Bears of Burden Complete Series Box Set

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Bears of Burden Complete Series Box Set Page 16

by Candace Ayers

  He looked like some sort of dark angel, ready to ravage his woman in his cavernous lair. His face was drawn tight, part anger and part lust. His body was all hard muscle and sex-appeal and he wanted me. Just me.

  “Don’t tell me what to do.”

  His eyes flashed pale, nearly the color of the sun, as they raked over my body. “Don’t ask me crazy questions.”

  I pushed myself up and nipped at his right nipple that was in front of my face. When he moaned, I flattened my tongue and licked before running it across his chest to the other one. “Shut up.”

  He rolled us over so I was on top and bucked his hips against me. “Take your shirt off. Slow. I want to see you.”

  Instead of arguing, I caught the bottom hem of my shirt and did as he demanded. I slowly pulled it up and off, as my breasts tumbled out in front of him. He sat up like I had and cupped one of them in his massive hand. When his lips closed over my nipple and his teeth teased me, I cried out.

  He kissed the skin under my chest and then over my ribs. “Pants. Off.”

  I didn’t stop pushing them down as I commented about his commands. “Your vocabulary is the size of a matchbook.”

  When I didn’t move fast enough, he grabbed them and ripped them from my body, pinching and tugging my skin in the process. Moisture leaked from my core. Something about this sexy caveman brute and his eagerness to have me, set me on fire.

  Then, he was tugging me up, up, until I was kneeling with my thighs spread wide over his face. I gasped as he bit my thigh and grabbed my ass with both hands, squeezing, like he was squeezing lemons, and separating my cheeks.

  “Wyatt!” My shocked scream was carried away on a roll of thunder and then I was screaming again, pleasure clenching my throat until my voice broke and all that was left was a thick, lust-filled moan.

  His tongue speared into me, fucking me as deep as he could get it. His nose rubbed my clit in time with his thrusting and in seconds, I was drifting away on the first waves of an orgasm. As my body lurched forward, I grabbed at anything I could and caught the stick holding the shelter together above us. It rocked dangerously, but managed to take my yanking.

  While wave after wave of orgasm rolled over me, Wyatt moved his tongue to my clit and flicked it there gently, prolonging my orgasm until I was crying for him to stop.

  When he did stop, it was to flip me over and slide me down until he could impale me with his cock. I felt him rock into me for the first time. He was thick and long, filling me until it was just shy of painful.

  Wyatt moaned and buried his face into my neck. “Fuck.”

  I raked my nails down his back and locked my legs around his waist. “Yes, Wyatt! Yes!”

  He pulled out and then slammed back into me. His teeth scraped across my skin and I felt something release inside of me. I understood the desperation he must’ve felt earlier. I needed him, more of him, all of him. I wanted him in me, on me, over me, any kind of way I could get him.

  I sank my teeth into his shoulder as he hit a spot in me that no other man had ever touched before. He growled and jerked us up so that I was in his lap, straddling him. The position made him feel impossibly larger in me. Our bodies rocked together, faster, harder. My breasts smashed into his chest and the dusting of hair he had there was just rough enough to drive me closer to the edge.

  The rain changed direction and blew in through the side of the shelter. It drenched us, but I barely noticed. Staring into Wyatt’s eyes as he took me, kissing his swollen lips, I was a woman gone.

  His hands slapped my ass and then gripped it as he thrust into my body harder. “Georgia, I’m not going to last.”

  I tossed my head back and licked rain from my upper lip. His eyes moved to my neck, glowing golden again. I knew what he wanted. I knew and for a second, it didn’t scare me. I kissed him hard and then buried my face into the crook of his neck, leaving mine exposed. I felt besotted with him, like the world was spinning so fast around me that we would take off at any second.

  Wyatt’s thumb moved to my clit and he circled it once before I came apart in his arms. I clenched tight around him and felt his body jerk as his orgasm started. Then, I felt him vibrate against me seconds before his teeth sank into my neck. I screamed his name as my orgasm doubled, then tripled in intensity.

  My body was exploding in pleasure that grew and grew until I was writhing in his arms, helpless to do anything but let it overtake me. I could feel his hot seed filling me as he growled out my name. I was vaguely aware of my body turning to jello.



  I held my mate in my arms, feeling complete and more satiated than I could ever remember feeling. She was mine. It might’ve made me a Neanderthal, but it was true. She wore my mark on her neck like a sexy necklace. She already smelled slightly of me and I couldn’t contain a roar of pride at knowing that anyone else who got close to her would know that she was spoken for.

  She shivered slightly and I cursed. The rain battered away at us, leaving us both dripping wet and quickly growing cold. I reached my arm out of the shelter and grabbed the small flap I’d put across the top for just that purpose. I pulled it down and the rain instantly stopped pelting us. I found my jacket stuffed to one side of the shelter and wrapped it around Georgia’s shoulders.

  My body was naturally warmer than hers so I wrapped her in my arms and held her to my chest. Her head fit just under my chin and her little hands immediately tried to wrap around my sides to hold me. Feeling her reach for me sent a new emotion flowing through my body. My bear even curled up to it like a little puppy. In one night, she’d brought us both to our knees.

  I pressed a kiss to the top of her head. The mate bond was more than I’d ever expected. I’d always heard stories about how intense it would be, but there was no preparing for the real thing. I felt like I’d just been knocked off my feet and dragged by the hair to a place where the sun shone brighter. Where the whole world was new and different.

  The guys would eat me alive if they knew I was thinking about sunshine and puppies while a sexy, naked woman was on top of me. Thorn would get it. He’d just mated with Allie. He’d been an idiot, though. He’d run from his mate like she was the plague. There was no way I was running from Georgia. I knew what I wanted and I was taking it.

  I woke up to Georgia straddling me. My morning wood turned to rock and I growled. “What are you up to, little one?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?”

  I about choked when she lifted her hips and then took me into her tight channel. Fur threatened to erupt all over my body as I nearly lost all control. “Georgia…”

  She rocked her hips back and forth and tossed her head back. Her hair was kinked in all sorts of places, looking about as wild as I imagined it could, and dragging across my thighs as she moved. She smelled like sex and berries and rain, and a little something wild from me. I could smell our sex on her skin and I’d never smelled anything better. Her eyes opened wide as I grabbed her hips and lifted her, just to drop her back down on my dick.

  “You give the best damn wakeup call, sugar.”

  She rocked her hips faster and I swallowed the urge to flip her over and take control. She could set her own pace. I wanted to watch her use my body to pleasure herself.

  As her hips moved, I could feel her walls tightening on me. A pretty blush started at her chest and worked its way up to her cheeks and down to her stomach as she got closer to coming. Her hands were suddenly on my chest, nails clawing into my skin as she bit her lip and came with a greedy sounding little mewl.

  I shook with the need to take her. My hands dug into her hips and I had to squeeze my eyes shut so I wouldn’t see her beautiful face all scrunched up with pleasure, her lip caught between her teeth and her tongue stroking out to wet it. If I saw it, I’d come early and embarrass myself in a way that hadn’t happened since I was fifteen.

  “Wyatt.” Her voice was husky and revealed her desire. “How do you want me?”

  I stilled.
  “Tell me. On my knees? You’ve already had me on my back, but I’m not opposed to trying it again. Just tell me what you want.”

  My voice was barely more than a growl when I spoke. “Hands and knees. Now.”

  She climbed off of me and then positioned herself. She was stunning that way, exposed and waiting for me. She was giving me everything and I was determined to make sure she knew how fucking much it meant to me.

  I moved behind her and stroked her ass before dipping my fingers into her from behind. The ragged cry of pleasure threatened to break me. I wrapped her hair around my fist and thrust into her, a loud roar ripping from my chest as I discovered what home really meant. Right there, in my mate, that was where I was meant to be. Filling her, pleasuring her, making sure she knew damn well that I belonged to her as much as I demanded she belong to me.

  “Mine. You are mine, Georgia.”

  She gasped as I thrust into her, harder and faster. “You don’t… You don’t even know if you like me outside of this.”

  I stilled with just the tip of my cock inside of her. “I know. I know more than you could possibly begin to guess just how much I like you. You were made for me, sugar, and I was designed and created with you in mind. I like all of you.

  “I like this.” I slowly pushed back into her and then pulled out. Then, I cupped her long, slender neck in my hands and turned her face to the side so she could see me. “And I like this.” I pressed my lips against hers.

  She moaned into my kiss and then stared up at me with huge eyes. “How are you doing this to me?”

  I moved again, gentler and more determined to put everything I felt into my movements, so she wouldn’t be able to question my feelings. “You’re doing the same thing to me. I’m yours just as much as you’re mine.”

  The words set something off in her. Another orgasm crashed through her body, taking mine right along with it. I would make her understand. I had to.



  The feelings that were bubbling to my surface and threatening to break through were dangerous. They screamed commitment. They screamed forever. I wasn’t that kind of girl. The longest a relationship had ever lasted for me was a couple of weeks. That’s how long it took before the little annoyances became deal-breakers. Yet, even dressed in just a pair of ragged cargo shorts and a black bandana to keep his hair out of his face, Wyatt was still the sexiest man I’d ever seen. My body was definitely cheering for a long haul.

  The man could make sex an Olympic sport. He had me cumming like a freight train and in under a minute. I’d never experienced anything comparable to the pleasure Wyatt Drexel wielded. And I was terrified of it.

  I was so scared that I needed to get out of the damn shelter as soon as I could, before the feeling of claustrophobia overtook me. I’d barely pulled my tank top over my head when I hurried out as fast as I could, crashing headlong into someone climbing just as hurriedly into the shelter.

  Our heads connected and I saw stars for a moment. Then, I realized a body was stumbling backwards, towards the small drop behind. I reached out blindly and tried to grab an arm or leg, or anything I could, but when my fingers connected with a chest, I ended up providing just the needed amount of force to topple them backwards. The resounding scream and thud were nearly drowned out by the rustle of leaves.

  I blinked away the pain of a near concussion and crawled over to the drop-off. When my eyes uncrossed and I could focus again, I almost felt bad. Almost.

  Sarah was sprawled out in a big clump of leaves, fighting and clawing her way out. She looked spitting mad and her anger was aimed entirely at me. “You bitch! You stupid, stupid bitch. You pushed me! You pushed me into poison ivy!”

  I immediately crowded back, and collided with Wyatt’s hard, hot chest. “I didn’t push you. I was trying to save you from falling. If I’d known it was you, though, I would’ve pushed. What were you doing here? Why were practically running into our shelter?”

  “Our shelter?” She said it with incredulity at the same time as Wyatt said it with a smile in his voice.

  I turned to him and put my hand to my forehead. Looking at all that bare chest exposed was enough to momentarily make me forget how badly my brain was thundering against my skull and I had to touch it to make sure I hadn’t imagined everything. “Your shelter.”

  He grinned and hooked an arm around my waist. “Our shelter. Even if you were trying to run away from it.”

  I winced and he just chuckled. “I was… just stepping out for some fresh air.”

  “You were running. That’s okay. I like a good chase.”

  My heart skipped a beat and moisture leaked between my thighs until the angry, shrill screaming from behind me registered and I turned back to Sarah.

  She was still struggling, rolling around trying to get out and becoming more and more furious by the second. “When I get out of here, I’m going to drag your ass in here and rub it all over you.”

  Wyatt growled from behind me and wrapped his arm around my waist. “Watch it. You shouldn’t have been entering my shelter. The way I see it, you’re in the wrong here. Now, if you’ll stop all the caterwauling, I’ll come around and help you out.”

  I wanted to protest that. I didn’t want him helping her. Helping her seemed to just encourage her. But, instead, I crossed my arms over my chest and remained silent.

  “Yes, please, come save me, Wyatt.”

  I hissed at her. “I’m glad I accidentally pushed you.”

  “It’s been four days since his dick was inside of me, you bubble head. He made me scream on his desk. Four days. That’s all. Think about that long and hard before you start feeling like you are anything special.”

  I glared back at Wyatt, who was looking like he wanted to dig a hole and crawl in, and grunted. “You sure do move fast.”

  He groaned. “I didn’t know you then. I didn’t know you were coming.”

  I poked him in his bare chest and marched away from him. “I suggest you help your girlfriend out of her predicament.”

  Before I got too far away, he caught me in his arms and nuzzled his face into my neck from behind. Sensations shot off in me like fireworks. My knees went weak and I dug my fingers into his arm in an attempt to steady myself.

  “I’ll walk you down if you’ll just wait.” His voice was thick and husky, not the only proof that he was just as affected as I was. There was also the steel erection burrowed against my ass.

  I could feel his need pulsing into me. Not just the normal way, but through some kind of channel that shot straight to my chest. I turned to him and stared up at him with wide eyes. “What did you do?”

  He took a step back, but his eyes flickered to my neck. “What do you mean?”

  I raised my hand and felt the bite mark. The fog from the night before suddenly cleared and I nearly fell to my knees remembering the feeling of his teeth sinking into my neck. Pleasure, pure and intense, coursed through me and I found myself clinging to his chest before I could help it.

  “I, uh, I got a little carried away. It’ll be fine.”

  My anger was slow to override my shock. It flowed in like the tide, slowly but surely, as did the realization of what the bite signified. Pleasure aside, he’d taken control of a situation that he had no business controlling. He’d effectively bound me to him for life, if what Allie said was accurate, without my permission. It didn’t get more caveman than that.

  As my anger crested, I swung my hand back and used the back of it to swat him, hard, in the ball sack. He went to his knees in front of me and I glared down at him. “You don’t just…bite… someone without their permission!”

  I shoved him backwards and then stomped off. Dramatic exits were as important as first impressions. Unsure of where I was going, I decided it didn’t matter as long as it got me away from the asshole who’d marked me without even considering what I wanted. Talk about control freaks.

  I kicked a stick out of my way with my flip flop and tried to dec
ide what I should do next. Despite the bright sky above me, my thoughts were grim.



  After yanking a still screaming Sarah out of the poison ivy patch, I stalked off in search of my mate. Since we were bonded, I could feel her like a damn beacon, calling my name. She had every right to be upset. I knew it, but that didn’t make me want to give her any more time to herself to stew in her anger, or plot against me. Maybe the smack to the nuts had been enough of a reprimand.

  I neared the group campfire location and stilled. She was sitting on a log, by herself, silently fuming. Her lips were moving, but there was no sound coming out, not even any that reached my sensitive hearing. The wind caught her scent and brought it to my nose and I growled as I stepped from the tree line.

  “I knew you were there. I could smell you creeping in the trees.” She didn’t look up from the shiny phone she held in her hands.

  “I wasn’t creeping. I was trying to decide if you were casting spells or something. You’re a little scary right now.”

  She huffed a short laugh and then gave me an angry look like she hadn’t meant to. “Don’t try to be funny. I’m pissed at you. I’m so pissed that I can’t even think straight. I don’t know if I want to boot your ass off the side of this mountain or punch you in the dick again. Both. Both sound really great to me right now.”

  I just stared at her. She didn’t know what the bite meant. Why was she so angry about it? “Sugar, if you don’t mind me asking, why are you so upset about a little love mark?”

  Her face turned red and she jerked her attention back to her phone. After punching buttons on it for a few seconds, she turned back to me with hesitation in her eyes. “Thorn did the same thing to Allie. Marking her like she’s his property. You just did that to me. You practically lifted your leg and pissed on me. I don’t like that.”


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