Falling For Ryan: Part One

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Falling For Ryan: Part One Page 19

by Tracy Lorraine

  Thirty minutes later, Jax is stood in front of me in his boxers. I’ve just finished faffing about with the silk sheet, and I’m ready for him to get into place.

  “Right, you take this.” I hand him the smaller bit of fabric. “I’ll go in the bathroom while you get yourself sorted, then give me a shout.”

  “Do I really have to get naked? Can’t I just chuck this fabric over me so it covers my boxers?” He looks at me with pleading eyes.

  “No, I want as much on show as possible. Come on, Jax, it will be fine.” I walk away from him into my bathroom and wait.

  “You seriously owe me one for this,” Jax mutters before I hear the bed move, but he doesn’t say anything else.

  “Are you done?”

  “Ugh, yes. Let’s get this over with, then never speak of it again.”

  I walk out and look over to him. His face is now bright red with embarrassment.

  “Stop looking so worried. You look hot. Abbi is going to love it, and I’m sure her reaction will make this worthwhile for you.”

  “You’d better be right.” I go over to him to adjust the sheet around him. “Careful, pull that any lower and it may as well not be there.”

  “Chill out. Trust me when I say that I have no intention of seeing your dick, Jax.” He still doesn’t look convinced. “Trust me,” I say again, hoping it might make him relax.

  “You know, you could be wearing less,” he teases, and I’m pleased when I see his usual cocky grin.

  “Uh, no. If you ever take up life drawing, I’ll repay the favour, but I need to focus on this.”

  “Spoil sport.”

  I just stick my tongue out at him.

  The time seems to fly, and before I know it, hours have passed. After drifting off to sleep, Jax is starting to complain he’s uncomfortable. I keep telling him to suck it up, but I know I’m being mean. I’m going to have to let him move soon.

  I’m so engrossed in my sketch that I don’t hear the footsteps coming towards my room. Jax obviously doesn’t either, because both our heads shoot to the door when it opens.

  “What the fuck?” Ryan asks, taking in the scene before him. “Dude, what the fuck are you doing?” I look over to Jax and see a mixture of shock and embarrassment wash over him.

  “You said he was busy upstairs and wouldn’t come down,” Jax growls at me.

  “I said he was busy. I didn’t promise anything else.” I shrug.

  “Molly, why is Jax naked on your bed?”

  “I’ve been doing a life drawing class. I’ve got to do a final piece, and Jax agreed to be my model.”

  “I got bullied into it. I didn’t agree easily,” Jax mutters under his breath.

  “How did I not know you were doing a life drawing class?”

  “You haven’t really been about much. It wasn’t a secret. I actually signed up because of that conversation we had on our holiday.”

  “I’ll leave you to it, then,” he says, walking away.

  “Well, he looked royally pissed off,” Jax says once Ryan is upstairs.

  “He’s trying to like you, Jax, but we do get caught in some compromising positions.”

  I sketch for another hour before I think I’ve finished. I’ve done it in charcoal so it’s all black and white. I’ve managed to capture Jax’s ink as I wanted it, and I’m really pleased with the result.

  “Right, I’m done.” I turn my sketch around to show him.

  “Holy fuck, that’s good.”

  “See, I told you to trust me. Right, I’m going to head upstairs so you can get dressed. Thank you so much for doing this for me.”

  “No problem. It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, actually.”

  “Told you so.”

  The moment I open my bedroom door, the scent of home cooking fills my nose. My stomach rumbles, but when I get upstairs, I head straight for the kettle. I’m dying for a cup of tea. Ryan’s sitting at the table, surrounded by folders he’s marking, with a deep frown on his face.

  “Hey, do you want a coffee?”

  “No thanks,” he says stroppily.

  “Molly, I’m going to head off. I’ve taken a picture of your drawing and sent it to Abbi. She says she wants it framed,” Jax says, shaking his head, a goofy smile appearing at the mention of her.

  “No problem, I’ll get it sorted for her after I’ve handed it in. Thanks again, Jax, I really appreciate you doing that for me. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  “Yeah, bye. Bye, Ryan,” he adds before he leaves the room, but Ryan just grunts in response.

  I make my tea before heading over to him and leaning my hip against the table next to him. “What’s wrong?”

  “Nothing,” he snaps.

  “It doesn’t look like nothing. Tell me.”

  “Him,” he spits, gesturing to where Jax was just stood.

  “What’s he done now?”

  “You asked him to model for you.”

  “Are you jealous? Did you want me to ask you?”

  Ryan lowers his head as if embarrassed. “You know what? Yes, I am,” he says, raising his determined eyes back to mine. “I thought I was your best friend. Not only did I not know you were taking this class, but you also didn’t ask me. I hate that we’ve drifted apart. I miss you.”

  “You didn’t seem too up for modelling when we spoke about it in the summer, so I didn’t think you would do it, anyway.”

  “We were just messing about in the summer. I’d do anything for you, and you know that.” He reaches his hand out and grabs my free one, caressing the back with his thumb and sending tingles up my arm—so much so that I have to put my tea down so I don’t drop it. “I hate that you’ve been staring at him practically naked all morning.”

  Shit, he really is jealous. “It was art, Ry. I was looking at him like I would a bowl of fruit.”

  “That may be true, but it doesn’t help me.” He stands in front of me and cups my cheek with his other hand. “I don’t want you having some other guy’s body in your mind,” he says quietly. “How would you feel if the situation was reversed?”

  I don’t even have to think about it; the thought alone makes me feel sick. “Uh…”

  “Exactly.” His hand slides around to the back of my head, his fingers thread into my hair, and he pulls me towards him. For a second, I think he’s going to kiss me, but at the last minute, he presses his lips to my forehead.

  His breath caresses my face and I can’t help but close my eyes as I revel in his touch, his closeness.

  We both stay still for a few seconds longer before he places his lips against mine for the briefest kiss, before stepping away and walking towards the kitchen.

  I stand there and stare, completely confused. I snap myself out of it just in time to see him adjust himself as he comes to a stop in front of the fridge. He pulls out a bottle of wine and pours me a glass. I watch, mesmerised, as he slides it over the counter so it’s in front of one of the stools at the breakfast bar, before placing his palms flat on the counter and leaning his hips forward to rest against the worktop.

  “Come on, dinner will be ten minutes…I think,” he says, nodding to my glass of wine.

  I slowly walk over, taking my hoodie off as I go. After that little interaction, I most definitely don’t need it on to keep me warm. I throw it on the sofa as I pass and sit myself up on the stool before taking a sip of my wine.

  I look up when my skin begins to tingle under his stare. His eyes are glued to the bit of cleavage I’ve just revealed. His tongue sneaks out and runs over his bottom lip before he swallows, making the muscles in his neck ripple.

  “Come and sit down.”

  “I…uh…I think I need to stay on this side of the counter for a while.” His eyes drop to his crotch briefly and I follow them, suddenly realising why he’s over there.

  “Oh. So, did you get all your work done?” I try to come up with something that might help break the tension surrounding us, but it has little effect.

  We chat
for a few more minutes before the buzzer goes off on the oven and Ryan dishes up our dinner. I hop off the stool and join him.

  The lasagne is delicious, especially for a first attempt, but standing side by side as we clean up from dinner is torture. Every time I brush against him, sparks fly, and I know he’s feeling the same because, every time it happens, his eyes snap to mine.

  Once we’ve finished, I excuse myself so I can go downstairs and get changed into something more comfortable. I decide to have a quick shower before getting my PJs on and heading back upstairs.

  Ryan is watching some nature programme when I join him on the sofa. He’s sat in the middle seat of his corner sofa with his legs stretched out on one side, so I go to sit at the end closest to the kitchen.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Uh, sitting down?”

  “Not over there, you’re not. Come here.”

  I’ve just placed my glass on the coffee table when his hands firmly grip my hips and pull me backward until I’m sat right up against his side. He settles himself and puts his legs back up on the cushions before pulling me into him so my front is against his side. With one arm around my shoulder, he uses the other one to pull mine around his waist. I tense.

  “Relax, Molls. Put your legs up, your head down, and just chill.”

  I do as he says, placing my legs alongside his and putting my head on his still naked chest. I try to relax but it’s hard, pressed up against his smoking hot body. His hand strokes up and down my arm, trying to relax me, and it actually works. I let out a huge sigh and snuggle into him.

  “That’s it,” he says, kissing the top of my head. “I’ve missed this.” He holds me tighter and pulls the blanket over us.


  “Shit.” It’s still dark, so it can’t be too late. We must have fallen asleep on the sofa after we got comfortable last night.

  Molly’s lying completely on top of me. How can I be that comfortable? Her arms are on my shoulders, her body flush against mine, and her legs are on either side of me. I shift slightly and realise that my dick is throbbing—not only because I’ve got Molly cuddled around me, but because her hot centre is right on top of it. The friction is so good that I want to keep moving against her, but I don’t think she’ll appreciate that wake-up call at the moment.

  I stretch my arm out and grab my phone—it’s nearly six o’clock—just before my alarm goes off. Putting it back down, I turn my attention to the beauty still fast asleep on top of me.

  Leaning down, I press my lips against her hair. “Molly,” I whisper. “It’s time to wake up.” I watch as her eyelids start to flutter. I continue running my hands up and down her back and I’m aware of the moment she’s awake and realises what’s happening because goosebumps cover her skin. I kiss her head again before I feel her move. Sitting up all of a sudden, my hands slip around so they’re on her waist, and I manage to contain the growl that creeps up my throat as she moves against my dick.

  “Shit, did we fall asleep? What time is it?” she asks sleepily, looking really cute. Her hair’s a mess, her cheeks are pink, and her eyes look like she could be still asleep.

  “Yeah, we did, but it’s okay. It’s not even six yet. Come lie back down. You looked pretty comfy.”

  She smiles at me, looking embarrassed, but I don’t miss her checking out my chest and stomach. She suddenly tenses as she realises what she’s straddling. “I…uh…should probably move.”

  I reach my hand up to her cheek to make her look at me. “Why? Come on, lie down.” I give her waist a tug and, after a couple of seconds, she moves herself forward and lies back on my chest with her face turned to look at me.

  She must notice me grimace as she moves over me again. “What’s wrong? she asks, concerned.

  “Nothing. It just, uh, felt good when you moved.”

  Her eyes widen slightly at this, but to my surprise she stays put. To my utter shock, she actually wiggles her arse, causing a moan to escape my mouth. She just looks at me and laughs.

  “Someone’s a little horny this morning, are they?”

  “You’ve no idea.”

  Her arse moves slightly again, as her lips twitch teasingly. Leaning towards her, I whisper in her ear, “If you keep doing that, you could find yourself in a dangerous position.” She just shrugs and holds me tighter. She shoves her face into my neck where I feel her breathe me in. It causes a huge smile to break across my face.

  We continue to lie like that, just holding each other, until my phone alarm goes off. I move my arms from around Molly’s back and place them on her waist to gently push her up.

  “Nooooo,” she complains as I move her. “Ring in sick and we can stay like this all day.”

  “As much as I’d love to do that, I really can’t.” She pouts at me and gives me her puppy dog eyes. “Trust me when I say there is nowhere in the entire world I’d rather be than under you right now, but I have to go to work.”

  I join her in sitting up, making us chest to chest again. I wrap my arms around her for one last squeeze and kiss her forehead, looking back at her as she stares into my eyes. My heart skips a beat when her eyes drop to focus on my mouth. My chest heaves as my heart rate picks up. She looks back up to my eyes before leaning forward and pressing her lips to mine.

  Neither of us moves. We just sit there, enjoying the closeness. After a few more seconds, she pulls away and opens her eyes. I don’t think I’ve ever seen them so full of hunger. I’m close to throwing caution to the wind and carrying her to my bed for the day so I can have my lips on every part of her body.

  To my disappointment, she gets herself up and stretches before heading to the kitchen. “Coffee?”

  “Please,” I say, following her lead. I may have had the best night’s sleep I’ve had for a long time, but the sofa wasn’t the most comfortable of places.

  After putting the kettle on, Molly turns around and leans back against the counter. “Ry?”

  “Yeah?” I say on a yawn.

  “Um…you might want to do something about that,” she nods her head towards my very tented trousers, “before you go to school.” She can’t help herself and bursts into giggles.

  The kettle whistles, and she turns around to make our drinks. Walking up behind her, I cage her in with my arms and shove my crotch against her lower back.

  “You could offer to help, you know,” I say in a low voice, brushing my lips against the smooth skin of her neck.

  She shoves her arse back into me. “Not this time, big boy. Go get ready, or you’ll be late.”

  I’m totally distracted all day. All I can think about is how Molly’s body lined up perfectly with mine. How she smelled when I held her close. How soft her lips were when they were on mine, and every other tiny thing that happened last night and this morning. We had a meeting after school, but I couldn’t tell anyone what it was about.

  I drive home with a smile on my face, thinking about what could be in store for us. Molly has a dance class tonight and I’m seriously hoping I get to give her another massage. I’m desperate to have my hands on her again.

  I’m on the sofa watching TV when she comes in. She still looks a little hot and sweaty from her class, which has my dick twitching in my jeans. She shrugs her jacket off, revealing a tiny crop top sports bra thing that gives her awesome cleavage and shows off her toned stomach. She’s also got skin-tight leggings on that coordinate with the top.

  “Fucking hell, Molly. Are you trying to kill me?” I say, running my eyes up and down her curves.

  “I’m hot, sweaty, and minging. Seriously?”

  Does she have no idea what she looks like? My eyes are fixed on her as she walks over to the sink and pours a glass of water, giving me a great show of her arse. I can’t help but groan at the sight. I walk up behind her and put my hands on her bare waist. She flinches slightly and stops drinking when I touch her.

  “You really have no idea how fucking sexy you are, do you?” I can’t help running my nose around the edg
e of her ear. When I breathe out, tiny goosebumps prick her skin. Good, she’s just as affected as I am. Placing her glass on the worktop, she turns to look up at me.

  “I’m going to have a bath, then I’ll be up to make dinner, okay?”

  “Sure,” I say, following her out of the room.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Thought you might need a hand.” I grin.

  “No, I’m all good.” She turns and playfully pushes my chest to send me back into the living room, but she’s so small, I don’t move at all. “I won’t be long.”

  I kiss her forehead before she turns around, and I slap her arse as she walks away. She shakes her head as she descends the stairs.

  It feels like the longest thirty minutes of my life before she comes back up. Knowing she’s down there in a nice, hot, bubbly bath, naked, is pure hell.

  When she appears, she is in her standard lounge trousers, tank top, and zip-up hoodie. Molly looks hot all the time, but I think I prefer her like she is now: relaxed, comfortable, with her hair un-styled in a mess on top of her head, and no make-up on. She’s just Molly like this.

  My Molly.

  She quickly whips up a chicken salad for us before bringing it over to me. She sits on the floor, her plate on the coffee table, and tucks in.

  “Was your class good? You don’t look to be in as much pain tonight.”

  “It actually felt easier after doing the more advanced class on Friday. We’re thinking about stopping the Monday night one and just doing the harder one from now on.”

  “So, you’re not going to be needing a massage tonight, then? I was looking forward to that.”

  “I bet you were, you dirty dog.”

  I just shrug at her and continue eating.

  After we’ve cleared our plates, we stay where we are, chatting about our day and what we have planned this week. Molly has just explained that she’s meeting Emma for the first time since her birthday on Thursday. I can’t believe it’s taken her this long to get in touch with Molly. She really did need some thinking time—I just hope she’s come to the right conclusions. Molly tells me about having dinner with Adam tomorrow after work. I can’t lie, I feel a little sick knowing she’ll be spending the evening with him. After what’s gone on between us the last couple of days, I sort of hoped he’d get the boot.


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