Falling For Ryan: Part One

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Falling For Ryan: Part One Page 8

by Tracy Lorraine

  “I’m going to do one with handcuffs as well, which I think will look quite cool. I’ll scan them all in when we get back, edit them further, then add all the text and stuff.”

  “I can’t imagine Hannah working on something like this.” Hannah was so sweet; in my head, she and bondage do not go together.

  “It would have always been mine to work on, because they liked the hand-drawn elements. Let’s be honest, Hannah was a brilliant designer, but she couldn’t draw for toffee!” She laughs as she thinks back. “Do you remember when we had to do a life drawing class in our third year? The model was offended by Hannah’s sketches.”

  “Yeah, I remember. She asked me if I would model for her so she could practice, but I didn’t want her to knock my self-esteem by drawing some sort of alien thing that was meant to be me.”

  By the look on her face, Molly’s deep in thought.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing. Just thinking…would you let me draw you?” she asks.

  “Um…are you serious? You want to draw me…naked?” I know I’ve got a pretty good body, but could I really get it all out and lie in front of Molly while she stares at me? All of me?

  “I’m serious. I’d love to sketch you and get all these in there.” My skin heats as her finger runs over my abs. My dick twitches, ready for action every time her finger touches my skin. “We could put some grapes in front of your manhood if you’re worried about how small it is,” she deadpans.

  “Oh, you’ll need more than grapes.” I wink at her. “Could you actually take it seriously if I laid out in front of you?”

  “It’s art—of course I could take it seriously.”

  “I’ll think about it,” I mutter, moving back over to my sun lounger. The way she was touching me along with the sweet scent of her perfume is messing with my head as well as my dick. “So, how’s work going? I know you took on fewer clients after Hannah died, but it seems it’s picking up again,”

  “Yeah, it’s getting really busy. I’m getting to the point where there’s too much for me to do alone, and I need to employ someone else and get an office. But that’s such a huge step.”

  “Molly, you can do anything you set your mind to. If you really think you’re at that point, go for it. What’s the worst that could happen?”

  She smiles and takes a deep breath. “I guess you’re right. I’ll start looking into stuff when we get back.”

  “What are we doing for your birthday Saturday night?”

  “Megan mentioned us all going out. I just need to text everyone with the details.”

  “Sounds like a plan; I’m in. Don’t make any plans for Friday night, though. You’re all mine.”

  “That sounds a little creepy. What are you going to do with me?”

  “Just a little surprise.”

  I leave Molly looking confused and walk down to the beach with my phone. I’ve been planning something with Susan and Pete for ages now as a thank you to Molly for everything she’s done for all of us these past six months. I wasn’t aware up until just now how imminent it could be, but the timing is brilliant for her birthday. Once I’ve organised everything with Susan, spoken to Emma, and made a few more calls to sort everything out, it’s time to get ready for dinner.

  “Wow, that food was amazing,” Molly says as we walk along the beach after getting back from the pub.

  “I don’t think I’m going to be able to eat for a week after all that.”

  “I think I’d drive down here just for a slice of the cheesecake. It was so good.”

  She’s right; the cheesecake was amazing, but she sounded indecent whilst eating it, especially in a packed pub. If people didn’t know any better, they’d have thought she was having an orgasm at the dinner table.

  We’ve been walking along slowly for about thirty minutes, carrying our shoes as we step through the shallow seawater. Molly, as always, looks stunning in a strapless white summer dress that’s fitted at her waist, then flares out to her knees. The white sets off her new tan well. Her hair is pinned up with a flower in it, exposing her neck. Every time I look at her, all I want to do is put my lips there and taste her skin.

  I turn around when I notice she stopped a few seconds ago. She’s smiling mischievously. I’m almost scared to ask. Almost. “What?”

  “Do you know what we haven’t done since we’ve been here?”

  I can think of a number of things we haven’t done. “What did you have in mind?” I ask with a smirk.

  “We haven’t been swimming in the sea. You up for it?”

  “Yeah, let’s go get changed and come back down,” I say as I turn in the direction of the beach hut.

  “That’s…not exactly what I was thinking.” I turn back around to her and find that she’s walked up a little from the water and dropped her shoes on the dry sand. She stands so she’s facing me and pulls the zip of her dress down. She has a small smile on her face as she watches me watch her.


  She drops her dress to her feet and stands there, waiting.

  Fuck, she’s stunning. She’s standing there in a white lacy strapless bra and matching tiny knickers that look like they show off most of her arse. I can’t move. I’m frozen, staring at her. I’m sure my eyes are bulging out of my head and my mouth is hanging open.


  She walks towards me, slowly, and stops right in front of me.

  “Ryan?” she tries again, but it’s like I’m dreaming. I’m still immobile as she grasps the top button of my shirt. Agonisingly slowly, it seems, she undoes one at a time, until she’s at the bottom. She slips her hands onto my shoulders and pushes my shirt off so it pools on the sand. It’s when I feel her hands touch the skin above my waistband that I snap out of my trance. She needs to stop, or she’s going to find herself pinned under me in the sand.

  “Skinny dipping?” I ask, just to make sure I’ve understood correctly.

  “Well, I don’t think going naked is a particularly good idea, so I’m going like this,” she laughs.

  “You’d be having the same problem if you were stood in my shoes,” I say quietly.

  She turns and winks at me as she disappears into the sea. “Don’t worry, the water’s pretty cold. It should sort your problem right out,” she says, dropping her gaze to my crotch.

  “You’re going to regret that, Molly,” I say as I drop my shorts and wade into the water in my black boxer briefs as fast as I can, so she can’t see exactly how excited I am by this.

  She’s in up to her neck. I go straight over and pick her up. She wraps her legs around my waist and puts her arms on my shoulders.

  “Oh,” she says as she wiggles her hips, “I see the cold water didn’t work.”

  “You are in so much trouble, Molly Carter,” I scold her, staring straight into her eyes, trying to stare her down and stop her laughing. It doesn’t work, but I know what will. I grab her waist and throw her as hard as I can into the water.

  “Fuuuuu—” She squeals, but she’s cut off as she goes under.

  When she resurfaces, she’s spluttering and frantically wiping her face. “Do you know how fucking disgusting that tastes, fuckface?” she says, glaring at me.

  “No, I wasn’t stupid enough to go under like you!” At that, she pushes a wave of water at me, but I see it coming and turn away.

  We spend ages messing about in the water like teenagers. It’s great to be carefree for a while. Molly is such fun to be around; she doesn’t take herself too seriously, and she’s quite happy to laugh at herself. I think she’s starting to regret winding me up earlier, judging by the number of times she’s had to spit out a mouthful of salt water.

  I notice that she’s started shivering and her teeth are chattering. “I think it’s time we got out. You look freezing.”

  I swim over to where she is and stand close to her.

  Time for my revenge.

  “Come here,” I say as I pull her into my arms and squeeze her tight. “Thanks for th
is. I like acting like kids again.” I kiss her hair, making her look up at me.

  “The whole week has been brilliant. Thank you for bringing me. I can’t believe it’s nearly over, though. I don’t feel ready to leave yet.”

  She makes me laugh as she pouts. “I know, but we still have tomorrow, and then you’ve got all that new stuff to go in your room when we get back.” The thought of that perks her up a little.

  I slowly start rubbing my hands up and down her back like I’m warming her up, and I lean forward so I’m whispering in her ear. “Do you know, you’re even more gorgeous when you have black makeup running down your face,” I tell her softly.

  It’s completely dark out here but for the light the moon is casting, allowing me to see enough to know I just made goosebumps break out across her skin.

  “I don’t believe you. No one looks good like that,” she replies.

  “Believe it.”

  My hands are still roaming over her back, and I keep pushing them a little closer to her arse or around her sides to her breasts. Her pulse picks up from my touch.

  I place a soft kiss under her ear, and I hear her sharp intake of breath at my action. I do it again, and again. Her breaths are coming out fast now, and her pulse pounds against my lips. I move my hands up her back and slip my fingers under the strap of her bra to test the water. She groans and presses her breasts harder into my chest. Her hips slowly start to grind against me, and it takes everything in me not to moan with pleasure. It’s now or never, or I’ll get carried away. I move my hands around her back one more time as I place another kiss to her neck. This time, I unsnap her bra, pull it away from her, and move towards the shore as quick as I can.

  “Ryan, what the fuck?” she squeals from behind me. “Come back, you little fucker!”

  I can’t help it, I’m crying with laughter as I make my way to our hut with our clothes.

  I stand on our balcony overlooking the beach and Molly, who is still in the sea. She looks seriously lost out there alone. I almost feel bad. Almost.

  Eventually, she squares her shoulders as though she’s made a decision, and she starts to walk out the water, clutching her breasts in her hands.

  When she hits the path to our beach hut, I shout down, “Revenge is sweet, Miss Molly.” She looks up at me and growls—yes, actually growls.

  As she comes towards me, I hold out the towel I got ready for her. See, I’m not a total dick.

  “I cannot believe you did that, you fuckwit. I think I hate you a little bit,” she says very seriously as she pulls the towel around her, unfortunately managing not to flash me in the process.

  When she’s sorted, she bursts out laughing. Thank God. She looked so serious, I thought she was about to castrate me right here. I can’t help it, and I laugh along with her.

  Once she’s calmed down, she walks over to the fridge, pulls out the bottle of Apple Sourz, and pours us both a very large shot. “To embarrassing friends,” she says with a laugh. I clink her glass and take a drink.

  “To revenge,” I say, and we repeat the process.

  “I actually cannot believe you did that, Ryan. That took more balls than I gave you credit for.”

  “Don’t you go worrying about my balls, Molly. There is most definitely nothing wrong with them.”

  Chapter Nine


  The last day of our holiday was great. We chilled out by the beach hut, reading and enjoying each other’s company.

  It’s now Friday. I’ve finished setting up my room, and Ryan’s put my shelves and mirror up so I could get everything in place.

  Going away wasn’t the wisest thing to do, but it was worth all the work I’ve got to catch up with now. Because I’ve been in my room, the only time Ryan and I have really seen each other has been at dinner. With his extra time during the school holidays, he’s been experimenting in his new kitchen and, I have to say, he’s not doing a bad job.

  Tonight is the night he’s reserved for my birthday surprise. I hate surprises, and Ryan knows this, which is why he’s been winding me up about it all week. I now feel like a coiled spring with the pressure of it all. He’s told me to dress smart-casual, so I guess we are not going somewhere posh.

  I decide to wear the black maxi dress with pink flower print that I didn’t wear on the holiday; the jersey material clings in all the right places. I’ve left my make-up light and just added some eyeliner and mascara to make my eyes stand out a little. I grab my flip-flops out of my wardrobe, my handbag off the bed, and head upstairs to see if he’s ready.

  I find him sat on the sofa, watching the local news. He notices me straight away, turns the TV off, and comes over to me.

  “You look amazing as always, Molly.”

  “You too.” He’s wearing light blue jeans that hug his arse and muscular thighs in the most delicious way, and a black fitted t-shirt and black Converse. It’s simple, but so hot. He has obviously tried to style his hair but, as usual, his dirty blond locks are falling over his forehead in a sexy mess, and he smells out of this world.

  “Right, come on. It’s nearly time for your surprise.”

  I groan in response.

  He grabs my hand and pulls me out of the house. He stops by the passenger door of his car, opens it, and ushers me in.

  “Wow, being a gentleman tonight, are we?” I comment.

  “Not likely,” he says with a huff, making me laugh. That is, until he leans into me, grabs the seatbelt and straps me in. A heated look flickers in his eyes quickly, but it’s gone as fast as it appears.

  “I am able to do that myself, you know.”

  “Molls, just be quiet and go with the flow. You’re not in control here, I am,” he says in his teacher voice.

  “Sorry, Mr. Evans,” I sing. With that, he pulls something out of his back pocket and moves towards me again. He’s so quick that, before I know what’s happening, he’s tying something around my eyes. Once it’s secured, I hear him shut the door and, a couple of seconds later, he gets in the driver’s seat and starts the car.

  “Is this really necessary?” I growl.

  “Just forget that we’re going somewhere, and imagine that it’s research for that bondage project you were working on last week.”

  “Um, Ry…I don’t think this is quite like that.”

  “Maybe not, but I thought it might take your mind off it a bit.” He smiles. “Have you been to one of the nights you’re advertising?” he asks quietly.

  “Oh yeah, all the time.”

  He pauses as he considers my words. “You’re into all that stuff? You’ve never talked about it before.”

  “No, Ry, not really. I’ve only ever stepped inside for a meeting with the manager.”

  “Oh um…what about…um…” He clears his throat. “Bondage in general. Have you done that stuff?”

  “Ryan, are you getting embarrassed?”

  “I just wondered.”

  “I’ve never been with anyone I would have trusted enough to do anything like that. What about you?” I ask, but I’m guessing from his hesitation that he hasn’t.

  He falls silent once again. I can only imagine he’s thinking about Hannah.

  “Right, we’re here. Stay there and I’ll help you out.”

  “Can’t I take it off?” I sulk.

  “Nope. Hang on.”

  A couple of minutes later, Ryan is standing behind me with his hands on my waist, steering me in the right direction.

  “Right, we’re going upstairs. Lift now…okay, up we go.”

  “Is it much farther?”

  “No, we’re almost there. Right, stand here.” He brings me to a stop and turns me slightly. “Are you ready?”

  With that, he unties me.

  “What?” I ask as I look around.

  I’m in some sort of office. It takes me a few seconds to register that the work hanging on the walls is what Hannah and I had designed since we started the company. I turn around to look at Ryan. He’s not standing alone. Next
to him are Susan, Pete, and Emma, and all of them have big smiles on their faces.

  It’s in that moment that it hits me.

  “We’re in the flat,” I say as they all come towards me, wishing me happy birthday and giving me a hug.

  “When Ryan moved into his new house, we got some builders in to revamp the place. We were going to rent it out to students again, but none of us wanted anyone living in the place you’d all spent so much time in. We applied to change its use from a flat to an office. Lilly designed the interior, and we asked your brothers to do the work. Then, it was going to sit here, waiting, until you were ready,” Susan explains.

  “Until I was ready?” Tears sting my eyes.

  “When Ryan rang us last week to say that you were talking about hiring, we had to get our arses into gear and get it finished for you.”

  “You’re telling me that all of this is for the business?”

  Susan starts laughing. Apparently, the look on my face is priceless.

  “Yes, it’s for the business. The business that you and our daughter started. We want you to still be able to live out your dream, and this flat is the perfect way for you to do that. Do you like it?”

  “You’ve already done so much for me…this is just too much.”

  “Angel, we love you like one of our own. We want to do everything we can to help you. Plus, it’s for Hannah as well. She would be so happy to see the business you both dreamed of coming to life.”

  With that, I throw myself at her and hold her tight as everything she just said settles into my brain. I turn around and give Pete a hug, and then Emma, before I turn and jump into Ryan’s arms. I love the Morrisons with all my heart; they’re my family, but I never expected them to do something like this for me.

  After a few seconds, I realise that no one has said a word. I lift my head out of the crook of Ryan’s neck and see Susan, Pete, and Emma staring at us. I suddenly realise how this must look to them and quickly remove myself from Ryan.

  “Can I see the rest?” I ask, trying to break the sudden tension.

  I’m in awe. The living/dining room is now a large office with two massive desks in it. The bedroom that used to be Hannah’s is now a meeting room with a giant table in the center. Susan said they used her room for this because they wanted her to be involved with the decisions. My old room is now a mini living room with a sofa and TV. Emma’s old room is currently empty, and the little kitchen and bathroom are the same as before. Everything is black, gray, and pink, to match our branding, and all the furniture is really modern.


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