dad—John Abernathy.

  “I’m an idiot.” The king lounged on the sofa in his guestroom at the immortal brothers’ mansion. “A complete fool, I tell you. What was I thinking?” He dropped the bottle of whisky on the ground beside him. Thankfully, the haphazardly applied lid kept the expensive alcohol from spilling.

  Gregory shifted his stance, unsure of how best to handle the situation. He’d never seen his leader intoxicated, and he did not know how to respond.

  “I envy your father,” the king slurred, throwing his head to the side and staring at Gregory with glassy eyes. “Calvin wasn’t afraid to go after what he wanted, and he married the woman of his dreams.”

  Gregory bobbed his head. “Yes, my parents are both blessed.”

  What else was he supposed to say to that?

  “I should’ve done something,” Alex groaned. “I should’ve followed my heart, but I never did. Now, she’s back with him.”

  “Who?” Gregory questioned. His first thought made his heart ache with sadness. “Darcie?” He hadn’t told his king of his regard for the young woman. His entire body rebelled against the idea that Alexander might also have feelings for her.

  “Heavens no,” he slurred. “Jennifer. Jennifer Bane is the woman of my dreams, but I continue to allow her to slip through my fingers.”

  Of course.

  How could Gregory forget about the years Alexander spent following Jennifer around, assisting her whenever she had need? The powerful vampire put the young witch before everything – sometimes even the needs of his coven.

  Gregory felt idiotic for not realizing the subject of his leader’s sorrow sooner. Jennifer had reunited with Darcie’s father, and the two were resuming their relationship.

  Sympathy for the king filled him as he understood the reason behind the vampire’s excessive drinking. Gregory knew, too well, the desire to forget one’s pain. The gnawing ache he felt whenever seeing Darcie show affection towards her soulmate, Des, was enough to make him want to drown in a barrel of beer.

  “Have you ever confessed your feelings?” The question rolled off his tongue with no thought. Gregory had not told the king of his own grand reveal to Darcie. Even though it did not work out in his favor, and now things between them felt awkward. Gregory would have regretted not saying anything. The unknown would have eaten him up inside.

  The king closed his eyes in pain. “No. Never.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because Jennifer knows.” Alexander exhaled and gazed at his second with resignation. “Even though I’ve said nothing, she knows how I feel. Yet, she’s never said anything. She’s rejected my affections without needing to say a word.”

  Gregory prepared an objection, but the king stopped him. “Enough, Gregory.” It was the only time he ever sounded centuries old. “Let us leave it at that.”

  He thought about not saying it, but the need to confess overrode his desire for discretion. “I am in love with Darcie.”

  Instead of surprise, the king merely nodded with understanding. “I know.”

  Gregory blinked. “Aren’t you going to reprimand me?” After all, Darcie was his assignment.

  “No.” The king finally opened his eyes. “Darcie is an extraordinary young woman, just like her mother. You were hopeless from the start… as was I.”

  A mutual understanding had been established that day. Gregory knew of his king’s unrequited love and vice-versa. The issue was never discussed, but both knew when the subjects of their hearts’ desires were causing the other pain – it was easy to recognize pain that mirrored your own.

  Their interactions remained professional, but their friendship changed. The king permitted Gregory’s extended absence from the coven because he understood the need to keep oneself busy. Alexander covered for the younger vampire when his parents complained about the never-ending assignments the king bestowed upon their son because he knew Gregory wanted to be away.

  If one good thing came out of Gregory’s broken heart, it was the deepened friendship with the king.

  Gregory cleared his throat. “Be sure to tell them hello for me,” he said. “And tell them I’m sorry I missed their visit.”

  “Of course.” Alexander’s tone was full of knowing and understanding.

  There was a lull in the conversation.

  An odd feeling twisted in Gregory’s stomach, and he could not resist asking, “How do you deal with it?”

  He didn’t need to elaborate.

  The king knew what he was talking about: How did he deal with being around the love of his life – the one that got away – while knowing he could never have her?

  Alexander sighed. “Our love means nothing,” he said with calm truth, “compared to their happiness, our feelings come second… always.”


  “I take it you are having a bad day.” Gregory had exited the bathroom after his morning shower. When he entered the kitchen for his morning meal, he was greeted by the sight of Paige tearing up a paper towel. A pile of neatly ripped squares sat beneath her hands.

  Paige dropped her hands and looked over at him. “About time you…” The words died as she took in Gregory’s appearance. She blushed and averted her gaze.

  Gregory glanced down and confirmed the long towel was still securely wrapped around his waist.

  It was.

  An involuntary smile covered his mouth. Paige was usually boisterous and confident, it was amusing to see her flustered by a bare chest.

  “Something wrong?”

  Paige shook her head emphatically, continuing to look away. “Nope. I was just waiting for you to wake up so we could discuss our game plan for the day.”

  Gregory smirked. “I’ve been up for hours.” He moved further into the kitchen towards the refrigerator. He bit his cheek to withhold his laughter as he observed Paige remove her eyes from the appliance when he drew near.

  He opened the door and retrieved his thermos of blood. He closed the door and leaned against it. Taking a refreshing sip, he wiped his mouth before saying, “Let’s talk.”

  With hesitation, Paige’s attention moved from the pile of paper to Gregory. Her eyes flicked down his damp chest, to the thermos in his hand, before focusing squarely on his face.

  A pleased feeling warmed Gregory’s chest when he noticed Paige did not balk at the thermos in his hand. There had once been a time when the young werebeast was disgusted by his daily nutrition. He was happy her aversion disappeared – or perhaps was politely concealed.

  “What’s the plan?”

  He raised an eyebrow. “Plan?”

  “For the witch and vampire,” Paige elaborated. “I thought you said you had a plan. When are we going to interrogate them?”

  Gregory took another sip of his beverage. “I think we have to find them first.”

  Paige rolled her eyes. The move made her gaze land on his abs. She quickly raised them. “I know that. Do you have a plan on how to find them?”

  “I’m meeting with your father this morning. Come so I can tell you both at the same time.” He pushed off the fridge to go dress for the meeting when Paige’s reply made him pause.

  “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”

  “Why not?”

  She sighed. “He’s mad at me for punching Preston.”

  “I’m not surprised. It was an impulsive and reckless thing to do.”

  Paige’s eyes widened with disbelief. “You saw how he was acting.”

  “Yes, but that does not justify your actions.”

  During his conversation with Alexander, Gregory learned more about the influence and power of the Great Lakes pack in the werebeast community. They were wealthy and powerful, and held a lot of sway. Preston’s father might be the beta, but rumors swirled that he would soon overtake the current, aging alpha.

  Though Gregory wished Paige to be spared of the young man as a mate, it was not a good idea to ostracize Preston. He would likely be an alpha someday – no matter how abhorrent the young werebeast behaved.

  Paige threw her hands in the air. “Unbelievable. My father might have reason to think I was just being hotheaded, but you actually know what happened. I cannot believe you aren’t on my side.”

  Her words registered and caused a frown to form on his lips. “You didn’t tell your father the truth?”

  “No.” She bit her lip. “I don’t want to cause any inter-pack drama.”

  Gregory exhaled. “Paige, you must tell your father what actually happened. Even if it causes turmoil, he can protect you. Despite your rash action, Preston was still in the wrong when he arrived at the mission without approval. If you add his offensive remarks and dominating behavior, there is not an intelligent person in the world who would not at least understand why you did what you did.”

  “No. No way. I can handle this myself.” Her blunt refusal with no logical explanation frustrated Gregory.

  He dropped his eyebrows into a v. “Why are you being so stubborn? Why not just do the smart thing and tell your father everything?”

  “You’re not my dad,” she snapped at him, crossing her arms defensively. “You don’t have any right to tell me what to do.”

  Her tone was aggravating, but the words were repulsive.

  Gregory’s age made him more than old enough to be her father, but he had never viewed himself in such a role. He and Paige were friends – they had been for nearly a year. He had considered himself to be on the same stage of life as Paige and Darcie, but did she think of him as a paternal figure?

  He grimaced. He hoped not.

  “No,” he confirmed in a cool tone, “I am not your father, but I am your friend.”

  “Friends have each other’s back. They don’t tell each other what to do.”

  “They do if one friend is being immature and allowing her father to remain clueless about the type of young male he is allowing to live among his pack.”

  Gregory could not understand Paige’s resistance. If she told Lucas what Preston had done, there was little doubt that her father would at least understand why she punched him. As it was, the alpha had no choice but to reprimand his daughter’s act.

  Anger flitted across Paige’s expression. “I’m out of here.” She walked around the counter separating her and Gregory. She reached for the back door, but Gregory’s pale fingers wrapped around her wrist and stopped her.

  “Paige.” He waited for her to look at him. When she did, he saw the frustrated tears blurring her vision.

  “I’m sorry,” he said. “I’m not trying to make you upset. If you have a reason for not wanting to tell your father the truth, I will respect it.

  “But, my advice would be to not conceal what really happened. It will come out eventually.” Gregory had experience with such things.

  Instead of smoothing things over, his words served only to incense Paige.

  “Oh, are we going for friend advice now?” She yanked her arm out of Gregory’s hold. “Here’s some advice: stop pining after a girl you can never have. It’s sad and pathetic.”

  Gregory would have been less surprised if Paige slapped him across the face. His jaw dropped once he processed what she said. Then, it clenched.

  “Where did that come from?” he bit out.

  She shrugged with a cold smirk. “Oh, you know, just some friendly advice. I’ve been meaning to give it for months.”

  For a moment, Gregory believed he saw a flicker of regret. But, if he did, Paige quickly masked it with cruel indifference.

  “I believe we are done here.” He opened the door and gestured for her to leave.

  Gregory wasn’t sure how the conversation turned so ugly, but he knew distance was the only thing which could allow their minds to reset and give them another chance to talk at a later time. At the moment, he was dangerously close to losing his strong self-control.

  Paige opened her mouth, but he stopped her impending comment.

  “No,” he told her. “No talking. Just leave.”

  Her face twisted, a mixture of regret and anger. Seconds later, she heeded his instruction and walked out of the guesthouse.

  Gregory closed the door behind her – a little more forceful than necessary.

  Running a hand though his hair, he walked to the bedroom, trying to prepare hims
elf for the meeting with Lucas.

  It didn’t matter if something weird was happening between him and his friend, he still had a job to do. And he’d be damned if he didn’t do it.


  Gregory sat on the back patio of the guesthouse, sharpening the blade of his favorite dagger when his ears picked up the sound of someone’s approach. The steps were light; he guessed they belonged to a female.

  He was proven correct when Paige rounded the corner. Seeing him, she stopped in her tracks. Uncertainty rolled off her as she observed his demeanor, waiting to see if she’d be welcome.

  Gregory watched her for another moment before turning back to his blade. He ran the silver edge against the sharpening stone, careful to avoid pricking himself with the dangerous metal.

  “Hi.” Paige walked until she stood at the edge of the patio but didn’t move any closer.


  She rubbed the front of her sneakers against the wood beneath her. “How’s it going?”


  Two days had passed since their argument. In that time, Gregory did not avoid Paige, but he made sure to give the young female space to work out whatever troubled her.

  He’d been angry by her mean-spirited comment, but he knew there was something larger at work than a nineteen-year-old’s petty emotions. Something was bothering Paige and pressing his friend for information would not be the way to go.

  So, Gregory occupied his time by investigating the vampire and witch from the club. With J.J.’s help, they found the identity of the red-headed woman. She was a local and owned a natural remedies store in town. After discussing the matter with the other decision makers, they formulated a plan to visit the witch’s store to ask her questions. Covertly, of course.

  “J.J. briefed me on the mission this afternoon.”

  Gregory lowered the stone and placed the blade in its scabbard. “Good.”

  He could sense Paige trying to come up with something else to say. He decided to relieve her of the chore. “I need to prepare for the excursion. I will meet you at the garage in an hour.” He stood and moved to walk inside the guesthouse.


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