Home > Literature > THE SWEETEST TABOO (BENNETT SERIES 2.5) > Page 4

by Brenda Jackson

  “You’re late. Sonya has already called asking for them this weekend.”

  Mike rubbed his jaw and smiled. “Umm, then I guess I’m just going to have to make myself available to assist her with that.”

  • • •

  “So, what you do you think about this dress, Sonya?”


  Carla waved her hand directly in Sonya’s face. “Hey, come back down to earth. You’ve been daydreaming all morning. You’re here to help me pick out a dress for that dinner party I have to attend with Jesse this weekend.”

  Sonya let out a frustrated sigh. She’d never daydreamed in her life, but Carla had just caught her red-handed and all because she couldn’t stop thinking about the kiss she and Mike had shared yesterday.

  She studied the dress Carla had in her arms. “I need to see you in it before I can form an opinion.”

  Carla lifted a brow. “You did. I modeled it for you and everything. I just took it off.”

  “Oh. In that case I must have liked it.”

  Carla gave her a strange look before lifting a hand to her forehead. “It doesn’t feel like you have a fever.”

  “Of course not. I’m fine.”

  Carla smiled. “Just a little absent-minded today, perhaps?”

  Sonya shrugged. “It can happen.”

  “Yes, to anyone but you. You take pride on being sharp as a tack. So, what’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know what you mean?”

  “Don’t you? And you might as well tell me now before we meet up with Brandy and Amber for lunch.”

  Sonya knew Carla would badger her until she talked. “Okay, buy the dress and we’ll discuss things on the drive over to the restaurant.”

  A half hour later with Carla at the wheel of the car, they made their way toward the restaurant where they would be meeting up with Brandy and Amber. “Okay, Sonya. Talk.”

  Sonya glanced over at Carla and chuckled. “Boy, aren’t you bossy.”

  Carla smiled. “Only when it concerns you. So, what’s up?”

  Sonya paused for a moment then said, “Mike Kelly.”

  Carla took her eyes off the road briefly and rolled them. “I figured as much.”

  “I have the hots for him.”

  “If I recall, you’ve always had the hots for him but declared he was off limits.”

  Sonya nodded. “Yeah, and you know why. I’ve never been into interracial dating.”

  “I know, but the way I see it, there’s really no pure race. Everybody is mixed with something. So, tell me. When you look at Jesse, what do you see?”

  Sonya grinned. “Your good-looking husband.”

  Carla chuckled. “Okay. Now when you look at Mike, what do you see?”

  Sonya closed her eyes to visualize and the image of Mike that automatically came to mind was the one she’d seen a few days ago when he’d been wearing barely anything while working out on his exercise equipment. “I see one super fine man with nice abs and biceps, firm thighs, strong legs, a rear end that’s truly a work of art, a muscular chest and nice broad shoulders.”

  “And what do you see when you look into his face?”

  With her eyes still closed, she said, “A very handsome man.”

  Carla didn’t say anything. She waited to see if Sonya would add anything else, and when she didn’t she said, “I noticed you didn’t say anything about Mike’s skin color.”

  Sonya opened her eyes and glanced over at her, realizing that she hadn’t. “I was concentrating on those other things and really didn’t think about it.”

  “Why would you? From what you’ve just said, when you look at Mike you see a very handsome, well-built man who has caught your interest. Skin color shouldn’t matter, so why are you losing sleep over it?”

  “I’m not.”

  Carla exited off the interstate and came to a traffic light. She glanced over at Sonya. “Aren’t you?”

  Sonya remembered how many restless nights she’d had lately. She also recalled the ache that constantly throbbed between her legs during those times. “Okay, I am losing sleep.”

  “And what are you going to do about it?”

  Sonya knew what she would like to do about it, but she wasn’t sure what she had in mind was a smart move. “You assumed Mike and I were involved before,” she said to Carla.

  “Yes, only because the two of you set out to fool me and Jesse. You wanted us to believe the two of you were an item while working behind the scenes to get us together.”

  Sonya laughed. “It worked.”

  “Yes, it worked and I’ll always be extremely grateful to you and Mike for your involvement. I’m extremely happy with Jesse. Now I want you to be happy. If not with Mike, then with someone. But I want you to be happy.”

  Sonya didn’t say anything but at the moment she couldn’t imagine being happy with anyone, not even Mike. Especially not Mike. She didn’t want to think about the problems indulging in an affair with him could possibly cause. Jeeze. Why did life have to be so complicated?

  • • •

  Sonya had just slipped between the sheets when her phone rang. She leaned over in bed to pick it up. “Hello?”

  “You left a message on my cell phone earlier for me to call you,” Mike said in a deep throaty voice.

  Sonya’s body began stirring upon hearing it. Not only that, but it seemed the sound of his voice was actually heating up the sheets. “Yes, I just wanted to give you an update on how the plans are going,” she said.

  “All right.”

  “I hired the caterer today. The company comes highly recommended from Brandy. And I visited the shop where I’ll be getting the decorations.”

  “Will you be the one doing the decorating?”

  “Yes, I thought I would. I think it will be fun,” she said positioning her body in bed more comfortably. “And I’ve ordered the invitations. They will be ready in a week.”

  “Umm, sounds like you have everything under control.”

  “I do. We started early so hopefully things will run smoothly,” she said.

  “I don’t see why they won’t.”

  There was silence that lasted several long seconds before Mike picked back up the conversation to ask, “So, what did you do today?”

  “I took a day of vacation off work and Carla and I went shopping this morning. And then later we met Amber and Brandy for lunch.”

  “Did you enjoy yourself?”


  There was another pause, and then he said, “I understand you’ll have our godchildren this weekend.”

  A smile touched the corners of her lips. “Yes. It’s been a while since I’ve had them over for the weekend. It should be fun.”

  “I had planned to get them this weekend myself, but you beat me to the punch. How about if we plan a few activities for them?”

  “We? You mean the two of us? Together?”

  “Yes. I thought we could do Disney World. That’s where I took them the last time I had them. They always like going there. However, if you’ve made other plans with them, then that’s okay,” he said.

  “No, I hadn’t made any other plans. Disney World is fine. I’m getting them Friday night, so they will be here Saturday morning.”

  “I’ll pick you guys up . . . let’s say around eleven.”

  “That’s cool.”

  There was another pause and then he asked, “So, what are you doing?”


  “Yes, now.”

  She shifted to lie on her back. “I’m in bed.”


  His silence lasted a few seconds and then he asked, “What are you wearing?”

  She didn’t answer immediately since she knew just where this conversation was headed and not sure she wanted to go there. Then she decided - what the hell. If they were off limits to do the dirty, then there couldn’t be anything wrong with talking dirty. They were adults, after all. “Are you sure that you want to know?”

  She heard him
laugh briefly before saying. “Yeah, Sonya, I really want to know.”

  “All right.” She threw back the covers and glanced down at herself to make sure she got the description right. She liked sexy nightwear, and this was one of her favorites. “I call it my hanky-panky outfit.”


  “I just do, but not for the reason you think. I’m not one of those women who try to impress a man with lingerie.”

  “You’re not?”

  “No. I think nothing turns a man on quicker than seeing bare skin.”

  He gave a soft chuckle. “You’re probably right. But I’m a man who likes sexy lingerie so let’s get back to your hanky-panky outfit. What color is it?”


  “Describe it.”

  “Umm, it’s just a black lace chemise that hits me at mid-thigh.”

  “And there are bottoms to match?”

  “No, there aren’t any bottoms.”

  He paused then said, “Oh, I see.” Then another soft chuckle followed by him saying, “No, I don’t see, but I would just love to.”

  Sonya fluffed her pillow, deciding to ignore that part of his comment. “So, Mike, are you in the bed?”


  “And what are you wearing?”

  “Nothing. I sleep in the nude.”

  A vivid image of that crossed Sonya’s mind. She had seen him down to his workout shorts, but imagining him totally naked was awesome, made her feel breathless. “What happens on cold nights?”

  “I either add more blankets or turn up the heat.”

  “Or you can solicit a warm female body. Men aren’t the only ones who make booty calls.”

  He seemed to consider what she’d said for a moment and then, “Is that an offer?” he asked in an almost husky whisper.

  She couldn’t help the warm smile that touched her lips. “No, merely an observation. I’m sure you have a lot of names somewhere of willing women.”

  He gave another soft chuckle. “Are you trying to find out if I have my own little black book?”

  “No, because I figure a man like you would.”

  “Define a man like me.”

  She immediately thought of the description she’d given Carla earlier that day. At the risk of making his head swell she said, “Umm handsome, with a well- built body.” She then tacked on, “And I have reason to believe that you’re a man with a strong, healthy sexual appetite. But you’re also a man who prefers casual to serious affairs. You would cut the strings before things got too involved. You are a loner and don’t ever plan on getting married. How did I do?”

  “Pretty good actually. So, what about you?”

  “Same thing applies to me actually…pretty much right across the board. I’m a woman with a strong, healthy sexual appetite, and I also prefer casual to serious affairs. Only difference is that I don’t have to cut the strings before things got too involved since I wouldn’t let them get that way in the first place. And I don’t consider myself a loner since I have family and friends that I know I can count on. However, like you, I don’t ever plan on getting married.”

  “Because of your parents’ marriage?”

  His question surprised her. She had never mentioned her family and their problems to him. Carla wouldn’t have either, which meant he’d gotten the information from Jesse. She shrugged. That was fine. She didn’t have a problem with him knowing. Most of Orlando probably did anyway. Suzette made a habit of boasting about how she’d broken up her parents’ marriage. Her mother’s self-esteem and confidence had taken a tremendous beating, but after joining a support group that consisted of women whose husbands had dumped them for other women, Peggy Morrison had begun rebuilding her life. Sonya was truly proud of her mother.

  “Not only theirs but my aunt and uncle’s marriage as well. My uncle Joe is probably worse than my dad. The men in my life haven’t exactly been good role models.”

  He didn’t say anything for a while and then, “You know what I think about all of that?”

  She was curious to get his opinion. “No, and just what do you think about all of that?”

  “I think what your family does and how they act shouldn’t influence how you look at life.”

  She frowned. What he’d said rubbed her the wrong way. “Excuse me, but look who is talking. Isn’t the reason you don’t get involved in serious relationships is because of your upbringing? Because you’ve never had stability in your life?”

  “Is that what you think?”

  She hesitated no longer than it took to pull in another breath and said. “Yes, that’s what I think.”

  “Then you’re wrong. The reason I prefer not to get involved in serious relationships is because the way I see it, serious involvements usually lead to marriage and marriage takes a lot of work. It also involves dealing with emotions I’d rather keep under wrap. And as far as the lack of stability in my life, I don’t see it as a minus but a plus.

  As foster kids, Jesse and I got to travel a lot, going from place to place. We got to drop in on all sorts of families, even if it were just for a little while. And the one thing we discovered was that the most dysfunctional ones were the families who actually thought they had their shit together. But because we were actually outsiders looking in, we saw things they didn’t. And what it did was make me and Jesse know what we wanted in our own family, if we ever got one. That’s one of the reasons Jesse is such a wonderful husband and father.”

  “I’m not talking about Jesse, Mike, I’m talking about you.” She heard him sigh and knew he really didn’t like the way this conversation was going. Too bad. He was the one who’d thrown the first stone.

  There was a long pause and then he said, “Okay, let’s talk about me. I think I would be a good husband and make a bunch of kids a wonderful father, if I was interested, but I’m not. The reason I’m not interested is because like I stated before, a serious relationship usually leads to marriage, and I’m not interested in marriage.”

  Before she could open her mouth to make a comment he quickly added, “And the reason I’m not interested is that I’ve been spoiled by the women out there. I’m able to enjoy the goods without any long-term commitments, so why bother? It’s the perfect position to be in.”

  Sonya rubbed her forehead. Thinking of Mike in the particular position he was referring to–one where he consistently had a woman beneath him on her back–for some reason bothered her. “Okay, I guess we can agree on one thing.”

  “What’s that?”

  “That the both of us, for whatever reason, prefer casual relationships. Do you agree?”


  “Now if we have nothing else to discuss I prefer we end this conversation. I’ll see you on Saturday morning.”

  “Okay. Good night, Sonya.”

  “Good night, Mike.”

  She hung up the phone, placed it back in the cradle and thought, so much for talking dirty.

  • • •

  After hanging up the phone, Mike pulled himself up to sit on the side of the bed and wondered what the hell happened with that conversation. Why had he spent at least a good twenty minutes explaining his personal make-up to Sonya? Something he’d never done for a woman before.

  He stood and walked naked into the kitchen. He needed a cold beer. No, he needed to clear one damn thing up with Sonya, something he evidently didn’t make clear. Returning to his bedroom he picked up the phone off the nightstand and punched in the number he knew from memory.


  “I want you,” he said bluntly.

  The almost sleepy voice that picked up moments ago appeared fully awake when she asked, “What?”

  He didn’t mind repeating himself. “I want you. I thought I’d give you fair warning.”

  “You didn’t have to warn me. I think you’ve made that fact known. I’ve seen visual evidence of it several times.”

  “Yes, but what’s different is that you never thought I had a chance.”

“I still don’t.”

  “And that’s where you’re wrong. You won’t know what hit you, Sonya, until it’s too late.”

  “Fine. I like surprises.”

  “Glad to hear it. Good night.” He smiled as he ended the call.

  “They’re both out like a light.”

  Sonya looked over at Mike when he entered the room. They had spent the entire day at Disney World and now it was eight at night. After leaving the theme park they had taken the kids to a popular restaurant for dinner. More than once they’d received compliments, mistakenly so, about what beautiful kids she and Mike had. They had taken the false assumptions in stride without bothering to correct them.

  After dinner they had brought the kids to her place where she had gotten Jessica washed up and ready for bed while Mike had taken care of a talkative Craig. Jessica had refused to go to sleep until she’d given her godfather a hug. Sonya, after giving both kids hugs, had left Mike alone with them to read them a bedtime story before he said his goodbyes.

  Now she was in the living room, standing by the front door with Mike’s jacket thrown over her arm, ready for him to leave since she saw no reason for him to linger. He came to stand in front of her and she couldn’t help but remember their late-night phone conversation a few days ago. He had told her where he stood with her. What he intended to do . . . or at least try to do.

  She definitely had a problem with it. Although, she would be the first to admit that she wanted him too, but she didn’t like the thought of being added to a list of women who had him too spoiled for a lasting commitment. Not that she was in the market for one, mind you. It was just the principle of the thing. He was too arrogant for his own good.

  And way too handsome, she thought studying his features, something she had caught herself doing more than once that day. Even the kids hadn’t been able to keep the sexual chemistry at bay between them. More than once they had unintentionally touched and the sparks had gone off; and that one time she had to practically sit in his lap while the four of them fit into a particular ride, she had felt his erection – hard as a rock, larger than life – poking into her backside. And he’d had the nerve to whisper close to her ear the question, “Do you want it?”


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