Home > Other > PAINE: ROSEWOOD HIGH #2 > Page 22

by Lorraine, Tracy

  “I’m so sorry,” she whispers over the sound of the running water. “I just… I didn’t want Alyssa finding out something before we even know what’s happening here. She was in the other room and—”

  “What about Amalie?”

  “She… uh… she knows everything. I can’t hide anything from her, she’s too damn percept—ah.” Her back hits the cold tiles behind her and I sweep the hair away that’s sticking to her cheek. My lips slam down on hers and she instantly opens for me.

  All my panic and frustration from this morning instantly settles. I skim my hand up from her hip, over her waist until the weight of her breast sits in my palm. I pinch her nipple between my fingers and she gasps, pulling my body closer so I’m pressing her against the wall.

  I kiss along her jaw and nip at her earlobe as she shudders beneath me.

  “Show me how sorry you are,” I growl in her ear.

  Her head pulls back in shock and hits the wall, but she doesn’t do anything about it. She stares into my eyes, hers narrowing as she tries to figure out if I’m serious or not. I don’t respond to her silent question. I don’t need to, because a sly smile turns the corners of her lips up before she leans forward and presses them to my chest. She kisses a line down the center of my torso before dropping to her knees. The sight is exactly as I pictured it in my head.

  Her delicate fingers wrap around my solid length and my skin erupts in goosebumps as she slowly starts pumping. My knees threaten to buckle. Resting one hand against the tiles and threading the other into her hair, I stare down as she wraps her lips around my cock. Best fucking sight in the fucking world.

  It’s all too soon when my balls start to draw up, but it’s not ending this way. Slipping from her mouth, I lift her to her feet and push her back against the wall. The cold makes her breath catch again, and I make the most of her shock by plunging my tongue into her mouth.

  Lifting her leg up around my waist, I tease her with my fingers.

  “So fucking wet,” I murmur against the sensitive skin of her neck, making her shiver.

  She moans, flexing her hips forward, seeking more.

  “Tell me you’re on birth control.”

  “I… I am.”

  “I’ve never gone bare before, I fucking swear to you.”


  I pull back and look at her, unable to keep the wide smile off my face.


  “Mason, please.” Her lids are heavy with desire, her usual rich chocolate eyes almost black with need.

  “I could never say no to you.”

  Hiking her leg higher, I pull her hips from the wall and find her entrance. I slide in slowly, assuming that she’s probably still sore from yesterday—not that she’s said anything if she is. I push in an inch at a time, studying her face for any kind of discomfort, but there’s none. Instead her head drops back and her eyelids flicker shut as she absorbs the sensation.

  I drop my head into the crook of her neck once I’m fully seated. The feeling of her, skin against skin, is fucking mind-blowing, making me so fucking glad I’ve never been stupid enough to go bareback with anyone else. There was never supposed to be anything between us, but I allowed life to break us apart. Well no more. Camila is mine, and there won’t be a fucking thing separating us ever again.

  I roll my hips and she starts to moan, her nails digging into the skin over my shoulders, but I don’t let up. I increase my tempo, gripping her tighter as she begins to clamp around me.

  “Fuck, Cami. Fuck. You feel so fucking good.”

  Her cheeks flush at my compliment, and it makes me smile that she can be embarrassed by my words while she’s full of my cock.

  Her body starts to tremble in my hands, and I drop one of mine to find her clit. I barely touch her and she cries out my name, her pussy clenching me so fucking tight that it sends me over the edge with her. My orgasm slams into me and I empty myself inside her, making her mine from this day forward.

  “Well, that was unexpected,” I say into her sopping wet hair after I’ve lowered her leg and pulled her into my embrace.

  “I really am sorry,” she mumbles into my chest.

  “I know. I wouldn’t be here otherwise.” My fingers thread into her hair and I gently tug until I can take her lips.

  By the time we step from the shower, I’m hard again and ready to be inside her. I pass her a towel and then wrap another around my waist.

  “Already?” she asks, staring down at the tented fabric.

  Taking her hand in mine, I pull her up against my chest. If this is happening, then I intend on going all in with the honesty. “The second I learned what sex was, there was only one person I wanted to be doing it with. I’ve had to wait a fucking long time for that to happen, and I intend on making up for it now.”

  She looks up at me, and the emotion in her eyes hits me right in the chest. It’s exactly how I’ve wanted her to look at me for the past four years while I was on self-destruct mode.

  Slipping one arm around her back and the other under her knees, I sweep her up into my arms and carry her toward her bedroom.

  I lay her down on her bed before pulling the towel from around her body and setting about making her chant my name once again. I always feared this girl would be the death of me, and I’m finally discovering why.

  I have no idea how much time passes, and while I’ve got my lips and hands on Camila’s body, I really don’t give a fuck. But eventually the sound of the front door closing filters up to us along with the excited chatter of my brothers.

  “Looks like our peace is over,” I say, pulling back from her lips and propping myself up on my elbow so I can stare down at her beautiful face.

  Her wide, awe-filled eyes stare up at me. She studies me like she hasn’t looked at me a million times before with a soft, satisfied smile on her lips.

  Lifting her hand, she cups my cheeks. “What happens next, Mase?”

  “Well, I’m kinda hungry, seeing as I didn’t get any pancakes this morning.”

  “That’s not what I mean. I meant with us. What happens from here?”

  “Anything you want,” I say.


  I nod, wondering what she could possibly be thinking. “What do you want?”

  “Me? I want more of you, any chance I can get,” she says.

  “So this is just a sex thing for you?” I ask.

  “What? No, not at all. Why, are you just using me for my body?”

  “I might just be.” I wink and move over her.

  “Hmmm… I think I can handle that. Should I warn the others?” Her eyebrows nearly hit her hairline. “I’m joking, baby. There’s only you. There’s only ever been you.”

  “You’re serious, aren’t you?”


  “But what about the last four years, the—”

  “The way I’ve treated you? I was a dick, Cam. My life went to shit, and I saw you in this house playing the perfect family. You had everything I wanted, you were everything I wanted, but I couldn’t handle it. So I made myself hate you. It was easier to hate than it was to allow you to see what was festering inside me. I mean, it’s still not pretty, but I think I’m finally understanding that I can’t continue like this, hiding from who I am and what I really want.”

  “And what do you really want?” she asks, and I realize that she really needs me to spell it out for her.

  “I want you, Cami-bear. I’ve only ever wanted you.” I lift her hand and rest it over my heart. “You were in here long before I even realized what it meant.” She gasps, her eyes filling with tears. “I’m sorry for all the bullshit. I’m sorry for all the pain I caused you. I was lashing out at my bullshit life, and I targeted it at the person I loved the most.”

  “You... you love me?”

  “I’ve loved you since the first moment I saw you, Cami. It was always meant to be us.”

  A sob rumbles up her throat, but her hand drops from me.

f this is a game… If you’re playing me right now, I swear to fucking god that I’ll hurt you.”

  I can’t help but laugh at her. She looks too cute, trying to threaten me.

  “The only thing you can do to hurt me is to walk away. I need you, Cami-bear, and I’m fed up with trying to convince myself of anything else.”

  Her eyes bounce between mine as she tries to decide if she can trust me. I hate that she has to hesitate, but I can hardly blame her. I see the moment she decides. I feel the change in her even before the words leave her lips. “I love you too, Mason. Always have, always will.”

  “Fuck.” Her words make my chest constrict to the point of pain. Dropping my weight on top of her, I kiss her like I should have been doing for the past four years instead of trying to send her life into the pits of hell like mine was.

  I have every intention of taking her again, but that’s all shot to shit when Mom calls my name up the stairs.

  “Fuck.” Dropping my head to Camila’s shoulder, I drag in a few deep breaths.

  Mom calls again, and this time I shout back that I’m coming, much to Camila’s amusement. “Are you?” she asks with a raised brow.

  “Don’t tempt me.”

  “Up you get. You need to hear what she’s got to say, and I’ve got homework to do.”

  “I can think of better things to do than homework.”

  She climbs from the bed and walks over to her drawers to find some clothes. “I’d like to still be able to walk tomorrow if possible.”

  “Walking’s overrated.”

  “Go and get dressed, your mom wants you.” She throws a pair of panties at me and I catch them and bring them to my nose.

  “I know they’re clean, but really?”

  “Yep. In fact, I think I’ll keep these.”


  “I’ll be whatever you want me to be.”

  “Right now that would be dressed so you can hear your mom out.”

  “Do you know something I don’t?”

  “I might, but if you want to know for sure then you need to get some clothes on and find out.”

  Reluctantly, I leave her in her room getting dressed to find some clothes of my own. I don’t waste any time, and the second she steps out into the hallway, I join her.

  “Ready?” I ask, holding my hand out for her.

  “Have you even washed them?” She nods at my hands, that have spent a significant amount of time inside her in the last hour or so, with her nose screwed up.

  I wink at her and she flushes bright red. “Ah, Cami-bear, we’re going to have so much fun.” Despite my potentially dirty hands, she threads her fingers through mine and together we descend the stairs.

  “Do you have to call me that?”

  “Sure do, sweet cheeks.”

  “Ugh, that’s worse. Maybe Cami-bear isn’t so bad after all.”

  We’re both laughing as we walk into the kitchen. There are a couple of presents sitting on the counter beside a football cake. My brothers are sitting at the breakfast bar while Mom leans against the worktop with a coffee in her hands.

  Her eyes lift from our joined hands and a wide smile spreads across her face. “Have you two... are you two…?”

  “We are,” Camila announces happily as a shit-eating grin spreads across my face. This incredible girl by my side is fucking mine. How did my life go from one big disaster to, well... this?

  “Oh my god, I’m so excited. You might get to be my daughter-in-law after all.” I swear Mom’s eyes get a little wet at the prospect.

  “One thing at a time, yeah? She’s only just started talking to me again.”

  Mom laughs, pushing one of the presents toward me. “Happy birthday, baby. I’m sorry I wasn’t here to celebrate yesterday, but I thought you’d want to spend it with friends over me. Plus, I worked an extra long shift.”

  “It’s fine, I—wait, you worked?”

  “Yep, I’ve got a job. A well paying job that means you don’t need one. I was looking, I swear, but it wasn’t until your girl here had a few choice words for me that I really started taking it seriously.”

  I squeeze her hand in mine for fighting for me.

  “It’s still nights, so I’ll need a little help with the boys but I’ll be back for the school run and I start after their bedtime. Hopefully in a couple of months, I’ll have saved enough to get us our own place again and we can restart our lives.

  “I can’t possibly thank you enough for everything you’d done for me, for us. I’ll never be able to repay you for everything you’ve done to keep our family going, but I need you to call your boss and tell them that you need your life back. Friday night, I expect you to be out on the football field where you belong.”

  Emotion clogs my throat. “You serious?”

  “Yep. Being here, it’s been a bit of an eye opener. I haven’t had a drink in... well I can’t remember, and Gabbi convinced me to start taking the pills the doctor gave me months ago. I should have done it years ago. I finally feel like I can be the mom the three of you deserve.”

  “That’s awesome, Mom. I’m proud of you.”

  “New starts from here on out for all of us.” She lifts her coffee in the air in a toast we all agree to.

  I open the gifts—a new bottle of my favorite cologne, some boxers, and some chocolates. To most people it wouldn’t be anything, but to me, it’s everything. Mom’s been so lost over the past few years that she’s barely realized my birthday had happened, so these few gifts are just proof that the speech she just made could be true. I really fucking hope it is.



  The next morning, hand in hand, Mason and I walk into school. The second we approach, everyone turns our way. Most people are shocked to see us walking side by side, but when their eyes drop to find our fingers connected, their eyes almost bug out of their heads. Our four-year feud hadn’t been private after Mason made every attempt to humiliate me as possible in front of the people we’d grown up with. They knew us as the untouchable two-some, but suddenly, almost in the blink of an eye, he turned on me and everyone was witness to my misery.

  The few people who know us better look much less surprised and way happier for us. Amalie and Jake are the first to greet us as we head for the main doors.

  “About time, man,” Jake says, slapping Mason on the back while Amalie smiles and winks at me.

  “Well, fuck me if Mason Paine hasn’t handed his balls to Camila at last,” Ethan announces as we descend on Mason’s locker. His voice booms down the hallway, but there’s an unmistakable slur to it which has all our brows drawing together. “I guess there’s only me now to serve all these wonderful ladies of Rosewood High.”

  “Ethan, are you drunk?” Mason asks, bringing us to a stop in front of him. The answer is obvious the second we’re close. He stinks of alcohol.

  “Just enjoying my senior year.”

  “It’s Monday morning.”

  “And who are you? My mom?” A bitter laugh falls from his lips.

  “What the hell?” Jake asks, releasing Amalie and getting in Ethan’s face. “Do not tell me you fucking drove here in that state.”

  Ethan shrugs, and every muscle in Jake’s body tenses while Mason’s grip on my hand becomes painful.

  “Come with me,” Jake demands, wrapping his hand around Ethan’s forearm and pulling him away from the lockers.

  “Or fucking what, asshole?”

  “Don’t you fucking question me right now.” Jake’s jaw tics as he goes nose to nose with Ethan. “You wanna stand here and get caught, get suspended and miss the rest of the season?”

  Ethan pales slightly but doesn’t back down. “So what if I do? Not like you two would care. Too fucking busy getting your dicks wet to notice what the hell I’m doing.”

  “Yeah, and that’s why we’re standing here now trying to make you see fucking sense, because we don’t fucking care. Now. Let’s. Fucking. Go.”

  Ethan allows Jake to move him th
is time.

  “I’ll be back,” Mason says, dropping a kiss to my temple.

  “It’s fine. Stay with your girl. I’m just gonna get him sobered up,” Jake says, already making his way down the hallway.

  “You sure?”

  “Yeah, man. I got this.”

  “What the fuck’s going on?” Amalie asks like she’s been left out of the secret.

  “Fuck knows. Something’s been going on a while though. He’s been partying more than usual, getting drunker…” Mason trails off as he watches his two best friends make their way down the hall. “He’s not said fuck all, though.”

  “Jake will get it out of him. Plus, he’s drunk, so I’m sure his tongue will be a little loose.”

  Mason turns his attention back to me, pushing me up against his locker. “I know he said not to, but I’m going to go and find them. But first, they need showing exactly who you belong to.”

  “Mase, I think—” My words are cut off as his lips find mine.

  There are a few hollers of excitement behind us, but I block them out. How could I focus on anything else other than his lips when they’re consuming in a way only he can?

  “About fucking time,” a familiar voice says when Mason pulls back.

  “I’ll see you later.” He kisses my knuckles and I practically melt into a puddle on the floor. I watch as he walks away, my eyes fixated on his body and the rippling muscles of his back.

  It’s not until he’s out of view that I turn to Alyssa, a wide smile on my face.

  “Ugh, do you have to look so fucking happy?”

  “Sorry, can’t help it. I had one hell of a wake up this morning.” I wiggle my eyebrows and she rolls her eyes.

  Movement behind her catches my eyes, and when I look up, I find Chelsea standing in the entrance, staring daggers at me.

  Making a snap decision, I push away from the lockers and stalk toward her. She doesn’t move as I approach, not that it would really matter if she did. She might have lost one crutch, but she’s still got a boot thing on her foot.


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