501 SC
Lorken waged a small war against the Itians who inhabited the southern region of their kingdom. They managed to push them deep into their caves.
700 SC
One day, the permanent cloud hovering above K’ra atop which Aerothia lurked was gone.
701 SC
A thunderous bang echoed from the depth of the Sea of Mountain Waves (the Sea of Rhymes – formerly called the Meditor). A crack opened in the sea and the mountain waves started rippling. Another crack was opened in the Goshean Bracelet, creating the passage of Tel'Abad, and the Realm of Gosh was exposed. Waves of the loathsome races of the Realm of Gosh rained upon Talor, but they found the defenses of the Henyan Front an impassable obstacle.
710 SC
The six Vigoran kingdoms (Sidnia, Tethia, Tamos, Ulderak, Stegia and Setlock) formed an alliance to fend against the Vile Born, who had started to emerge from the Dark Passage. They battled in Henya.
712 SC
The first Eastern Elven kingdom, Gingia, was discovered across the Durian Ocean east of Ulderak by the Ulderak navy. Its strategic location served as a defense against the Vile Born in the north.
900 SC
Lorken was considered the world’s strongest kingdom.
1000 SC
After centuries of disputes and speculations, the six kingdoms of the Vigoran continent unified into one empire. Crowl, the City of Halls, served as the capital.
1030 SC
The elven kingdom of Gingia fell to the swarming masses of Iktrits and Hects pouring from festering chasms of the Realm of Gosh. The Eastern Elves amassed their armies on the bed of the Goshean Bracelet to fend against the Progeny. None of their allies came to their aid, and they were defeated by the Vile Born. It was a defeat that shocked the world of Talor.
Atop the ruins of the elven civilization in Gingia, the Iktrits built their pseudo-civilization. The Hects retreated back behind the Bracelet.
1050 SC
The Serador appeared in the north and helped those fighting on the Henyan Front against the Vile Born who rallied at the Ruins of Gingia and at the Dark Passage of Tel’Abad.
1060 SC
2nd Age of Thrones began
1880 SC
Enigmus the Unbroken was born.
1887 SC
The Council of Steel was formed in Stegia and openly challenged the authority of the Crown Hall of Vigora. The Iron Trust religion born from within the Council of Steel helped fuel tensions between neighbors.
1890 SC
Aided by the Murks who climbed out of the chasm in the Sea of Rhymes, the Iktrits swarmed out of the Gingian Valley and overran the Ulderak civilization in the Durian Ocean. Ulderak was the first kingdom of the Vigoran ancient empire to fall, forsaken by its five allies. The Council of Steel forced the Crown Hall to deny Ulderak reinforcements, allowing it to fall to the swarms of the Iktrits and Murks. The ruins of the island of Ulderak remained abandoned ever since.
1894 SC
The Serador retreated into Yeathor, the northern desert from which they came, after Ulderak fell.
1896 SC
Mergal started to make the Eternal Nights due to the demands of the Order of Eon and the Helgon Empire.
1891 SC
Helgar, the great king of the dwarf kingdom of Helgon, died.
1900 SC
The Sea Door appeared.
Stegia left the Vigran union.
The Evinshanost was formed in Lorken.
1901 SC
The Year of the Traveler.
The Order of Eon ventured into Lorken under the leadership of Enigmus.
The Chain of Cas was formed in answer to the call of the Targ of Lorken. The Chain of Cas was an alliance that initially included the three dominant powers of destruction and corruption: the Evinshanost, the Council of Steel, and Lorken itself. It quickly expanded to include many lands and kingdoms. They joined the Chain either through defeat, betrayal or by means of a deal they couldn’t reject. From atop the Searing Summit, at the far northern side of Denaria, the capital of Lorken, reside the Chain Lords. The three dark powers have united all forces of darkness in one chain. Even those who cannot be chained, like the Vile Born, had struck some agreement with them.
1902 SC
The Redemption Wars began.
Enigmus built his wall to contain the assaults of the Vile Born.
1905 SC
The Black Army was formed by the Chain of Cas. Defeated armies and kingdoms were recruited into the ranks of the Black Army.
1920 SC
The birth of Niver Darg, the founder of the Dargos and creator of Eredia.
1924 SC
The Sons of Gosh, the Goshae, assaulted Mergal. The Mergalians disappeared, and the Rushk was lost.
1932 S1C
The Battle of Mount Eben. The Silver Bearers of Enigmus were annihilated, as was their enemy, the Black Army.
The myth of the White Wing began.
2122 SC
Nimtha's endeavor in Mergal.
The reappearance of the Serador.
2166 SC
The Itians were called back from their banishment.
2168 SC
The formation of the Tirra Mortus. Many kingdoms fell to its might and hurried to ally themselves with the Chain of Cas to avoid annihilation by the hands of the Million Deaths.
The birth of Trador the Gate-Keeper.
2205 SC
Betrayed by King Zas, the last of the Vigoran Empire fell. Its capital, Alkurk, was the sole survivor of the destruction at the hands of the Tirra Mortus.
2217 SC
Trador's sudden slumber began.
Yearly calendar of Talor:
Summer months: Yeath, Gelia, Gelust
Autumn months: Talow, Karach
Winter months: Recender, Rominder, Forlorn
Spring months: Tovil, Tasahar, Alia
(1) The Realm of Gosh was a barren, cruel land. It was inhabited by the offspring of Zuld, Gosh’s lieutenant. Among those races were: the Hects (half-men, half-beasts), the Iktrits (the rat-men), and the Vorgogs (the hellish apes with huge ram horns). There were also the Xarnes, the double-faced monstrosities of Ziblik. They resembled armless, overly-tall humans. They seemed to be compressed to a nearly two-dimensional shape, and were also among Zuld’s offspring. Only the most experienced and costly scouting adventures were able to spot those lands and races when they ventured high up the Bracelet surrounding the dark realm.
(2) Enigmus the Unbroken was the greatest emperor to sit on the throne of Vigora. Only he had ever united the forces of light under one flag. This banner was called the Silver Bearers of Enigmus.
(3) Sea of Mountain Waves, also called the Sea of Rhymes. It was a fjord between two straits. It divided the world’s northern half. On uncommon occasions huge sky-high waves were formed, pulsing from its center, which was called the Drum.
(4) The Black Army was the first true army of the Chain of Cas. It was comprised primarily of troops from Lorken.
(5) Trodos was a god of the dwarves, and the head of their dynasty before they decided to abandon the path he taught them and adopt an easier way of life. Trodos had two hammers: Trudivar, the Gray Hammer, was the hammer he used to forge, and Talmisid, the Ageless Mallet, was the one he took to war.
(6) Iskath’Dorai, the Mouth of Iskath:
Post his disappearance, Makista left his orders in the form of runes encrypted on the bottom of the River Iskath, written on a tongue-shaped rock. The ruins could be read monthly, when the river dropped.
(7) Murks and Windelows: Murks are an evil warlike race who live offshore and deep in the sea. Windelows are savage humanoids who inhabit the only island in the Sea of Mountain Waves.
(8) During the couple of centuries after its birth, the Chain of Cas held several high profile meetings, which included dozens of kings, lords, dukes, and rulers from every corner of Talor. The meetings were headed by the three main members of the Chain: the Evinshanost,
the Council of Steel, and Lorken, and invitations were sent to others who were candidates to join the Chain. The meetings were held in Denaria, the capital of Lorken, atop the Searing Summit, the tallest building on the face of Talor. It was an iron tower, six hundred feet high. The tower was, in fact, the Tower Oblivate, the third Tower of Cane. Atop the Summit was a huge plateau where the obscured leaders of the Chain arranged their permanent thrones. That tower was rumored to extend not just through the sky of Talor, but through a darker realm.
During those meetings, the Chain issued The Votes, all seventeen of them. The Votes were a group of commandments the Chain of Cas issued over the years.
The most important vote was the Vote of Redemption which declares “The beginning of the era where every man will go against those who stand between him and what is his.” The memorandum of that Vote was arranged and submitted by one man… the Traveler. That was the spark that spread throughout Talor and was responsible for the death of millions, and the fall of kingdoms.
(9) The Seven Towers of Cane were a cross-realms institute and the place where wizards from all over Talor went to learn the teachings of Cane. They were named for Amos the Cane, the most powerful wizard of all time. It was he who created the Errata Signum, or the Correction of Direction manual which explained the guidelines of the seven powers: Force, Time, Elements, Space, Soul, Thought, and Fate. The Tower of the Eclipse was the tower of Cane with the highest authority and its domains were thought and fate. Despite the declining numbers of its members, the Tower of Eclipse under the leadership of Aster, was the only one beside the Tower of Time, which was headed by the Archmage Gazateer, with any real power back in those days. Most of the Wizards of Cane, the Wielders of the Seven Mighty Staves, who were still around, came from those two towers. The opposing two towers, Tower Ivernus, The Makers of Industry with Flame, and Tower Oblivate, The Seekers of Oblivion, were totally under the control of the Chain. Both openly supported it and the legions of the Tirra Mortus. The two towers had a major influence on elements, space, and soul. The remaining three towers were nearly powerless at this part of the story.
(10) The Singing Vampire was the shrouded leader of the Ashregate, the hidden true masters of the fallen kingdom of Icyndica. They were the strongest covenant of vampires ever to exist. The Pledges:
The Pledges were issued in direct opposition to the Votes. For example, as a reply to the Vote of Significance, Niver Darg issued the Pledge of Justice, which stated that every peace-seeking man, woman, and child is entitled to shelter and basic nourishment.
(11) The Game of Seven Diamonds is a game where players use forty-nine, diamond-shaped stones on a carved board of squares, or just drew the squares on the ground. The aim is to collect twenty-one diamonds out of the forty-nine.
(12) Cas banished Itia deep into her cave and contained her there. The Order of Eon and many entities helped. Cas himself didn’t return from that fight.
Cover Creative & Art Direction: TREE Advertisement ( [email protected] )
Cover illustrations: www.leapstudios.net
Internal illustrations by: Jarel Threat
Editing: Steffannie Alter, Sara Powel and Troon Harrison
Internal Formatting by: James Moore
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Yehya H. Safwat
The Dark Season Saga- the Final Harvest Page 36