Destination Eden

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Destination Eden Page 7

by Jim Payton

  Chapter 7

  As Janet prepared for Church the next morning, she found her thoughts turning, once again, to Prentice. Her sleep had been restless and she had tossed and turned. It was not often that she recalled her dreams but this time they had been so vivid that they were still in her mind. There had been angels fighting dragons and people reading biblical scrolls while dinosaurs walked by. She had not been able to make sense of them, and still could not.

  Janet attended her local Presbyterian Church: St. David's. The Minister was Peter Murfitt, a pleasant middle-aged man who was married to Denise, and they had three children. Two of the children were at University but a teen-age boy had rebelled and now spent a considerable amount of time with the Police explaining how what had occurred had nothing to do with him, and he did not know where the drugs in his possession had come from.

  Janet sat where she always sat, third row from the front, left hand side. While some considerable effort had recently gone into making children welcome, the service still basically consisted of five hymns and a twenty to thirty minute sermon. Today's sermon was on the prodigal son. Janet still felt sorry for the son who had stayed home. After the service, Janet way laid the Minister. They adjourned to his office with a cup of tea each and some biscuits.

  "What can I do for you Janet?" asked Peter.

  "I always feel some what sorry for the son left to do all the work while the other one lived the high life and wasted all the money," said Janet.

  "Yes indeed," said Peter. "But that is Our Lord's way. Jealousy can lead to terrible things. Love is never jealous.

  "Still, I am sure you did not want to see me to critique my sermon. What's on your mind?"

  "Several things actually Peter. I must admit I am a bit embarrassed by the questions but let's see where they go shall we?"

  "Do we need some one else present Janet or are they not that sort of embarrassing?"

  "Oh dear me no. Not that sort at all." Janet laughed. "Two things first. Do you believe we have guardian angels, and really a question prior to that, have you ever seen an angel?"

  Peter Murfitt raised his eyebrows.

  "I just want you to be honest Peter, please," said Janet. "If you'll bear with me, we will get to where I am going."

  "Well," said Peter nodding. "I am not sure that a guardian angel is biblical. Have I seen an angel? Probably. Remember that there are a number of occasions in the Bible where angels appear as normal human beings. If you want, I can give you chapter and verse. Some people I have dealt with I am sure were messengers, others may have been. Has any one said to me, 'I am an angel of The Lord' or appeared dressed in white with wings, no."

  "How about creation?" asked Janet. "Which is true; evolution or creation, or is creation evolution?"

  "You can get into some deep stuff going down the Genesis track Janet."

  Janet nodded. "I know, but I am not going to criticize either way."

  "My personal point of view is creation Janet. I tend, in many ways, to be somewhat old fashioned, but there you are. The Church, over history, has always believed the Bible to be the inerrant word of God. If we, The Church, are to be true to our heritage and beliefs, we have to accept everything as written in the Bible. As such, I accept that God made the earth and universe in seven literal days. I know that scientists generally disagree but there are now many scientists questioning millions of years dating and finding thousands of years to be a better fit.

  "Creation is a bit of a 'soap box' matter of mine so perhaps I had better leave it there unless you want to be here for some weeks.

  "Does that help?"

  Janet then went on to explain her meeting with Jude Prentice and his challenge to her. She ended up with, "What do you think of that?"

  Peter was silent for some time before speaking.

  "I believe Prentice was probably an angel Janet. I truly do. What he asks you to do is a great honour, and I would have to say, a monumental challenge."

  "But I know little about evolution and creation," protested Janet. "Not only am I expected to change a scientist's point of view; I am also expected to make him a Christian."

  Peter chuckled. "It is an Old Testament challenge Janet. As an avid reader of the Old Testament, you will recall that most people asked by God to do certain things believed themselves incapable of doing them. Many ran away but God was persistent and eventually they did what God wanted, to His glory.

  "Frankly, Janet, I think this challenge is absolutely amazing. I believe God has given you an assignment. You have been deliberately chosen by God to do something specific. I, and most Church leaders, feel called by God to spread his good news, but Janet, in your case you haven't had a voice in your head, or some set of circumstances showing you the way, you have actually been visited by an angel of God giving you specific instructions. Obviously, you are overwhelmed, but God would never give you a task that was beyond you. You will find mighty powers at your disposal. This is fantastic."

  "Please don't tell any one," pleaded Janet. "I need time to think this whole thing through."

  "Of course, of course," said Peter calming himself down. "Take it slowly Janet. It will be, is, overwhelming. Think and listen. You will find yourself guided. Keep me in the loop if you would. I would love to help you all that I can. Honestly, Janet, this is a major thing. This is God. Millions of people would give their lives to be chosen by God to do something so specific.

  "Mind you, many are chosen but most miss the opportunity."

  Janet stood up. "Thank you Peter," she said. "I won't say you have made things clearer, or easier, but I accept your offer to keep you in the loop. Clearly I have a great deal of thinking to do but I would again please ask that you keep this between you and me at this stage."

  Peter also stood, and walked with Janet to the front door of the Church. "Keep a diary Janet," he urged." No matter how small an incident is, note it down. You will see a pattern, and a leading. God bless you."


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