The More the Merrier

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The More the Merrier Page 5

by Sean Michael

  “I’m glad it was me too.” He could hear voices from Logan’s office, but he ignored them. He would keep the girls in the kitchen until the nanny who’d hit Sarah was gone.

  He almost—almost, mind you—felt sorry for the woman. Logan could be vicious. There was a reason he was a great lawyer. She was going to be lucky if she didn’t find herself sued. What he wanted to do was go in there and slap her and ask her how she liked it.

  He pushed his anger away and focused on the girls. Logan was dealing with the slap-happy nanny; he would deal with Sarah’s hurt. “So, what sounds good for a snack? Peanut butter and jam sandwiches?”

  It seemed that Sarah approved. “That sounds good. Can I have strawberry jam with mine, please?”

  “You both can.” Because as soon as Sarah had asked for strawberry jam, that would be what Melly wanted, or he didn’t know his little girl. “You can get the jam out for me, please. And Melly, can you get the bread?” It was in the breadbox on the counter, which Melly could reach with the help of the little stool kept in the corner. Dirk was willing to bet that was for Sarah, even if she didn’t need it as much anymore. He grabbed a knife, four plates, and the peanut butter. Melly very carefully opened the package of bread and put two pieces of bread on each plate.

  “Get the fuck out before I have you arrested!” The front door slammed, and then the babies started to cry. Logan called out, “Sarah, are you okay?”

  “Uncle Dirk is here, Daddy. We’re having a snack.”

  Oh man, those babies were not going to settle as upset as Logan was. Sure enough, the man looked into the kitchen to check on Sarah first, his face like a thundercloud.

  “Why don’t you help with the sandwiches and I’ll get the babies to settle real quick,” Dirk suggested. He patted Logan on the shoulder and went to the living room, where the babies were in their little bouncy seats. He was betting they’d been startled awake by the door slamming, or possibly the yelling, and it wouldn’t take much to settle them down again if he remained calm.

  They kicked and screamed when they saw him, demanding his attention.

  “Hey, hey, little ones. Did you miss me?” Did they recognize him already, this early? He couldn’t remember how it had been with Melly. He picked Sam up and put the little guy over his shoulder while he made the other two’s chairs bounce lightly. “Sorry for the noise. Your daddy’s trying to get everyone settled and organized, you know? You’ll have a routine soon enough. You really will.”

  They calmed quickly, all three of them more than ready to return to their interrupted nap time. Thank goodness for that—he was pretty sure he was needed in the kitchen. He set Sam back down in his chair without waking him and quietly made his way back to the kitchen.

  Logan was sitting with Melly in his lap, one arm around Sarah. Oh. Oh, that was a sight to melt his heart. He stopped in the doorway and simply watched for a long moment, soaking it in. It made him yearn for more moments like this, for this to be his reality on more than just some weekends.

  Then he took a breath and walked in. “How are those PB&Js coming along?”

  “We were having a hug first, Da. Unca Logan is having a rough day.” Melly sounded so grown-up.

  “Hugs are even better for rough days than peanut butter sandwiches. Can I join in the hugging?”

  “Of course, Da!” Melly held one of her arms out for him.

  He went to his knees and wrapped his arms around all of them.

  How natural, how easy this felt. He stayed right there with them, all four of them breathing together. Logan looked so tired, so worn-out. He needed some serious help. Someone who wasn’t going to solve problems with hitting. If she’d done that to Sarah, God only knew what she would have done to the triplets if they were having a bad day.

  His knees weren’t too happy with him, given the hard tile of the kitchen floor, so Dirk stood. “Okay. Sandwiches all around.”

  “Peanut butter!” Melly called out. “Can I take my backpack to my room, Da?”

  “Go ahead, Melly.” He tousled her hair. She had a room here that she considered hers. He liked that. He loved that Logan had given that to her.

  She climbed down from Logan’s lap and ran off, and he called after her, “You leave the babies alone. They’re sleeping.”

  He could almost hear her sigh, but he trusted she would do as she’d been told. He started putting together a sandwich for each of them. “Are you two okay?”

  “That woman… seriously? Who raises a hand to a…? I mean, Jesus.” Logan grabbed Sarah and held her tight. “I’m so sorry, baby.”

  “’S’okay, Daddy. She didn’t hit the babies, did she?”

  Sweet big sister looking out for her new siblings. It made Dirk smile as he added the jam to the sandwiches.

  “No.” There was a darkness in Logan’s voice. “In fact, I’m going to call that service right now. I don’t suppose you have a brother who wants to be a manny, Dirk?”

  “Nope. I was an only child. You know, Melly and I would be happy to help out until you can find someone. I have school from eight till two, but I could be here outside of that, and summer holidays are just around the corner.” He hoped that hadn’t been too forward, but it was an honest offer. He really liked Logan, and who wouldn’t be in love on sight with those three beautiful babies? Melly certainly adored them, so he knew she wouldn’t mind spending more time here.

  “Yeah? We might have to discuss that. I have all this house….” Logan stood. “I am going to call that service, though. Right now.”

  Dirk nodded. “Yeah, that kind of behavior doesn’t stand. I’d hate to think of her doing that to any kid. Your sandwich is ready when you’re done.” He put the plates on the table, setting one in front of Sarah and one where he was going to sit.

  “Are you going to come stay? Really?” Sarah asked.

  He had to admit, he lived in a barely adequate space. This house was fabulous and Melly already had a room that she thought of as hers. And if he was being really honest, he adored Logan. Okay, he was kind of in love with the guy. He’d been wanting to get closer to Logan almost from their first meeting, and everything he’d learned about Logan since had only made him like the guy more.

  “Your father and I have to talk about it some more, but we might. Would you like that?” It would suck if she didn’t want him and Melly here more often.

  “Daddy needs a friend. It would be neat, to have a big family here.”

  She really was a darling.

  “It feels like it needs a big family, doesn’t it?” He grabbed some glasses and poured Sarah and himself each some milk. Then he sat next to her.

  “Uh-huh. You know that my mom and dad never were married or in love or anything? They’re both gay. They just wanted me.” She sounded so grown-up, the way she said it.

  “Yeah, I know. That’s pretty wonderful, isn’t it? Having someone want you so much they made you special.”

  She shrugged. “It can be a little weird, but it’s not bad, and now I have brothers and a sister and a Melly.”

  “You do indeed.” He put his arm around her and gave her a hug. “You’re pretty lucky.”

  “Yeah. You know, Melly’s been gone a while….”

  “Yeah, I was just thinking the same thing.” She had probably been distracted by the babies, but at least it sounded like she hadn’t woken them. “Should we go look for her?” He was never going to get to eat his sandwich.

  “Uh-huh. Then sandwich?” Sarah suggested.

  They headed to the open living room and found Melly with a blanket and a pillow, lying next to the babies, sound asleep. Oh damn. His heart melted again. Totally and completely. He swallowed hard.

  A warm hand landed on his shoulder, Logan murmuring, “She’s watching her babies.”

  “She is indeed. They’ve got quite the fierce protector there.” He turned to smile at Logan. “Come on. Sarah and I are starving, and I bet you are too.”

  “Yeah. She’s fine. We’ll hear her on the monitor

  “Yeah.” He hadn’t been watching because he was worried, but because he was enchanted. That was okay, though.

  They trooped back to the kitchen, he poured a glass of milk for Logan, and they all sat to finally have their late afternoon snack.

  Sarah chatted happily to them about school and about her day and her teachers, the sound comfortable, homey. Looked like she hadn’t been traumatized by the slap. Thank God.

  “I think we should totally order fried chicken and mashed potatoes for supper.” Logan grinned as Sarah bounced at his suggestion.

  Dirk loved how it always seemed that as one finished one meal, the next was planned. “That sounds yummy. Is that your favorite, Sarah?”

  She nodded and rubbed her tummy.

  Chuckling, he gave Logan a grin. “Yours too, eh?”

  “I do like food that’s bad for you.”

  “Only on Friday,” Sarah said solemnly.

  “I like it.” And he’d like to be a part of that tradition on a regular basis. He figured now, with the babies and Melly still asleep, was a good time to jump right in. “So, were you serious about me and Melly moving in?”

  “There’s room, you know, and… it’s a good house. We’re a good family, right, Sarah?”

  “Uh-huh. With brothers and sister and Melly.” It looked like Sarah had already accepted Melly as a part of her family, moved in or not.

  “It would sure beat living in my little apartment. And then I’d be here to help with the babies after work.” And at night. And first thing in the morning.

  “Then come on. We’ll figure out details. Melly has her room set up already, and she seems happy here.”

  “Happy as a lark. She loves Sarah and is besotted by your babies.” Not to mention her room here was bigger than the room they shared at his tiny apartment.

  “And you? I mean, I need help, and I love your company, but I never want to take advantage.”

  Take advantage? This was a lovely mansion—a safe, wonderful home with a gourmet kitchen and plenty of room and a huge backyard for Melly to play in.

  “If anyone would be taking advantage, it would be me. You know where I live, right? It would fit in your kitchen and dining room.” He shook his head. They were both still dancing around this. He could take the bull by the horns. “I’d love to move in here.”

  “So we’ll do it. We’ll be a weird, wonderful unit.”

  “I love it. Thank you. Melly is going to be thrilled.” And so was he. Totally and completely thrilled. It wasn’t about getting to live in a fancy house, though. It was about who he got to live with. It was about the babies he’d been in love with since he first saw them. It was about having company, another adult. Logan.

  “I’ll draw up an agreement so you’re protected, but I think we can do that Monday.”

  He trusted Logan, but the man was a lawyer, he would want—maybe even needed—to have everything wrapped up and outlined, signed, sealed, and delivered.

  “Monday works for me. Melly and I could stay starting tonight—we were here for the weekend anyway—and then I’ll move everything next weekend. There isn’t a lot to bring.” Most of his furniture wasn’t worth keeping, certainly not worth moving into a nice, already furnished place like this. Hell, he’d seen the bedrooms here; they all had queen beds in them and that beat his little twin all to hell.

  “Whatever you need, man. We’ll work it out.” Logan smiled at him. “You know how comforting it is, to know you’ll be here?”

  That warmed him through, and his smile back to Logan was both genuine and wide. “Then it’s the right thing to do.” He was so glad this wasn’t one-sided, that he wasn’t the only one who was getting something out of it.

  Dirk looked to Sarah to see what she thought, surprised to find her gone, and Logan shrugged. “She’s on her tablet, I’m sure.”

  He was glad he’d already spoken to her about it earlier. “She seems to be on board with me and Melly moving in. I’m glad.” He couldn’t have done it if it upset her.

  “She’s a good girl. She really is. I think she gets lonely too,” Logan noted.

  “We all do, eh? Does she have a lot of friends at Rebecca’s?” He finished his last two bites of peanut butter and jam, and downed the rest of his milk. That had really hit the spot.

  “She has friends at school, sure. She brings Cassie and Elena over a lot. You’ll meet them. Funny little girls. They’ve been friends since pre-K.”

  “That’s cool.” He would be meeting Sarah’s friends. So, he was really doing this. He was moving in with Logan and his daughter and his babies. It was going to be a whole new adventure. New and wonderful, he was sure.

  He was going to…. Wow.

  Chapter Five

  LOGAN rocked little Seb and listened to Melly sing as she took her bath. There were ten children in his house. Ten. And only four of them were his. Rebecca had let him have Sarah again this weekend so she could participate in Dirk and Mel moving in.

  Dirk was gone to move out of the scary little apartment with Dev and Aiden while Zack had stayed here to help him look after everyone’s kids.

  Ten children.


  Five was going to be a breeze when Zack, Aiden, and Dev took their kids and left. Sam and Suzy picked that exact moment to start wailing. Okay, maybe breeze was a bit strong of a word.

  He put Seb down in his swing and picked up Sam, trying to put Suzy’s pacifier back in.

  “Holler if you need help,” Zack told him, rocking with Dylan in his arms.

  “Suzy is usually the patient one. She’ll let me feed the boys first.” Today she seemed less pleased to be pacified with the pacifier. He snorted at the thought. Pacified with the pacifier. How silly was that?

  “Yeah? I wonder what that means for them growing up. Is she gonna have more patience than her brothers? Is she less hungry?” Zack shifted Dylan and cooed at the little boy.

  “Or is she going to smother them in their sleep?” He chuckled and got Sam eating.

  Zack laughed. “Well, her dad’s a lawyer. I’m sure he’ll be able to get her off.” Zack rocked a little more, watching Logan feed his son. Then he asked, “So things are going well with Dirk and Melanie being here?”

  “Yes. Is that weird or what? He just… it feels like he belongs. I… I don’t know. He is here and I’m happy.” Did it need to be more than that? And did he need to explain himself to his friends?

  “Honey, we have a group of single dads called the Teddy Bear Club, and I’m holding the Baby Formerly Known as Unicorn. We passed weird a long time ago. And you’re happy? That’s what counts. Well, I guess that Dirk’s happy too.”

  “I am. And I think he is too. That apartment wasn’t a good place for Melly or her dad.” Hell, he didn’t think it was really a good place for anyone with kids.

  “Yeah. It’s less that it’s small and more the area it’s in. I’m glad you got them out of there, really. I think this whole situation is a win-win.” Zack put Dylan on the floor, and he butt-scooted over to the blocks and his stepsister, Blaire. “Don’t you whack him, Bee. I’m watching you.”

  She gave Zack an angelic look that Logan knew well hid a naughty nature. She wasn’t mean, but she did like pushing. Logan managed not to laugh, but he had to turn away so she didn’t see his smile.

  “So… are you guys sharing a room?” Zack asked, clearly trying to sound super casual.

  “We’re… I don’t know. No? I mean, we’re not sleeping together, but we spend a lot of time in the same bed, sleeping.” Logan wasn’t sure that Dirk was interested in anything but the kids and the friendship, so he hadn’t examined too closely if he wished it was more than that.

  One of Zack’s eyebrows went up, his friend staring at him.

  “What? I just… I don’t know.”

  “Okay.” Zack paused a moment. “That is weird.” Then he winked.

  “I don’t think he’s into me, man.”

  Zack snorted. “You don’t? Have you asked
? Made a pass at him?”

  “No. I don’t remember how.” He just looked for clues, and there weren’t any.

  Zack reached out and squeezed his shoulder. It looked like he had more to say, but the front door opened.

  The guys all came in carrying boxes. Dirk came over, giving him a warm smile. “How’s everything going here?”

  Suzy immediately started screaming, kicking hard, demanding that Dirk pay attention to her. Then Melly and Lindsay ran through the room, wet and naked.

  “My babies are crying!” Melly yelled as she ran through the room.

  Dirk’s mouth dropped open, but he put down his box and picked up Suzy. Then he laughed. “Streakers? Really?”

  “Daddy! They’re naked!” Sarah came in, looking like she couldn’t figure out if she was tickled or horrified.

  Dirk made a noise, and Logan could see he was trying desperately not to laugh. He gave up trying a moment later, sounds of mirth pouring from him. “I’ll chase them down.”

  “You sit. I’ll go.” He put Sam down and went to find the naked toddlers. “Mel! Linds! Let’s put our jammies on so we can have pizza and Moana!”

  They beat him to Mel’s room, and he got them settled there in her princess bed, watching the little TV with the promise of pizza when it came. There was nothing like Disney to fascinate. Which made life easier when there were ten kids in the house, three of them newborns.

  Dirk met him outside the girls’ room, coming from his room. “Hey. So that’s it—I’m moved in.”

  “Welcome home. Seriously. I think Linds might be spending the night….”

  “Eh, what’s an extra kid or two?” Dirk laughed. “And thank you. It feels good to officially be out of that place. Although it’s not quite real yet, you know?”

  “…and this is my own room, and you can come visit my babies, and….”

  Logan chuckled softly. “It is for Melly, huh?”

  “Yeah, it sure is. And you’ll have to keep an eye on the triplets—she’s decided they’re hers.” Dirk leaned against the wall and smiled warmly at him.


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