Maverick's Redemption (Devil's Deviants Book 2)

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Maverick's Redemption (Devil's Deviants Book 2) Page 17

by C. M. Allen

  “First, I would like to say that as your President it has been one hell of a fuckin՛ honor to lead all of you in this club. That bein՛ said, come tomorrow I’m goin՛ to be leadin՛ you all into one hell of a hornets nest we all might not make it back out of alive, and I want you all to know I take that shit seriously. The life of each and every member of this club is my responsibility. And come hell or high water I will do everythin՛ within my ability to bring each and every one of you back home with me. The Devil himself will have to fight me for your lives. I also want to thank all you for your dedication and loyalty to me and this club. I know that we had a bit of a shake up with what happened with ole՛ Buzz, but he brought that shit on himself. The rest of you, I proudly call my brothers. With that bein՛ said I wanted to give you all an update on the situation that’s on the table. Repo checked the camera’s and found that Dekes’ men are at the meet up location as we speak scopin՛ out the buildin՛ just like we figured they would be, so when we head in tomorrow, we will need to be extra aware of our surroundin՛s.”

  Sid held his hand up and I nodded for him to go ahead with his question. “How do we know that these assholes are not goin՛ to just mow us down as we ride up?”

  “The simple answer to that question is, we don’t. But after seein՛ how Dekes likes to operate, I’m bankin՛ on the fact that he won’t want to kill any of us off until we’re all in the same place. He shoots us up and he risks the chance of some of us gettin՛ away or the Slayers turnin՛ tail and runin՛ before they even make it to the meetin՛ point. It’s the main reason that Skull and I agreed for our clubs to show up fifteen minutes apart. That way he can’t have his men pick us off before all of us are inside the buildin՛. We have everythin՛ set up inside, Pinch, Rigs, Wraith and Ink worked together with a few of the Slayers and made sure that we would be all set.” Hearing a chuckle, I looked over at Roman. “Got somethin՛ to say?”

  “Just wonderin՛ how that all went down with them workin՛ with those pricks.”

  Rigs was the first to speak up. “At first, we got into a fist fight and beat the everlovin՛ hell out of one another, but then after we got out all our aggressions, the fuckers weren’t too bad to work with. They stunk to fuckin՛ high hell though,” he said with a laugh that we all joined in on.

  “Make no mistake though. While we are workin՛ together on this with the Slayers, I still don’t trust Skull with my life. So, watch each other’s backs in there. Brothers come first. Are there any other questions before I call this meetin՛ adjourned?” Not hearing anyone speak up, I slammed the gavel down, calling an end to the meeting. “Go spend time with your loved ones and families, have a drink or two, get laid. Because come tomorrow we fight for our lives.”

  I stayed sitting at the table as everyone else emptied out, leaving me alone with my thoughts until there was a light knock on the doorframe, drawing my attention to the beautiful woman staring back at me. Walking in, she closed and locked the doors behind her. “How did your meeting with the guys go?” She practically purred as she slowly made her way around the table towards me, dragging her fingers lightly over the backs of the chairs, that lined it as she moved closer.

  “Never gets any easier askin՛ my men to lay down their lives for this club. Hopin՛ that this will be the last time I have to do that.”

  She finally made it over to where I sat and leaned down to take my lips with hers in a gentle kiss, but I had something else in mind. If this could be the last time I was going to be with her, to taste her, or smell her, then it was going to be the one thing I planned on doing perfect. Because it was going to be the one thing I would need to last me a lifetime in Hell when the Devil came calling for my ass to take me home.

  Grabbing her by the hips, I stood and lifted her up, setting her down on the table in front of me. She had on one of those loose flowing shirts and a pair of jeans today. The shirt I loved for its easy access, but the jeans; while they made her ass to die for in them, took more work to remove. And right now, patience was not my friend. “Take your jeans off, now.” I ordered her as I ran my hands up her sides, taking the shirt with them before removing her bra a moment later. Between the two of us, it only took a few seconds before I had her spread out on my table before me.

  Fucking stunning.

  Running my fingers over her body, I committed every inch of her to memory. “You’re perfection, you know that?”

  “And you’re driving me crazy right now. I need you inside of me, Maverick.”

  “I will be, soon. But tonight... I’m takin՛ my time with you,” I said just before I lowered my head and swept my tongue up the middle of her sweet pussy, sending shivers over her body.

  When her body shifted from my actions, I grabbed her hips and pulled her to the table's edge, locking my arm over her hips to hold her in place until I’d had my fill. And knowing this may be my last time tasting her... it would be awhile before that happened. After I brought her to the edge more times than I could count, drawing those precious whimpers that I lived for from her lips, I finally clamped my mouth down over her clit and sucked on it until she was a screaming withering mess on my table and the whole clubhouse knew just how hard I made her come.

  When I let up on my grip, she smiled back at me out of breath with that knowing grin. “My turn to make sure every member in this clubhouse knows that I know just how to keep their Prez satisfied.” With those words, she gestured for me to stand up, which I happily obliged. I’m no exhibitionist but I was finding that knowing people could hear us right now as we competed to see who could make the other scream out in pleasure more a bit of a turn on. A fun game between us that I hoped I would get the chance to play with her again after tomorrow.

  As soon as she had my cock pulled free from my jeans, she slammed her mouth down over me and pushed it all the way to the back of her throat before swallowing, essentially squeezing the tip of it as her other hand cupped my balls, squeezing them lightly. “Ah, fuck me!” I shouted as I watched her sink my cock into that wet, warm mouth of hers over and over again until that tingling sensation was clawing its way up my spine. Pulling her off of my cock, it made a popping sound the moment it left her luscious lips, that quickly turned down into a pout. “I wasn’t finished with that yet.” She complained with a raised brow.

  “Well, I want to come in that sweet pussy of yours tonight, so turn around and give me that fine ass, Sweetheart.”

  The fire that lit up in her eyes at my command was something I would never forget but hoped to have the rest of my life to see it over and over again. When she faced her ass towards me, she wiggled it in my face as if I really needed more of a reason to unleash the beast inside of me to devour her.

  Game on!

  Running my tongue up her slit one more time, I watched as her body physically shook from the pleasure. Clamping onto her hips, I tugged on them roughly until her warm, dripping wet pussy was impaled on my cock. “Oh fuck!” she screamed out as I filled her up to the hilt in one swift move.

  Getting a rhythm going, she pushed back on me as I pushed inside of her. Spreading her legs out wider on the table, I reached around her body and squeezed both of her nipples between my fingers while I tried to bury my cock as far inside of her as she would allow me to go, drawing out those mewling noises I craved from her. Wrapping my hand around her neck, I pulled her body up against mine and begin to nibble and bite on her neck and ear before I took her mouth with mine in a deep kiss. With my hand still firmly wrapped around her neck to hold her in place, I fucked her hard while my other hand moved to her clit and began to strum it to a tune I wanted it to play. When I felt her walls start to tighten around me, it became harder to slide in and out of her when her body convulsed around my cock and she came so hard that I had no choice but to follow her over the edge. Both of us shouting out our releases at almost the same time before we collapsed onto the table together.

  After a few minutes went by, I finally caught my breath and pulled my body upright, and that’s when I noticed
the tears sliding down Harper’s cheeks. “Hey, what’s with the tears?” I asked, turning her over to face me and pulling her closer.

  “This felt like... goodbye, the way you made love to me. Please tell me it’s not, Maverick. Please tell me I don’t have to find a way to live in this world without you, because after what happened to my parents... I don’t... think I’ll have the strength to go on living if I lose you too.”

  Cupping her cheeks, I used my thumbs to wipe away her fallen tears. “Hey now, you listen to me. Don’t you go talkin՛ like I’m already dead, ok? I am goin՛ to fight bloody tooth and jagged rusty nail to make it back to you alive. I want that normal life with you so bad Harper that it’s killin՛ me inside that I have to put you through this before we can have it. I will do everythin՛ within my power to come home to you tomorrow, you hear me? I promise you. A life with you is worth fightin՛ the darkest of evils in this world for, if when it’s all over I get to come home to you. I just need you to have faith in me that I know what I’m doin՛ and know nothin՛ is goin՛ to stand in my way of spendin՛ the rest of my life with you.”

  “I just... I just wish you didn’t have to do this,” she said, more tears falling.

  Pressing my forehead to hers, I tried to reassure her. “Me too, Sweetheart. Me too. But when this whole mess is over, it’s you and me, ok?”

  “Ok,” breaking down again, she wrapped her arms around me and held on to me like I was her lifeline, causing me to think of something she’d just said. Gently pushing her back, I brushed the hair out of her face. “Hey, look at me.” Wiping her nose, she looked up at me through broken eyes. “If some... if somethin՛ does happen to me, you had better live on damn it or I’m goin՛ to be pissed off as hell at you, you hear me? Do not give up your life for me. Live it, knowin՛ I will always be with you in here,” I said, pressing my hand over her heart. “You are a beautiful human Harper and I don’t want to be the one responsible for takin՛ your light from this world, you hear me? I leaned down and kissed her on the lips before I continued. “Besides, I have a feelin՛ that if I ever did somethin՛ that broke you heart in any way Ava would no doubt figure out some way to get at my ass and beat the shit out of me. Dead or alive. That alone will ensure I make it back to you alive. That chick kinda scares me a little.” Both of us laughed at my words, finally lifting the black cloud that was hanging over us.

  “Just come home to me and there won’t be any need for me to send Ava after you, you hear me?”

  “Loud and clear, Sweetheart. Loud and clear. What do you say we get somethin՛ to eat, then I spend the rest of the night inside of you?”

  “Sounds like the perfect evening to me,” she smiled, leaning up to kiss me.

  Gathering up our clothes, we pulled ourselves together and got dressed. As I watched her pull on her shirt, that was when it hit me, and I knew what I needed to do. “Harper?”

  Turning around to look at me, she furrowed her brows in confusion at the expression on my face. “What’s wrong?”

  Taking her hands in mine, I pulled her closer and smiled down at her. “Nothin՛ is wrong. I want to ask you somethin՛.”

  “Oh, ok, what were you going to ask me?”

  When I lowered myself down onto one knee and took her hand in mine, the look on her face was one I’d never forget as long as I lived. “Maverick? What... what are you doing?”

  “Just listen to me for a minute.” I chuckled at her impatience. “I know you and I haven’t known each other very long, but it feels as if we’ve already shared a lifetime together. I knew the moment I saw you I would figure out a way to get you into my life. Problem was, I was just too stuck in my own head with ghosts from my past in the beginnin՛ to realize it. You are the only woman I want to wake up to, make love to, sleep beside every night, and have babies with one day. I want it all with you, Sweetheart. So, will you do the honor of sayin՛ that you’ll be my wife?”

  Sitting there frozen with her hand over her mouth, she stared down at me in disbelief. “You want to marry me? But... but I didn’t think... I didn’t think...”

  Kissing her hand, I looked up at her. “If you and I are goin՛ to live that normal kind of life, then I want to do all the normal things that people do, includin՛ marryin՛ you.”


  “Yes, really. Now you’re killin՛ me here, makin՛ me wait for an answer.”

  Leaning down, she wrapped her arms around my neck before knocking us both to the ground. “Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you, Maverick! I love you so much!” She took my lips in a deep kiss as we both devoured one another in a frenzy to feel the other on an even deeper level.

  After another hour of celebrating our engagement, we finally got ourselves together and emerged from the room, only to walk out and into a room with everyone clapping a round of applause.

  “Way to get it Prez!”

  “Way to show her who’s boss!”

  The hoots and hollers were endless for a few minutes as Harper turned ten shades of red before I held up my hands, quieting the crowd.

  But of course, one person just had to ignore my call for quiet. “You get it girl!” Ava shouted at Harper, who giggled at her friend.

  “Ok, ok everyone be quiet,” I shouted, giving Ava a glare, to which she stuck her middle finger up at me in return. Shaking my head at her actions, I continued. “I have an announcement to make.” Turning to pull Harper into my side, I leaned down and kissed her before I addressed my men once again. “I have asked Harper to marry me and she’s said yes!” At first the room swims with silence and confusion, seeing how we don’t do the whole marriage thing in the club, but it only lasted for a few moments before everyone was clapping once again and congratulating us both, even Ava gave me a hug and congratulated me.

  As I looked around the room and took it all in, I thought to myself; this moment right here with the woman I love by my side and my men happy and celebrating would be the one image I’d hold onto as we got ready to take on the Devil himself tomorrow.




  When Maverick and I finally made it back to our room, his promise to spend the rest of the night inside of me was kept over and over again. I cherished every moment of it, knowing it could very well be our last night together if Dekes has his way. Waking up in the morning, I rolled over and searched the bed blindly with my outstretched hand for Maverick only to find it cold and empty. It was like a lightning bolt had struck me straight through the heart at what felt like a premonition of my future without him, and it sent me into panic mode. “Maverick!” I shouted, trying to get myself unraveled from the sheets as quickly as I could and get out of bed. Finally free, I ran into the front room and found it also empty. “Maverick!” I shouted out again.

  “Harper?! What’s goin՛ on? What’s wrong?” He ran out of the bathroom, gripping a towel tightly around his waist with his hair dripping wet like he was in the middle of a shower and just bolted out of it to see what I was yelling about.

  I headed straight for him and threw myself in his arms. “Please don’t do this. I have a bad feeling about it.” I pleaded.

  Hugging me tightly, he kissed my head, trying to soothe me. “You know I have to finish this if you and I are to have any chance at that life together we want so badly. If there was any way to avoid this whole thing you know I would. But as long as Dekes is alive, our lives are in danger, and I won’t have you lookin՛ over your shoulder for the rest of your life wonderin՛ if todays the day he strikes.”

  Letting out a heavy breath in defeat, I knew what he’s telling me was the truth, but I didn’t want it to be. “I know you’re right... but it doesn’t make me any less terrified about it.”

  “I wish I could shield you from all of this Sweetheart, I really do.”

  “I know you do, and I love you for it. What time do you have to leave?”

  “We leave here at seven PM tonight, but I’m goin՛ to be in a meetin՛ today so I can speak with my men and make sure everyo
ne is right in the head and go over all the plans until everyone has them memorized. But the last hour before I leave is for you and me, ok?”

  Nodding my head, I held back the tears that started to fill my eyes. I knew that he needed to concentrate one hundred percent on what he needed to do today and not have to deal with my panic attack. So I took a deep breath, strengthened my heart and held onto them with a death grip I knew would undoubtedly loosen the second he walked out that door. “Ok.”

  “I’ve got to finish showerin՛ and gettin՛ dressed,” kissing me on the lips, he turned to walk back into the bathroom to finish up, and the dam I’d built began to slip.

  After Maverick left our room, the dam busted wide open again and I crawled into the bed that we’d shared, where I was surrounded by his smell, and cried an ugly painful cry. The kind that sounded like an animal’s heart was being ripped from its chest.

  How would I ever make it in this life without him if I was this upset over only the worry of losing him? The simple answer was... I wouldn’t. I thought to myself.

  A few minutes later, there was a knock on my door. Trying to wipe away the tears, I walked out of the bedroom to answer it. When I opened the door, I was met by a mirror image of my own worries. Standing in the doorway was my broken best friend with the same tears streaking down her cheeks that ran down mine. We both fell into one another’s embrace and balled our eyes out until there was nothing left.

  Wiping her tears away, Ava sniffled. “I don’t think I’ve ever been this worried about anyone in my life. This isn’t me. I don’t cry like... like... some sniveling little bitch. What the hell is the matter with me?”

  “You’re in love with Roman is what. Just like I’m in love with Maverick.”


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