Steel: Bracken Ridge Rebels MC (Book 1)

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Steel: Bracken Ridge Rebels MC (Book 1) Page 12

by Mackenzy Fox

  He likes dirty talk, how can one man be so freaking hot?

  “What?” he nudges me with his elbow as a grin breaks across my face, I can’t help it.

  I bite my lip for what I’m about to say. “You’re way more talkative in bed than in real life.”

  A ghost of a smile traces his lips. He’s gorgeous when he smiles.

  “In real life?”

  “Well, you know what I mean; our track record with conversation hasn’t been that good.”

  He bends to kiss me.

  “We’re gonna do that again.” His hand moves to my hip.

  “So soon?” I say with wide eyes.

  “Oh, yeah.”

  “This isn’t a thing.” I reassure him.

  He snorts. “Oh, yeah, babe, it’s a thing.”

  I drop my eyes. “I’ve never had a one-night stand.” It sounds foreign to my ears.

  He tilts my chin up with his hand. “This isn’t that.”

  “No? What is it then?”

  He brushes my hair off one shoulder. “I don’t know, haven’t figured it out yet, but while you’re here, this body is mine and mine only, got me?”

  I stare at him unblinking. “That’s a little demanding, isn’t it?”

  He does not seem fazed. “Yeah, well, I’m just saying.”

  My heart races. Great, now he thinks I’m cheap.

  “I don’t sleep around, I just told you that it’s been a year. I’m not going to go off and share myself around like some… like some sweet butt!” I hurl at him. Of all the nerve!

  His eyes darken. “You know that’s not what I meant, I told you before you’d never be that, ever.”

  “You may as well pound your chest while saying what you really think.”

  “Didn’t hear you complainin’.”

  I glare at him. “You really are something.”

  He bends down and kisses me. “Don’t get mad, save that rage for our next round.” He rolls off the bed and I watch his bare ass cross the room as he disappears into my bathroom. It’s easy to find, my apartment is tiny. I hear the toilet flush a few moments later and the faucet run.

  When he returns, I watch as he picks up my clothes and lays them over the back of a nearby chair. I have no idea what his obsession with picking up clothes and folding them is. He strolls back to the bed in all his naked glory. He really is one very fit and fine man.

  “What about you?” I say, watching him, hardly believing what we just did. It’s cold without his body heat near me.

  “What about me what?” he replies without looking up.

  “What if I don’t want you with anybody else while I’m here?”

  He turns to stare down at me, amusement crosses his face.

  “You don’t like sharing either, sweetheart?”

  I shake my head. “Nope.”

  “Bossy little thing, aren’t you?”

  “What’s good for the goose and all of that.” I tilt my head to smile sweetly at him. “Right?”

  “You tellin’ me what to do, princess?”

  “Why, don’t biker babes do that?”

  He comes down on me and I yelp as he flips me over so I’m straddling him.

  “Biker babes?” he grunts as our mouths find each other again.

  “Well, I’m not a sweet butt apparently.”

  He balks as we kiss.

  “No, babe, although your butt is very nice, but if you keep sayin’ that, I’ll spank your little ass red-raw.”

  My eyes go wide as he pulls me back down to him and he works my mouth with his tongue, he’s such a good kisser. Our bodies melt together and I feel the heat below starting all over again.

  “You ready so soon?” he mutters when I grind against him and he breaks the kiss.

  I move my mouth to his neck, he smells so good, so masculine. “Yes,” I giggle, unashamed.

  He grunts and his hands move down my body as I sit up. He cups my breasts, pushing them together, then moves his hands down to my hips and runs them back up my stomach and around to my ass, and whispers, “This is mine.”

  I close my eyes at his touch. “Yes, yours,” I agree. His hand begins to rub me again as he watches me come undone. I’d agree to anything right about now; the man is insatiable.

  He relaxes back onto the pillows, watching me with a look of pure lust on his face. I ride his hand and he inserts two fingers into me, his thumb working my clit, his other hand reaches up to pinch my nipple as I tip my head back.

  “I want to watch you ride me,” he says, I’ve never heard anything so sexy in my life.

  His words are my undoing and I fall shamelessly into a long, never-ending spiral as I groan out incoherently. When I come down from my high, he removes his fingers and I move over him, rubbing myself against his bobbing dick, it’s hard again though I don’t think it ever came down.

  I love what I do to him so easily.

  “Wrap,” he grunts.

  “Where’s your wallet?” I breathe.

  “You don’t have any?”

  I roll my eyes in the dark. “No.”

  “Good, let’s keep it that way. In the back of my jeans hanging on the chair.”

  I scoot off the bed and find them easily and bring the foil packet back with me.

  “Why do you fold everything?” I ask, straddling him again.

  “It’s a habit,” he replies.

  I tear the packet as he watches me. Without being told, I roll it down over him and he hisses, his dick bobbing again at my touch.

  “Come here, babe.”

  He pulls me to him and sits up, we kiss long and hard.

  I lift my hips, and holding him at the base, I sink down slowly. I don’t take him all the way at first. He hisses my name as he looks down to where we’re joined.

  “Fuck,” he whispers.

  “I think I like being on top,” I tell him with a smirk of my own.

  His eyes come to me and he grabs my hair and kisses me with such ferocity, all I can do is hold on for dear life.

  He lifts me by the hips and I sink back down. “Take me,” he moans. “Fuck, Sienna.”

  I love watching him come undone; it’s so sexy.

  All I manage in return are incoherent moans as I move up and down faster; his fingers dig into my hips as he watches me bounce up and down.

  “You have a beautiful body, I love how you show it off to me, your tits look so fuckin’ good bouncing like that. Touch yourself for me.”

  I do as he says and cup my breasts and push them together as I ride him faster. He moves a hand between us to find my sweet center, and within seconds, I explode around him, my orgasm so hard that I’m seeing stars. I realize he’s all the way in. He moves his hands to my ass.

  “You’re beautiful when you come,” he says against my lips. “Push your tits together so I can suck them both.”

  My mouth is so dry from his dirty talk and the dirty sex, I may never come down from this high. I do as he says and I watch as he sucks one nipple then goes to the other then back again, repeating the rhythm. Moving my hips as he does so, groaning so erotically, it pushes all of my buttons, moving me up and down as he sucks and licks. He’s a freaking expert when it comes to sex, and he seems to know exactly what to do.

  “You like your tits being sucked?” he growls.

  “Yes.” I close my eyes because I can’t watch him anymore, it’s too much.

  “Did you imagine this when you saw me at the gym that day?” he asks out of nowhere.

  My hands are in his hair as we move up and down, I’m so lost in the sensation, I can barely breathe.

  “Yes,” I admit.

  “Yeah, babe? I saw you looking at me; I wanted you then and there, wanted to do you so bad.”

  His hands squeeze my ass cheeks, he tongues one nipple, sucks, then licks it again, then does the same to the other one. I’m so pent-up with need, I could explode any second just watching him tease me.

  “What did you want to do to me?” he breathes in between
sucks and licks.

  “This,” I say, squeezing him between my legs, “and this.” I rub myself against him again and he hisses.

  “I went home and jerked off,” he tells me openly, his breathing ragged and fast. That knowledge goes straight to my core and kind of shocks me at the same time.

  “Oh, God,” I moan.

  “What did you do?” he pulls back to look at me. He gets off on this.

  My breathing goes up ten notches imagining him doing that over little old me.

  “Don’t be shy, tell me what you did.”

  “Touched myself,” I whisper in his ear. He bucks again, his hands on my ass grip tighter. He moves back to my breasts and starts sucking again, he pulls my nipple with his mouth and tugs gently. He isn’t finished with me yet.

  “Did you, baby? Did you imagine it was me? Doing this to you?”

  “Yes,” I say, nipping his ear.

  “Fucking you?”

  “Yes, doing everything to me.”

  “I am going to do everything,” he reassures me. “You like your tits being played with?”

  “Babe…” is all I can say, the sensations on my breasts are so sensitive, I can’t even deal. Nobody has ever paid my body this much attention, it’s almost too much.

  I tug his hair and I feel him laugh into my skin. He knows that’s a yes.

  “Say my name,” he tells me gently. “Next time you come, say my real name, you look so good riding me.”

  Yeah, it’s safe to say he likes me on top. He sits back and watches me; his eyes shift to where we’re joined and he thrusts up to meet me as I slam back down on him.

  “I love it,” I say, the ripples starting again.

  “I can tell you love it babe, I’m gonna keep doing this all night so that tomorrow you can’t even walk and all you’ll be thinking about is when I’m gonna do it again.”

  “Jayson…” I say as I spiral out of control, I moan out an incoherent string of curses along with his name several times.

  He follows moments later, calling my name violently, he pulses so hard between my legs, I look down at him in wonder.

  Who the hell is this man? I collapse on top of him and we both cling to each other as we try to catch our breaths.

  “You’ll be the death of me,” he says, he’s panting and breathing hard. “But you need a bigger bed.”

  I don’t move, I’m tired, sated, orgasmed-out. I rest my head on his chest and mutter something incoherent. He’s drawn every pleasure possible from my body and now I’m spent.

  “Sleep well, princess.” I’m sure I hear him say as I drift off but I can’t be sure. “You are fucking amazing.”



  “If you can’t get it loose then we’ll have to get bolt cutters,” Rubble says, handing me a wrench. I’m under a family sedan and it’s hoisted above me in the air. I’m trying to get the axel free, but it’s being a little bitch. It’s not my day for tools but I’m lending a hand to keep my mind off a certain little blonde I’d left warm in her bed.

  Admittedly, it was hard leaving her this morning after the long night we’d had, and what a night it was—blew my mind. I knew we’d be good together, I knew it since the first day I laid eyes on her. She’s soft in all the right places and tough where she needs to be, perfect, the whole package, and I can’t get enough of her. If she thinks this is a one-time thing then she’s sadly mistaken, her being wrapped around me is oh so good. Terrifyingly good.

  I let out a string of curse words as I wrestle with the wrench, using all my might to loosen the bitch. “She ain’t playin’ nice,” I grunt through gritted teeth, wondering why I didn’t just stay in bed with Sienna all day. “But she’s gonna play nice when I’m done with her.”

  “You okay under there, boss?” Jaxon asks, he’s another one of the prospects with the club and also my apprentice.

  “I’m confused about why I’m under here like a grease monkey and not you.”

  “Because you’re stronger than two of me put together,” he answers wisely.

  I snort a grunt.

  I hear the little doorbell jingle as someone comes in the shop, I know because of the low wolf-whistle that it’s a female. Then I hear muffled voices. Great, I’m under here sweating my nuts off and some babe just walked in and I’m stuck fixing this bitch of a thing. It ain’t my day.

  I can hear Rubble saying something, she’s asking about second-hand cars and used car parts. I roll my eyes. She probably has one of those cheap and nasty made-in-China pieces of junk.

  I hear the voices get closer and then Jaxon quite distinctly clears his throat. Rubble then proceeds to kick my foot with his boot.

  “Deal with it,” I grumble. Where’s Gunner when you need him? Seriously, boys, were we bikers or bitches?

  I hear the clickety-clack of heels just as I get the stupid part free, heaving with all my might, and declaring that it’s a motherfucker when I hear a familiar voice and stop what I’m doing.

  “I don’t know what it’s worth, I think it’s just scrap metal, but I really need the parts gone as soon as possible,” she says.

  What the fuck is Sienna doing here?

  She doesn’t know my place of work, I never told her.

  Jaxon is saying something back and Rubble kicks me again, he moves around the side of the car I’m working on.

  I drop the spanner to the ground and keep the wrench in my hand as I slide myself out from under the car on the roller. Of course, I’m covered in fucking oil and grease and shit, but at least I have overalls on.

  I lay there looking up at her, I watch the unbelievable sight of Rubble and Jaxon looking over her shoulder at something on a tablet, what the hell’s going on?

  I don’t know why their eyes are so wide but I’m ready to punch someone in the face for standing so close to her like that. Yeah, I’m a jealous son of a bitch all of a sudden.

  “Is that an Aston Martin?” I hear Jaxon declare. Idiot. What would he know about anything?

  I clear my throat. They all look down at me in unison.

  Sienna gasps when she sees me. Clearly, she didn’t get the Steelman’s Garage memo. I haul myself up and wipe my dirty hands on the front of my overalls. I’m a stinking mess.

  We look at each other for a few awkward moments. She’s wearing a camo skirt with a black tank top and black heels. She doesn’t dress like no girl around here, she’s a Cali girl through and through and I like it a lot.

  Her eyes are wide. “Steel?” she says, shocked to see me, and I’m thrown back to last night when I made her come over and over again, except she said my name with a lot more reverence and a heck of a lot of ahhhs.

  “Morning, princess, you sellin’ that hunk of junk Datsun?” I grab a rag from the hood and wipe my face and then my hands.

  “I… umm… no, I’m not. Wait, my car is not a hunk of junk!” she declares. Her face has gone red, I wonder if she’s secretly having flashbacks too.

  Jaxon and Rubble look from her to me again.

  “You sure about that?”

  She looks only slightly insulted. “You work here?” she looks around the workshop.

  I toss the rag back on the hood. “No, I own the joint. Steelman’s.”

  “Oh.” She ponders that. “Your last name is Steelman?”

  I don’t get to answer.

  “Yeah, we prospects all thought he was nicknamed because we heard that when you hit him, it’s like seriously hitting a chunk of fuckin’ metal,” Jaxon helpfully informs her.

  I give him a glacial stare and he immediately shuts his mouth.

  “What are you doing here?” I ask, I don’t take my eyes off her. I have a chub in the making at her in a skirt. I love her in skirts.

  Rubble is fighting a knowing smile; he’s put two and two together pretty fast.

  “I… umm, I had some errands to run this morning and I have these cars here that Max had locked up in a shed at his house,” she tells me in a rush, she looks anxious to be outt
a here. “Just want them gone, the guy at the scrapyard said he’d give me a few hundred bucks for them and he’d come and get them today.”

  Jaxon is shaking his head, Rubble just leans back against the car and rubs his chin, his smile is about to get wiped off by my fist if he keeps it up.

  “A few hundred bucks?” Jaxon says like he might fall over. She darts her eyes to his.

  “Is that a good or bad deal?”

  Rubble is now shaking his head, his forefinger and thumb pressed against the bridge of his nose and he’s muttering to himself.

  I ignore Jaxon, “What’s she got?” I ask Rubble.

  She hands me the tablet, but before I can look, Rubble says, “Fuckin’ vintage Mustang and a red Aston Martin convertible.”

  I almost drop the tablet.

  Without words, I look at the photos she’s taken and scroll across. They aren’t great quality because of the lighting but I see enough to look back up at her.

  “Jack offered you two hundred bucks?” I say. The piece of shit, I want to go over there right now and smash the crap out of him. Okay, she doesn’t know anything about cars, but that is daylight robbery, just because she’s a girl and won’t know any better.

  “Yeah,” she says hesitantly with a shrug. “He’s doing me a favor he said; nobody wants cars like this anymore. Oh, and that’s for the whole lot, there’s like four more I can’t get to that aren’t pictured.”

  “Here we go,” Rubble says in a low murmur.

  “Shit, Steel,” Jaxon is still shaking his head.

  I grip the tablet and hope I can reign my temper in.

  “Get fuckin’ Jack on the phone,” I bark.

  “Steel,” Rubble says like I should know better. “You know what it’s like, she’s a girl, he’s a wheeler and dealer, no offense, sweetheart,” he gives Sienna a wink, “but Jack would sell his own grandmother if he made a profit.”

  She narrows her eyes at him, and I refrain from barking out a laugh. There’s my little spitfire.

  “So, he’s ripping me off?” she surmises, unimpressed.

  “Umm, yeah, just a little bit,” Jaxon says like she should know this. “You probably got quite a few k on your hands there, what you think, Steel?”


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