Bound in Darkness

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Bound in Darkness Page 8

by Nicole Edwards

  “Then I shall help you.”

  Offering herself as support, Acadia assisted the vampire into the bathroom, then over to the shower. Though assist was embellished a bit. The male was enormous, and she knew if he had truly utilized her as a brace, she would’ve folded beneath his tremendous weight. Even in his current condition, Kaj was far stronger than she. Which was saying something considering she had a wealth of strength thanks to her genetics. However, he outweighed her by at least one hundred pounds, and the additional weight was solid muscle.

  Luckily, this guest room was one that had an open shower concept. There were no obstacles in his path, making it easier to get him where he was insistent upon going.

  “Why don’t you use the facilities, and I’ll start the water.”

  Another grunt.

  Acadia smiled to herself as she left him to go into the water closet before she hurried over to turn on the shower. She knew he preferred hot water as opposed to lukewarm, so she ensured it was steaming as it came from the multitude of shower heads.

  Though it should’ve been an easy feat to perform such a simple task, Acadia had to hold the flowing skirts of her dress up to keep them from getting wet. Why she bothered with her current attire, she wasn’t sure. She blamed it on simplicity. Her entire wardrobe consisted of floor-length gowns made of the finest fabrics. While she was most certainly cognizant of her appearance, she could not deny she was aiming for comfort mostly.

  It also helped that she’d seen admiration on Kaj’s handsome face when she caught him watching her. It gave her a thrill to know he found her appealing to the eye, even if he didn’t say as much.

  The sound of Kaj clearing his throat had her turning around. Acadia instantly looked away when she realized he was nude.

  “You’ve seen me before, female,” he grumbled.

  True, she had. But she tended to think of those times through the eyes of a caretaker, not necessarily a female. That wasn’t all that easy to do, either. Acadia was quite enthralled with the male. And yes, she was fascinated with his keen mind, but there was no denying his incredible physique played a large part in her fantasies.

  Not that she would tell him as much.

  “I shall get you some soap,” she told him when she was confident he could stand on his own beneath the shower spray.

  She hurried to the tub, retrieved the bottles she’d kept there for when he bathed, and brought them back to him.


  He was propped against the tile as though his body had given out on him.

  “I’m fine, Acadia,” Kaj intoned. “Just leaning.”

  She breathed a sigh of relief. “I brought your soap.”

  His eyes opened, his head rolling on his neck as he peered in her direction. “As much as I want to do this on my own, I’m not sure how efficient I’ll be.”

  Acadia stared back at him, wondering what it was he was requesting.

  “If you don’t mind, I need you to wash me.”

  “Of course,” she blurted, once more morphing into the role of caretaker.

  Her attention shot to the water, then down to her dress and back.


  “Hmm?” His eyes were closed once again.

  “Would you mind if I remove my dress? I would hate to get it wet.”

  His eyes popped open and locked on her. For a brief moment, she wondered if she had imagined the heat reflected there. A second later, she determined she had because he offered a single shoulder shrug.

  “I’ll be right back.”

  Hurrying over to the counter, she set down the bottles of soap and shampoo, then quickly removed her gown. It took effort because of the design, but she’d long ago gotten familiar with getting in and out of it. When she returned, she brought the bottles with her.

  This time when Kaj’s gaze settled on her, there was no way to misinterpret what she saw in his glittering green eyes.

  “You’re naked,” he growled.

  “I…” She lowered her head. “I apologize if it offends. I do not wear undergarments beneath.” And of course, she hadn’t thought to wrap herself in a towel.

  There was another growl, this one softer but no less potent. When she lifted her head, she noticed his fangs had descended and he was still regarding her with desire. But she also noticed his erection standing tall and proud from his delectable body.

  “You’re safe from me, female,” he said, dropping his head back and closing his eyes. “But I cannot control the response of my body.”

  Resigning herself to getting this done, Acadia joined him beneath the spray. She thought about her hair, the fact that it would undoubtedly get wet, then figured there was nothing to be done about it. With a quick tug, she pulled the pins that kept it up on her head and allowed it to fall around her, doing an efficient job of concealing her nakedness because the thick mass hung all the way to her waist.

  She had the good sense to use a cloth, soaping it up and then sliding it over Kaj’s skin as efficiently as she could, starting at his neck. While she applied the suds to his body, she took a moment to admire him. Being that his eyes were closed, she could do so unashamedly. He had lost weight since he arrived at the mansion, but he was still solidly built and strong. Though he wasn’t at full strength, she would not underestimate his abilities. There was a wealth of power beneath the supple skin, his muscles flexing as she moved over them.

  Acadia was careful with his chest, though the exterior wounds had healed long ago. What he was dealing with now was the repair on the inside. Obsidian had mentioned he suspected there had been great damage done internally, but her blood was working to return him to as good as new. It just seemed to be taking some time.

  When she had worked her way down his torso, she eased down to her knees and moved to his feet, working her way back up. His breathing was labored and she worried that he was in pain, but she didn’t dare speak. For one, she wasn’t sure her voice would work, and two, she wanted to get this done as quickly as possible so he could get back to bed.

  As she worked her way up his thick, powerful thighs, she peered up, and that was when she realized he was staring down at her, his bright green irises glittering, his fangs fully descended.

  Realizing the compromising position she was in, Acadia stood tall but continued to wash him, shifting higher on his thighs until she was at the juncture, sliding upward, cupping his heavy sac.

  “Fuck.” His head fell back as he hissed. “Acadia … I…”

  “Shh.” She reached for the soap, then dropped the cloth, figuring it would be too coarse on his sensitive shaft.

  When she took him in her soapy hand, his eyes opened and locked with hers.

  “It’s okay,” she assured him. “I know it’s been a while.”

  He didn’t speak, his breaths sawing in and out of his lungs as she used both hands, one to cup him, the other to stroke the steely length of his erection. They remained like that as she worked him. There was no pretense as they both knew she wasn’t doing this with cleanliness in mind.

  “I’m going to come,” he warned.

  Acadia nodded, then dropped her gaze to the thick stalk of flesh in her fist. She watched raptly, feeling him pulse in her hand. Her grip tightened, helping him along.

  When he came, it was with a dark rumble in his chest.

  A sound that very nearly triggered her own orgasm.

  Restraint was a damn good thing to have in times like this.

  Kaj knew firsthand because the temptation this female presented was unlike anything he’d ever known before. He’d damn near lost his shit when he’d seen her kneeling before him, peering up at him with those glittering purple eyes, her lips slightly open. The mental image of her taking him into her mouth had nearly had him falling to the floor.

  Thank God for self-restraint, no matter how fragile.

  “Leave me,” he demanded as he fought to catch his breath, his cock still hard, still aching. Probably had to do with the fact he was still firmly in
Acadia’s smooth grip, her small fingers curled loosely around his flesh.

  Concern and what looked a hell of a lot like anger glittered in those intriguing amethyst eyes when they leveled on him.

  “Now,” he insisted. “Go, Acadia.”

  He hissed when she released him, then watched as she stormed out, her long silky hair down to her hips swaying as she moved. He’d never seen her with her hair down and he had to admit, he liked the look. She seemed more approachable that way.

  Kaj had to close his eyes as he relied on the tiled wall to hold him up. He heard Acadia’s footsteps as she walked around the bathroom. He was aware of her getting a towel, the soft brush of it against her skin sounding in his ears. The whisper of silk as she retrieved her dress echoed back at him, and finally, she was leaving.

  Only then did he open his eyes, his attention shifting to his spent cock. Only, the damn thing was still standing rigid despite the mind-obliterating orgasm.

  Yep, it was safe to say he wanted her with a passion that knew no bounds. And had she not left him alone, chances were, he would’ve taken her right here in the shower, wounds be damned.

  It took a few minutes to gather his wits, but Kaj eventually shut off the water, then shuffled out of the shower only to find a plush towel waiting for him, draped over the towel warmer. Damn female. Why did she have to be so good to him? God knew he didn’t deserve it. While she was attempting to take care of him, Kaj was taking advantage of her. That damn hand job was proof. He should’ve insisted on washing himself, not requesting her to do so. But, of course, he had wanted to feel her touch, to see her hands as they moved over him. And he hadn’t been lying. Efficiency wasn’t something he was capable of considering bending at the waist was damn near impossible. The pain in his chest was searing, a reminder that he was still healing though he wasn’t sure why the fuck it was taking so long.

  As for the happy ending … well, he hadn’t expected it, nor had he done anything to prevent it.

  It wouldn’t surprise him if Acadia never came back. He wouldn’t blame her, that was for damn sure.

  He grunted as he attempted to dry himself, then gave up, tossing the towel onto the counter by the sink. He moved over, intending to brush his teeth, but stumbled, the pain in his chest blooming into a firestorm. It was all he could do to brace himself on the marble countertop, somehow managing to remain upright even as his vision dimmed.


  He lifted his head, met those beautiful eyes in the mirror. “I’m sorry, Acadia.”

  “You have nothing to apologize for,” she said softly, concern etched on her stunning face. “Aside from your rudeness afterward, that is.”

  A smile pulled at his mouth despite the agony ripping through his insides.

  “We must get you back in bed.”

  He stared longingly at the toothbrush sitting in the little burgundy cup on the counter.

  “Let me help you, Kaj.”

  It was then he realized she’d moved closer, standing directly behind him.

  While he remained where he was, elbows locked, palms flat on the counter, Acadia turned on the water, wet the toothbrush, applied paste, then cut the water off. She passed the loaded brush his way, then offered her assistance so he could stand. It was likely the most ungraceful attempt to brush teeth, but Kaj managed with Acadia’s help. When he was finished, she offered him a cup of water. He swished and spit, the cup being taken from his hand. Acadia then cleaned the brush, placed it back in its holder, and led him back to the bedroom.

  “Wait,” she called out.

  Kaj exhaled his frustration. Getting horizontal was no longer a choice, but a necessity. If he didn’t, he feared he would pass out.

  Suddenly, a soft towel was swiped over his back, his ass, down his thighs. Acadia worked the cotton around to his front, successfully drying him. When she made a pass over his aching cock, he grunted, did his best not to think about her mouth on him.

  And then he was finally in the bed, flat on his back, blankets pulled up over his hips.

  Only then did he realize he was breathing hard, something his well-honed lungs weren’t used to. The pain was a constant now, his muscles weak from exertion. He knew Acadia was aware of his discomfort because she was eyeing him with concern.

  When she reached to fluff his pillow, he gently touched her wrist.

  “I don’t deserve your help,” he said softly, trying to get comfortable as more pain ricocheted through his chest.

  “I believe you do.” Her soft hand curled over his bicep. “Now sleep, Kaj. I’ll bring your morning meal shortly and you’ll also feed. Until then, rest.”

  Unable to help himself, he stared up at her, kept watching until he could no longer hold his eyes open.

  Her face was the last thing he saw before he drifted off, and before he succumbed to exhaustion and pain, he sent up a prayer that her face would be the first thing he saw when he woke.

  Chapter Eight

  “Tell me, why is it we never had a club like this back in Seattle?” Blāz asked.

  Figuring it was rhetorical, Mirakel didn’t bother to respond as he maneuvered through the horde of bodies filling the space. The place was wall-to-wall packed with both humans and vampires, the air ripe with the scent of cheap perfume and sex, and there was no question where the latter was coming from. Everywhere he looked, there were fornicating bodies, humans being used in every manner possible. All as a means to conceal the fact the vampires were feasting on veins.

  Mirakel had never understood the fetish of taking a human vein. It didn’t provide sustenance, so what was the point?

  Then again, until Briony, Mirakel had never known how erotic feeding could be. Since her … well, he almost saw the appeal.

  Almost being the key word.

  As they moved through the space, Mirakel felt the eyes turning toward them, watching, assessing. Though the humans wouldn’t understand what the draw was, the vampires were sensing who they were. It wasn’t necessarily their size that had the males in the space judging them, more so the power they would pick up on. As members of the Zenith, they had more abilities than civilian vampires. They had to, after all, considering they were tasked with protecting the Alpha.

  “I wouldn’t even trust to drink out of a glass here,” Blāz muttered.

  Mirakel peered back over his shoulder to see Blāz’s attention had been dragged to a pair of naked male vampires who were currently locked in a cage. They didn’t seem at all disappointed by their inability to get free, either, having found plenty of entertainment with one another.

  When he turned back to scan the space once more, Mirakel found himself nearly face-to-face with the vampire who owned this place. Or rather, the traitor.

  “Well, well. Looks as though the Alpha’s sent out his hit squad,” Darko remarked, his black eyes locking on Mirakel’s face. “Where is he these days, anyway?”

  Mirakel didn’t bother to respond. It was all he could do not to wrap his fingers around the male’s neck and squeeze.

  As though reading his thoughts, Darko chuckled. “You have nothing to fear from me, warrior.”

  “I know.”

  That didn’t seem to please the male who clearly believed all other vampires should bend the knee for him.

  “So what brings you by?”

  “Just checking out the local night life,” Blāz stated, stepping up to Mirakel’s side. “Interesting place you got here.”

  “I happen to be fond of it.” Darko’s gaze bounced between them. “But I can’t imagine it’s a place you’re interested in.”

  Oh, he had no fucking idea. Mirakel had great interest in it. In burning it down.

  “Where’s the wifey?” Blāz asked, his gaze dramatically swinging around the space. “It’s been a while since I’ve seen Talia.”

  Darko’s black eyes seemed to darken. “She’s around.”

  Blāz chuckled. “She was always good at that, huh? Getting around.”

  Mirakel held out his arm
to separate the two males. He wasn’t sure why Blāz was trying to incite the bastard, but the last thing they needed was to have Darko tossing them out on their asses. They had a job to do, and as long as the male’s eyes were on them, they wouldn’t be able to get it done.

  “Ignore him,” Mirakel told Darko. “He’s an asshole.”

  Darko’s thick, bushy eyebrows remained low over his eyes as though he was trying to determine the fastest way to eliminate Blāz.

  “We don’t want any trouble,” he continued. “Just here to check it out. Not many vampire hangouts around these parts.”

  “Oh, you’d be surprised.” Darko’s upper lip pulled back, his fangs flashing.

  Mirakel didn’t doubt there were plenty of underground hangouts. After he’d learned of Darko’s intention of eliminating Kaj, he’d come to realize there were plenty of vampires who were willing to align with the likes of this asshole. In fact, had Mirakel not come when he had, chances were they would’ve succeeded in taking Kaj out right here in this very building.

  “Well, feel free to hang out, enjoy the entertainment,” Darko said with a snarl. “And please, do tell Kaj I hope to see him sometime soon. The last time he promised to stop in, he never showed.”

  Oh, he’d showed. And Mirakel had led him out through the underground tunnels.

  “We’ll be sure to let him know you said hello,” Blāz said snidely. “I’m sure he’s been thinking about you.”

  Mirakel fought the urge to smile. Kaj had been thinking about Darko. They all had. After all, planning the downfall of a traitor required the male’s name to come up a time or two.

  “If you indulge in the humans, just be sure to wipe their memories before you leave.”

  Mirakel inclined his head as though agreeing, then watched Darko make his way up the short stairs to the level that overlooked what was likely intended to be a dance floor. In reality, it was nothing more than an area for body parts to congregate. The last thing these people had on their minds was dancing.


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