Into the Rapture

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Into the Rapture Page 11

by Laurie Roma

Aeron immediately started over, and his expression darkened when he saw the Kings of the Isle of Mist speaking to Liandra. When he was waylaid by a few visiting warriors, he stopped to talk to them, but his gaze remained fixed on their mate.

  “Why the bloody fuck are those males standing so close to her?”

  “The kings brought Akani with them, which has made Liandra happy. Do not ruin this for her,” Braden commanded. He mentally growled at both of his brothers. “The gods save me from the two of you. You need to control yourselves.”

  “Is something wrong?”

  Jasyn sighed as he heard Liandra’s sweet voice in his head. “Nay, love. We are just being foolish males.”

  “None of my brothers are in a hurry to find a mate.”

  “We have the time to be selective, and as kings of our own lands, we answer to no one,” Artem said. His silver eyes flashed with amusement. “Although, we would not be upset if a female dropped down from the sky in front of us.”

  “Holding out for a human mate, are you?” Jasyn asked.

  “More like we are holding out for a real mating,” Sylon corrected, shooting him a pointed stare. “You would know what I mean.”

  “I suppose I am lucky my brothers are not in any hurry to see me mated off,” Akani said in a rush, trying to distract them. “It is a shame I did not find someone on the Isle of Mist I wanted to be with when I came of age last summer. Being able to have my mates and my family close by would be a blessing, but I know some females are not given a choice.”

  Zayden snorted in derision. “Take away your choice and be murdered in our sleep? I think not.” Despite his words, there was true love and affection in his eyes as he looked at his sister. “We would love to see you happily mated...when you are fifty or sixty.”

  That made Liandra laugh.

  Akani sighed before saying, “Do not encourage them. You think they are joking, but they are not. If I were to leave home, who would help organize their lives?”

  “There is truth to that,” Sylon admitted with a deep chuckle.

  “I am sure you will find the perfect males someday,” Liandra assured her friend.

  “I do not need perfect. I just need males who love me. Is that not what we all truly desire?”

  “It is.” Liandra couldn’t help sneaking a glance at Braden and Jasyn, who smiled back at her.

  “Then, you are fortunate to have found what you are looking for.” Artem shook his head. “None of you are exactly subtle, you know. Are we allowed to offer our congratulations yet?”

  Akani blinked and tried to look innocent. “I do not know what you are talking about.”

  “We need to teach you how to lie better,” Zayden said dryly.

  She glared at him, then shot Liandra an apologetic glance before saying, “Oh, look...there are quite a few males I do not know here. Perhaps I should go meet them.”

  Akani dashed away, but in a few steps, she was once again surrounded by her brothers. They started arguing in low tones as they made their way over to one of the tables filled with refreshments, which was exactly what she had intended.

  Liandra stared down at the ground. “Akani has always known how I feel about you, but her brothers...are you mad they know?”

  Jasyn’s heart clenched as she refused to look up at him. Mad? Fuck, he wanted to shout with joy now that the Kings of the Isle of Mist knew she was taken. Switching back to their private form of communication, he said, “I am not mad that they have been warned that you are taken. I wanted them to know.”

  “You do not have to worry,” she said, finally meeting his gaze. “They have never been interested in me. I am simply their sister’s friend.”

  “I still do not like any other males near you. Not being allowed to touch you when all I want to do is drag you into my arms is difficult. I crave the taste of you, and I want everyone to know exactly who we are to each other. It is like a compulsion in my blood.”

  Her glowing gold eyes sparkled with mirth. “You could show everyone by kissing me.”

  “Or it could get us killed before we have a chance to explain to your family,” Braden growled, interrupting them. “Stop staring at each other like that, or people will know you are speaking through a blood bond.” Speaking out loud, he asked, “Princess Liandra, would you care for some wine?”

  Looking contrite, she stared up at him. “Actually, could you do me a favor, Braden?”


  That made her smile. “Would you put this on the table for me?”

  Glancing down, Braden looked at the small red chest she held out to him and felt his interest pique. The moment he took the box from her, it began to softly shimmer with light. “What is this magic?”

  “Exactly that...magic.” Liandra moved closer and placed her hand on his wrist, then gasped as the small chest glowed a little brighter. “It was given to me by the Goddess of the Moons and the God of the Sun early this rising.”

  “What?” he shouted, then immediately fought to regain his composure. He stepped closer, blocking the glowing chest from curious gazes. “And you are just telling us now?”

  “I could not explain it to you earlier,” she said softly. “I tried, but something stopped me. I do not think they wanted me to tell you. Even now, I cannot seem to share what happened with you no matter how hard I try.”

  “But they do not mind that we know about the gift they gave you?” Jasyn asked.

  “Apparently not. The Goddess said I would find out what is inside at the celebration, but I do not know how to open it. I can see that people are getting curious about it, so I do not want to keep holding it. I do not think we should leave it unattended, though.”

  “Your conversation is garnering unwanted attention, and the others are waiting to offer their birthday blessings,” Aeron announced as he joined them. “Princess, you take my breath away.”

  She smiled up at him. “I am glad to see you survived the tours.”

  Braden stepped back from them, and the light quickly faded until the chest was no longer glowing. Holding it protectively between his hands, he gave her a small bow. “I will protect this gift for you while my brothers escort you around the room.”

  “Thank you, Braden. I do wish to speak to the females that have come from the havens.” She sighed. “And I suppose I must speak to the other guests as well. Hopefully, the feast will begin soon.”

  “I wish to hear more about your visit with the gods.”

  “I will tell you everything as soon as I am able,” she vowed.

  Leaving them to suffer being social, a task he equated to a form of torture, he strode away and made his way to the long table up on the dais in the back of the room that was used by the royal family. He headed toward the opposite end of the table from where King Arik, King Falon, and Queen Kyriani were sitting with the Kings and Queen of the Forest Palace.

  He wanted to remain close to Liandra, but the three of them hovering around her would only draw more attention to them. It was both amusing and slightly baffling that he had better control of his emotions than his brothers when the opposite was usually true. Knowing she loved them had settled something inside of him, and he no longer saw the other males in the room as competition for her affection.

  Instead, they were merely an annoyance he had to tolerate...for now.

  His brothers would watch out for her. Of that, he had no doubt. Still, he would keep his eye on her from a distance should she have need of him. Until then, he would guard her treasure, and he had to admit that he was glad to have some time alone to study the magical chest.

  Once he was up on the dais, he turned his back to the room and looked down at the chest. At first, he had thought it was made of metal, but it was unlike any substance he’d ever encountered before. It was so light it barely had any mass, yet it felt substantial in his hands. The contradiction intrigued him. He searched for a latch or some sort of locking mechanism but found none.

  After thoroughly examining every inch of the small
box, he was left with more questions than answers. Perplexed by the object, he set it down on the table. If it was made by magic, he probably shouldn’t be tinkering with it.

  But he liked puzzles, and this was definitely one that stirred his interest.

  While he would have liked to have been there to hear what they had to say, the very fact the Goddess of the Moons and the God of the Sun had sought Liandra out was truly amazing. If Lunaria and Silas approved of their mating, then nothing could stand in their way. Still, if they had the gods’ blessing, why would they prevent Liandra from telling him and his brothers about their meeting?

  He found their secrecy infuriating, though he knew it was foolish to question the gods. Obviously, whatever machinations they were involved in had something to do with the magical chest they had given Liandra. It had glowed when she had placed it in his hand. Stranger yet, it had gotten brighter the moment she had touched him.

  Now that light was gone, completely extinguished as if it had never been.

  When he sensed someone walking toward him, he glanced over and found Cael watching him with a serious expression. “Is something wrong? With all of these unknown males about, I figured you would not let Princess Allie out of your sight. Where is your mate? Is she well?”

  “Funny, I was going to ask you the same thing.”

  A million thoughts raced through Braden’s head. Deciding to go with caution, he asked, “What do you mean?”

  “I think you know.”

  Well, fuck.

  He could pretend he didn’t understand what Cael was talking about, but that didn’t feel right. He never lied, and that would be a form of deceit. Confession didn’t seem like the best course of action either, but what other choice did he have?

  “How long have you known?”

  “I had my suspicions, but I was not sure until I saw the bracelet and rings my sister is wearing.” Cael paused before adding, “That is the metal I treated for you, is it not?”

  “It is.” He glanced down, making a show of scanning the area before meeting his friend’s gaze again. “I guess I should be grateful you have not run me through with a blade.”

  “Yet,” the prince said darkly. “Then again, I no longer need a weapon to hurt you. Would you care to explain what in hellfire is going on?”

  Deciding to go with the simple truth, Braden said, “I love her. We love her and plan to mate her. We were going to speak to you and the kings and queen after the celebration.”

  He braced himself, ready for Cael’s censure, but it never came. When the prince did speak again, his words were shocking.

  “It is about fucking time.”

  “ definitely not what I expected you to say.”

  “Was I right?” Allie called out as she waddled closer, flanked by Tynan and Ryder.

  “Aye, my love. You were right,” Cael confirmed. He leaned down to kiss the top of her head. “Sit now. I can feel your feet are hurting you.”

  Holding onto Tynan’s forearm, she slowly lowered herself down onto the chair Ryder had pulled out for her. Before her behind touched the wooden seat, a large cushion appeared under her. Cael gently lifted her legs, propping her feet on another cushioned seat.

  “Thank you. It’s these stupid shoes,” she muttered, glaring down at her shoes. “Oh, look. I can actually see my feet for once. I almost forgot what they look like.”

  “Your feet are as cute as they have always been,” Tynan assured. “I thought you said we took care of the swelling.”

  “You did.” She sighed. “They just feel huge still. Everything feels huge.” Her delighted laughter filled the air as her simple slip-on shoes suddenly transformed into a pair of fuzzy pink slippers. “Oh, that is so much better. Not exactly a fashion statement with this dress, but I don’t care.”

  Ryder’s eyes glowed with amusement. “You could start a new trend.”

  Braden watched the males fuss over their pregnant mate with a small twinge of envy. He always felt like an intruder whenever he witnessed intimate moments between them, but something felt different this time. Since they had discovered Princess Allie was carrying their babes, they had started being so careful with one another. Her emotions made her unpredictable, and Tynan, Cael, and Ryder always seemed on edge.

  That unease was completely gone, and their anxiety had been replaced by pure contentment. Their love was absolute, and Braden felt their happiness radiating from them. It was that sense of unity and cohesion that he and his brothers wanted with Liandra.

  Tynan stepped away from the others until he was standing next to Braden and folded his arms across his chest. “It will not be easy.”

  “I know,” he said with a sigh.

  “Why shouldn’t it be easy?” Allie asked, frowning up at them. “You love her, she loves you. It can’t get easier than that.”


  She rolled her eyes. “You males can be so oblivious. I’ve seen the way you watch her, and she has been miserable since you guys stopped being her guards. She misses you.”

  “Allie said she was heartsick, but we did not see it until she pointed it out,” Ryder admitted. “Since you, Braden, and Aeron seemed unaffected, we thought she would get over her infatuation with time and distance.”

  “Unaffected?” Braden scoffed. “We guard her still, even with our other duties. We have not had a decent night’s sleep since we became commanders.”

  “You poor guys,” Allie cooed sympathetically. She poked Cael in the thigh. “I told you.”

  He placed a hand on her rounded stomach. “Aye, mate. You did.”

  “As much as we want to shield her and keep her a youngling forever, we know we cannot,” Ryder admitted. “If she has to be with someone, it might as well be you.”

  “Your touching praise warms my heart,” Braden said dryly.

  “She is our sister, asshole. And you have been stalking her behind our backs,” Ryder shot back. “I believe a little reticence on our part is better than punching you in the face.”

  Braden considered arguing that point, but there was truth in what Ryder said. He had been expecting that punch, but all things considered, they were taking the news remarkably well.

  “He’s joking. We totally support you,” Allie claimed. The tears shimmering in her eyes made it impossible for her mates to contradict her. “I’m so happy for you.”

  “Our fathers can be difficult when it comes to Liandra. When you speak to them, we will do what we can to help,” Cael promised softly.

  “You have our gratitude.”

  “Do not thank us yet,” Tynan said bluntly. “Our fathers will not be pleased, and I doubt that anything we say will change their minds. It will depend on what Liandra says, and whether or not she can withstand the weight of their disapproval. You have to consider what will happen if she gives in and mates with our fathers’ choice for her instead.”

  “Tynan!” Allie chided. “You are being a jerk.”

  “You should have more faith in your sister,” Braden said coolly. “Liandra is no coward. And consider this fair warning...the next time you insult her, you will be the one to feel my fist against your face.”

  Tynan smiled slowly. “That was all I needed to know.”

  “A threat to punch you proves something?” Allie asked.

  “Aye, it does.”

  She rolled her eyes. “I will never understand you males.” Glancing down at the small chest on the table, she froze. “What is that?”

  Uncomfortable with the attention she was showing the gift he had been entrusted to guard, Braden retrieved it from the table before she could touch it. “It belongs to Liandra.”

  Allie stared at him. “It is made with magic.”

  He nodded curtly. “I am aware.”

  “Strong magic. The only time I have ever felt it’s equal was in the Isle of Dreams with—” Her eyes went wide, and she gasped.

  Tynan’s gaze sharpened. “Did our sister meet—?”

  “I am not the one y
ou should be asking,” Braden said, cutting him off.

  Thankfully, they were interrupted when several females were escorted over to the table. The females immediately started asking Allie questions about the babies, which in turn distracted all three of her mates. While most of the females from the havens were wary around the warriors, they seemed comfortable around the princes since they trusted Allie implicitly.

  Braden retreated from the table. For such a large male, he could blend into the background when he chose to, but he also wanted to give the females the courtesy of physical distance by stepping back. Once he was leaning against the wall, he reached out to his brothers and his mate.

  “Your brothers know about us. Princess Allie guessed it.”

  “What did they say? They did not try to hit you, did they?”

  Humor lightened his mood. “Nay, they did not. And they said it is about fucking time.”

  Her laughter drifted to him. “That is a relief.”

  “What else did they say?” Aeron asked.

  After a brief moment of hesitation, Braden shared the entire conversation with them. Since Jasyn and Aeron knew exactly how fatalistic Tynan could be at times, they weren’t upset by what had been said. Liandra, on the other hand, was like a lit fuse ready to explode.

  “Oh, just let him see what happens when I give in. Give in to the urge to kick him, that is. The stupid male...”

  Liandra wanted to find her brother and throttle him, but she was distracted by the arrival of the Princes of the Forest Palace, Ronan and Dominic Karos. They were close friends with her family, so she knew them well. Still, she couldn’t just walk away from them without greeting them properly.

  “Blessings on your day of birth, Princess Liandra.” Ronan smiled warmly. “We apologize for our late arrival. One of our younger brothers was injured in a training accident, so we made them stay behind.”

  “I hope he is okay.”

  “I think Keo’s pride was injured more than his leg,” Dominic explained. “Either way, we might ask your brothers and Allie to fly over and check on him in a few days.”

  “I am sure they would be happy to be of service.” Smiling sweetly, she said, “Speaking of my brothers...I must go kill one of them now. It is good to see you both, but you will have to excuse me.”


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