Maverick's Redemption (Devil's Deviants Book 2)

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Maverick's Redemption (Devil's Deviants Book 2) Page 12

by C. M. Allen

  “You need to step the fuck back out of my face before this thug makes you step back. You got me?”

  “Enough of this back and forth shit! Rocco, when do you plan on havin՛ this little sit down with Dekes?” Maverick asked.

  Tearing his angry glare away from Roman, he looked at Maverick. “Tomorrow morning. Mr. Di Mozé has already set it up. After I meet up with him, I will let you know where we stand.”

  “Fine. But I want to know what went down the second that meetin՛ ends between you two.” Maverick informed him.

  “I’ll get back to you after my call to Mr. Di Mozé to inform him first on how the meeting went.”

  Nodding his head, Maverick ended the conversation and shouted out. “Let’s saddle up!”

  As Maverick, Butch, and Roman made their way back to their bikes, Ava and I turned to get back into the SUV when suddenly she was pulled back before she could get inside. “You’re not going back with them Avanti. You’re coming with me.”

  Out of the corner of my eye I could see Gunner reach for his weapon, and then I saw one of Rocco’s men mirror his action, ready to take Gunner out if necessary. Needless to say, the tension that was heavy in the air before had just thickened to another level of stifling, if that was even possible right now.

  “No. I’m going back to the clubhouse with them.”

  Pulling her in closer, he leaned down. “Listen to yourself. Clubhouses? This shit is not you Avanti and you know it. You belong in mansions and five-star hotels where the staff wait on you hand and foot, not some rundown shack where whores live with these thugs and the only classy thing to drink is piss out of a bottle.”

  Yanking her arm from his grip, she glared back at him like he’d just insulted her. “Rocco, I am a grown ass woman who can make her own decisions in life, and I choose to go back to the shack with Roman.”

  Seeing movement to my right, I looked over and saw Roman headed straight for us with a fierce look on his face and Maverick and Butch trying to catch up to him.

  Oh shit!

  “Well Angel, your decisions don’t mean shit today. My orders are to keep you safe with me while I’m here. Your uncle specifically told me to watch over you and keep you close to me, no matter what, or he’s pulling us both back home. You know he’ll do it, Avanti.”

  Suddenly Ava was yanked right out of Rocco’s grip. “I told you to back the fuck off, asshole.”

  When Roman moved in closer towards Rocco, I watched as the first bodyguard pulled his gun and pointed it at him just before Gunner pulled his and aimed it at the bodyguard. A few split seconds later, I was standing in the middle of an honest to goodness God damned standoff. Everyone had their guns pulled and pointed it at who they saw as the enemy right now. “Oh God, here we go again.” Ava mumbled. “Ok, wait!” She shouted, holding up her hands. “Please, everyone put down your guns.”

  “Tell your thug boyfriend to call off this asshole behind me first.” Rocco growled.

  “Gunner, please, this has gotten way out of hand,” she pleaded, looking around at everyone else before landing her stare on Roman. “Please.”

  Uncocking his gun, he slowly lowered it. “You’re not goin՛ with him, Ava.”

  Ava pulled Roman off to the side and I watched as they began to have a heated discussion. Feeling like I was being watched, I turned to see Rocco’s gaze running over my body before winking at me and returning his attention back to Ava. Knowing damn well Maverick saw that whole exchange, I looked over my shoulder and found his eyes locked on Rocco before they landed on me with a promise to address this matter later when we’re alone.

  And I’m not going to lie, a very large part of me was excited about what he had planned for me.

  Snapping out of the sex induced trance Maverick could always drop me into with a simple look, I saw Ava approaching us again as Roman stormed off toward his bike, starting it up and then speeding off. When she got closer, I could see the unshed tears that had gathered in her eyes. “All right Rocco, you win. Let’s go.” She said, sounding so defeated.

  Pulling her by the shoulder, I turned her to face me just as one of her tears escaped down her cheek. “Are you really going to be ok? Is it safe for you to go with him?” I asked concerned about her.

  Wiping the tear away, she pulled me in closer and hugged me tight. “Please take care of Roman for me until I can come back to him. I’ll be ok with Rocco, really. But if I don’t leave with him right now I know my uncle will have me taken back home and then I’ll never see Roman again. I have no choice in the matter right now, Harp. I would stay if I could.”

  “Don’t worry, he’ll be fine after he blows off some steam.”

  Breaking the hug, she looked in my eyes. “Just make sure that he’s not blowing off that steam with Bambi.”

  “He would never do that to you, and you know it,” I hugged her again. “Call me, ok?”

  “I will.”

  As I watched her walk away with the three men and disappear into the back of the blacked-out Mercedes Maybach sedan, I couldn’t help feeling her heart breaking over this situation, or I should say Rocco, that had come between her and Roman.

  Feeling a warmth at my back, I knew that it was Maverick even before I felt his arm wrap around my waist, pulling me into him. “Get in the car so we can get back home,” he breathed out on my neck before he kissed it, sending chills down my body. Helping me into the back of the SUV, he winked at me with a silent promise before shutting the door behind me.

  After he walked to the front of the SUV, he and Gunner talked for a few minutes before his eyes found mine once again through the windshield as he turned to head back over to his motorcycle.

  Gunner got in and started the car up. “You ok back there?” he asked as he pulled the car out onto the main road.

  Looking up, I met his eyes in the rearview mirror. “I’ll be fine. I’m just worried about how this whole shitstorm is affecting Ava and Roman’s relationship. She’s been so happy with him. He may not be the man her uncle wants her with, but there’s no way in hell that he’ll convince her otherwise.” I watched as he silently nodded his head in answer.

  Making our way down the freeway, I watched as Gunner drove pass the exit that we should have taken to go back to the clubhouse. “Where are we going? That was the exit we needed to take.”

  “Maverick asked me to drop you off somewhere else.”

  Turning in my seat, I looked out the back window just in time to see one set of headlights turn off at the exit while the other set still followed closely behind.

  When we finally exited the freeway, I knew exactly where we’re going. But as we pulled up to where my parents’ house was, fear caught in my throat from what happened the last time we were here.




  Watching as Rocco’s private jet landed on the runway, we sat and observed the interaction between him and the Deviants. Once darkness began to fall, I looked to my left and told Devin. “Make sure the tracker is secured before the plane takes off.”

  “Will do Sir. What about their car?”

  “I don’t need to track it. I already know where Rocco will stay. The man is notoriously a five-star only hotel kind of man, and that leaves us with only one place in this Godforsaken town to find him in. The Hilton.”

  When Devin exited the car, I grabbed the night vision binoculars and watched him move through the darkness with quick stealth like actions. After he secured the tracker, he made his way back to the SUV, undetected.

  I find it entertaining when someone underestimates just how many connections I have in this world and tries to sneak something by me. I know all. Hell, I’ll know what it is you’re up to even before your precious little brain can think up the idea. That’s just how good I am. I don’t need to brag because my reputation already screams my abilities all on its own.

  When Devin got back into the car, he informed me that the tracker was secured and then fired up the app on my phone to conne
ct to it. I watched as the blue dot begin to move when the jet made its way down the runway, readying for take-off and leading me right back to the location of the all-powerful Sandro Di Mozé. Information I could surely use later.

  See, men like Di Mozé have egos the size of the sun when it comes to thinking they can protect someone. The problem is... he’s never tried to protect that someone from the likes of me. “What time do we have the meeting with Mr. Moretti tomorrow?”

  “It’s set for ten AM at an empty office building just a couple miles down the street from the Hilton.”

  “Perfect. Do call him and tell him to bring the lovely Miss. Sabatini with him. I could use a beautiful woman to admire while I make him think he’s the powerful negotiator he thinks he is in this matter.” I couldn’t help the chuckle that left my lips when I thought about what I had planned. “All right let’s hurry and wrap everything up back at the office so I can head back to my room for the night. I have a hot piece of pie waiting for me to devour her. Also... I think it would be such fun to call Mr. Reed and enlighten him on the errors of his ways.”




  When I pulled into the driveway of Harper’s parents’ house, I pulled up alongside the SUV and chatted with Gunner a few minutes before telling him that we were all good here for the night and that I would see him back at the clubhouse tomorrow. After he left, I looked over at the front area of the house that I had repaired from the damage the Slayers rained down on it all those weeks ago. I was happy to see from the street light that shined down on it that it looked as though it never happened, and I knew that would put Harper more at ease with being here after what went down.

  “Did you have this done?” she asked, looking around at the area that was damaged as I got off my bike and walked over to her.

  Hugging her close, I kissed her on the lips before bringing her back to my chest and holding her tight. “Sure did, Sweetheart. I didn’t want you comin՛ back here and havin՛ to see all that shit the Slayers did and have it upset you. After all, the assholes were comin՛ for me.”

  “Don’t remind me. I’m so glad no one was really hurt that day. Thank you though for doing this, I really appreciate it.”

  Leaning down, I took her earlobe between my teeth. “Why don’t you show me just how much you appreciate it, hmm.”

  Feeling her body shiver, she turned around to face me and the seductress in her, that only I got the privilege to see, pulled me by my hand as she moved backwards, closer to the front door. When she turned to unlock the door, I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her ass snug against my raging hard on to show her just how bad I was dying to get inside of her right now.

  The second she had the door open, I was pushing her inside, slamming it shut behind me and locking it. When I turned around, I saw her just standing there with that cute smirk she always wore when she was in the mood. My eyes scoured over her beautiful body, that I knew I would never be able to get enough of, then my eyes finally found hers once again. “Take the shirt off.” Quickly she complied and began to take off her bra as well. “Never said anythin՛ about takin՛ the bra off, Sweetheart. Leave it on and take your pants off.” Again, she quickly released her hold on the snaps of her bra and did as she was told. Looking at her as she stood there for a moment, waiting, I could see oh so clearly all the ways her beautiful body was begging me to touch it and soothe the burning need that raged just below the surface. From the way her nipples pebbled, to the way her knees kept sliding against one another like she was trying to quell the ache in her pussy that only I could satisfy.

  “Maverick.” It may had been only my name on her lips, but the message behind it was coming through loud and clear.

  Walking over closer to her, I reached out and tucked a loose strand of hair behind her ear, then continued to run my finger down her cheek and over her chin. Instantly she laid her head sideways and cradled her cheek in my hand. “So, Gunner told me a little bit of information tonight. Do you have a guess as to what that information was?” I asked her with a raised brow.

  Watching her head snap up as she squirmed at my question had to be the highlight of my night right now. I honestly could give a shit that she had found that asshole, Rocco, attractive, as long as it stayed just that. If he was to ever try to touch or take what was mine... then we’d have one hell of a problem. But I’m thinking right now that I’d pretend it bothered me a little, you know, just for shits and giggles. Besides, it would be very interesting to see just how she’d try and soothe my wounded ego.

  Biting her bottom lip, she looked up at me. “Um, well, I might have said something about Rocco looking like Theo James and he might have overheard that?”

  “And just who is Theo James?”

  “He’s... well, he’s an actor.”

  “Do you find him attractive?”

  “Well, ah yeah... but he has nothing on you Maverick, I swear. I find you way more attractive than I do him.” She finished in a rush.

  “You do, huh?”


  Leaning closer, I growled in her ear. “Prove it, Sweetheart.”

  At first, she looked like a deer caught in headlights, but then something clicked in her eyes and I literally saw them catch fire right in front of me. Moving around behind me, she got up on her tiptoes and did something that no woman had ever done to me before, she kissed the back of my neck. It was just a simple kiss but for some reason I found it extremely erotic as the feeling of her lips on me sent shivers running down my spine and straight to my dick. The feel of her lips on my skin was something I would always want more of. Removing my cut, she laid it down on the arm of the couch, and then sauntered back over to stand in front of me, getting up onto her tiptoes again. She began kissing me all over my neck as she yanked my tucked shirt out of my jeans and pushed it up over my head. Helping her get it off, she dropped it onto the floor before kissing her way down my chest and stomach until her knees also found their way to the floor beneath me. When she looked up at me with those big beautiful hazel eyes of hers, I couldn’t help but to reach out and cup her chin as she began to unbuckle my belt. With my belt out of the way, she made quick work of unbuttoning my pants and had them along with my boxers and boots off and thrown aside in what felt like record time. When I felt that first flick of her tongue against the tip of my aching cock it sent my head falling backwards. “Fuuuck... that feels so God damn good, Sweetheart.” Gripping the hair on the back of her head, I gently began to guide her up and down on my cock as the need to come slowly began to creep its way up my spine. “God damn, if you keep that shit up, I’m going to come in your mouth, and I want to come inside of that pussy of yours tonight. Get up here.” Hearing a popping sound from her lips releasing my cock, I pulled her up by her arms until she was standing up in front of me.

  In one split second, I dipped my shoulder down and picked her up fireman style. “Oh my God! Maverick!” She squealed as I smacked her ass and headed down the hallway to her old bedroom. Walking up to her bed, I dropped her down onto her back just before I grabbed the back of her knees and yanked her ass to the edge of the bed, causing her to let out a surprised squeak. Then I lowered down onto my knees between her legs, that I’d spread wide. Grazing my nose and lips up her inner thigh, I licked, bit and kissed at the wet fabric that covered her pussy before I ran my nose and lips down her other thigh, teasing her and heightening the ache I already knew she suffered from. Gripping her panties tightly, I ripped them off and spread her open even wider just before I pushed my tongue between her wet folds and took my first lick of her sweet musty juices. “Fuck you taste so God damned good, Sweetheart.” I mumbled, taking her clit between my teeth, flicking and swirling my tongue over and around it before sucking it into my mouth as she squirmed and moaned from the pleasure I was giving her. Pushing two fingers inside her warm, wet heat, I slide them in and out as I continued to lick, suck and bite at her dripping wet pussy.

  Feeling her w
alls strangling my fingers, I knew she was close to coming, so I began fucking her faster with them and sucked on her clit harder until she was coming on my tongue and screaming out my name as her body shook uncontrollably. “Oh... my... God.” Was all she uttered once her body finally came back under her control again, causing me to chuckle.

  Taking a few more licks of her sweet juices, I kissed my way back up her stomach and chest. Grabbing a hold of her, I flipped us over onto my back with her on top of me so I could remove her bra. Once I had it out of my way, I pushed her body further up mine so I could suck one of those luscious tits of hers into my mouth while my fingers played with the other one before I switch to show it the same attention. Hearing her moans and gasps as she rubbed her soaked pussy back and forth over my cock had me so fucking hard right now, I could barely think straight. I needed more than anything to be inside her right now. “Put my cock inside of you and ride me, Sweetheart.”

  The look in her eyes as she lifted her body and slowly lowered herself down onto my cock was one I would never be able to describe in words, other than to say she was simply a fucking masterpiece of beauty right now with her eyes so full of lust and love. As she began to ride me, I reached up and cupped her tits, pinching her nipples before running my hands up to her neck and cupping her face. “I love you so fuckin՛ much, Harper. You’re it for me.”

  “I love you too, Maverick... until my last breath on this earth, I will only love you.” The weight of her words threatened to pull me into a bad headspace, but I quickly shut that shit down and just concentrated only on my woman right now and her pleasure.

  Thrusting my hips upwards to meet hers, I kept pounding inside of her until I saw that look on her face that I knew she got just before she was about to splinter apart. Quickening my thrusts, she sat up and ran her hands over her tits, cupping them and giving me one hell of a show before she ran them through her hair and gripped it roughly. She started to come so hard that her body practically vibrated on top of mine before she fell backwards onto my legs, causing me to sit up in order to stay connected to her wet heat. Her walls were so tight from coming that they had a death grip on my cock right now. “This has to be the fuckin՛ hottest thing I’ve ever seen,” I told her as I watched her body continue to shake with the aftershocks of her orgasm. Cupping my hands over her breasts, I ran them down her stomach before licking my thumb and rubbing it over her clit in a circular motion to increase and prolong the intensity of her orgasm. When I did that, she let out a scream so loud that I would have been shocked if the neighbors weren’t banging down the door soon to see if I was killing her. Reaching behind her back, I pulled her back up to my chest and muffled her screams with a kiss before flipping us both over and moving off of her to turn her onto her stomach and pulling her up onto all fours. Giving her ass a hard slap, I heard her let out a moan just before I gripped her hips and slammed back home. I began fucking her so hard that I had to keep a tight grip around her waist to hold her up since she was so spent and no longer able to hold her own body up. Releasing my grip on her, I pushed her down onto the bed and placed one hand on her lower back to arch her ass up in the air as I gripped her hip to hold her in place and chased my own release. “FUUUUUUUCK!” I shouted out just before I came and then collapsed on the side of her motionless body. Slowly pulling out of her, she let out a whimper. “Are you ok, Sweetheart? I wasn’t too rough on you, was I?” I asked her as I ran my fingers down her back.


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