Falling For Ryan: Part One

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Falling For Ryan: Part One Page 22

by Tracy Lorraine

  What isn’t so good is Adam constantly trying to spark up a conversation with me. It would be fine, as I’ve always found him easy to talk to, but under the table, Ryan keeps touching me up. It makes my conversation with Adam a challenge, especially every time his hand gets high enough to touch the edge of my knickers. I gently keep slapping his hand away, but he just keeps putting it back, while his cheeky smirk stays on his lips.

  Just before the dessert plates are taken away, Shane and Chris both stand up and clear their throats.

  “We know it’s not traditional to do speeches at a stag do—hell, it’s not traditional to do a joint stag, either, so I don’t know what I’m worrying about.” People laugh a little. “But we just wanted to say thank you to all of you that could come out, get dressed up, and celebrate our upcoming wedding. We also just wanted to take a minute to think of those who couldn’t be here tonight. Just because they aren’t in the room, doesn’t mean they aren’t always in our hearts.”

  I look at Ryan and he swallows hard. We both know that Hannah would have been here with us right now. She was meant to be a groomsmaid alongside me. I lift my hand up and squeeze his shoulder. He looks over at me and quirks the corner of his mouth up.

  “You okay?” I whisper. He nods gently, then looks down.

  Emma was also meant to be here, but she decided against it. Even though she told me she was trying to get back to anormal life, she still isn’t getting involved with much.

  “Now, we know she’s going to hate us for doing this without warning her, but what would be the fun in that? Before the drinking and dancing commences, we would like to invite our head groomsmaid to say a few words about how awesome we are.” Everyone laughs and a handful of people look at me. Shit. “Molly, come on. You’re not usually one to be shy!”

  I stand slowly, pushing Ryan’s hand off my thigh as I go. “Uh…yeah, thanks for this, guys. Um…okay…I just want to say that you two are the most perfect couple I know. From the moment you met, all either of you could see was each other. The love you share is obvious to all of us here for you tonight, and for everyone here who hasn’t found that kind of love yet.” I look straight into Ryan’s eyes as I say this. “You’re proof that real love is out there. I hope you have a wonderful night and let the celebrations continue well into your married life.” I raise my glass. “To Shane and Chris.”

  Everyone around me does the same, and I can’t help but smile as they lean into each other and go at it for a couple of minutes—too long, considering they’re being watched by everyone in the room.

  “Come on, it’s not your wedding night yet. We’ve got some dancing to do first,” I say, making them pull away from each other.

  Shane looks up at me and mouths his thanks. “Right, everyone, let’s party.”

  People start to get up from their tables and follow the happy couple into the bar area and the adjoining room where the music has just started up.

  “I just need to go to the toilet,” I say to my group. “If you go to the bar, could I have a glass of wine, please?”

  “I’ll come with you. Same for me, please, boys,” Holly says, getting up and walking out with me.

  Once we’re out of view, she puts her hand on my arm to draw my attention. “Has something happened with Ryan? He is even more distracted by you than usual.”

  I can’t help the smile that breaks out across my face.

  “Oh my God, it has. Are you together? Why are you here with Adam?”

  I try to work out which question to answer first.

  “I guess we’re together. I’m with Adam because I’d invited him and didn’t want to cancel at the last minute. He’s been really good to me, and I want to end it with him the right way.”

  “Well, you might want to be quick about it.”

  I start walking towards the toilets before answering. “I know, I know. I don’t want anything to ruin the guys’ night. I intend on doing it first thing in the morning.”

  “You think tonight is going to go smoothly enough that he won’t know?” Holly asks skeptically.

  “I hope so.”

  We both do what we’ve got to do, then go and find the boys at the bar. They’re standing next to each other, but their body language shows their displeasure. “Oh God,” I groan.

  “It’s starting already. Molly, you’re going to have to just do it.” I let out a big sigh before joining the boys, grabbing my wine and gulping half of it down.

  “Take it easy, Molly. The night’s still young,” Adam says with a suggestive look on his face. Holly and Ryan snap their heads to me.

  Everyone around us is starting to get a little buzzed, and they look to be having a better time than we are. We, on the other hand, are stood with an uncomfortable tension around us. Even people that come over to chat don’t stay long.

  “Come on, let’s go and dance,” Adam says with a smile.

  If he’s hoping for a repeat of the club, then he’s going to be bitterly disappointed. I don’t want to touch him, let alone grind myself against him.

  I finish off my drink before getting dragged to the dance floor. Luckily, the songs are fast, and it’s easy to just dance by myself in front of him. The whole time, I can feel Ryan’s eyes on me from the bar. Every time I look up, I can see him getting angrier and angrier.

  Eventually, the song changes to something with a slower beat. The couples around me get close and dance together. I look up to see Ryan shaking his head at me in warning. Adam reaches out and pulls my body to his, but as soon as I get close enough that he can hear me, I tell him I need to use the toilet.

  I let him lead me off the dance floor before escaping to the ladies’ room. I lock myself in one of the cubicles, put the lid down, and just sit there.

  What the fuck am I doing?

  Eventually, I get up and go wash my hands to give myself something to do to waste more time.

  When I open the door to the ladies’ room, Adam is waiting outside for me. He grabs my hand and pulls me around the corner, out of sight.

  “What’s up with you tonight? It’s like you don’t even want to be here. Have I done something to upset you?”

  “I’m sorry, I’m just not feeling right.”

  “Okay. Do you want me to take you home?”

  “No, I need to be here for Shane and Chris. I can’t just leave.”

  “Well then, can you at least try to look like you’re enjoying yourself?”

  “I’m sorry, I jus—” I get interrupted as Adam crashes his lips to mine, taking advantage of my open mouth. I shut my eyes for a second as my slightly drunk brain tries to figure out what the hell is happening.

  When I open them, Adam is still attached to my lips, but the only thing I see is Ryan stood behind him, looking mortified. I lift my hands to Adam’s chest and push as hard as I can. “Adam, stop,” I mumble into his mouth. I eventually manage to push him off.

  “Ryan!” I shout. But when I look up, he’s gone. I can’t help but start to panic. “Ryan!” I shout again, moving so I can look down the hall, but it’s empty. Fuck.

  “Has it always been him, Molly?” I turn to see a very sad looking Adam. “I guess I should have seen this coming. You’re always talking about him, checking up on him. I don’t know why it didn’t register earlier, but you’ve been practically eye-fucking him all night.”

  “Adam, I’m so sorry. It just happened. He’s been my friend for so long, I didn’t really expect it.”

  “How long?”

  I stare at him, silent.

  “How long has it been going on, Molly?”

  “A couple of days. I was going to tell you tomorrow.”

  “And you thought coming with me tonight would be okay? You thought that you would be able to act normal while your ‘boyfriend’ watched?”

  “I know it was stupid. I realised that as soon as we arrived.”

  “Well, it’s too late now. I suggest you go find him and sort it out. I always knew I liked you more than you liked me. I j
ust hoped I would grow on you.”

  “I’m so sorry, Adam.” I lean forward and kiss his cheek.

  “Go. Be happy. I had fun with you, Molly. Just so you know.”

  “I did, too. I’m sorry.” With that said, I leave him in the hall and jog back to the party.

  I spot Holly standing at the bar, but she’s alone. “Where is he?” I half shout at her. The panic is obvious in my tone.

  “He just left, Molly. He came to tell me he had to go, then he ran out of here like a bat out of Hell.”

  I grab my phone, find a number for a taxi firm, and put it to my ear. I turn back to wave at Holly just as Adam approaches her. He frowns at me but quickly wipes it off his face as he looks down and smiles at Holly.

  The wait for my taxi feels like it takes forever. It’s fucking freezing outside, and although I remembered to get my coat, it’s not like I’m wearing a lot. After what seems like hours, my taxi arrives and I shout my address at the driver.

  The journey takes forever. As soon as he pulls up outside our house, I throw money at him and run to the front door. I’m in such a rush, I drop my key twice before I get it in the lock.

  I know he won’t be in there, but I quickly check my room first, throwing my bag on the bed and ripping my shoes off my feet before dropping them on the floor. I take off running up the stairs and check the living area—also empty. He must be in his bedroom. I again run up the stairs as fast as my legs will carry me, open his bedroom door, and fly into the room. It’s empty, but there’s light coming from the half open ensuite. I don’t think twice before heading over and walking in.

  What I find stops me in my tracks as soon as I enter the room. Ryan is stood under the shower, leaning forward with his palms flat on the tiles and his head hung low between them. He looks completely lost.

  I caused that. Pain rips through me at the thought.

  I move closer to him and, as if he can sense me behind him, he lifts his head slightly and looks at me. My breath catches in my throat at the look in his empty eyes.

  I have to go to him. I need to be close to him.

  I start unbuttoning my coat and slide it off my arms, letting it hit the floor. Still, Ryan watches me. I reach behind me, unzip my dress and let it join my coat, keeping eye contact with him the whole time. I slide my holdups down my thighs and off my legs before once again reaching behind to unsnap my bra. It hits the floor next to my dress, quickly followed by my knickers.

  I walk up behind him and place my hands on his chest, encouraging him to stand straight. I then walk around him so I can look into his eyes. What I see in them scares the shit out of me.

  They’re cold.

  What if he refuses to listen to me, let alone believe what I’m about to tell him?

  Find out what the future has in store for Molly and Ryan in part two, now available…


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  It’s been over three years since I first hit publish on this, my very first book. Reading back through it now, it feels like it was a lifetime ago. So much has changed in that time, but I wouldn’t want it any other way.

  Not only have I learnt a huge amount about this industry, but I’ve made some incredible friends along the way. It’s really been quite an incredible journey. I never expected to write a book, but as I sit here now, I’ve got over twenty with my name on them. It blows my mind that my life took this turn, but I’m so grateful that it did because not only do I get to spend my days doing something I love, I also get to be at home with my daughter and watch her grow every single day.

  Molly and Ryan changed my life, and I will forever be grateful that they appeared in my dream one night. When I originally started to write their story, I didn’t tell anyone—bar my husband, who thought I’d lost my mind. But it wasn’t until an unexpected meeting with a carer who was looking after my mum at the time that I found the confidence to admit what I was doing. If it weren’t for my mum and the long and painful journey we experienced together, I never would have met Michelle, who is still with me every step of the way today. They say everything happens for a reason, and I truly believe that. I know I wouldn’t be here now if I’d never met her.

  So, I need to say a huge thank you to my mum, who sadly didn’t have a clue about any of this, but as I sat next to her hospital bed, typing, she gave me the strength and determination to chase my dream. I know she is up there supporting me every step of the way.

  To Michelle, meeting you totally changed my life, and I can’t imagine it any other way now. So, thank you for turning up that day, corrupting me, and introducing me to a world I didn’t know existed.

  To my husband, who allowed me to chase my crazy dream. I don’t think he really expected what was to come, or how many books I would write, but he’s supported me the whole way. And now my daughter, too. When I wrote this, I had no idea that I was going to be a mum fairly soon, but she’s been the best thing to ever happen to me. She inspires me daily, and I hope that as she grows and sees me doing something that I love, I’ll inspire her to do the same.

  Evelyn, this book must almost be as big a part of your life as it is mine. I can’t thank you enough for all the hours you’ve put in, polishing it up and making it as perfect as possible. I’ll be the first to admit that I didn’t know what I was doing when I embarked on this journey with just a crazy idea in my head, and I’m sure you’ll quickly agree with me after the amount of editing you’ve done!

  And to you, for taking a chance on me, and Molly and Ryan. You’ve no idea how much it means to me that you’ve got this far. I hope you pick up many more of my books and I allow you to escape reality with some hot, sexy men and sassy women.

  Until next time,

  Tracy xo

  About the Author

  Tracy Lorraine is a M/F and M/M contemporary romance author. Tracy has just turned thirty and lives in a cute Cotswold village in England with her husband, baby girl and lovable but slightly crazy dog. Having always been a bookaholic with her head stuck in her Kindle, Tracy decided to try her hand at a story idea she dreamt up and hasn’t looked back since.

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  Also by Tracy Lorraine

  Falling Series

  Falling for Ryan: Part One #1

  Falling for Ryan: Part Two #2

  Falling for Jax #3

  Falling for Daniel (An Falling Series Novella)

  Falling for Ruben #4

  Falling for Fin #5

  Falling for Lucas #6

  Falling for Caleb #7

  Falling for Declan #8

  Falling For Liam #9

  Chasing Series

  Chasing Logan

  Ruined Series

  Ruined Plans #1

  Ruined by Lies #2

  Ruined Promises #3

  Never Forget Series

  Never Forget Him #1

  Never Forget Us #2

  Everywhere & Nowhere #3

  The Cocktail Girls

  His Manhattan

  Her Kensington

  The Halloween Honeys

  His Sorority Sweetheart

  Second Helpings

  Cheeky Trifle

  Santa’s Coming

  Santa’s Naughty Elf

  Resolution Pact

  Resolution: Exposure


  Dear All Star Player

  Ireland Forever

  Forever Ruined (A Ruined series spin off)

  Mr. Billionaire

  Mr. Silver

  Spring Breakers

>   Spring Break Secret Baby




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