Steel: Bracken Ridge Rebels MC (Book 1)

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Steel: Bracken Ridge Rebels MC (Book 1) Page 16

by Mackenzy Fox



  He’s still cold as I wrap my arms around his shoulders. He kisses me hard; his short beard feels sensual against my skin. I want his mouth everywhere. He places me on the kitchen counter and I pant just watching him. He reaches over and peels my pajama top off, and seeing my bare breasts, he rubs his junk through his jeans and adjusts himself.

  “Touch yourself,” he says hoarsely.

  I cup my breasts as he watches me.

  “Fuck, you’re beautiful,” he almost snarls, but he still doesn’t touch me. He loosens the top button and moves his hand into the front of his jeans and continues to rub himself, I want to replace his hand with mine but I’m enjoying watching him too much. “Squeeze them, thumb your nipples, let me see.”

  I do as he says and his eyes look even hungrier as he watches me play with myself.

  He removes his hand from his jeans and shrugs his shirt off, placing it neatly on the stool behind him. My eyes dip to his body; it’s so hard, muscled, and perfect. He could be in any tattooed ink magazine, he’s that pimped up. His tatts up close are even more dazzling. A large skull face greets me on his chest, there’s patterns dancing all over his arms, swirls and intricate detail, the end of what I think is a dragon’s tail; it wraps around his body, an Indian-type feather is down the side of one arm, a woman’s face on his other bicep, there’s so much to look at, I could get lost for hours.

  “Like what you see, baby?”

  I nod, biting my lip as I undress him with my eyes.

  “You have so many tattoos,” I breathe in wonder.

  He smirks, unclips his buckle, and unzips his jeans. I watch as he does it, so turned on I can barely breathe.

  “Take your pants off,” he says, his voice is low and husky.

  Again, I want him to do that, but I do as he says and scramble to pull them off. I leave my black thong on that I put on for him because I want him to see it.

  He dips his eyes and then he stops for a second. Before I know what’s happening, he pulls me forwards by the shoulders and looks over to the back to see my ass.

  He swears in a low, sexy voice as I hold onto his forearms. “You wear this for me, angel?”

  I nod because I can’t even speak.

  “Me and only me?” he grunts.

  “Yes,” I say, “only you.”

  He sets me back and I keep my arms on his biceps, squeezing them. He deliberately moves one of his hands back down into the front of his jeans again and I can see his bulge sticking out through his black boxer briefs. He is rock hard.

  His eyes are on mine as he rubs himself again through his boxers, then he ever so slowly moves his hand into the top of them, under the elastic. It’s so hot, he could be on fire.

  “Pull my jeans down,” he demands. I do, leaving his boxers in place. His large hand in his pants covers his bulge and watching him touch himself makes me want to lose it. I’m so desperately ready for him, I could jump him right now, “This is what you do to me, day in, day out.”

  He moves his free hand up to cup my breast, I feel so sensitive all over, I may combust right then and there. He squeezes it and caresses me at the same time.

  I don’t wait for him to tell me, I reach down and pull his boxer briefs down to his thighs, his package springs free. I watch with fascination as he jerks himself off with one hand right there in front of me, it’s so ridiculously hot I can’t look away.

  I know he’s watching my reaction, reveling in it.

  “You want this bad boy?” he asks as if he even has to.

  I flip my eyes to his; they are like a storm—fierce and unyielding.

  “Jesus, yes,” I reply, my throat dry.

  He reaches out and pulls my hand down and I continue to pleasure him instead. His eyes dip to watch what I’m doing. He swallows hard and adds a bit of a hip thrust as I pull him off on my kitchen bench.

  “I need to taste your honey first,” he says in a low breath. He pulls me forward so I’m right on the edge of the bench, then dips to his knees looking up at me. I close my legs instinctively as I look down at him.

  “Open up, princess, don’t be shy.”

  My heart is racing as I watch him.

  “Steel, I don’t know…”

  “You don’t like it, babe?”

  Oh, I’m sure I’d like him doing it.

  He watches me silently. “You’re gonna like it, I promise.”

  He moves his hands to my knees and parts them, his breath hitches as his gaze drops to me.

  “So fuckin’ sweet,” he mutters, pulling the scrap of fabric to the side.

  I lean back on my hands and push my body forward, I want all of him and I want his mouth on me. He moves between my legs and bites the inside of my thigh as I squeal. Everything he does is so erotic. I do not want to think about him doing this to any other woman.

  Then he moves and swipes his tongue through my heat, I just about convulse. He makes a very satisfied noise at the back of his throat. He finds my nub and licks it with his tongue, then he sucks gently and I do convulse this time, long and hard, how embarrassing, that took like three seconds. I feel him chuckle beneath me. When I finally come back from heaven, I look down and he’s looking up at me, he pulls my legs over his shoulders and really goes to town, eating me alive, then he puts a finger inside and pumps me ever so gently, then replaces it with two fingers as I look up to the ceiling wondering if it’s possible to have an out of body experience. His touch is torture, so good, his bristly beard scraping me just adding to the thrill. I lose control of myself again in seconds.

  “Steel, please…” I beg.

  He glances up, his eyes crinkle. “You forget my name, babe?”

  “Why do you like me calling you Jayson?” I pant.

  He stands up; his appendage is so huge I stare at it wondering how that thing is going to fit inside me.

  “I just do, do you always ask so many questions post-orgasm?”

  “That’s when I get my best ideas.”

  He snorts. I watch as he bends down to his ankles and finds his jeans, goes into his wallet, and pulls out a wrap. After biting the foil wrapper away with his teeth, he slides it over his length.

  “You taste beautiful by the way.”

  I feel myself blushing. “You weren’t kidding about the kitchen bench,” I stammer.

  “Perfect height for everything.” He kicks his boots off, pulls his jeans off the rest of the way, and nudges at my entrance.

  He slowly slides in and we both moan in unison.

  “You feel so good,” I tell him.

  “So tight for me, angel,” he leans down and kisses me, his tongue in my mouth. “I could eat you all night but I can’t hold off, the sight of you, fuck me, it’s like nothing else.”

  “We’re going to screw ourselves to death,” I pant, hanging on for dear life, unable to believe I’m having sex where I made lunch today.

  “One can only hope,” he moves in and out slowly then pumps me harder, “not gonna last this time, babe, I’ll make it up to you later though… like I said, I’m not going anywhere.”

  I stare at him in wonder, make it up to me? He just gave me two huge, earth-shattering orgasms with his mouth. The man is a machine.

  “You’re beautiful,” I tell him before I can stop myself.

  He grips my hip hard and his other hand holds the back of my neck and he increases the pace. “And you’re fuckin’ perfect, princess.”

  I feel it building. “Jayson…”

  “Let go, babe, let me feel you, say my name,” he pumps his hips harder, banging me literally on the bench and I do let go very noisily, a few moments later, he does too and swears like a man possessed, panting my name in several grunts as I feel a shudder run through him.

  I’ve never had any experience like this. I’m not even sure what ‘this’ is but I’m not going to complain. I cling to him as our sweaty bodies press together; his breathing is just as out of control as mine is.

e,” I say into his shoulder as he kisses my head.

  “Need to move to the bed, I want you on top.”

  “Can you give me five seconds to recover?” I say as he picks me up and carries me from the kitchen to the bed in all of five strides.

  “One, two, three, four, five…” he looks over my shoulders and frowns. “So need a bigger bed, and pronto.”

  “Maybe I don’t want a bigger bed, maybe I like the bench.”

  I feel him chuckle into my hair. “Touché, princess, touché.”

  The next day, I find myself at Steel’s office—big surprise. I’m like honey to a bee, but this time I’m not up against his door or doing anything untoward; I’m sitting at his desk trying to make sense of the hand grenade that went off in here. I spent most of yesterday afternoon googling the best office system for a small business that is also user-friendly. After seeing Steel’s current invoicing system, it can’t be too complicated if he’s to learn it too. He also needs a credit card machine for instant payments.

  Steel introduces me properly to Jaxon, Dalton, Patch—who I already met at the club—and a little tiny buxom blonde woman called Lucy, who introduces herself as Rubble’s wife.

  She shakes my hand with force.

  I hand Jaxon a box of donuts I picked up on the way, the boys seem very happy about that, all except Steel, who frowns at me.

  “Thought you might like them, a kind of office-warming present,” I smile but Steel just rolls his eyes.

  “Thanks, Sienna,” Jaxon says.

  “That’s very thoughtful,” Lucy agrees, shoving Steel in the ribs, “let’s get ourselves a coffee and we’ll get cracking.”

  We do just that and I follow Lucy as she shuts the office door behind us.

  “Alone at last,” she says with a smile.

  She’s smaller than me, probably five-foot with bottle-blonde big-hair, which she tells me is due to the fact she’s from Texas and big hair is practically an Olympic sport. What she lacks in height, she makes up for in personality and sky-high stilettos.

  I can’t believe how nice all the club girls seem; I realize they probably would have hated me in the beginning or at the least regarded me with suspicion if not for the Lily incident.

  “You’re one tough nut to put up with his array of shit,” she says, grabbing the chair from the other side of the desk so we can sit together and work this new system out.

  “I’m not… we’re not…” I begin but she just gives me a knowing smile.

  “That’s what I said when I met Rubble, I didn’t want to be caught either. I was over men, let me tell you, honey, over with a capital ‘O’, then I met my big-badass Barney.”

  Barney? I almost laugh. Oh. Barney Rubble, I got it.

  “That is kind of sweet,” I say, blowing into my coffee cup. They at least have a decent coffee machine here which is a welcome surprise. “How did you two meet?”

  She taps a long fingernail on her chin and grins. “He was getting a lame-ass lap dance at a club for his birthday, the chick was doing a horrible job, it hardly seemed fair, and he was so dang cute, so I took over. He said it was the best lap dance he’d ever had and the rest they say is history.”

  I stare at her, unable to understand if she’s kidding or not, I don’t think she is.

  The door bangs open and Steel appears larger than life in the doorway.

  “You two okay in here?” He’s looking at me.

  “Yes,” Lucy answers.

  “Why is the door shut?”

  She lets out a noisy sigh. “We need quiet, we can’t think with you lot clattering around out there being noisy, we need to concentrate, this is important stuff.”

  He points at her. “No club talk.”

  “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

  She blows a kiss as he disappears again and slams the door behind him.

  She turns to me.

  “How long have you guys been bangin’?”

  I want to slam my head against the desk.

  “Umm, we haven’t…”

  She gives me an eye roll; there is no point in lying. Her bullshit radar is probably as high as her hair.

  “Is it that obvious?” I sigh.

  “No judgement, I can see why, you’re gorgeous, and he’s not so bad once you get to know him and peel back all the layers.”

  I snort. “Sounds about right.”

  “They’re all like that, big macho men on the outside, you just gotta find their Kryptonite and then go to work on it.”

  “I thought all women were Kryptonite to them?”

  She smiles, giving me the nod. “Don’t believe the B.S. they spout. Oh, they can be sexist assholes, that kind of comes with the territory of being in the M.C. like a rite of passage, but despite what they think or say about us keeping out of club business, they need us, and don’t ever think otherwise, no matter what they say.”

  I start the software download as we wait for it to run.

  “What does he mean no club talk?”

  She rolls her eyes again, the girls all seem to do this a lot where the boys and the club are concerned.

  “They think we’re all stupid dumb idiots and we don’t know what’s going on, it’s their lame-ass archaic way of keeping us girls out of club business, shit we apparently don’t need to know about what’s going down with this and that, trouble is, there’s a thing called pillow talk, honey… one good blow job and they sing like a canary, though I can only speak for Rubble, of course; so who are the stupid, dumb idiots now?”

  I laugh, almost choking on my coffee. I think I like Lucy.

  “That’s actually pretty accurate.”

  She nods. “They’ll make you scream like you’re having a body wax, but don’t run away too soon, Sienna, he’s a good guy deep down, even if he doesn’t know how to show it, he’s just misunderstood. Beneath all that brawn, he’s really a big teddy bear.”

  I don’t know why everyone keeps acting like I’m sticking around, I mean, this is just sex… isn’t it?

  “I’m really not here for long enough, just sorting some stuff out of Max’s.”

  “You don’t plan on sticking around?” She seems surprised.

  It may have something to do with Steel but Bracken Ridge is growing on me.

  “Wasn’t planning on it.”

  She seems thoughtful. “Well, I can see how Cali would be very enticing, but you know there’s good things about small towns too, the community for one, and there’s less crime, cost of living’s lower, job security…”

  “You planning on going into broking?” I laugh. “You’d make a good salesperson.”

  She laughs. “You know I’ve thought about it.”

  Suddenly, we hear a commotion coming from the workshop. Lucy jumps up and goes to the door, when she opens it, Rubble is belly laughing so hard, he’s doubled over, holding his sides, and the rest of the guys are no better off, all except Steel who is standing there with a confused look on his face. He’s looking over at Gunner, who’s very animated about whatever it is he’s telling them.

  “Come on,” she says to me. “We gotta see what this is about.”

  I follow her out. Rubble slaps Gunner on the back and he can’t even get the words out, he’s laughing so hard.

  “What’s going on?” Lucy asks, staring at her husband who cannot get his breath.

  Between laughs, Jaxon fills us in, “You’ll never believe it. He’s been asked to pose for a ladies magazine as their monthly pin-up.” He wipes his eyes on the back of his sleeve.

  “He’s what?” Steel looks at Gunner like he has grown two heads. “People pay money for that shit?”

  “No, no, no,” Patch, the wide-set, wrestler-looking dude says, pinching the bridge of his nose as if trying to ward off the very thought. “Please say it ain’t so, I don’t need that kind of vision first thing in the morning.”

  Me and Lucy exchange a look that says we don’t mind.

  “What kind of magazine is Sizzle exactly?” Lucy asks, cocking a
n eyebrow, folding her arms over her chest.

  “The naughty kind,” Gunner says, unperturbed by the guys’ mocking. “Sizzle magazine is the highest-selling women’s mag of its kind since Playgirl shut down, it’s what I call tasteful nudity, plus it’s the easiest ten grand I ever made.”

  “Are you for fuckin’ real?” Steel barks.

  “Yep. I also get more for chargeable downloads at Gunner after dark, that’s where people pay a subscription on Instagram to see exclusive images of me.”

  My eyes go round as more laughter ensues.

  “Are you like… fully nude?” Lucy gasps, putting a hand over her mouth to stifle a giggle.

  “I said tasteful nudity, Luce, please, this isn’t porn, it’s a very classy and professional shoot.” He grins as he raises his eyebrows encouragingly.

  “Who the fuck would pay you ten grand to get your junk out?” Rubble says, slinging his arm around Lucy’s shoulders. He’s still chuckling away to himself.

  Gunner is one seriously hot dude; I can imagine that any red-blooded female wouldn’t mind getting a gander at him in the buff. He’s the ultimate bad-boy with a pretty face, colorful tattoos run up both arms and disappear under his cut sleeves, he’s tall, lanky but with muscle, blonde hair, blue eyes, and so good looking it almost hurts. Oh, yeah, I can see why he’d get paid to strip alright. His degree of beauty could open many windows, of that I’m sure.

  “I don’t get my junk out,” he corrects, sweeping his hands toward me and Lucy, “please, assholes, there are ladies present.”

  He grins at me and gives Lucy a wink.

  “Oh, give it a break,” Dalton, the older, grey-haired dude says shaking his head, “for ten grand, they’re gonna want a little more than your bare ass.”

  He rolls his eyes like they’re all stupid. “I don’t have to take it all off, dummy, they have different outfits and props and stuff. Shame you boys have to slug it out here every day working hard like grease monkeys and all I have to do is show up and take my cut off and get paid for it.”

  “Shouldn’t take much to hide it though if you did pose naked,” Dalton goes on, rubbing his eyes with his palms to stop the tears. I’ve never seen grown men cry, especially not bikers.


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