The More the Merrier

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The More the Merrier Page 12

by Sean Michael

  “Fair enough.” He called home to check on his family and his lover.

  Dirk answered after the second ring. “Hey, babe. What’s up?”

  “Hey you. How’s it going?” Are you ready for company?

  “I’m great, and the kids are awesome. Melly and I are having blanket time with the three esses.”

  “Oh, as soon as Sarah’s done with her guitar lessons and I pick up pizza, we’ll be home. The guys want to come this weekend and celebrate our engagement. You interested?”

  “Yeah, really? That sounds like fun!”

  “Cool. I’m going to have to tell Sarah about this, you know? About us.”

  “Of course we are. I’m hoping she’ll be happy for us. You never know how she’s going to react, though. Especially so soon after Rebecca. Don’t be mad at her if she’s not happy for us to start with.”

  “I won’t be. Zack is. Happy, that is.”

  “Yeah? That’s awesome. I just need to pass the test with Aiden, eh?” Dirk chuckled, but it didn’t really seem like he was joking. “Are you staying for the Teddy Bear Club meeting? I’m looking forward to the triplets being a little bit older so we can bring them and attend together.”

  “I’m not, no. I’ll pick up Sarah and supper, and I’ll be home.” He didn’t want to leave Dirk to deal on his own.

  “Ooh. Are we having fried chicken for supper?” Dirk licked his lips audibly. What a crazy sound.

  He’d thought pizza, but fried chicken worked for him. “With mashed potatoes and gravy or onion rings?”

  “Yes, please.” There was a thread of laughter in Dirk’s voice. “That means get both, please. And if you pick it up from the place on Fourth, they have biscuits too….”

  “I’m on it. Dessert?”

  “Ooh.” Dirk lowered his voice. “Surprise me.”

  Was his fiancé flirting with him?

  “I’ll see if I can find something yummy.” God, that made him a bit squirmy.

  “And I’ll see if I can find a bit of time to thank you appropriately.” Definitely flirting.

  “I’ll grab doughnuts.”

  Dirk laughed softly. “You and your doughnuts. I thought you were going to surprise me?”

  Dammit. “You don’t know which ones I’m going to choose….”

  “I guess that’s true. Okay, you saved yourself there.” Dirk chuckled again. “I’ll see you later, Loggy-Woggy.”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ll see you soon.” God, Dirk made him smile.

  “Look at you,” Zack said after Logan had hung up. Zack offered him another cup of coffee. “Now that is the look of a man in love.”

  “Is it?” He drank deep, liking the idea of that.

  “Oh yes, indeed it is.”

  “Good. I want it obvious. I need to let Sarah know next.”

  “Yeah, she should know before the world does.” Zack gave him a hug. “I will try not to spill the beans to Aiden and Dev, but I can’t make you any promises.”

  “Oh. Oh! Dirk says Saturday sounds great.” He ought to have Sarah invite both of her best friends. That would make her feel more included, he thought.

  “The girls and I will be thrilled to be there. What do you need me to bring?”

  “Dessert?” Zack had access to the best bakery goods.

  “You’ve got it. I’ll bring some yummy stuff.”

  “Rock on. I’ll provide burgers and dogs and all that stuff.”

  “You provide what you like, but I have to tell you the twins are not going to eat dogs. They’ll have very strong feelings about that, actually.” Zack’s eyes twinkled wickedly. “They might even call the SPCA on you if you’re serving dogs.”

  “Shut up, butthead.” He popped Zack on the chest even as he laughed.

  “Hey, you’re the one who said you were serving dog.” Zack ducked out of the way of Logan’s arm as he swung again, also laughing. “Go on. We’ll see you on Saturday.”

  “Let’s shoot for noonish. Playclothes.”

  “Yeah, yeah, you’re going to make us work. Got it.” Zack was still laughing as he backed toward the counter.

  Logan grabbed his cup and headed out to get Sarah. It was a little walk, and he enjoyed the warmth. He needed to talk to his daughter, feel her out about Dirk. He thought the Olde Shoppe on Fifth would be a good spot to sit and have a chat together, with ice cream to grease the skids. Then they could pick up supper and dessert and head home.

  Sarah came running out to him almost as soon as the bell rang, her little hand slipping into his. “It’s Friday! No school for a whole weekend!”

  “Hooray! How was your day, sweetie?”

  She wrinkled her nose. “A little bit stinky.”


  “Uh-huh. Jordan and Ricky called me a crybaby. I wanted to kick them, but you and Mommy said hitting is wrong and I think kicking is like hitting, so I didn’t.”

  “Good girl. Jordan and Ricky are obviously turds, while you are a classy, educated girl.”

  She giggled at him. “You called them turds!”

  “I did.” And he’d do it again if he had to.

  “Isn’t that a bad word, Daddy?” she asked as they walked toward the ice cream shop.

  “It’s sort of bad, and it’s ugly.”

  She frowned, and he could almost see the wheels turning in her head as she worked that one out. “And it’s okay to call them that because they’re ugly.”

  “Yes, but you might not do that at school, hmm?”

  “Like no hitting?” She thought for another minute. “Okay.”

  They got to the little store and went in, Sarah’s attention suddenly on the tubs of ice cream.

  “Look at it all, Daddy.”

  “I know, right? Are you going to get different flavors or two scoops of the same?”

  She licked her lips a few times, then straightened her spine, telling him she’d made a decision. “I’m getting chocolate heaven and very vanilla.” Then she turned to look at him. “Can I have whipped cream and sprinkles on it too, please?”

  “Sure. I’m going to have the very same thing, I think. With peanuts too.”

  “I don’t want peanuts. Can I have marshmallow fluff instead?”

  He appreciated the fact she was a negotiator. She got that from him.

  “You can.” He hugged her. God, he loved her, so much.

  They ordered their ice creams, and he paid. Once they’d picked up their bowls, they went and sat at a little table in the corner together.

  She jabbered about her day—about art class and music, about the upcoming science fair.

  Going back to school had been the best thing for her. It gave her a routine, things to do other than wallow in her mother having died. He was glad. He’d been worried about her coming back from it, but he thought it was going to be okay. She still had her moments, of course, but they’d turned a corner.

  When she’d talked herself out, he took his chance. “So, I need to talk with you about something.”

  “Uh-huh?” She shoved another spoonful of ice cream into her mouth.

  “What do you think about me and Dirk getting married?”

  “Because Mommy went to heaven?”

  “No. No, your mom and I were never going to get married. I want to marry Dirk because I love him, and I want us to be an official family.”

  She met his gaze head-on. “What about me?”

  What the hell did that mean? “What are you asking, baby?”

  “If you have a new family, what about me?”

  “Oh baby.” God, kids worried about the strangest things. At least she trusted him enough to talk to him, right? “You will always, always be my family. You will always be the triplets’ family. I think you’re already Dirk and Melly’s family. This is a legal contract between us, joining our families together.”

  “So I get two daddies?”

  “Yes. And another sister.”

  “What if I didn’t want you to?”

  “Then we’d have
to talk about it, about why you felt that way. I want you to be happy, and this is your home.” And he knew that Sarah cared for Dirk and adored Melly.

  “Okay.” She went back to eating her ice cream like that was that.

  “So… is it cool with you?”

  “Uh-huh. I like Dirk and Melly.”

  “Me too. So I was thinking about having a cookout Saturday with the guys. You want to invite your posse? They could sleep over.” She hadn’t had friends over since Rebecca had died.

  “My posse? Oh, Daddy.” She giggled at him, making him suddenly feel impossibly old for a moment.

  “Your gang? Your herd?” He could get worse.

  She laughed harder. “No! They’re my friends!”

  “Okay. Shall we invite them for a sleepover Saturday?” Silly girl.

  She nodded. “Can we stay up really late and have pizza delivered?”

  “Well, I’m going to make hamburgers and hot dogs, but I suppose we can do that, yes.” Lord, those girls and their pizzas.

  “I mean, have the pizza really late—after supper. Like when it’s dark out.” Her eyes shone with excitement.

  “Oh. I see. After normal bedtime and everything.” God, he remembered that, being so excited to stay up late, to get a hint of being a grown-up.

  She nodded, almost bouncing in her chair. “Can I have Cassie and Elena and Anita and Belinda?”

  “Of course. But—” He held up one finger. “—you guys have to be nice to Melly and be quiet when the babies are sleeping. Fair?”

  She nodded. “We’ll be good, Daddy, I promise.” She chattered at him, talking excitedly about all the things they were going to do.

  “Well, I think we should go pick up some groceries and then grab dinner for Dirk and Melly and us, what do you think?”

  “Can we get chicken for dinner? Dirk really likes chicken.”

  “We can. That sounds great.” Oh, he was over the moon.

  She made him so proud.

  They headed for the grocery store, Sarah continuing to tell him all about tomorrow. Lord, it was going to be a busy day. Busy, but good.

  Chapter Sixteen

  DIRK loved taking care of the triplets. He could tell them apart by sight now, and usually by their cry. He also got to stay home with Melly this way. It really was a dream—a new home, a new man, a house full of love. He didn’t even have to worry about what they were going to do for supper tonight because Logan was bringing home chicken. It didn’t get much better than that.

  He and Melly were currently playing peekaboo with the babies. The triplets were in their bouncy chairs on the floor, giggling like crazy any time they were peekabooed. It was the cutest thing in the world, and he hoped Logan got home soon so he could share in it.

  Melly heard the garage door before he did. “Da! They’re home!”

  The babies sensed Mel’s excitement and began hooting and kicking.

  “So they are. You gonna go welcome them home?” He was excited himself. He loved it when they were all home together. He watched Melly bound away, all eagerness and happiness. Being here with Logan, Sarah, and the babies was a wonderful boon for her. Melly was thriving as a sibling.

  “Sarah! Sarah, the babies are playing peekyboo!”

  “Yeah? We bought groceries. There’s lots. Can you help Daddy carry too?”

  “Yes! I help!” That was his Melly, always willing to do her part.

  “Welcome home, Sarah and Logan,” he called out. “Do you need my help too?” The babies would be fine for two minutes if Logan needed him to fetch and carry. He made faces at Suzy, who laughed and kicked for him.

  “Yes please. I’ll watch the babies.” Sarah came in with a smile. “Daddy is letting me have a slumber party tomorrow.”

  “Oh wow, how great is that?” Dirk had a feeling the word slumber was a misnomer, but he figured as long as they didn’t wake the babies, they could sleep the next day. He tousled her hair and went for the garage, grinning at Melly as she passed him carrying a bag that was almost as big as she was. He could see bread sticking out of the top of it, though, and knew it wasn’t very heavy.

  “Hey,” he said as he walked into the garage. “I have been informed there’s groceries to help carry.”

  “Why yes. And there is supper and dessert as well.” Logan was beaming. Simply beaming.

  “Oh, you’re in a good mood.” He went up to Logan and kissed him gently.

  “I spoke to my oldest daughter about us getting married, and she approved. So I supposed we ought to speak to Melly.”

  “Oh.” Pleasure went through him. They’d talked about it, and Logan had asked him, but this was totally proactive on Logan’s part and made it more real. He leaned in and took another kiss, this one lingering.

  “Mmm… hey, lover.” Logan rubbed their noses together, smiling at him, until Melly came stomping in.

  “Groceries. Supper. No kissing!”

  He laughed and rubbed Logan’s nose. “Yes, bossy.”

  “Da! No kissing. Chicken.”

  “Someone is hungry,” he noted, giving Logan a warm smile. “Do you think there’s a piece for you in the box?” She loved the drumsticks and the wings.

  “Uh-huh. I want the drumstick!”

  “Oh?” He feigned surprise. “And are you going to play the drums with it?”

  “Da! No. You can’t play music with food!”

  He chuckled as he carried his load of groceries into the kitchen. Logan made another three trips. Lord, the man had bought the entire store.

  “Just how many people are coming to this shindig tomorrow?” he asked as he pulled some paper plates out of the cupboard—there was no reason to make dirty dishes for takeout, right?

  “Zack and the twins, Aiden and Dev and their babies. Us. Sarah invited four friends, and I offered to feed their families. Everyone’s bringing something to share.”

  “I’m not sure they needed to. I think you bought out the entire grocery store,” he teased. He bumped their hips together. “We gonna eat in the front room with the babies? Oh! You have to see them when you play peekaboo with them. It’s the cutest thing ever.”

  “We are. Do you have bottles made, or do I need to make some up?” Logan was surprisingly easy about the thought of never again eating without feeding a baby at the same time. He proved every day what a great dad he was.

  “They’re made up and in the front room. I figured they were going to get hungry around the same time they stopped wanting to play.” He searched the bags and grabbed the ones with their supper. He stuffed the paper plates into it, along with a bunch of napkins and some plastic cups. There. Easy to carry.

  “Let’s go, boys!” Melly proclaimed, marching her way down the hall.

  He met Logan’s gaze. “See? She’s very bossy.”

  “She knows what she wants, that’s all.”

  “I didn’t say it was a bad thing. It’s just a thing. I actually like it. She’s a strong girl.”

  “She is. She’s amazing.” Logan sat down and took Sebastian up. “And you’re amazing, baby boy.”

  Seb kicked and drooled, making Dirk grin. They were in such a good mood at the moment. They loved playtime.

  Logan got all three babies out of their swings while he dished up food. Onion rings. Uhn. And mashed potatoes and gravy. Corn and biscuits. Logan was good to him. Or at least good to his stomach.

  “So, you’re going to marry my dad?” Sarah took a piece of breast and put onion rings on.

  He glanced at Melly, but her attention was split between her food and the babies. He looked back at Sarah. “I am. Is that okay with you?”

  “Yeah. Yeah, I guess. I’m still part of the family, though.”

  “Of course you are. I’m marrying your daddy, but that means I get all four kids as a part of the family too. Me and Melly get to be family with all of you.”

  She watched him carefully, sizing him up. He didn’t hurry her. She needed to see him, to realize his being there was a good thing. That the
y really could be a family all together. He just hoped it wasn’t too soon after losing her mom.

  “Okay. I don’t want to change my name, though, okay?”

  “That’s just fine. I don’t think any of us are changing our names….” They hadn’t talked about it, but he couldn’t see why they would need to change any names. They all belonged to each other no matter what their names were or who was biologically related to who.

  They were going to be a family.

  “What are you talking about?” Melly asked.

  “Our dads getting married.”

  Well, he supposed that was as good a way as any to let her know. “Me and Uncle Logan. So that we can all be a family. You, Sarah, the babies, Logan, and me. Doesn’t that sound good?”

  “Does that mean Unca Logan can be my daddy too?”

  “Yeah, it does. It means you have two daddies. I think that’s pretty special.” He looked over at Logan and smiled at his lover. His fiancé.

  “Then you can be Daddy Logan!” She plopped down next to Sarah. “Did you hear?”

  Sarah snorted. “Uh-huh.”

  “Can you make me a plate?” Logan asked as he grabbed the bottles and fed all three triplets at once. He was getting to be really good at that.

  “Of course. Onion rings or mashed potatoes and gravy?” Of course Dirk was having both, but he knew Logan loved onion rings. Like his daughter. Or maybe Sarah followed after Logan. Either way, they both loved onion rings.

  “Onion rings, please.”

  “Mashed tatoes for me, Da!”

  “I know, Melly. With a well in the middle of them to put the gravy.” He prepped a plate with the drumstick and the mashed potatoes and gravy for his daughter, adding a biscuit. Then he prepped a plate for Logan, two pieces of white meat, a pile of onion rings, and a biscuit. He gave Melly her plate and set Logan’s next to him. “Let me know if you want any help with the burping.”

  “Suzy’s ready for you, if you don’t mind.”

  “I don’t.” He grabbed the little girl and put her over his shoulder, patting her back gently. “Do you think she’s going to give us a good one today, Melly?”

  “Maybe. She’s sucking on her fist, Da.”

  Sarah grinned. “You pay good attention, Melly.”


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