Locker Room

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Locker Room Page 4

by KB Winters

  I inclined my head and lowered my voice. “You can tell me anything, Grace. Secrets are all safe with me.”

  “My mama used to drink a lot. She’s been sober for three years now. I know it’s not necessarily hereditary, but we never drink alcohol at home, out of respect for her, and I guess even when I’m out, I just prefer to stay away from it.”

  Her answer surprised me. I was rarely at a loss for words. But genuinely didn’t know what was supposed to come next.

  Grace filled in the blank space with a wave of her hand. “She’s doing really well now and is really happy. So it could have been, ya know, a lot worse.”

  “Right.” I nodded and glanced down at my whiskey. “Would you prefer I not drink when we’re together?”

  Grace shook her head. “You can do whatever you like. It doesn’t bother me at all.”

  She looked so small on the other side of the table. Her shoulders somehow folded in on themselves. What other secrets was she hiding behind her soft, doe eyes and sweet smile?

  “Tell me something else about your family?” I found myself asking, despite the fact that it was a question I never asked a woman I wanted to sleep with. There wasn’t room for intimate details and long family histories in what was usually a straight-forward transaction. But with Grace, my curiosity was awakened and it wanted to know more than just the way she’d feel underneath me or the sweet moans I could bring forth from her lips.

  “Well, I have an older brother. Jake. He’s eight years older and has a wife and two kids. They live in Maryland now. He and his wife are both lawyers. My parents divorced when I was five. I think I was some kind of last-ditch effort at saving their marriage. It didn’t work.” She paused to reflect for a moment. Her lips twisted and I wondered if she was going to cry. But when she met my eyes again, they were dry. “Anyway, my daddy kind of went classic divorced dad. He tried to buy us everything under the sun to make it all go away. Mama started drinking…things were kind of a mess for a little while. But the last few years have been good. Mama lives here in Florida. Part of the reason I chose to go to school here, and Daddy lives in Oklahoma City. Like I said before.”

  “I have two older sisters,” I told her. “I was their living baby doll growing up.”

  Grace laughed. “I can’t picture that.”

  I chuckled. “I’m sure there are pictures somewhere…”

  “I bet the media would have a heyday!”

  I groaned and threw back the last sip of whiskey. It warmed through me on the way down. I set the tumbler aside and reached across the table to capture Grace’s hand. It was so small compared to mine. Thin, tapered fingers, bearing no rings or even any nail polish. I glanced up from her hand. She hardly wore any makeup. Little freckles dashed over the bridge of her nose. She looked…fresh. Clean. Innocent.

  I didn’t really have a type of woman, but usually the women I ended up with were older than Grace. They also liked the finer things in life. Hot cars, designer clothes, and exotic vacations. The kind of women who liked to see and be seen. They usually didn’t have much to say on anything important. They usually didn’t know anything about sports—even baseball—and only attended games as a social hour. As much as I despised socialites and wannabe actresses, they tended to be the types most readily available through the season. Media events, magazine shoots, press tours. They all provided ample amounts of big-tittied, single women who were chomping at the bit to get into my pants. They were fine for a quick fuck, but when it came to something more tangible, I hadn’t found the right girl.

  Grace was different in so many ways and yet, I found myself getting pulled deeper and deeper, intrigued by the fact that she wasn’t like any girl I’d ever hung out with.

  As the waitress came to take away our plates and offer us dessert, I declined. I knew what I wanted next wasn’t anywhere on the menu.



  “You ready to go?”

  Good question. Was I?

  I found myself nodding at Justin’s question, even as every nerve inside me bundled into a tight knot. The truth was, I had no idea what I wanted. I mean, I’d love to get to know him better, but what did he want with me? Did he think dinner would give him the go-ahead to get in my pants? Did he even want to get in my pants? What was I doing here? The multitude of thoughts danced around so quickly it was impossible to keep up.

  I wasn’t sure what I’d expected, but whatever it was, I was wrong. Justin Calloway was much more than some baller—he was genuinely a nice guy, a gentleman even. His mama must’ve raised him right.

  He pulled my chair out at the start of dinner, making sure my Coke was always full. Opened doors for me like I was some super star, and even stood up when I’d excused myself to go to the ladies’ room.

  Justin Calloway was getting even more puzzling by the minute. The more time we spent together, the more confused I became.

  “Grace?” Justin was standing beside my chair, waiting for me. I pushed up to my feet and instantly his hands were on me. He wrapped an arm around my waist and propelled me forward. I tried to relax. To act as though it were the most natural thing in the world. But I couldn’t fight off the surging bubble of panic that raced from my stomach and settled in my throat.

  We were leaving the restaurant and there was only two ways the rest of the night was going to go.

  I knew that if I insisted, he’d take me home and drop me off at the curb. But if I didn’t…

  The balmy night air enveloped us as we left the restaurant. Justin stopped on the front walk, staring out at the moon-soaked night sky as the waves rolled away from the soft sandy shore. His hand slid from my lower back and caught my hand on the way. “Come on,” he said, turning back to glance at me as he wandered toward the beach.

  I followed his lead. We paused to take off our shoes and then sunk into the cool sand. Justin recaptured my hand and tugged me to the water’s edge. “It’s been way too long since I was last at the beach,” he said, nearing the ocean.


  He nodded and stared out at the gentle waves. “I spent the offseason dealing with some…personal shit. Didn’t get much fun in the sun.”

  Personal shit? Hadn’t I just confessed most of my personal shit to him over dinner? I’d told him about my mother’s drinking problems. I seriously don’t know what possessed me to get into it. There’d just been something in the way he was looking at me that pulled the whole, ugly truth from me.

  So why was he clamming up?

  I almost called him on it, but before I could find a delicate enough way to ask, he turned away from the sea and circled his arms around my waist. His body warmth seeped into me as he pulled me close. The faint smell of his aftershave wafted to me on the gently breeze and I sighed softly. He smelled like heaven and looked like sin.

  I was in so much trouble.

  Farrah’s prodding words came back to me, all of her arguments ran through my mind like a carefully crafted legal defense.

  Should I let myself go? Give myself to Justin? I had no doubt that Farrah was right in the regard that he’d know what to do. Everything about him oozed sex and seduction. His dark eyes, the lingering looks, and that dimpled smile that he flashed at just the precise moment to send my heart into overdrive. And his smolder? That one crooked smoldering eyebrow damn near melted my panties right off.

  There was only one question…was I ready for this?

  I broke away from his gaze and looked out at the ocean. Justin’s hands moved lower on my back and then over the curve of my backside. My eyes flew to Justin’s and he leaned down to capture my lips in a kiss that quickly left me breathless.

  “Justin, I—there’s something I need to tell you…” I started once we pulled apart for a breath. My chest heaved as my lungs soaked up all available air and my heart hammered away.

  His fingers tipped my chin up. “Tell me anything.”

  My eyes searched his. I was on the edge of a cliff, ready to take the final step, but hanging
back, afraid of the fall. If I told him, I couldn’t take it back. There was no rewind. No delete button.

  “I’ve never…never done this before,” I choked out, knowing he’d probably call me a cock tease and take me home.

  Justin’s eyes narrowed. “You mean—”

  I nodded. “Yeah. I’m still a virgin.”

  He stilled, every muscle. Our quiet night was over, but I had to tell him.

  “I know that’s not what you expected.” I shook my head. “Guys want the girl with all the experience and all. I just—”

  He slid a finger over my lips and shushed me. Then, he replaced it with his lips and kissed me deeper than he ever had before. His hot tongue slipped between my lips and filled the depths of my mouth, drinking me in like an expensive wine.

  “It—it doesn’t matter to you?” I asked between breaths.

  He pulled back and placed his hands on either side of my face. “It’s the hottest fucking thing I’ve ever heard.”

  His hotel suite was bigger than my entire apartment. I’d been around baseball all my life, and I knew they took really good care of the team, but this was more elegant than I’d ever seen. I wondered what Cody Wright, another starting pitcher of the Warriors, would think—or if he even cared.

  The furniture alone probably cost more than what I could ever hope to make in a year. Each wall had gorgeous art, carefully lit with fixtures similar to high-end galleries and museums. Three couches formed a u-shape around a huge coffee table and an even bigger TV. A full kitchen was right around the corner as we moved deeper into the suite with a dining room table large enough to seat eight adjacent to it. Marble counter tops, dark finished cabinets and a full bar.

  “This is gorgeous,” I said over my shoulder as I continued forward. “The team pays for all of this?”

  I could feel Justin’s body heat, he was right behind me, keeping carefully in step but not touching me at all.

  “Yep. Haven’t you heard? I’m their all-star.” He chuckled. “Would you like something to drink?”

  I shook my head and then licked my lips. “No, thank you.”

  Justin stopped at the bar and poured what looked like golden whiskey or maybe even tequila into a glass. He took a sip, considering me over the rim, and after he downed the alcohol, he set the glass back down and came forward, his movements fluid and graceful. More seductive than on the diamond, but every bit as powerful.

  Without hesitation, he pulled me against him and crushed my lips with his. The taste of whiskey slid over my tongue as he explored my mouth. I doubted I’d like it on its own, but on Justin’s lips, it was like honey. His hands moved down my neck, over my shoulders, and then down the sides of my body. When his fingertips grazed the sides of my breasts, I shuddered against him.

  Justin pulled away and looked down at me with dark, lusty eyes. “Come on. Let’s go to the bedroom.”

  This was happening. I was so scared I thought I’d puke. My first time. With Justin Calloway. THE Justin Calloway. I slipped my hand into his and we started down the hall, willing my heart to stop beating so hard. The master bedroom was even more beautiful than the rest of the suite. I knew these players made millions, but this was impressive. A huge bed was the focal point, but there was also more art on the walls, softer pieces, almost nautical in theme.

  “Now, as much as I’d love to strip you bare ass naked and have my way with you, there’s a few things we need to discuss first. Some rules.”

  My eyebrows furrowed together. “Rules?”

  “That’s right.” Justin sank back onto the bed and crossed his outstretched legs at the ankles. His eyes swept over me, starting at my toes and working up in slow motion. When his eyes found mind, a tremor skittered down my back. His expression was casual, but those eyes…

  He continued, his tone cool. “Grace, I realize you’re a virgin. That kinda blew me away. I wanted to say I’m going to take you to places you’ve never been.” He chuckled a little and continued. “But you’ve never been anywhere. Do you know how fucking hot that is?”

  “Uhm…no. Not really. It’s not something I’m proud of.”

  “You should be. You’re untouched. Clean and pristine. Fuck.” He ran his hand through his hair and blew out a long breath. “Just know, your pleasure will always take precedent, but I need you to trust me. Do you trust me?”

  “Depends. What are you asking me to do? Are you into something strange and kinky?” I teased but doubts about this whole encounter crossed my mind. What had I gotten myself into? Was now the time to run?

  He beckoned me forward with a flick of his wrist. “Come here.”

  I faltered, but then placed one foot in front of the other, making tiny steps toward him. When I was close enough, Justin grabbed my hips, his large palms easily wrapped around me and his thumbs worked into the loops of my cutoffs. “Don’t be so afraid of me. I promise, your needs and desires are the number one thing on my mind.”

  “But you said there are rules.”

  “There are. Number one, you can’t be with anyone else. If you are going to be with me, it has to be only me. No flirting, touching. Nothing. You are mine and mine alone.”

  He was dead serious. There wasn’t a spark of humor or playfulness behind his eyes.

  “Do you understand and agree?”

  I nodded slowly. “Of course. Does that mean that you—”

  “I will adhere to the same rule.”


  “Second rule, always be honest. If we’re to push convention and test each another’s limits, there has to be absolute transparency.”

  I nodded again. Easy enough.

  Justin continued. “Third, no sleeping over.”

  I frowned. “Why not? I don’t understand.”

  “I don’t want an overcomplicated relationship, Grace. Spending the night at each other’s places only makes things harder.”

  When it’s over…I filled in mentally.

  It was stupid to feel disappointed, but there was a pricking sensation in my chest all the same. Any small illusion that Justin wanted more than my body evaporated—leaving only the raw truth behind. The question was, would I accept it? The tingling between my thighs told me for now I’d have to.

  Justin waited for my confirmation. His thumbs brushed over a sliver of bare skin and bolts of heat flooded my body once again. I’d come too far to walk away. Besides, wasn’t I the one who’d already declared that having a relationship with anyone didn’t make sense?

  Farrah was right. I needed to get it out of my system. I was young and soon to be free. I couldn’t tie myself down. A night or two of pleasure with an experienced man would be an experiment of sorts. That’s what I was good at. Experiments. Gathering data and making decisions. Why muddy things up?

  This could be just what I needed, an experienced fuck buddy with no strings attached.

  “Okay. No sleeping over,” I said.

  Justin smiled. “Then let’s get started.”



  “I need you to take off everything you’re wearing. Piece by piece. Nice and slow,” Justin directed from his relaxed position on the bed.

  Anxiety surged through me and caught me in the throat. The hotel room was softly lit thanks to the dimmer switch on the lights. But there were no shadows to hide behind from my place in the center of the room. It wasn’t like I was being asked to coat myself in Jell-O and body glitter and dance on a gaudy stage in front of a roomful or sweaty men, but Justin’s request made me feel just as exposed and vulnerable.

  “You agreed to the rules. You have to trust me. Follow my instructions. I’ll make sure you’re safe.” Justin leaned forward and braced his elbows on his knees. His eyes bore into mine and I trembled. “I’ve been dying to see what sexy little secrets you’re hiding under there. Show me. Start with your shirt.”

  My hands wavered and my fingers felt stiff as I reached for the hem of my tank top. I crossed my arms in front of me and peeled it up slowly. I closed my
eyes as I stripped until Justin told me to keep them open. “I want to see your beautiful eyes every single minute of tonight. Don’t go away and hide.”

  I tugged the shirt up and over my head and then shook my waves loose before dropping it to the floor. Justin’s eyes were dark and round, almost like they were all pupil and lost the medley of grey, green, and brown. I noticed when he smiled, they were bright, as though the green found a way to break through. When he was flirting, the grey took the lead. At the moment, they looked obsidian.

  “Now the shorts.”

  My fingers were still trembling as I undid the button and zipper and then slipped the shorts down my curvy hips. I’d worn my favorite set of matching undergarments and from the look on Justin’s face, he approved of the selection as well. The black panties had lace at the edges and were dotted with tiny white polka dots. The bra had a lace band and the same pattern on the cups.

  “Damn, baby.” He pushed himself up from the bed and crossed the space between us with calculated steps. “See what you do to me.”

  I dropped my eyes between our bodies. A large bulge was pressing against his pants. A flurry of thrills coursed through me. This was it. It was really happening. Even though he’d barely touched me, it was as close as I’d ever been to giving it up.

  And I was ready.

  Justin dragged his fingers under my chin until it was tilted up. His eyes went to my lips and then he kissed me. His tongue traced my mouth and I parted my lips. He invaded my mouth with a sweeping thrust of his tongue and my body reacted on instinct. My fingers dug into the meat of his shoulders and I clung on as my legs threatened to give out beneath me.

  Justin dragged his lips away from mine and applied them to the side of my neck, working up to my earlobe. A new burst of sensations sang through me when the tip of his tongue traced the outer shell. “Get on the bed,” he growled.

  The gruff demand vibrated through me and sent a fresh wave of heat straight between my clenched thighs. Once we got into the bed, there’d be no turning back. I realized a moment later that I was already too far gone.


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