Her Bodyguard Swap: a clean bodyguard romance (Lockwood Industries Book 1)

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Her Bodyguard Swap: a clean bodyguard romance (Lockwood Industries Book 1) Page 13

by Laura Ann

  “Ah, baby, don’t do that.” He brought her fingers to his lips and leaned in close so they could talk for a moment. “It’s only a week. The time’ll fly by.”

  Everly swiped at her tears angrily. “For you, maybe. I’m going to be on a complete lockdown.”

  “But then when it’s all over, we’ll be free to see each other every day,” Ridge said softly, his eyes roaming over her, trying to memorize every line and angle. “And it’ll be just as hard on me. How am I supposed to get any work done with you constantly on my mind?”

  “At least you have your work,” she pouted.

  Ridge stood, pulling Everly with him. “We need a minute,” he told the men as he led her to the door. No one stopped them and Ridge was grateful that Leon hadn’t made a fuss. He ushered Everly into his office, then quickly pulled her into his arms when the door was closed. “Now...how about I give you a kiss that you can dream about this week to help the time pass, huh?”

  She laughed through her tears and wrapped her arms around his neck. “You’ve got kisses that good? Ones that last a whole week?”

  “Baby, I’ve got kisses that’ll last a lifetime,” he bragged as he dipped his head down. “Just stick with me and I’ll show you them all.”


  Everly stepped out of the car and took a deep breath. “Ahhh...Who knew fresh air could smell so good?” Her eyes roamed the lush meadow and forest in front of her, but it wasn’t nature’s beauty that she was looking for. She was going to get to see Ridge today and the thought had her heart racing.

  Sawyer chuckled. “I never took you for dramatic, Everly.”

  She scowled at him. “You stay cooped up for a week with no contact to the outside world and see how dramatic you become.”

  Sawyer scoffed. “Been there, done that. Have no desire to do it again.”

  Everly paused. “I’m sorry. I didn’t even stop to think about what I said.” She frowned. “I’m sure you’ve had some terrible experiences in the military that I don’t want to know about.”

  Sawyer shrugged, but his face was expressionless. “We all have.” He bent over the trunk and began lifting her guitar case. “Let’s get you settled.”

  Everly reached out to grab her instrument, but Sawyer held on for a second.

  “I know you’re excited to see Ridge,” he said softly, “but please remember that today is important. We need to catch this guy if you’re ever going to have a chance to be free to do what you want. Ridge is here to work, and if you so much as crook your finger at him, we both know he’ll come running.”

  Everly felt her excitement dwindle and she hung her head. “I know. I’ll do my best to stay away from him.” She glanced up and grimaced. “It’s hard, Sawyer. I really, really like him.” In fact, I’m pretty sure I love him, but there’s no way I’m telling you that.

  Sawyer gave her a sad smile. “I know. But we need all hands on deck today and twitterpated Ridge won’t be very helpful.”

  Everly nodded. “I get it. I’ll behave.”

  “Thank you.” He let go of her guitar. “Let’s get you to wardrobe, huh?” He started to walk across the dirt parking lot and paused. “Is that what they call it? That’s what the movies always say.”

  Everly chuckled. “That works just fine.” She nodded her head toward a small trailer. “That’s where they do my hair and make-up.”


  They walked in silence and Everly let her eyes wander to the set. Not everyone was there yet, but most of the crew was. She always arrived to these things early because it took forever to do her long hair, but the shoot wasn’t scheduled to start for another two hours.

  The set-up was in an open field right in front of a forest. Everly would be playing one of her latest songs out in nature, the theme of the video having a sort of hippie vibe to it. She climbed the steps of her trailer. “Hey, Tiff!” Everly greeted her friend and make-up artist with a hug. “I don’t think I’ve seen you since our last shoot!”

  Tiffany smiled. “Nope. Guess we’ve both been pretty busy.”

  “No kidding.” Everly smiled. “Making people look good is full-time work, huh?”

  Tiffany’s eyes were wide and glued over Everly’s shoulder.

  “Oh. Sorry.” Everly turned. “Sawyer, this is Tiffany, my make-up guru. She’s magic with a bit of foundation and a pencil.” She turned back to her friend. “Tiff, this is Sawyer. He’s here to...” Everly frowned and looked to Sawyer for guidance.

  “I’m here to watch. I’ve never seen a music video being made before.” Sawyer reached out a hand, which Tiffany took tentatively. “Nice to meet you.” He glanced around the small space, his sharp eyes taking in every nook and cranny. “I’ll just let you ladies chat.” He looked at Everly. “I’ll be right outside.”

  Everly nodded, grateful Sawyer was quick on his feet. She turned back and laughed at Tiffany’s face.

  “Is that your boyfriend?” Tiffany whispered, her eyes still on the door where Sawyer had disappeared.

  “Oh, no. He’s just a friend,” Everly assured her.

  “Whoo, Girl.” Tiffany fanned herself. “I think you’re making a mistake with that one. They don’t build ’em like that anymore. Did you see those curls?”

  Everly laughed and her thoughts wandered to the set of curls she was interested in. “Yeah. They’re pretty sweet, huh? How come boys get all the pretty facial features and we girls have to spend hours to get the same look?”

  Tiffany pursed her lips and slowly shook her head. “No idea, but it sure doesn’t seem fair, does it?” She stepped back, revealing a chair. “Speaking of which, we better get going if we’re going to get that length of hair all ready for today.”

  Everly sighed as she sat down.

  Tiffany began brushing Everly’s long, dark tresses. The motion was soothing, causing Everly to close her eyes and hum in appreciation.

  “Thinking on that hunk who’s just outside?” Tiffany inquired.

  Everly scoffed. “No. I told you. We’re just friends.”

  “Hmm...” Tiffany hummed. “Do you mind if I have a crack at him, then? That man is far too fine to leave on the table.”

  Before too long, the two women were laughing and swapping stories, the time flying as Tiffany created her masterpiece.

  “Voila`!” Tiffany said with a flourish, spinning Everly’s chair to let her look in the mirror. “What do you think?”

  “Ooooh!” Everly’s eyes were wide as she studied her friend’s handiwork. Her hair was long and wavy with a flower crown and small braids with baby’s breath inside them mixed in. Her make-up accentuated her eyes the most while managing to not look heavy or overdone. Her skin was smooth and soft-looking while her lips were shiny and plump. “You, my friend...are a total genius.” She shook her head. “How do you do it? If I tried to do this look myself, I’d end up being a scary clown.”

  Tiffany laughed. “I don’t think it’s possible for someone as beautiful as you to look like a clown, but thank you. I’m glad you like it. Now. Let’s get you into your dress and then we can head out to see if the director is here.”

  “Good plan.” Everly stood up and moved over the small space that was set up for her to change. A screen separated it from the rest of the trailer, giving her a touch of privacy.

  “How’s it going back there?” Tiffany called after Everly grunted for the fifth time.

  “Fine. I just keep bumping my elbow on the wall.” She stepped out, the long, cream, lace dress dragging on the floor. “You mind zipping me up?”

  “On it.” Tiffany moved Everly’s hair out of the way and took care of closing the zipper. “There. Now turn around.” She studied the whole effect. “I’m wondering if I should have gone for plum on your lips. That dress is awfully light.”

  Everly glanced at the mirror. “No way! The mauve is perfect. It looks way more natural, I think.”

  Tiffany pursed her lips and nodded. “Yeah. I think it’ll be good.” She clapped her hands
together. “All right, let’s go.” She winked. “And maybe after seeing you in this, your non-boyfriend out there will change his mind about the two of you.”

  Everly rolled her eyes. “Tiff!”

  Tiffany laughed and opened the door. “Hello, handsome,” she said in a low tone. “Thank you for waiting.”

  RIDGE’S EYES WERE TRAINED on the trailer where Sawyer had been standing guard. The door was open and a woman with short, spiky hair was stepping out, giving Sawyer a ‘come-hither’ look. Ridge chuckled, knowing it was probably driving Sawyer crazy, but the laughter stopped instantly when a woman in a long dress stepped into the doorway.

  Angels really do come to Earth.

  “What the—?” Ridge jerked forward when someone smacked the back of his head. Scowling, he rubbed the offended area and turned to look at his attacker.

  “Keep your tongue in your mouth,” Leon whispered harshly. “That’s my sister you’re drooling over.”

  One eyebrow shot up, and a retort formed on Ridge’s tongue, but he held back. He knew Everly would hate to see the two men fight, no matter that Leon was begging for one.

  He stepped close so no one else would hear their conversation. “I get that you’re angry, Leon. But your sister has chosen me and until she changes her mind, I have no intention of having her forced to pick between her boyfriend and her brother. I wouldn’t do that to my sister and I’m asking you not to do it to yours. She deserves better than that. We’re both men. We can handle this.”

  Leon’s nostrils flared for a moment, but he finally backed up. “You’re right. I sincerely hope she changes her mind, but until then, I’ll back off.”

  “What’s your problem anyway? If Everly can forgive me for the swap, why can’t you?”

  Leon pushed a hand through his hair and let out a harsh breath. “I don’t want her with guys like us, Ridge.” He looked over at his sister, who was still talking with the short-haired woman. “We jump into danger without a second thought. We risk ourselves to help people we’ve never met before, and although that’s good in a way, it’s not good for those back home.” His eyes came back to Ridge’s, his stare intense and hard. “She deserves a man who will be home every night. A stable husband who doesn’t risk his life every time he leaves the house.” Leon shook his head and turned away. “I watched my mom cry all the time when my dad had to leave. I’m sure it was almost as bad when I joined up as well. That’s just not the life I want for Everly.”

  Ridge swallowed hard, a sudden lump in his throat. “I can respect that,” Ridge said hoarsely. “But until she tells me to get lost, I can’t give her up. She’s the best thing that’s ever happened to me, man.”

  Leon nodded and sighed in defeat. “Let’s get back to work.”

  Ridge took one last glimpse of the beautiful woman who held his heart, then turned and began walking around the set. He kept his eyes peeled for anything suspicious, but as far as he could tell, everyone was legitimately working on prepping for the video.

  He watched some guy run around, shouting directions and ordering props to be moved where he wanted them. A group of people were standing outside one of the many trailers, setting up displays of food and drinks. Several men and women were tweaking and moving cameras. One guy was even messing with a drone and Ridge wished he could see the footage.

  The lovely lady in white slipped into his view as she came to talk to the man Ridge assumed was the director and Ridge caught his breath for the second time that morning. She’s so beautiful...

  As if she’d heard his thoughts, Everly looked around and their eyes caught. A wide smile spread across her face and she took a step in Ridge’s direction.

  Not one to waste time, he was just about to meet her halfway when the woman who’d come out of the trailer with Everly stopped her. Ridge froze, watching the interaction. The smile on Everly’s face fell and Ridge immediately fell back, disappointment shooting through him. You’re here to protect her today. No flirting! he reminded himself.

  Everly’s eyes came up once again, this time in resignation. A sad smile tugged her lips before she turned back to the woman and continued talking. After a couple of minutes, the woman nodded and left. Ridge kept his eyes on Everly, who gave him a small wave, then turned back to the director, who was talking and waving his arms wildly.

  Forcing his yearning into a lockbox, Ridge forced his eyes to move around the set. He noticed the short-haired woman was over at the food trailer, speaking to the workers setting out food. His eyes moved onto the cameramen, who were now standing, listening to the director.

  Nothing seemed out of place or odd and Ridge sighed, pushing a hand through his hair. Maybe we were wrong. Maybe her stalker won’t show.

  His phone buzzed and Ridge pulled it out of his pocket.

  Harlan: See anything?

  Ridge: Nothing. You?

  Harlan: No. The crew all checks out and no one is acting suspiciously.

  Ridge: No one except the woman who was hitting on Sawyer. Ridge chuckled as he sent the message, hoping to make Harlan smile.

  Harlan: Jealous?

  Ridge scoffed. Not a chance. The woman I want doesn’t flirt with other men.

  Harlan: You’re really serious about her?

  Ridge: Yes.

  There was nothing else to say and Ridge put the phone back in his pocket. Whether or not anyone believed him didn’t matter. Only Everly’s opinion counted and she felt the same way he did.

  Deciding he needed to watch things from a different angle, Ridge left his little shadow and began to walk around the space, staying to the outside perimeter. He walked past the multiple cars, nodding as he passed Roman, who was leaning on a hood, his sunglasses hiding his roaming eyes.

  Ridge ended up at Everly’s costume trailer and decided to stay there for a while. Putting on his own glasses, he folded his arms and leaned against the outside wall, facing the action.

  The director was now placing Everly in the middle of the field and the cameras were moving into position around her. Large speakers began to blast music as they tested the system.

  Keeping his head still, Ridge moved his eyes, jerking to a stop at the food truck again. “What is she still doing there?” he murmured. The short-haired woman had sidled up to one of the men working the food and was smiling widely at him. Ridge grunted and started to turn away, but he stopped again when she moved. The woman was now walking toward the door of the food trailer. After glancing both ways, she slipped into the small building.

  Ridge stood straight, suspicions swirling in his head. He quickly tapped the button on his headset.

  “What do you see?” Harlan’s voice was quiet and curt.

  “Why is the wardrobe lady inside the food truck?” Ridge asked. “She hung around flirting with a server for a really long time, then slipped inside. It just seems out of place to me.”

  “I’m already here. On it.” Harlan hung up and Ridge watched his brother step out of the shadows and walk inside the trailer.

  Ridge bounced on his toes as he waited to see what was going on. It only took a couple of minutes for Harlan to come back out again. He looked in Ridge’s direction and shook his head before disappearing around the corner once more.

  Ridge: What happened? Ridge texted, curious about the situation even if it was a bust.

  Harlan: They keep a specific type of bottled water in the fridge for her. She was getting some.

  Ridge growled low and stuffed the phone back in his pocket. Movement caught his eye and he saw the woman he had been watching step out of the trailer, a bottle in her hands.

  In frustration, Ridge threw his head back against the costume trailer, letting it bounce a little. “This is going to be a long day,” he grumbled.


  Everly strummed her guitar and mouthed the words along with the track. She ignored the sun beating down on her head as she glanced up, straight into the camera. Her head bobbed as the beat picked up and she threw her head back in abandon as the choru
s hit.

  “CUT!” Sammy, the director shouted. “Good, good. That wasn’t bad, but you’re a little tight. The movements are jerky. We need to loosen you up.”

  Everly took a moment to catch her breath and rubbed her forehead. “Sorry. I’m having a hard time getting my head into this.”

  Sammy huffed and folded his arms. “We only have today, Ev. What’s it gonna take to get your head where we need it?”

  Everly sighed. “Sorry.” She wiped the trickles of sweat from her temple.

  “Why don’t we give her a break?” Tiffany said, breaking the tension between them. “I need to reapply her make-up and she needs to cool off. Everything is melting right off of her.”

  Everly smiled in gratitude. “That sounds great.” She looked to Sammy. “Can I have fifteen? Then I promise to do better.”

  Sammy grunted but nodded. “Fine. Do what you need.” Spinning on his heel, he walked toward one of the cameramen, talking rapidly about angles and close-ups.

  Everly blew out a breath and handed her guitar to a nearby helper. She smiled when Tiffany threw her arm around Everly’s shoulders.

  “Come on, let’s get you cooled off.”

  Everly held her long dress up as they walked across the dirt and grass to the clothing trailer. Just before they arrived, a frantic movement caught her eye. Putting a hand up and squinting in the bright sun, Everly glanced at the side of the trailer.

  Her pulse sped up and a grin overtook her face. “Uh...Tiff?”

  Tiffany glanced at Everly just as she grabbed the door of the trailer. “Hmm?”

  “I’m just going to stand in the shade for a moment, you know, before I step inside the stuffy trailer.”

  Everly did a double take when she noticed a panicked look cross Tiffany’s face, but it was gone so quickly, she was sure she had imagined it.

  “I can put the fan on. It won’t really be stuffy. And I was being serious when I said I need to redo your make-up. It’s practically melting.”


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