The More the Merrier

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The More the Merrier Page 14

by Sean Michael

  He found his soon-to-be husband a smile, a nod. He got it.

  Dirk squeezed his ass tighter, fingers digging in. “Don’t stop, Logan. Don’t stop.”

  “Not. Won’t. God, honey.” He slammed in harder, driving in, deeper and deeper.

  Dirk’s body squeezed hard whenever Logan pulled out, trying to hold him in. He bent to drive back in, over and over, his need coiling inside him.

  Dirk shone for him, eyes bright, body glistening with need. It was like he was seeing his lover for the first time all over again.

  It was more than he could bear. “Soon.”

  “Yes.” Dirk reached for his own cock, still holding on to Logan’s ass with one hand. The other moved between them as Dirk jerked on his prick. The squeezes around Logan’s prick got stronger, more intense.

  All Logan could do was pant and try to hold on. His eyes crossed as he jerked, his hips moving furiously.

  When Dirk came, Logan felt it on his cock, Dirk milking him strongly. Dirk’s body demanded Logan’s orgasm.

  Thank God, because he was about to explode. He bit out a string of curse words before his balls let go.

  Dirk groaned. “Such a filthy mouth you have, my dear.”

  “You were trying to kill me.”

  “No, I was trying to get you to make love to me. And it worked.” Dirk’s grin was happy—lazy and sated, but happy.

  “Uh-huh. Didn’t hurt you, did I?”

  “No, I think what you did is the opposite of hurting.”

  “Excellent.” He got rid of the condom and grabbed their pajama bottoms before he unlocked the door.

  “And the best part of this whole thing might be this right here—you taking care of the door and pjs so I can lie here like a well-fucked lump.”

  Logan began to chuckle, tickled deep down.

  “What? I meant it,” Dirk protested. He was laughing, too, though.

  “My butthead well-fucked lump.”

  “Oh, nice.” Dirk threw a pillow at him, aim true and binging off his head.

  He started laughing hard, heading over to tickle his lover. Dirk tried to crawl off the bed, but he wasn’t quick enough, and Logan dug his fingers in, making Dirk buck and chortle.

  They rolled together, ending in each other’s arms, both of them panting. Dirk brought their mouths together for a quick kiss.

  “I love you, Logan. Like, really.”

  “Good, because I love you.” Dirk had helped him make a family.

  Dirk smiled warmly and squeezed him in a hug. “Better get some sleep, love. Those babies of ours are going to be awake before you know it.”

  “Yeah. And we have a party. All our friends.”

  “Are you surprising me with a wedding tomorrow?”

  “Nope. I’m just celebrating our engagement with burned meat.” He rubbed their noses together. “Are you surprising me with a wedding tomorrow?”

  “I didn’t even know we were having our friends over until this evening, so no. Just friends and celebrating, eh?”

  “Yeah. Us celebrating each other.”

  “That’s cool. I’m guessing the girls might have an idea or forty to add to any wedding plans, eh?” Dirk hugged him closer. “Let’s do it soon.”

  “As soon as we’re ready.”

  “Well, we could wait until the triplets are old enough to participate,” Dirk noted.

  He pondered that. “We could. Or we could renew our vows in a few years….”

  “Oh, I like that idea! To be honest, the thought of waiting three or four years doesn’t really appeal. If we’re going to do it, let’s do it, huh?”

  “Well, we can go get our license Monday.” That would work. Then they could have Zack, who had done the course online so he could join another couple, marry them.

  “Yeah? I’d like that. If it’s what you want.” Dirk could have this shyness about him at times.

  “If it’s what we want.”

  “Well, I do. I don’t see a reason to wait now that the girls both know and that we’re telling all our friends tomorrow. I want everyone to know I chose you and you chose me back.” Dirk shifted, and Logan could feel the long cock against his thigh, filling slowly. “It makes me hot.”

  “I have a question for you, honey. Would you be willing to adopt the triplets?” Dirk was their parent as much as he was.

  “Oh, Logan.” Dirk hugged him tight, but he was pretty sure he saw tears gathering in Dirk’s eyes before the hug. “Yes. Absolutely.”

  “Good.” He held Dirk close. His babies were going to have a family. They were going to be a family.

  Dirk held on just as hard. “I’m going to be thankful every day for the rest of my life that we are all going to be a real family together. Legal and everything.”

  “Melly always said they were her babies. From the start.”

  Dirk chuckled. “Yeah, she always has said that. She knew. Hey, you want to adopt her, too, right?”

  “If she wants me to. Do you think she will?”

  “I do. She loves you like she loves those babies.”

  “I’ll ask her.” He sobered, met Dirk’s gaze. “You know that Sarah’s nowhere near ready for a discussion about adoption. She may never be.”

  “I don’t think I’d ever ask her, really. I’d let her know somehow it was on the table if she wanted it, but it’ll have to come from her, and I’m okay if it never does. I will always be there for her, and I hope she knows that’s true whether or not we’re ever legally father and daughter.”

  His husband-to-be was a good man.

  “I think she does. There is just so much changing in her life right now, she isn’t capable of too much more.”

  “I know, love. And I wouldn’t want her to think I was trying to replace her mother.” Dirk squeezed him. “I’m going to do everything I can to make sure she feels welcome, that she knows she’s a part of our family.”

  “Thank you. She needs that, to believe she’s home and she’s wanted.”

  “She is, Logan. You know she is. She’s a beautiful, wonderful girl who is going to grow up to be an amazing woman. I swear we’re going to make this work for every single one of us.”

  “We are. Our family. Our home. Our—”

  “Da! Daddy Logan! I had a bad dream.” Melly launched herself onto the bed and into his arms.

  Dirk shifted, giving her room between them, but Dirk let him hold Melly, comfort her.

  “Sh. Sh, it’s okay. What did you dream?”

  “A monster ate my babies! A bad monster.”

  “Did you want to go in and see them? You’ll have to be very, very quiet if you do. We don’t want to wake them.”

  She sniffled and nodded. “I need to make sure my babies are good.”

  “Well, come on, then. We’ll make sure.” He stood up with Melly in his arms. “Be right back, love.”

  Dirk smiled at him, looking so pleased. “I’ll be here.”

  Melly held on to his neck, leaning her head against his shoulder, trusting him completely.

  He opened the door to the nursery. The triplets were sleeping soundly. “See,” he whispered. “All is well.”

  She leaned away from him to see better, then nodded. “My babies are okay.” She wrapped her arms back around him, squeezing his neck. “Thank you, Daddy Logan.”

  “You’re welcome, baby. You want to come to bed with us or your own bed?”

  “I sleep with daddies.”

  “Okay.” He carried her back to their bedroom where Dirk was waiting for them, looking half-asleep.

  “Everyone good?” Dirk asked.

  “Everyone is solid.” He handed Mel over and crawled into the bed.

  Mel settled in between them, and Dirk kissed the top of her head and then gave Logan a peck on the cheek. He’d no sooner turned the light off than another little voice sounded at the door.

  “Daddy? I had a bad dream.” Sarah sounded so very young.

  “Did you?” He scooted over and held the blanket up. “Come lie d
own and keep me company.”

  She crawled into bed with him.

  “Hi, Sarah,” Mel whispered.

  “Did you have a bad dream too?” Sarah asked.

  “I dreamed a monster had the babies!”

  “That’s a terrible dream.”

  “I know! Daddy Logan showed me they were okay.”

  Sarah patted his shoulder. “You’re a good daddy.”

  “I try.” He smiled at her. “I love you, baby.”

  “Uh-huh. Me too.”

  “Me too!” added Mel.

  “Yeah, me three.” Dirk found his hand beneath the covers and twined their fingers together.

  “Sleep, you three dorks. Barbecue tomorrow.”

  “You called me a dork, Daddy!” Sarah protested.

  “He called us all dorks, honey, so you’re in good company,” Dirk noted.

  “Uh-huh. Sh. Nighttime.” Melly sighed and cuddled in.

  “G’night baby girls. Night, love,” Dirk murmured.

  They all shifted and settled, and both girls were soon sound asleep.

  This was all he wanted in the world. His family, together.

  Chapter Eighteen

  THE weather was gorgeous: warm, dry, and sunny. They had put up a couple of canopies in the backyard with tables holding goodies and drinks beneath the shade they provided. The play structure and the playhouse and kitchen were in full use, the kids having a blast together.

  The backyard was full of their friends. Dirk looked around, smiling, feeling good. This was the family of their hearts.

  He wasn’t sure how it had all happened, how it had all been so good, but he was happy for it.

  They were going to make the announcement about them being engaged soon enough. They wanted to make sure everyone was there first. The triplets were being passed around, everyone wanting a turn with one of the babies. He himself had baby Dylan fast asleep in his arms. Logan was supposed to be holding his godson, but had gotten a call or something.

  It was fascinating, meeting Sarah’s best friends for the first time, knowing that this was another new part of his life. So far the girls all seemed nice. It would be interesting to see how much they were willing to include Melly once Zack’s girls and Aiden’s oldest were gone. For now Melly and Linds were thick as thieves and not bothering the older girls at all.

  He wasn’t worried. If Sarah and her friends weren’t interested in having Melly around, Dirk knew she would be more than happy to spend time with her babies.

  Hell, he knew the guys would let Linds stay if he asked. Maybe they’d appreciate having a sleepover of their own. Maybe he’d wait and see how tired he and Logan were at the end of the day after everyone had left.

  Dev wandered over with two cans of apple cider in hand. “I thought you might like some cider. And also a break from baby holding—I know you do that all the time with the triplets.”

  Dirk looked down at Dylan, who was all sleepy baby, and he shook his head. “No, I’m good.”

  “You know, I never thought he’d sleep. Ever.”

  “He knew you were worried, eh? And then you found Aiden, and you could both relax.” Dirk knew that babies picked up on how the people around them were feeling. The triplets were little barometers for their family—sure to be fussy if any one of them was upset about something. It was intriguing, and he bet if he were the paper-writing type, he could wrangle a grant out of someone to do a study about it.

  Unfortunately he was too busy raising three daughters and two sons to manage.

  “So, this afternoon came out of the blue, didn’t it?”

  Dirk shrugged casually. He wasn’t spilling the beans until Logan was ready to. He was pretty sure his husband-to-be had a speech prepared in his head, if not actually written down.

  “It’s a beautiful day, though,” Dev added, “and there’s enough food for an army.”

  That made Dirk laugh. “That’s because even when we say you don’t need to bring anything, you hooligans bring a ton anyway.”

  “Oh, I think it’s a great spread. You want anything?”

  “Did I see you guys brought tacos?” He totally might trade Dylan off for some food. His belly was grumbling at him, after all.

  “We brought two dozen. Go get you some.”

  Dirk passed little Dylan to his daddy. “Thanks, dude.” Then he headed toward the food tent where he’d seen the tacos. Melly came running over to show him the princess-colored piece of cake she’d found. Then she was off again, running to join Linds at the little kitchen.

  Logan came out, laughing as Sarah and the older girls grabbed hot dogs. “Hey, babe.”

  He felt his smile blooming from his stomach. “Hey, Logan.” He wrapped an arm around Logan’s waist. “Having fun?”

  “I am. Everyone seems to be having a good time, huh?”

  “Uh-huh. You ready to let everyone know why they’re here?” He was. He wanted to share the good news with their gang, who’d been here for the good and the bad.

  “I am. Let’s share our good news.”

  “Did you bring out the champagne?” He looked around to see if the glasses and fizzy wine were out.

  “I got the acrylic flutes. I thought those were safe. Also, champagne and fizzy apple juice.”

  “So the girls can toast too. You think of everything.” He gave Logan a kiss. “I’ll make sure everyone has a glass.”

  “I’ll do that.” Zack appeared out of nowhere. “You two make your announcement.”

  Dirk laughed; he was unaccountably nervous. He took Logan’s hand and squeezed, then cleared his throat to see if that would get everyone’s attention.

  When it didn’t, Logan laughed. “Hey, guys. We have news!”

  “Are you two having more babies?” someone said, and they all cracked up.

  “You never know,” Dirk said when everyone had quieted.

  Melly put her hands on her hips. “No more babies, Da. Not until mine are big.”

  That had them all laughing again. God, he loved his daughter—he really did.

  Logan grinned, one hand around Dirk’s waist. “Dirk and I would like to announce that we’re getting married!”

  Cheers went up all around, and Zack raised his glass and opened his mouth.

  “Your dad can’t marry a boy,” one of Sarah’s friends announced, the pronouncement quite loud in the moment of quiet.

  Sarah snorted. “Sure he can. Besides, Dirk isn’t a boy. He’s old.”

  Dirk’s mouth dropped open and snapped closed in a matter of second. Then he opened it again but didn’t know what to say. He felt like a guppy.

  “Two men can absolutely get married,” Zack said. “Or two women. Or a man and a woman. It doesn’t matter who you love, just that you love them well.” Zack turned back to the rest of them, raising his glass a little higher and segueing nicely into his toast. “And both Logan and Dirk have found love with each other. Let’s all raise a glass to their engagement. I think it’s a wonderful thing that they are going to make this piecemeal family into a legally bound one.”

  “Here, here!” Aiden cried. “Happy engagement, guys!”

  Everybody lifted their glasses and took a drink, and Dirk turned to Logan, smiling with his whole face. In fact he was smiling so hard it almost hurt. They leaned together and shared a quick kiss.

  “I love you,” he whispered. “Thank you.”

  “No, thank you. I can’t imagine my life without you now.”

  “Good thing you don’t have to, hmm?”

  “Yeah, a very good thing.”

  “Okay, you two, enough of being sappy.” Dev grabbed his digital camera. “It’s picture time.”

  “All of us, Da? All of us?” How could he tell that face no? Not that he wanted to, but this was telling him that his Melly girl would always have him wrapped around her little finger. Not that he’d have it any other way.

  Dirk reached down and picked her up, settling her on his hip. “Of course all of us. We’re going to be one big family,

  “Me and you and Sarah and my babies.”

  Logan gasped dramatically. “What about me?”

  “You too, Daddy Logan.”

  There was a collective “aww” from their friends as Melly patted Logan’s cheek.

  “Thank you, my girl. I want to be in the pictures too.”

  She lunged for Logan, who caught her despite the surprise.

  “Love you, my Melly girl. So much.”

  It made Dirk feel gooey inside to see how wonderful his husband-to-be was with his baby girl.

  “I love you, Daddy Logan. Pictures!”

  “Come on, Sarah.” Dirk waved her over.

  Sarah grabbed Seb, the guys bringing the other two.

  In no time, they were all together, him and Logan, the girls, and their triplets, smiling for Dev and his camera. Their first family photos.

  “Make sure we all get the pictures, Dev. These are great.” Aiden gave them the thumbs-up over Dev’s shoulder.

  Everyone had their phones out, all taking their own versions.

  Sarah got bored first. “Can I go play now?”

  “Absolutely. Melly, go on, you too.” Logan kissed Melly on the forehead.

  Melly went running after Sarah and her friends, leaving all the grown-ups together, and Dirk was happy to hang out with everyone, to be close to Logan.

  He rocked Suzy, laughing as she made faces at him. He made them back at her, delighted to have her laugh at him in return. God, he loved her. And her brothers. And their dad. How had he gotten so lucky?

  “Are you having fun, honey?” Logan asked, a warm smile on his face.

  “I am.” How could he not? With his family and friends here, celebrating life with him? “How about you?”

  “It’s perfect. All of it.”

  He leaned against his lover, resting his head against Logan. “This is more than I ever dreamed, you know?”

  He had a home, babies, a lover—it was magical.

  “I’m just glad you kept trying to catch my attention.” Logan winked at him. “I can be clueless.”

  “Well, and I think I was dorkily shy about it too. You were—are—this hot, studly lawyer. I was just a half-employed bum. Now I’m an unemployed bum, but I’m yours.” And he was happier than he’d ever been.


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