Scandalous Secrets

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Scandalous Secrets Page 15

by Synithia Williams

  Zoe rolled her eyes. “Okay, Pretty Ricky. You’re such a rich boy.”

  He chuckled. “I know it.”

  Once her laughter died down, she asked. “They’re giving you a hard time about me, aren’t they?”

  He shook his head. “It’s no big deal.”

  She leaned back in her chair. “It is a big deal. I know it. I’ve seen the reports and I know what they’re saying. And you know what?”

  He lifted a brow. “What?”

  Zoe shrugged. “I don’t care. They can say what they want about me. I know the truth. I’m more concerned about how it’s affecting your campaign.”

  “My campaign is stronger than this. Honestly, a lot more people are supportive of us reconnecting than are mad about what you did.”

  “The ones who aren’t happy are just louder,” she said with a cute twist of her lips.

  Byron chuckled then sobered and met her eyes. “Seriously, I knew this wouldn’t be easy. When I win, things will be just as hard if not harder. I signed up for this and I won’t complain. Besides, I wouldn’t change anything we did. I couldn’t turn my back on you like that.”

  Zoe’s lips parted slightly. The look in her eye made him want to clasp her hands until their fingers entwined. Let her know not only with words, but also with actions that he meant everything he said.

  She sat up straight and looked away. She ran a hand over the twists on her head. “Did you hear anything about the emails?”

  Heat prickled Byron’s cheeks. What the hell was wrong with him when it came to her? He slid away. “Dominic traced them to a library in Memphis. He’s working on pulling surveillance video to try and narrow down who’s coming and going.”

  Her brows drew together. “Kendell doesn’t have ties to that city.”

  He wasn’t so sure about that. Dominic’s initial dive into Kendell’s background had revealed he had traveled to Memphis for some illegal gun sales. That was years ago, and the person Kendell sold to wasn’t there anymore, but it was enough to make Byron want Dominic to keep digging. “Once I find out anything more, I’ll let you know immediately. Have you gotten any more?”

  She shook her head. “They’ve stopped. Thankfully.”

  “Good.” He’d be sure to thank Dominic for stopping them. He wouldn’t worry her about the emails now. Not until he knew there was something worth worrying about. He pointed to the papers on the table. “What’s all this?”

  Zoe huffed out a breath. “Work. I’ve got an important presentation on Monday. My new boss wants to make sure everything goes perfectly.”

  He raised a brow. “New boss?”

  She ran her fingers over the keys of her laptop. “I didn’t get the promotion.”

  She’d mentioned the promotion when he’d first brought up the idea of her moving to Jackson Falls. Even though she hadn’t made a big deal about things, he’d known she was excited about the opportunity. She’d later made an offhand comment about how the raise would help her pay for the increase in tuition at Lilah’s school.

  “Damn, Zoe, that sucks.” He immediately regretted the words. Maybe he should have said something supportive or inspirational.

  Zoe laughed drily. “It sucks so much.”

  Byron relaxed as the level of comfort he and Zoe used to have flowed between them. They’d never offered superficial words of support or comfort. Their relationship had always been built on telling the truth and saying what they felt. Which is why he felt more comfortable with his next, more direct question. “What are you going to do about it?”

  She sighed, leaned an elbow on the table and rubbed her temple. “I’m not sure yet. My friend Victoria said I should start looking for another job. I may do that, but I’ve got time and good benefits with Valtec. I’m thinking about transferring to another facility. Valtec has operations all over the world. I don’t have to stay in Greenville if I want to move up.”

  The idea of her going away, of losing contact with her again, made him want to offer up a position at Robidoux Tobacco or one of their holding companies. He tamped down the thought. He would not get upset about the possibility of something happening. He’d wait and see. Valtec had an operation in North Carolina if he wasn’t mistaken. Maybe she’d end up closer. Even if she didn’t, he shouldn’t care about how close she was. They weren’t anything more than friends.

  “If you’re thinking of transferring let me know. I can make some calls.”

  She looked as if she was about to argue then took a deep breath and met his eyes. “Honestly, that would be great.”

  The relief and appreciation in her voice made his chest expand. “That’s what family does. It’s not that big of a deal to make a phone call.”

  “Still, I appreciate the offer.” She was silent for a second. Her eyes scanned the laptop and papers in front of her. “I should get back to this.” She shuffled the papers on the table.

  He should let her get back to it, but he wasn’t tired anymore. Besides, if he left her there, she’d work all night and get no rest before having a long day with his campaign tomorrow.

  Byron shook his head. “No, it’s time for you to take a break.”

  * * *

  ZOE LOOKED UP at Byron leaning against the conference table. He had to know how good he looked. With his dark blue tie loosened around his neck, tailored dark pants and that perfectly trimmed beard he could be the spokesperson for sexy business casual. If that was a thing. If it wasn’t, all a modeling agency had to do was see him at this moment. His light brown eyes sparked with mischief and the upward tilt of his lips tempted her to walk away from the table and follow him to fun.

  Zoe rested against the high-backed soft leather chair until it rolled back slightly. Just a little bit of space to hopefully counteract the magic he created. “Just like college. You’re trying to distract me from my work.”

  He pressed a hand to his chest and widened his eyes innocently. “I’m just trying to help you out. I was on the way to the kitchen for something sweet. Come on. You can’t tell me you don’t want something sweet.”

  She wrinkled her nose. “The only thing in there is lemon meringue pie.” Byron hated lemon meringue pie.

  Byron cringed. “What the hell? Why?”

  “Your dad was craving it and Patricia indulged him. Or that’s what Elaina told me earlier before she left.”

  Byron straightened and held out his hand. “Come on. Let’s make a run.”

  Make a run was Byron’s code for going to a convenience store and buying as much junk food they could carry. That was how they’d survived judging all night dance-a-thons, studying for their statistics exams, or her favorite, when Kendell had gone out of town and she’d gone to Byron’s off-campus apartment to watch all eight Harry Potter movies in one day.

  “You can’t be serious. It’s getting late.” She looked at the time on her laptop. Not even eleven yet. She wouldn’t be going to bed for at least another two hours, but she shouldn’t drop everything to hang out with Byron like she used to.

  “When did that stop us before?” Byron asked with his lets-have-fun smile that always tempted her.

  Not once. Her resolve weakened. “What about Lilah?”

  “Where is she?”

  “In the pool house.”

  Grant suggested she and Lilah would be more comfortable in the pool house whenever they were in town. Zoe didn’t think he’d made the suggestion because he cared about their comfort, more like to further remind her she wasn’t really a part of the family, but she did prefer the pool house. She didn’t want to be in the main house with the rest of the family. She didn’t know where to go and what to do in the main house. The pool house felt more like their own space. She’d only come into the conference room because she needed to spread out. That and Lilah had been watching a horror movie that would only distract Zoe.

  “She’ll be fine. We ha
ve a house full of servants. You have a cell phone. Plus, we’ll be back in a flash.” Slowly, his long fingers slid around hers. His touch was soft and hesitant. Zoe should have pulled away. Especially since the feather-light caress of his hand on hers made her breasts feel heavy and her breathing quicken.

  She didn’t pull away. Byron’s grip firmed. He cocked his head in the direction of the door. “You know you want to. Afterward you can get right back to working on your presentation.”

  She bit her lower lip. Byron didn’t wait for her to think of reasons to say no. He tugged on her hand and Zoe stood. He kept her hand in his as he led her toward the door.

  “Let me check on Lilah first,” she said.

  He stopped and faced her. “Sure. Meet me at the front door.”

  Zoe nodded and pulled her hand back. He didn’t hesitate to release her, which she appreciated while also wondering if she would have resisted if he’d eased her closer to him, wrapped her in his arms, kissed her.

  She turned and hurried to the pool house. The entire way she listed the reasons why she didn’t need to go anywhere with Byron. But the biggest reason had nothing to do with leaving Lilah or working on the presentation. It was the way he’d looked at her when he said he couldn’t turn his back on her. For a split second she’d thought he felt more than friendship or empathy toward her. Elaina’s words teased her: If you want him all you have to do is sink in a little deeper.

  Lilah was asleep and when Zoe shook her to say she was running to the store, her daughter mumbled “okay” then pulled the blankets over her head. She should text Byron and tell him she wasn’t going to go. Instead, she grabbed her purse and rushed back to the main house.

  Fifteen minutes later they walked through the door of a convenience store not far from the Robidoux Estate.

  “I can’t believe we used to find this fun.” Zoe grinned and looked at the aisles of chips and candy. A soda fountain station with a multitude of various drinks and slushies took up one wall while hot dogs and sausages rolled on metal wheels across from them.

  “It’s still fun. Let’s go.” Byron placed his hand on the small of her back and guided her toward the massive fountain drink station.

  Zoe grabbed the largest cup and immediately filled it with a mixture of all the sodas in the fountain. Byron followed suit but stuck with a mixture of the fruity drinks. They joked and laughed as they wandered down the snack aisle. They approached the register armed with not only their drinks but a variety of candy, salt and vinegar pork skins and Moon Pies, too.

  “Hey, you’re Byron Robidoux.” The attendant with a name tag that read Gary pinned to his shirt pointed at Byron before ringing up their items. “You’re running for Senate, right?”

  Byron nodded and held out a hand. “I am. It’s nice to meet you, Gary.”

  Gary pumped Byron’s hand up and down. “Tell me why I should vote for you.”

  Zoe blinked at the direct question before crossing her arms and looking at Byron. She’d expected him to hesitate or maybe be thrown off, but instead, Byron nodded and met Gary’s direct gaze before answering his question. Zoe listened as he talked about his plans to improve health care, address student loan debt and increase national security. Other patrons came over and listened as Byron spoke passionately and sincerely about how he’d like to make change. When he finished Gary was grinning.

  “You got my vote,” Gary said. “Can I take a selfie?”

  Byron chuckled. “Sure.”

  Gary pulled out his cell phone, turned his back toward Byron and held up his phone so the camera faced him and Byron. Byron didn’t hesitate to pull Zoe close to his side for the picture. Zoe grinned and wrapped her arm around Byron’s waist. He was hard and hot against her side. Her entire body burned, and she fought not to squirm or press closer to him while Gary took several shots.

  “Thanks!” Gary finally said. “I knew you were cool.”

  “I’m glad you think so,” Byron replied.

  “You know, you two make a cute couple,” Gary said and rang up their items.

  Zoe opened her mouth to deny it, but then stopped and waited for Byron to say something instead. He glanced at Zoe, gave her a half smile and shrug then looked away.

  They rode back with light casual conversation, but Zoe couldn’t help but think about what the attendant had said. Calling them a couple. How many times had people mistaken them for a couple in college? How many times had she wondered what it would be like to really be with Byron? To believe he wasn’t just interested in her because she challenged him or because he’d wanted to “steal” her away from Kendell.

  Today their relationship wasn’t about her challenging him and she wasn’t with anyone else. She felt something between them. Something she didn’t want to admit was there.

  They both reached for their drinks in the center console of the car. Their hands touched. Byron stopped talking midsentence. Zoe froze. The space inside the car constricted for the duration of a heartbeat.

  Zoe rested her hand more firmly on her cup. “What were you saying?” Her voice was slightly shaky.

  Byron left his hand on his cup. “I was saying...tonight was fun.”

  Zoe smiled and glanced away. “Yeah. It was.”

  They didn’t pull their hands back for the rest of the ride. A charged silence filled the car and all too soon they were back at the estate. Byron parked in front of the house.

  Zoe put her hand on the door. “Are you coming back in?”

  He shook his head. “Nah. It was a long day. I should get home. Yolanda called earlier. I need to call her back.”

  Zoe’s smile stiffened. She remembered when his phone rang. He’d silenced it and put it back in his pocket without a second look. She may be free, but he wasn’t. “Yeah, you should get back.”

  She opened the car door. Byron’s hand wrapped around hers. Zoe froze and turned back to him. She could easily break the contact. She should break the contact. She didn’t.

  He slid his fingers through hers. Zoe’s pulse pounded in her ears. Heat flowed like lava through her chest, down to her midsection and pooled at the juncture of her thighs. She struggled to breathe. She hadn’t felt a rush of desire this strong in years.

  This yearning wasn’t good. A part of her didn’t care. That part urged her to grab his face and pull that oh so kissable lower lip between her teeth. That part knew Byron wouldn’t push her away if she did.

  “Zoe, I...” His voice was deep, rough and heavy with longing.

  As much as she wanted to know if she really could have Byron, she wasn’t the type of person to play the side piece. He was engaged. She’d already noticed the way Yolanda watched them whenever Zoe came up for campaign appearances. She continued to smile and be friendly, but the woman was smart. She had to have noticed the way Zoe could barely keep her eyes off Byron. They couldn’t do this.

  Zoe pulled her hand out of his quickly before she went with the urge. “Good night, Byron.”

  She heard his rough, “‘Night, Zoe,” as she rushed out of the car.


  ZOE COULDN’T DENY that Byron’s campaign dinner was outstanding. The donors who’d payed one thousand dollars a plate to be here were some of the most influential people in the state. The speeches were made, additional donations were agreed upon and the brokering of unofficial deals started. Now the party was in full swing. The band played music that had people on the dance floor, and the alcohol flowed freely.

  Yolanda had been at Zoe’s side during the entire event. The two of them acted like long friends. They put on a great show for everyone about how accepting they were. Yolanda told everyone who listened that she was thrilled to learn Byron had a child. That they were blessed to have Lilah as a part of their family. Zoe did her part by saying she was happy to no longer keep the secret and introduce her daughter to his father. The level of cooperation was all very a
dmirable and adult of them.

  The only problem was with every smile, every slip of Yolanda’s arm through hers as if they were sisters, every comment about how splendid it was that they were getting along, Zoe wanted to scream. Not just a scream of frustration, but a soul-deep scream of agony. She wasn’t sure how she’d continue to do this. She didn’t want to ruin Byron’s chance to win, but last night with the talk about his campaign, the moment he took her hand and the trip to the convenience store, Zoe realized something she hadn’t wanted to admit.

  She wanted Byron. Not as a friend. Not as the person helping her protect Lilah from her ex. Not just for one night to see what things would be like between them. She wanted a full-blown relationship. She wanted to see if the sparks between them could translate into something meaningful. Basically, she wanted something that could never happen.

  “What’s wrong with you? You look like someone punched you in the kidney.” Elaina’s cultured Southern belle voice broke into Zoe’s thoughts.

  The two of them sat at the head table for the family. Byron and Yolanda were across the room, arm in arm, smiling and laughing as if they were deeply in love. For all she knew they were in love. She was the one tangled up in a very awkward and unwanted attraction.

  But was it one-sided?

  The thought teased her from the moment she’d gotten out of his car. The way he’d held her hand. The look in his eye. Was it real or just her projection?

  Zoe avoided Elaina’s gaze. “Nothing’s wrong.”

  Elaina turned in her seat so she faced Zoe. She was stunning tonight in a designer black dress. Her hair fell in a thick wave to her shoulders, makeup flawless and a perfume that had even made Zoe lean in for an extra whiff. “Then why are you scowling?” Elaina placed her elbow on the table and leaned toward Zoe. A champagne flute filled with the sparkling liquid rested between her fingers. “And why are you scowling while looking at my brother and his fiancée?”


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