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Locker Room

Page 5

by KB Winters

  I wanted Justin more than anything I’d ever wanted before. My body would likely go into a full mutiny if I tried to walk away now.

  Justin walked me backward a few steps and then released me. He pulled his shirt off over his head with one tug and casually threw it on the floor. He stepped out of his shoes and athletic pants. His muscles contracted and shifted as he moved and I was mesmerized, as though watching some kind of performance.

  A shiver slid down my spine as he moved toward me. I couldn’t help but look at the bulge in his boxer briefs, even more evident now. I’d never been with a man before but wasn’t completely sheltered. I’d seen naked men before and while I hadn’t exactly gone to the trouble of committing any of them to memory, I knew Justin had to put them all to shame.

  In every way.

  He kissed me deeply but pulled away all too quickly. He went to the closet and came back with a pair of silk ties. “I’m going to tie these around your wrists, binding you to the bed.”

  He waited for my response and when I asked, “Like Fifty Shades?” his eyes flashed as his lips curved into a dark grin. How could I say no? My body was on so much fire he could have played duck-duck-goose and I’d have been okay with it.

  Justin took his time fastening my wrists to the bed. His fingers were strong but gentle and when I was secured, he asked me if I was comfortable.

  When he was sure I was all right, he moved down my body. I shivered and twisted as he moved his lips over my hot skin. When his scruff coated jaw moved over the waistband on my panties, I clenched my thighs together. Hard. Justin slid his hands up my legs and started to pull them apart. “Relax. We’ll take it slow.” He kissed a little lower and I drew in a sharp breath. “Very slow.”

  As promised, he stripped away my soaking wet panties and then parted my thighs. For a long time he stared down at me. “Damn, that’s a pretty little virgin pussy you have. I can’t wait to get a fucking taste of it.”

  He pulled apart my swollen lips with his fingertip and then rolled my clit between his thumb and forefinger and held it there. His fingers were thick—and warm—and I’d never felt anything like it. I squirmed when he circled my clit. When he leaned down and sucked the tiny bud in between his lips, a foreign sounding moan came choking out of my throat. I gave myself over to the pleasure as he licked and fingered me, expertly driving me up and over the edge.

  Pressure built and waned and built again. A dizzying pattern that had me breathless and antsy. My wrists shifted in the ties, reminding me that I was his. Justin had me completely at his mercy and was apparently going to draw it out until the very last drop of pleasure had been wrung out of me.

  “Breathe.” Justin glanced up at me and watched as I drew in a slow breath. He slid a finger deep inside me and I arched back, sucking in a breath. “You have to let yourself go.”

  Before I could reply, he slipped a finger lower and circled my tight asshole. I gasped at the sensations and when I let out my breath, my body shook. Trembled. A surprised moan slipped from my mouth at the strong sense of release. I shuddered involuntarily and my hips bucked wildly despite Justin’s attempt to control them. After seconds of pure insanity, I collapsed down to the bed, my chest heaving.

  Justin slipped his fingers from me slowly.

  “Oh, God. Oh God. I’ve never—” I panted; my eyes still unable to focus. “I’ve never—”

  “Had an orgasm?” Justin asked. “Not even on your own?”



  “My thoughts exactly.”

  Justin moved away. “Well, then what’s coming next is really going to blow your mind…” he said with a mischievous glint in his eyes as he stripped off his boxer briefs and revealed his long and thick cock.

  I drew in a deep breath, looking at the perfect form of his dick. It was thick, hard and pointed a little to the right. He wrapped his hand around it and stroked it, making a little drop of shiny pre-come form on the head. My stomach clenched. This was it.

  My first time.

  Justin came back to the bed, cock in hand, and positioned himself over me. “Are you still okay with this?”

  “Fuck yes.” I loved the way his skin felt against mine and I didn’t care about being a virgin anymore.

  “Are you on the pill?” he asked, his voice thick. “Probably a stupid question seeing as how you’ve never—”

  “Actually, I am.” I nodded. “To keep things…you know…regular.”

  His eyes actually sparkled. The tip of his prick pressed against me and my hips rocked on their own accord, silently asking for more. Nerves twisted up in my stomach but I ignored them and hooked a leg over his narrow hips. Justin smiled down at me and then started to slide inside me.

  Holy fuck that’s good.

  He moved slowly and stopped completely when I jumped. He stretched me out and while it was uncomfortable at first, he slipped deep enough inside that something changed. The tight pain faded away and waves of heat and desire took its place.

  When I relaxed, he rocked into me, deep and hard, and warmth surged through me. He moved faster with each pulse and within seconds I was straining against my bonds and moaning for more. The noises coming from my own mouth sounded strange. As though I was listening to someone else making love. The growls excited me and spurred me deeper into the passion of the moment.

  Justin watched me intently with every thrust. His eyes never left mine. His own pleasure played across his face and watching it thrilled me all the more. “You’re so damn tight. I fucking love the way you feel. That tight little pussy can’t get enough. Greedy fucking pussy.”

  I bit down hard into my lower lip and a deep growl came from Justin. His pace slowed, each thrust getting deeper and a little harder, and then he slammed into me and warmth filled me as he came and let out a deep groan. “Fuck!” he said, his teeth grinding together.

  We lay there for a few minutes, catching our breath—me, my thoughts as well. When the room went quiet again, he rolled away and pushed out of the bed. He padded across the room to the bathroom and shut the door. A few minutes later, he returned, untied my wrists, and said, “Come on, I’ll take you home.”

  I flinched, as though I’d been punched in the gut. His tone was even, not cold or uncaring, but his message was the same—time to go.

  Right. Rule number three. Or was it two? No sleepovers. And it felt like I’d just been used up and was about to get thrown away.

  “Why stats?” Justin asked as we drove. He glanced at me and then shifted his eyes back to the road. “Are you planning to do sports stats as a career once you graduate?”

  I shook my head. “No. I mean, it’s fun and a great way to get killer seats at the game. But I’m going into the medical research field. I’ve always been good with numbers and analysis. I want to use that skill for good.”

  “Accurate baseball stats can’t really compete with curing cancer or something, huh?” he added with a grin.

  “Not exactly.”

  “That’s really admirable, Grace.”

  I shrugged.

  “You’re not very good at taking compliments, are you?”

  I smiled at him. “Not exactly.”

  He chuckled. “We’re going to have to fix that.”

  I didn’t know what to say in response, so I let his words hang between us and shifted my eyes back out the passenger window. We fell into silence for a few minutes until I broke it to give him the next steps in the directions. He pulled up in front of my apartment and glanced around the dimly lit parking lot. “This looks nice.”

  “It is. My dad helps me pay for it.”

  Justin laughed again. “Yeah, I imagine the spring training gig isn’t exactly a money thing.”

  “Not really.”

  “Come on,” he said, opening his door. “I’ll walk you up.”

  Heat surged through me, wondering if he meant to come inside with me. The glowing clock on the dash said it was a little past eleven. His rule about no sleepovers did
n’t mean we had to call it a night at the stroke of midnight, did it?

  Justin came around and held out a hand as I got out of his ride. He let me lead the way, but kept a hand on my lower back, as we climbed the outside staircase to the third floor. I paused on the welcome mat to dig out my keys. Once I had them in hand, I glanced up to say goodnight. Justin started first. “Tomorrow, I want you to do something for me.”

  I tilted my head. “What?”

  He leaned in and dropped his voice an octave. “I want to see what you look like in a dress or a skirt. Maybe a pair of heels. You got anything like that?”

  I nodded slowly. “Of course. I just prefer wearing comfortable clothes.”

  Justin smiled. “Don’t get me wrong, the way your ass looks in those shorts you live in gets me rock hard every time.”

  “I can make an exception for one day,” I replied with a lazy smile.

  “Good.” He kissed me soft and slow. “There is one more thing. Underneath, I don’t want anything in my way. Leave the panties at home.”

  “All day?” I asked, a hint of panic in my voice.

  Justin grinned. “All. Fucking. Day.”

  “At work?” I croaked.

  “Yes.” He chuckled. “Don’t worry, Grace. No one will know but me, and I promise I’ll make it worth your while.”

  Heat flushed my skin at the thought but the dark look of longing in Justin’s eyes was highly persuasive.

  “What do you say?”

  I nodded but wrung my fingers together nervously waiting for his request. “Okay.”

  Justin lifted my face with his finger, his other hand sliding between my legs making me gasp for air. “Until then.”



  Justin’s indecent request was still ringing in my ears when I finally tried to sleep. As I lay there, tossing and turning, my mind bounced back and forth. Did I dare do as he asked? What would he do if I didn’t? He’d made it clear that I was expected to do as he asked and to trust him. And after the amazing sex which surprised me because I’d always heard the first time with anyone sucked, who was I to argue? He’d promised me pleasure and he delivered it by the truckload. Damn, I had no idea what I’d been missing out on all these years. Then again, I just had sex with the hottest ball player in history. I was sure not all men were like him. I wondered if he was the same with every woman who’d jumped into his bed.

  I squeezed my eyes shut and blocked out that thought. I didn’t want to think about Justin and a parade of other women, and I especially didn’t want to dwell on the images those thoughts conjured up. I’d have to be living under a rock to miss the fact that Justin was a wanted man. Anytime he walked past a woman, she looked him up and down. Crowds of women were always hanging outside the team locker room, waiting to see if they could catch his attention. They came up to ask for autographs—one even so bold as to have him sign her bra strap. Justin was kind to them, offering smiles in their selfies and signed whatever swag they brought to him. But what would he do if I wasn’t lurking nearby? Would he flirt with them? Offer to take them out for a drink like he had me the first time we met?

  A glance at the clock showed it was creeping up on one am. Farrah was likely asleep. She was my navigator in these complicated and choppy waters. My fingertips searched the edge of my nightstand and latched onto my phone. I dragged it into the bed with me and sent a quick text, simply asking if she was awake. To my surprise, her number popped up with a picture of her smiling face.

  “Hello?” I answered.

  “Is it official?”

  “Is what official?” I asked, pushing up to a sitting position. I tugged the sheets up to cover myself and provide a barrier against the chilly blast of the AC.

  Farrah heaved a dramatic sigh. “Look, Grace, I’m not an idiot. You texted me like six hours ago and said you were going out to dinner with Justin Calloway and now you’re texting me at one o clock in the fuckin’ morning to see if I’m awake which obviously means you need to talk about something urgent. Two plus two equals you banged him.”

  A surprised laugh burst forth. “Wow! That’s quite a leap.”

  “Is it? Really?”

  I could practically hear her raising an eyebrow.

  “No…” I confessed with a wince.

  “Ha ha! I knew it!” She let out a little whoop. “Holy crap, you have to tell me everything!”

  I hesitated for a few moments but then gave in and told her the whole story, starting from the time we left the stadium to him dropping me off at home. I glossed over a few details, mostly, in regards to the rules he’d listed out, and I definitely didn’t tell her about the way he’d tied my wrists together. I’d keep those more intimate details to myself.

  “You’re so fucking lucky, Grace! I mean, damn! The only problem is that it sounds like every guy from here on out is going to be reaching for a pretty high standard!”

  My stomach clenched. “What if…nevermind.”

  “What?” she asked.

  I nibbled on my lower lip. “Well, I was just thinking that maybe there doesn’t have to be anyone else. I mean, it turns out we actually have a lot in common. We love baseball and traveling and he was really sweet and actually…chivalrous all night. He’s totally different than I expected. Besides, if I end up going back to Oklahoma City after graduation—which I probably will—we’d be in the same city. At least for a little while. So maybe we could figure it out.”

  Farrah was silent.

  I waited but the other side of the line remained quiet. I frowned. “Hello? Farrah, are you still there?”

  She sighed. “Listen, Gracie, I don’t want to be a downer, but you’re going to have to drop this fantasy. It’s only going to drive him away.”

  “Why?” I asked, my tone taking on a defensive edge.

  “Guys like Justin Calloway don’t want a girlfriend.”

  “How do you know? I mean, if he just wanted a girl to have sex with, he could have gone to a bar. Hell, he doesn’t even have to do that. There’s a horde of women at the stadium every day who would give their left tit to get his attention.”

  Saying it out loud reminded me how insane the whole thing was to begin with. I still hadn’t figured out how I’d ended up in his sights with all the other women around. I’d never so much as smiled at him and yet, he’d decided he wanted me.

  “You’re right,” Farrah started. “He could have gone anywhere, snapped his fingers, and had any woman he wanted on her knees, suckin’ his rocks off. But just because he took you to dinner and opened the door for you doesn’t mean anything. Maybe that’s just his style.”

  “Or, maybe he wants something more than just a booty call.”

  “Maybe,” Farrah said, albeit sarcastically. “Just be careful, Gracie. I’d hate for you to get hurt over unrealistic expectations. I think it would be way smarter to enjoy the ride but know that it’s only a temporary thing.”

  Waves of emotion rolled through me at her final declaration. Maybe she was right. At first, I wanted to tell her about his special request but suddenly, I couldn’t wait to hang up.

  It took me a while to pick out the right dress the next morning. I wanted something long enough that I wouldn’t be worried every time I bent over. I’d already tried on three and had promptly discarded each of them into a pile on my bed. I sighed into the closet and then dug in one more time. I pulled out a peach-colored sundress and tugged it on over my head, surprised to find it actually fell below the knee. The dress was a gift from my mom and to my knowledge I’d never worn it. I wasn’t the dressy type. I liked jeans, shorts, tank tops and t-shirts. No muss, no fuss. I rarely wore more than a swipe of mascara and lip gloss, and it had been so long since I’d worn earrings that my holes were starting to close up again.

  But if getting a little dolled up would get Justin excited, it was worth it. I wanted to drive him a little crazy and make him sweat—even though I was the one taking on all the risk.

  As I wandered around the house, ge
tting ready for work, I was acutely aware of my commando status. It was strangely freeing and also felt naughty. My heart raced, wondering what lay ahead. The only thing hampering my mind from truly running wild was Farrah’s warning that I was seeing things that weren’t really there. I wasn’t sure what I wanted with Justin. Hell, I hadn’t even really meant to let things get as far as they had. Perhaps that was why my idea of us forming some kind of actual, real-life relationship wasn’t so crazy. In light of everything else that had happened over the past week, it actually made sense.

  I needed to find a way to ask Justin, but I had a hard time knowing what to say around him unless he was asking me direct questions. I’d always been shy and a little unsure of myself, but it intensified when I was in his presence. It worked well that he took charge the night before. Letting him tell me what to do, when and how to do it was actually freeing. It removed my anxiety and shyness from the situation and let me focus on each moment as it came because I had no idea what would come next.

  Had he guessed that about me? Or was he always so in control?

  Either way, it worked and I couldn’t wait to see what he had in mind for our next encounter.

  Since my car had been left at the stadium overnight, Justin arranged for a car to pick me up. The entire ride, I was convinced that the driver somehow knew I was commando. Then it got worse when I arrived at work and sat down in my normal place. Everyone was watching me and I kept checking and re-checking to make sure my dress hadn’t crept up.

  Finally, Blake provided some insight. “You look nice, Grace. Are you going somewhere special after work?”

  My eyes opened wide as I turned at his question. “What? I mean—thank you. But—uh—why do you ask?”

  Blake gave me a confused look. “The dress? You don’t normally dress up like that. At least, not that I can remember and we’ve done this thing a couple of years now.” He offered a good-natured smile at the end, and I wanted to slap myself in the face.


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