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DysFUNCTIOpia Page 28

by Jose Moreno


  Spherical functiomaton T.V (SFTV): Intelligent device that projects images on a spherical screen so that viewers can see the image in any direction. The device adjusts images according to the position of the face in relation to the spherical screen. Also, the device identifies the visual characteristics of the viewer by eye scan and alters the images in order to maximize their quality when being perceived by the viewer.

  Ocular detection functiomaton (ODF): Intelligent device that captures visible light from the source by means of a lens and analyzes important features of the images according to parameters programmed in advanced.

  3D Spherical Screen (3DSS): A sphere that presents the images generated by the SFTV. Due to quantum mechanics, the sphere is able to superpose many images deliver just one in any direction. Every point in the sphere is quantum mechanically connected to the others in order to achieve the effect.

  Central Control Functiomaton (CCF): The functiomaton within another device that is in charge of regulating all the sub-processes taking place in that device.

  Central Education Functiomaton (CEF): Is the Functiomaton in Sacramento, CA that supplies the information necessary to educate secondary school students.

  Central Processing Functiomaton (CPF): This is the functiomaton in each state that locates and identifies the ID in each of the WIFs worn by citizens. This device plays an important role in tracking the location of minors.

  Controlled Low Frequency Electromagnetic Waves (CLFEW): Low frequency electromagnetic waves, whose intensity is controlled at a distance by means of a functiomaton, so that every cubic micron inside a volume no greater than one cubic meter has a programmed value of intensity given specific dynamical parameters. One application of CLFEW is in controlling some neural processes of individuals at a distance.

  Flying Vehicles: They are vehicles that move in the air using powerful air turbines. They operate by burning oils.

  Functio-School (SF): Education without the need of humans by means of functiomatons.

  Electromagnetic Pressure Vehicles (HEPV): Secret vehicles used by the agency in order to look for functio-vandals. They work by using nuclear energy to produce strong, controlled electron currents so that the movement of electrical charges produces low energy photons in high quantities. The reaction forces given by the production of those photons propel the vehicle.

  High intensity electromagnetic gun (HIEG): A device invented by Baron Cortez in the year 2054 that converts gamma radiation emitted by Uranium into low frequency electromagnetic radiation with high intensity by “fragmenting” the gamma photons. The emission of gamma radiation by Uranium is stimulated by bombardment of fast moving particles emitted from radioactive substances contained inside medical equipment. A quick bombardment ultimately results in a quick silent mini-explosion which becomes, after fragmentation, a quick blast of low frequency electromagnetic radiation. This radiation can disrupt delicate electronic devices.

  Local Education Functiomaton (LEF): The functiomaton that is in the house of the student receiving instructions. It is connected wirelessly to the CEF and collects information from the student and the student’s environment.

  Programmable Turbine Backpacks (PTB): Set of turbines, like the ones used for flying vehicles, worn on the back of individuals in order to move through the air. The turbines can be programmed. Each of the turbines has sensors which detect objects around the turbines with a radius of 50 feet. The sensors prevent collisions by slowing down or modifying the path.

  Temperature Regulating Suit (TRS): Clothing made from synthetic fabrics which covers most of the body. It is able to increase or decrease the interior temperature using a sensor. The suit usually comes with a small backpack which is in essence mini-refrigeration unit. The suit is powered by solar panels on the surface.

  Virtual Court House (VCH): The use of virtual reality technology to carry out hearings with U.S. judges as if a real court session were taking place. Virtual images of the attendees are generated in special rooms that have thousands of cameras pointing in all directions of the room. This type of sessions is carried out in special circumstances.

  Voice Recognition System (VRS): An intelligent device that analyses the sound waves produced by an individual and is used to determine the identity of the person talking.

  World Identification Functiomaton (WIF): a miniature functiomaton worn on the wrist that identifies and locates a person around the world. It is illegal for minors to take off their WIFs.


  [1] Martin Heidegger. The Question Concerning Technology. (Garland Publishing, Inc.) (1997) pp. 3-35

  [2] David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker. Fundamentals of Physics, 4th edition. (John Wiley & Sons, Inc.) (1993) pp. 997-999

  [3] Julian Brown. The quest for the quantum computer. (First Touchtone edition 2001) pp. 121-134

  [4] In order to understand the relation between energy, computing, and quantum mechanics, I suggest to look at, Julian Brown, The quest for the quantum computer.(First Touchstone Edition 2001) pg.77-82

  [5] Feynman, R.P, “Simulating physics with computers,” International Journal Of Theoretical Physics 21(6): 467-488, shows that there are aspects that can be simulated with quantum mechanics that CANNOT be simulated with classical mechanics.

  [6] David Deutsch, “Quantum Theory: the Church-Turing Principle and the Universal Quantum Computer,” Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, A400(1985), pp. 97-117

  [7] Gen. Fred F. Woerner, “Woerner Report”, (1981), Secret Pentagon Document

  [8] CIA intelligence memorandum, “Dealing With Death Squads”, (1984)

  [9] Brooks Jr. F.P. (1999) “What is Real About Virtual Reality?” IEEE Computer Graphics And Applications 19(6),16

  [10] Hayward V, Astley OR, Cruz Hernandez M, Grant D, Robles de la Torre G., “Haptic interfaces and devices,” Sensory Review 24(1) pp. 26 (2004)

  [11] California State Board of Education, “Content Standards,” (2013), https://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/

  [12] David N. Sedley, from “Stoicism” in The Cambridge Dictionary Of Philosophy. Cambridge University Press, 2nd edition, 1999.

  [13] Emmanuel Kant, Critique of Pure Reason (Prometheus Books, 1990)

  [14] Emmanuel Kant, Groundwork of the Metaphysics of Morals. (translated by H Paton, Hutchinson, 1956)

  [15] For a mathematical discussion look at, B.H. Bransden and C.J. Joachain. Introduction to Quantum Mechanics, Longman Scientific &Technical, (1989) pp. 490-550.

  [16] D. Loss and D.P. DiVicenzo, “Quantum computation with quantum dots,” Phys. Rev. A57, p120 (1998) presents the conditions for a quantum computer. One of the requirements is to make sure that energy levels are greater than the temperature. Baron’s device could increase the temperature of the system in order to violate the requirement.

  [17] Che Guevara. Guerilla Warfare, Translated by J.P. Morray (New York: Vantage Books, 1961)

  [18] Changlin Zhou, Qun Yu, and Litao Wang. “Investigation of the Risk of Electromagnetic Security On Computer Systems.” International Journal of Computer and Electrical Engineering Vol. 4, No 1, February 2012, describes the risks of computers by electromagnetic signals emanating from everyday sources such as cell phones. Baron’s device follows the same principles, but the intensity of the output generated by the device is much greater, to the point of breaking the hardware, and the output can be directed just to a specific target. Furthermore, the intensity of the blast is so great that it cannot be attenuated easily by a metallic sheet

  [19] John David Jackson. Classical Electrodynamics, 3rd edition. John Wiley & Sons, Inc. (1999) pp. 258-262

  [20] Aristotle. “Methods of preserving monarchies, with particular reference to tyranny”, The Politics. (Penguin Books, 1992) pp. 345

  [21] Aristotle. “Methods of preserving monarchies, with particular reference to tyranny”, The Politics. (Penguin Books, 1992) 1314b18 pp. 348

  [22] The idea that attitude can b
e shaped by word choices is illustrated in Richard Rorty, “Private Irony and Liberal hope” in Contingency, Irony, and Solidarity. (Cambridge University Press, 1999), pp. 73

  [23] The belief in an “instant” radical change in one’s perspective in life is shown in, Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo, Confessions, 2nd edition. (Hackett Publishing Company, Inc., 2006) Book eight, XII (29); in my work, I suggest that a similar process has occurred to Baron in regards to his initial technological nihilism.


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