Tiara & Tempest

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Tiara & Tempest Page 31

by Jeremy Dwyer

  Another Redfire Sentinel on that island was Latras’Kala, a thirty-two (32) year old woman who was a drinker of the Atrejan Ocean waters. By their powers, she was able to sense the positions and movements of the suns. She used these abilities to create star charts of past and future star positions, and sold these to freighter captains. Her accuracy was notable, which made for a promising career, provided that enough customers were interested at the moment, and that varied widely. However, the Redfire Sentinels noticed her high skill level and approached her, inviting her to work at an outpost and guide ships at sea. She was promised a higher and more reliable pay than she was making, and so she accepted.

  By the powers of light that the Lujladia waters gave him, Yuk’Davar looked out onto the ocean and saw the arrival of the Tidal Sovereign. He gestured toward Latras’Kala to get her attention, and wrote down a note of what he saw. At first, she was taken aback, fearing it to be another romantic proposal from the young man, to whom she was not attracted.

  Yuk’Davar suspected that her resistance to a personal relationship was because of his inability to speak, and this made him regret his criminal past and the punishing injury he sustained. Latras’Kala never told him the real reason for rejecting him, which was that he simply was not that intelligent or interesting or emotionally mature. He wasn’t mature enough to realize this, however.

  Once Latras’Kala read his note, she drank anew of the waters of the Atrejan Ocean and was energized. She communicated through the red suns, sending out her message through them, for the other Atrejan-water-drinking members of the order of Redfire Sentinels to receive.

  She then turned away from Yuk’Davar promptly, with body language that clearly indicated that he was not getting anywhere with her, not even a smile, and certainly not a date. It was to be strictly business between them. Latras’Kala had never dated, as she wanted a man with a keen mind who could appreciate her interest in the stars for more than financial reasons, but on an intellectual and scholarly level. Yuk’Davar had never dated, either, as he had yet to meet a woman foolish enough to continue to bother with him after his reckless first impressions and stinginess, and some did find his inability to speak to be yet another obstacle.


  While the Everlasting Pain was still sailing the waters of the Medathero Ocean, Farovaxen sensed a message coming through the red suns. Another member of the Order of Redfire Sentinels had sent the message, indicating that the woman known as Victoria had arrived in the Zovvin Ocean.

  “The enemy has appeared in the Zovvin Ocean,” Farovaxen said.

  “How do you know?” Pradrock asked.

  “Through the red suns, messages are sent. This is the way of the Order of Redfire Sentinels. This is one way that we warn of danger from afar, and keep ships safe at sea,” Farovaxen sea.

  “The red suns let you communicate with each other?” Akylas asked. He drank the same Atrejan Ocean waters that Farovaxen did, but didn’t have any such ability.

  “Yes, they do. For the moment, have confidence in my statement. You will see that it is correct, if you arrive in time,” Farovaxen said.

  “I will trust you based on what little information that I have heard about the Redfire Sentinels…and the absence of a viable alternative,” Pradrock said.

  “Let’s not rush into this. The ghost waters are going to be dangerous. They’re usually very active spiritually. They may be worse if she’s there,” Akantha said. She knew that some ghosts were very dangerous, and so she was particularly wary of sailing the Zovvin Ocean, as it could bring about strange encounters with malevolent spirits. One had to be ready to repel the haunts, or to appease them. Akantha drank anew of the waters of the Zovvin Ocean that she kept in her vial, so as to be energized and thus able to handle what might occur. Drinking of those same waters was an entirely different matter from sailing across them, and would be their best defense.

  “Messages from the suns telling us to see ghosts? This is yet more insanity,” Caroline said, annoyed at the strangeness and danger of it all.

  “Yes. That’s pretty much it!” Akantha said.

  “We’ll have to be careful. Set your course and travel as an airship the entire way, for speed,” Pradrock said to the ghost of Captain Tychon.

  “Oh, how I look forward to this,” the ghost of Captain Tychon said. He expected to find someone he knew waiting there, and he didn’t expect it to be a pleasant encounter at all. The ghost of Captain Tychon could only hope that the conflict would mean the end for Captain Pradrock, and the end of the binding that Pradrock held over him. That conclusion would make the encounter worthwhile, of course.

  The ghost of Captain Tychon converted the Everlasting Pain to airship mode and elevated it to one hundred twenty (120) feet of altitude. He then sailed it through the air, eastward, across the Medathero Ocean until reaching the Crypt Trail land bridge. After crossing over the land bridge, the ship was above the Dead Waters Ocean. From there, the ship continued traveling east, at the same altitude, passing over the continent of Volaraden, and approaching the Way of Raza’Deptorum land bridge. The Feasting Dragons fleet followed his lead.


  On board the Tidal Sovereign, Victoria stood on the deck of the ship, tired from her previous battle. The tiara had been recently expended, so it needed to be renewed. She also needed renewal, by rest.

  Victoria retired to her quarters and her light scouts and dark scouts stood guard outside. Victoria slept and dreamed.

  Her dream was of a terrible ship of spirits appearing and piercing her heart with its tip. She awoke, screaming in agony.

  Her guards heard her and entered the room.

  Victoria then said to them: “I dreamt of a ship with a crew of spirits and it struck at me and pierced my heart with its tip.”

  One light scout looked out the cabin window and said to her: “I see no ship in the distance, or hiding in the darkness, that has a crew of ghosts.”

  One dark scout looked out the cabin window and said to her: “I see no ship with a spirit crew hiding under the cover of a false light.”

  Victoria then left her quarters and stood on the deck of the Tidal Sovereign.

  The voice of the demon, Matatirot, spoke to her, saying: “In this sea of spirits, let the haunts no longer rest. Make the ruin of all our enemies become their undying quest.”

  Victoria then held out her arms and the blue diamonds of the tiara once again glowed bright.

  The still air turned to a breeze, and then to a strong wind and then to a dangerous gale. The calm waters began to ripple and then waves began to rise. The waves rose high and moved quickly toward distant shores.

  One light scout said: “To the north, the waters are striking at the Jeshirinko Barrier, and the bodies of the enemies are being carried out to sea. Over one hundred nineteen thousand (119000) of them have been drowned in the tempest.”

  A second light scout said: “To the west, the waters have struck the Way of Raza’Deptorum and the corpses of our enemies have been drowned. Over one hundred seven thousand (107000) of them have been killed.”

  The Way of Raza’Deptorum was a land bridge that extended north from the northwestern corner of the continent of Ihalik and connected it to the western edge of the Jeshirinko Barrier.

  A third light scout said: “To the east, the waters have struck the Road of Kovoxotu and our enemy has been flooded, killing no less than one hundred thirty-five thousand (135000) of them.”

  The Road of Kovoxotu was a land bridge that extended north from the central northern coast of the continent of Ihalik to the southwestern corner of the continent of Revod.

  A fourth light scout said: “To the northeast, the storm has struck Revod and our enemies’ remains have been swept out to sea, killing no less than four million two hundred three thousand (4203000) of them.”

  A fifth light scout said: “To the south, the tempest has struck Ihalik and our enemies’ bodies have been washed away, killing no less than two million seven hundred thousand (
2700000) of them.”

  A sixth light scout said: “Around us, no less than seven thousand (7000) ships have been sunk by the storm, killing at least two million one hundred thousand (2100000) crew.”

  “I delight at these things. Yet, my thirst for their deaths is barely quenched,” Victoria said.

  Victoria then concentrated more intensely and began channeling the unique powers of the Zovvin Ocean through the tiara. By these powers, the spirits of the ghosts of those who had died long ago were roused from the nearby lands and from ships sunk in the sea.

  The ghosts rose up and began to frighten those sailors who were still on the tempestuous waters of the Zovvin Ocean, making it difficult for them to steer their ships in the storm. The ghosts also began to strike fear into those on land, and send them running. Victoria’s light scouts, despite their power of far sight to see long distances, could not be sure what was happening because they did not see the fear inside the people.

  However, the light scouts were able to see that the ghosts were having an effect. One light scout said: “The ghosts have even commandeered the ships of the living and crashed them into the waves, killing their crew – as many as seven hundred seventy-six (776) ships fell to this fate, and the deaths of their crews totaled no less than two hundred thirty-two thousand (232000).”

  “Even the spirits obey me, haunting and crushing my enemies. This world is ours!” Victoria said, triumphantly.


  Unseen to Victoria, ancient eyes of evil were opened in a long-hidden corner of the spirit world.


  In the Way of Raza’Deptorum there was an old mansion, said to be haunted by the ghost of Baroness Irina, the wife of the famous robber, Baron Volker. He had lived over six hundred fifty-three (653) years ago, and stole from nomads and villagers and even ships that passed within range of his cannons that were fired from the fields of his coastal estate.

  Baron Volker had been as ruthless as any pirate on the high seas, and it took a pirate to do him in.

  Baroness Irina loved her husband very much, as he showered her with wealth and kind words. She knew where the wealth came from and cared little for the hapless victims. She was filled with hate toward the pirate who killed Baron Volker, and vowed revenge.

  For the next twenty-two (22) years, until her own death at age sixty-nine (69), Baroness Irina carried on Baron Volker’s legacy of ruthlessly attacking local villagers and nomads, as well as passing ships. The many cannons on her property were fired by her servants, who partook in the spoils and enjoyed their own lives of relative luxury.

  The value of the land in the Way of Raza’Deptorum was geographically low, but geologically high, and it was mined for ruby and sapphire and platinum by many who found it irresistible. Some succeeded, while others found themselves at the losing end of the tyrannical rule of the Baroness.

  She died wealthy but ill, and her servants carried on her legacy another three (3) years before they were brought to an end by admirals of the Ihalik Empire Navy.

  Since then, there was quiet on that land bridge. That all changed, however, when Victoria used the tiara and awakened the ghosts.

  The ghost of Baroness Irina was now brought back, along with the ghosts of many of her servants. As spirits can interact with physical objects, they returned to their cannons and fired upon ships near the shore who were trying to escape the tempest.


  A light scout on board the Tidal Sovereign saw the cannon fire from a distance and said: “From the Way of Raza’Deptorum, cannon fire has brought down another two hundred ten ships (210), and no less than sixty thousand (60000) crew were killed.”

  “Whose war is this? Who is firing those cannons?” Victoria asked, both troubled and intrigued.

  “I do not know the one who fired the cannons, but many ships which narrowly escaped the tempest, later fell to the cannon fire,” the light scout said.

  “Death is what they deserved! Perhaps we have an ally! I should like to meet this one. Move the ship in that direction,” Victoria said.

  The crew obeyed her orders and steered the Tidal Sovereign toward the Way of Raza’Deptorum land bridge.


  The Everlasting Pain and the Feasting Dragons fleet behind it, all in airship mode, passed over the Way of Raza’Deptorum and looked down on the Zovvin Ocean to its east.

  All on board could see the stormy waters of the Zovvin Ocean.

  “The tempest is here, as I was told, and as you can see,” Farovaxen said.

  “I see the tempest, and your directions were true. Yet, I must ask, how, precisely, were you told?” Captain Pradrock said.

  “As I said, it was through the red suns – they alone allow the passing of knowledge. Other navigators of the order of Redfire Sentinels can communicate with me, anywhere in the world, by way of the red suns. It is a means of warning of danger, and to rescue the lost,” Farovaxen said.

  “I drink the same Atrejan Ocean waters you do, and I can hear the positions and movements of the stars. But I can’t talk to anyone through them. How is that possible?” Akylas asked.

  “Not everyone has the same powers. Not everyone can be a Redfire Sentinel,” Farovaxen said.

  “If we have the potential, can we be taught?” Torin asked. He also drank the Atrejan Ocean waters, but communication with the stars – to learn of their positions and movements – was all that he knew how to do.

  “Perhaps. In time,” Farovaxen said.

  Va’Qileren drank deep from the waters of the Lujladia Ocean that he carried in a vial. He was energized and could see long distances.

  “I see her in the distance – in the middle of the storm,” Va’Qileren said.

  “Being able to communicate over vast distances is quite useful. It got us to the storm. However, traveling through this storm is another matter altogether,” Pradrock said.

  “Flying into this storm, at its strongest, is not an option,” Claudia said.

  “Feel free to direct the ship into the storm, captain. I am under your command, and would not refuse your orders to steer the entire fleet into it,” the ghost of Captain Tychon said.

  “Nice try! You wouldn’t be thinking of getting us all killed so you can leave now, would you?” Akantha asked. She was sensitive to the spirit world, and could sense the hate and treachery in the ghost of Captain Tychon. However, it was obvious for all who knew the circumstances that the death of the living Captain Pradrock would release the ghost of Captain Tychon from his binding.

  A cannon ball streaked through the air, narrowly missing the Everlasting Pain. Then another. Then another.

  “Someone else is thinking of getting us killed!” Claudia said.

  “Evasive maneuvers!” Pradrock ordered the ghost of Captain Tychon.

  “As you command, mortal captain,” the ghost of Captain Tychon said. He ordered the ghost crew on the Everlasting Pain and on the surrounding ghost ships of the Feasting Dragons fleet to dodge the cannon fire, which they did successfully. Tychon was a ghost, but his skill as a captain was not lacking.

  “I’m thinking that’s not Victoria. Isn’t she all about the bad weather?” Akantha said.

  “I think you’re right. This is another enemy,” Pradrock said.

  Claudia drank anew of the waters of the Elanatin Ocean that she carried in her vial. She was energized and reached out with her telepathic and empathic senses to find the enemy who might be firing, but found nothing.

  “It’s no one I can feel. There’s no emotion. They must be shielded,” Claudia said.

  “Or dead,” Akantha said.

  “Dead? You mean ghosts are firing the cannons?” Claudia asked.

  “More ghost nonsense!” Caroline said, very annoyed.

  Akantha drank anew of the Zovvin Ocean waters she carried in her vial. She was energized and reached out into the spirit world to find the enemy who might be firing and found an answer.

  “I think I know who it is,” Akantha said.

  “Do tell
,” the ghost of Captain Tychon said, laughing. He knew the answer, because he knew where they were.

  “Set the ship down over there. The cannons won’t reach high enough,” Akantha said. She knew where this other spirit was, and wanted to get closer.

  “A wall of water, five hundred (500) feet high, is approaching. Unlike the cannons, it will reach high enough to strike and destroy all these ships. The tempest has not ended,” Va’Qileren said, looking out into the distance by the powers of far sight he received from the waters of the Lujladia Ocean that he drank.

  “We’ll just have to maneuver around it,” Akylas said. He trusted his sister’s judgment, even though he couldn’t see what she saw.

  Pradrock and the ghost of Captain Tychon both looked at Akylas with the same disbelief, although Tychon enjoyed the danger, anticipating escape.

  “How do you suggest maneuvering around that? We need to get away from it, quickly!” Pradrock said.

  “Move the fleet back,” Pradrock then ordered the ghost of Captain Tychon, who obeyed.

  When the wall of water passed, another cannon ball streaked through the air, this time striking at and sinking two (2) of the ships in the Feasting Dragons fleet. The ghost crew on board those vessels immediately escaped.

  “They’re free now!” Akantha said, seeing the ghosts depart.

  “To be free again! What joy for a pirate’s soul! Yet, the mortal coil, loose as it may be, binds me so,” the ghost of Captain Tychon said, referring to his own captivity.

  “Lower the ship, over there. We need to deal with whoever is firing the cannons. Trust me,” Akantha said.

  “Until the tempest ends, lowering the ship anywhere near the coast puts us in greater danger,” Pradrock said.

  “Trust her, please, captain. She knows so much about the spirit world,” the ghost of Captain Tychon said, laughing.

  “The cannon fire is going to sink more of the ships. Including this one!” Akantha said.


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