Steel: Bracken Ridge Rebels MC (Book 1)

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Steel: Bracken Ridge Rebels MC (Book 1) Page 26

by Mackenzy Fox

  It’s no shocker Steel doesn’t want me tagging along but there is no way he’s leaving me behind, besides, Cassidy will be scared enough without a bunch of bikers coming to her rescue, she’ll need me when we get her back.

  We drive to the location with what seems the entire club behind us—some on bikes, some in vehicles, there must be at least eight. Steel doesn’t do anything by halves, plus if Ewan is wired on drugs, he could be unpredictable, making it far more dangerous.

  I wonder how Steel is going to manage this when he goes in instead of me, what if Ewan just shoots him? I remind myself that Steel and the club are all armed. Steel is also ex-military, he knows how to handle these kinds of situations. Situations I don’t really want to think about.

  We pull up onto the side of the road a few miles out from the address.

  I turn to Steel; he’s been pretty quiet this whole way here. “What’s happening?”

  He glances in the rearview mirror. “The boys are going to hide their bikes in the shrub and get into the other cars and follow, couple of prospects will stay back here and keep tabs on the road out of town, we also don’t want the sleds alerting him to our arrival.”

  “Oh.” I realize.

  Cassidy, hang on. Please just hang on, we’re coming.

  The passenger door opens and I jump out of my skin.

  It’s Gunner.

  “Jesus,” I say, holding my hand over my heart that just jolted out of my chest.

  “Going my way?” he says holding his thumb up as if hitch-hiking, typical Gunner, always making a joke. “Scooch over,” he tells me.

  I move closer to Steel as he jumps in beside me. A few moments later, Steel begins talking.

  “We move, follow my lead.”

  I stare at him, then I realize he has an earpiece in. Who’s he talking to?

  “Well, Sienna,” Gunner momentarily distracts me, “I think this classifies as the most dangerous thing I’ve done in quite a long time, nothing like a perilous drive out to the countryside to seek out a crazy stalker to get the juices flowing.”

  “Gunner,” warns Steel.

  “First time for everything.” I shrug, trying to keep calm.

  Then he leans forward so he can see Steel. “She’s quite the firecracker, my man, keepin’ you on your toes.”

  I feel Steel gaze across at him but he doesn’t speak.

  “Yeah, this firecracker may go off any second,” I warn.

  “And to think he thought you were as pure as the driven snow when he first laid eyes on you, probably couldn’t imagine you’d get yourself into this kind of predicament,” he muses, then whispers, “it’s always the quiet ones you gotta worry about.”

  “Knock it off,” Steel growls.

  Of course, Gunner ignores him and glances at me with a wink.

  “Told us all to stay away from you or he’d kill us, very vocal about it, some of the things he threatened to do were quite violent, that’s when I knew,” he taps his nose.

  I look at him sideways. “Knew what?”

  “Shut up, asshole,” Steel barks.

  “He’s got it bad,” Gunner replies, “despite what he says otherwise.”

  I can’t help the smile that spreads across my face; I know Gunner is trying to take my mind off of this whole situation. God bless him. Maybe I do need a distraction like his babbling.

  “You’re gonna have it bad in a minute when I knock you out, sunshine.”

  Gunner rolls his eyes then whispers to me, “He’s been saying that since I was a kid, still hasn’t happened, all talk no action.”

  I can’t help but giggle. “You like playing with fire, don’t you?”

  He just laughs.

  “Don’t you encourage him,” Steel balks.

  Steel turns the headlights off as he slows down for our approach and we pull up into a driveway. We’re here. I can’t help but feel like I’m living in a dream, or more like a nightmare.

  A few moments later, I see a couple of figures in the dark pass us on foot and run around the side of the house. I learned earlier that Brock and Bones have already staked the house out and reported back.

  “What are they doing?” I can’t help the shake in my tone.

  “Surrounding the place, seein’ who’s in there.” Then he looks over my shoulder. “Gunner…” he says as they do that silent nod thing. I guess the next stage of the plan is kicking in, a plan I’m not privy to because Steel has told me nothing.

  Then he turns to face me. “You’re waiting here with Gunner, he’s going to keep you safe while I go take care of this.”

  “No,” I stammer.

  I glance at Gunner; he’s discreetly turned his head to look out of the passenger window.

  “I need to be there,” I whisper.

  He leans toward me, the leather crunches under his body weight.

  “No, you don’t, you’re staying here with Gunner until I say, this is my way of protecting you, not that you should even be here, so let me. We discussed this, so don’t argue with me, princess, not now, do as you’re told for once and stay put. No more lip, just do as I say.”

  His tone is short and deliberate, he definitely isn’t kidding around. He grabs my chin and kisses me, forcing his tongue into my mouth. I clutch him, and when we break away, I’m breathless. His eyes flick across at Gunner then back to me.

  “No funny business,” he mutters in my ear.

  I hold onto the lapels of his jacket. “I love you,” I whisper.

  He nods once.

  “Keep watch,” he barks at Gunner as he turns his head, “don’t let her leave this truck.”

  “Gotcha, boss.”

  Without warning, he jumps out of the car and walks toward the house, he’s holding a gun and I know he has more on him, plus his favorite knife and a couple of others he’s hidden on his body.

  I stare after him, my hands are shaking.

  “This is all wrong,” I say out loud, “I shouldn’t have involved the club…”

  Gunner turns his body sideways to face me.

  “Why’d you say that?”

  “I’m worried about him, about you all putting yourselves in danger.”

  He laughs out loud. “Honey, please.”

  “This isn’t funny,” I say, glaring at him.

  “Come on, you’re dealing with an entire M.C. and he’s ex-fucking re-con, Sienna, this is what we do. Colt’s a boxer, Brocks a tank, Bones can shoot a man clean at a hundred yards, we’re hustlers, everyone here has skills. We’re not freakin’ pencil pushers.”

  “What about you?” I raise a brow sarcastically.

  “Me? Babe, I’m just here to decorate.”

  “And babysit?”

  “Yeah, because I’m the only one who can use my powers of persuasion,” he winks. “Your ex is what, though? An investment banker? Ooh, so scary, probably can’t fight his way out of a paper bag, probably good at scaring females and those weaker than him because that’s what bullies and assholes do, but he’s met his match, honey bun. Honestly, it’s insulting to our intelligence, he’s outmatched, don’t worry your pretty little head over it.”

  I notice he has a gun tucked into the waistband of his jeans and I don’t want to think about that too closely.

  “You don’t know him,” I splutter, getting back to the point, “he’s a loose cannon, especially now. I’ve never heard him like this.”

  “It’s going to be okay, you just need to stop panicking, we’ve got the place surrounded, even if he’s not working alone, it won’t be difficult. Just trust us, babe.”

  He sounds so calm, like Steel. I wish I was calm.

  “You sound so sure but people do strange and unpredictable things when they’re not in their right minds and he’s probably high to boot, if something goes wrong, it’ll be my fault.”

  He gives me a shove in the ribs with his elbow. “Thanks for the moral support,” he sobers for a moment then adds; “nothing is your fault, he chose to do this and hurt somebody you care
about, and Steel knows what he’s doing. He’s a machine, especially when someone messes with what’s his, and with backup? Unstoppable, babe, we got this, he doesn’t know how to fail.”

  I only focus on one part of that sentence.

  “I’m his?”

  He smirks. “Technically, he’ll have to make you his ol’ lady, but it’s obvious, I’ve never seen him like this, you’ve put a spell on him.”

  I consider that for a moment. “How long have you known him?”

  “Since I was eight.”

  Oh, that’s a good sign, I think.

  “Cassidy is not strong,” I say after a while. “I don’t know if she’s going to get through this.”

  “If she’s got your blood, then I’m sure she’s gonna be fine.”

  I glance at him; he’s so handsome, it really is a crime. Despite all his innuendos, I do see what Lily sees in him.

  “Are you sure you’re not just here to pep talk me so I don’t go out of my mind?”

  He smirks again. “Well, it’s that or we make out and I know I definitely want my nuts attached to the rest of my body, so let’s go with that.”

  “Such a smooth talker,” I say, sounding more confident than I feel.

  He raises both eyebrows. “My motives are questionable in most things, I admit.”

  I can’t help but smirk. “What’s your best line that works?”

  “That’s classified, babe, can’t give you all my moves,” he gives me a shit-eating grin, “and I never kiss and tell.”

  “Don’t you mean club business?” I put on my deepest possible biker voice and he laughs out loud.

  “That as well.”

  I roll my eyes. “Oh, here we go.”

  “And for the record, your biker voice sucks.”

  We sit for a while in companionable silence and my mind wanders to Lily. I don’t know if it’s the dire situation of life and death that we’re in or the fact that Gunner is so easy going, but I doubt he’d take offense to what I’m about to say and I feel compelled to enlighten him.

  “Do me one favor if we make this out alive?” I start bravely.

  “Anything for you, sweetheart.” He gives me a lopsided cheeky grin.

  “Ask Liliana out on a fucking date.”

  His eyes go round. “What?” he splutters.

  I turn back to peer out of the windscreen, showing no emotion. “You heard me.”

  He shifts nervously in his seat. “That’s ancient history, not that it was ever anything…”

  I laugh without humor. “Trust me when I say it’s not ancient history for some people.”

  “Did she say something?” I can’t help but note the interest in his voice, mixed with a little bit of panic.

  I turn back to him. “It’s not really for me to stick my nose in, but like I say, if we make it out of here alive, that’s my one wish. Put a girl out of her misery, for God’s sake.”

  He stares at me seriously for a second then he rubs his chin like he’s deep in thought. He’s finally putting two and two together and I’m not sure if he likes the answer, it’s hard to tell.

  “Steel would kill me,” he says eventually.

  “Let me handle Steel.”

  He chuckles. “Listen to you all high and mighty, got your man in his place in a few short weeks, better be handin’ me his man card when he gets back here, his balls must be sore from the beating.”

  I roll my eyes. “Trust me, he’s not complaining, but it isn’t up to him, she’s a grown woman and you’re a grown man. If you don’t feel the same, then stop leading her on.”

  I know I sound rude but what the hell… this is a life or death situation so maybe it’s called for, and Lily for one can’t go on like this, she needs to move on if he isn’t interested.

  I feel his eyes on me again. “I’m like that with everyone,” he murmurs, “it’s just how I am.”

  “Yeah, well, with some people, some people who care about you, that is…” I turn to face him. “It means something different.”

  Guys are such dummies; even badass bikers who’ve been around the block and have probably seen and done it all. He’s finally realizing something he should have known a long time ago about Lily. What he chooses to do with it is up to him. I’ve no idea if he has the same feelings for her but now he knows. I hope Lily doesn’t kill me when she finds out, or Steel for that matter.

  He turns back to the front. “I hope to God we get out of here alive,” he says after a long few moments.

  I turn to him and we both grin at each other in the dark.



  The plan is in place as I make my way silently around the abandoned building. The lighting is dim and I peer through the gaps of the warped timber. Bones asks me through the headpiece if I have a visual. He’s ex-military too and very good with a sniper rifle, not that I hope it’ll come to that, but this psycho needs to be stood down, no matter what it takes.

  I don’t even want Sienna being here, but somebody has to be here to comfort Cassidy when I retrieve her, and it’s a long drive back to Bracken Ridge with a terrified woman on my hands. One thing is for sure, Sienna will never have to see him again, that’s my promise to her. Even if she wants to be involved, there is no way I’ll let that happen, he won’t get near her, I’ll kill him with my bare hands if he even tries.

  I think about the night she told me about what he did to her, the way her body shook beneath me from fear as she retold the story. No woman should ever have to feel fear like that, and it makes my blood boil, it makes me want to hurt him all the more and give him some payback; see how he likes hitting me in the face. Adrenaline threatens to overrule my emotions but I push it back down and reel myself in. I can’t let emotions get in the way of what needs to be done, there will be plenty of time for me to unleash that side of my nature after Cassidy is safe and out of harm’s way.

  I peek through the timber again and I catch a glimpse of the girl tied to the chair, at least she’s where he said they’d be, which is another thing; I very much doubt he thinks Sienna will double-cross him, he seems to think she’ll do anything he says.

  I take another glance, then I wait and watch. I need him to come into sight so I know where the fucker is, the boys said he seems to be working alone, that makes life easier and a lot less complicated. I look up to the far side of the shed; I see Colt and Brock waiting for my instruction, both with guns drawn.

  I hold the earpiece down. “I’m going in, wait for my signal.”

  “Roger,” Bones says back through the earpiece, “I’ve got a visual.”

  Colt and Brock nod, the other guys are scattered around the building and at the front in case anybody should interrupt.

  None of them want me to go in alone but it’s the only way, if he shoots me dead at first sight, then yeah, that will be a problem, but he’s not a soldier, he’s a pussy boy who preys on innocent women.

  I catch sight of movement behind the chair, it seems he’s pacing around, agitated, he keeps running his hands through his hair. It’s close to the time she’s meant to be here.

  I make my way to the makeshift door and take a collective breath, this is it, I need to put all of my military training into gear and get Cassidy out unharmed, and I need to not underestimate this guy, especially if he’s high.

  I call through the rackety door instead of just breaking it down like I want to, he may just shoot at the sudden impact and I don’t need wayward bullets spilling everywhere.

  “Hey, Ewan,” I holler. “My name is Steel, I’m here because of Sienna, seems she got herself in a jam.”

  I hear shuffling from inside, I can’t see him now that I’m in front of the door.

  “I’m coming in and I’m unarmed.”

  I kick the door in, my first instinct is to duck, so I do and move to the left of the room behind a wooden beam, it’s dark inside so I can use this to my advantage.

  “Who the fuck are you?” he screams as I see him through the rafters.
He’s holding a gun, shit, shit, shit, and he’s waving it around.

  “Don’t shoot,” I say calmly, keeping well and truly behind the beam. I take in the surroundings quickly in this old dilapidated building, “Sienna’s outside, I have her but we need to talk first, this isn’t what it looks like.”

  “I said to come alone!” he barks. Yeah, he’s definitely on something, without a doubt, he paces back and forth, agitated.

  I hold my hands where he can see them. “Just hear me out, we both want the same thing in all of this, I want to help you.” I’m lucky he isn’t just firing bullets everywhere.

  What did she ever see in this guy? He looks like he’s been on a week-long bender that may never quit.

  “I want to see her now, go fucking get her or I’ll shoot you and the girl, I told her to come alone, clearly the stupid bitch has learned nothing since she ruined my life.”

  Hearing him say that only ignites the fire inside me.

  “Think about this,” I say calmly. “I have a proposition for you where we both win and you’ll get what you want; believe me, you’ll want to hear what I have to say.”

  I have to make him think that maybe it will be possible and I’m not the enemy.

  He laughs coldly. He looks like shit, his sallow and ruddy complexion tells me he’s on some serious smack, he’s sweaty and unstable like he hasn’t slept in days, his clothes are grimy like the rest of him; rock bottom is what they call that.

  “The time for talking was a year ago when that bitch ruined me.”

  I hold my hands up and move out of the shadows.

  “Unfortunately, it ain’t so easy, Sienna owes me too, you see, but since I’m done with her now, I wanna make a trade seen as the crazy bitch can’t keep her mouth shut.”

  I glance at Cassidy as her eyes are wide with fear watching me.

  He assesses me as if I’m the mad man. He circles Cassidy, tapping the gun every now and again up to his forehead as he mutters to himself. I hope the thing goes off, it’ll save me a job. Cassidy sits crying and shaking but she can’t make too much noise with her mouth gagged. I want to gut him right here, right now.


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