Scandalous Secrets

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Scandalous Secrets Page 19

by Synithia Williams

  The only light on was in the living room. Byron sat sprawled out on one of the couches in a white T-shirt and dark green pajama pants. He looked up from the book in his hands, a mystery novel, when she stood at the back of the couch.

  “I didn’t think you’d come back down.” His voice was soft and slightly relieved. His brown eyes appeared more golden in the muted lamplight. He turned on the couch to face her.

  Zoe licked her dry lips. “I wasn’t sure if I would.”

  She’d known he would be down here waiting on her. She understood just as much as he that they needed to talk. Not just about what happened in the hot tub, but also the suggestion his family made. She believed Byron hadn’t said everything he’d said earlier that day as part of some plot to put her in the spot Yolanda vacated, but she didn’t trust his family to twist anything between them into something not resembling the healthy relationship she both wanted and finally realized she deserved.

  His hand covered hers on the back of the couch. His touch warm and steady. “Sit down.”

  Zoe hesitated for a second then came around. Byron swung his legs off the couch so she could sit next to him. Her stomach was a tangle of knots. She didn’t know the best place to start untwisting them.

  She settled on starting with the most immediate situation. “Your family made a good point earlier. I also heard your reply. You said no, but you were considering what they said.”

  Byron slid closer to her. “My family is always going to try to find the angle that benefits us the best. I can’t change them, but what I can do is promise you that I’ll never make any decision that affects you without talking to you or considering your feelings. I don’t care about the points they made. All I care about is what’s right for us. What I said earlier hasn’t changed.”

  She believed him, and that further twisted the knots in her stomach. She hadn’t put her trust in anyone other than herself for years. She knew Byron and didn’t doubt he meant what he said, but doubt still whispered in her ear. The only way to silence the voice was to face her fears head-on.

  Zoe met his eyes and watched him closely. “I trust you, but I don’t know if this is the right move. How will things work out? Will we eventually hurt each other?”

  He didn’t look away. Calculation didn’t cloud his gaze nor did it filter into his voice. “Zoe, listen to me. If we do this then it’s because we both want to make this work. Not for the election and not just to protect Lilah.” His hand squeezed hers. “What do you want? Tell me and I’ll make it happen.”

  No matter how hard she’d worked to be okay with going after what she wanted without fear and accept the good things in her life, expressing her wishes out loud still made her feel as if she were that girl whose mother humiliated her in front of a class for daring to be proud of doing well. She thought of the way Byron treated her. Not just recently, but the unwavering friendship, encouragement and support he’d offered when they were friends. The way he was so patient and sweet with Lilah. How he looked at her as if she was special and worth his love.

  “I never believed you when you said that before.”

  His body stilled. He tried to pull back, but her hand tightened on his. She took a long breath and tackled the second knot between them. “I didn’t believe you because I didn’t think what you offered was how relationships were supposed to be.”

  His brows drew together. “I don’t understand.”

  “That’s because you never met my parents. All they did was argue and fight. It wasn’t anything for my dad to slap my mom just to end an argument. My mom would hit back. Then they’d be in each other’s arms again later that day. My mom told me and my sister that people in love acted that way. My dad spoiled her with clothes, money, jewelry and they both seemed to thrive off that life. I thought that was what real love was. Not the fairy-tale stuff on television. Kendell gave me what I grew up seeing. By the time I realized my view of relationships was screwed up and I needed out, I got pregnant. Then my only focus was getting away from him and giving my child better than what I had.”

  Byron’s attention wasn’t the only thing that helped her come to that conclusion. Getting away from her parents, seeing other women in college thrive and not put up with similar bullshit, and the slow realization that Kendell’s offer to pay for her bills, books and other items was his way of slowly gaining more and more control over her life. All that helped her realize things needed to change.

  “Later, when your mom accused me of taking advantage of you, I couldn’t deny it.”

  “I knew what I was doing,” he said firmly.

  “I know you did. I knew that if I married you all of my problems would be over, but I really did need to find out who I was first. Who I was and what I wanted. I couldn’t be with you if I didn’t learn to love myself again.”

  “And now?”

  Zoe let go of the fear and doubt and said words she’d been too afraid to speak for too long. “I want you.” She leaned into him. “I want us.”

  The light that came into his eyes made joy explode in her heart. He placed his hand on the back of her head and pulled her in until their foreheads touched. “You have no idea how long I’ve wanted to hear you say that.” His voice trembled.

  Her stomach clenched. “Seriously?” Insecurity and doubt made her voice weaker. How could he be that emotional just for her?

  His eyes never left hers. “Seriously.”

  Zoe ignored the voice in her head that wondered if she could live up to the adoration in his eyes. For now this was enough. She pressed her lips to his. “I want you, Byron Robidoux.”

  His head slanted and he kissed her harder. Zoe opened her mouth and let him deepen the kiss. The flame of passion he’d ignited earlier that day flared to life. Her hands slid over his strong shoulders and down his arms. His body trembled and he pressed into her as if he couldn’t get enough of her.

  Zoe broke the kiss. Byron’s lips trailed across her cheek to her neck where he lightly nipped then sucked. Desire shot straight to her sex where slick heat pooled.

  “Come to my room,” she said in a thick voice.

  Byron shook his head. Zoe’s heart dropped. There was no way he could kiss her like that after she poured her heart out and then send her to bed alone.

  “My room is closer,” he said with a sexy smile.

  She smiled so hard her cheeks hurt. Byron stood and took her hand. She grabbed his and followed him to his downstairs bedroom. As soon as the door closed, they were in each other’s arms. He undressed her slowly. He reverently kissed every inch of skin he revealed. His lips and tongue traced decadent patterns across her skin. She wanted his lips on her breasts, her stomach, the aching spot between her thighs. Zoe twisted and tugged to get his clothes off faster.

  By the time they lay naked on the bed Zoe thought her body couldn’t take any more. Byron pulled her into his arms until the front of her naked body was flush against his. The next kiss was slower. His long legs tangled with hers as his hand ran down her side and back up.

  He pressed her onto her back and cupped her breast in his hand. He took the hard tip into his mouth and sucked deep. Zoe arched her back. Her hips lifted off the bed as a low, desperate moan vibrated through her chest. His other hand lowered to the junction of her thighs. His fingers gently spread her open and slid across her slick sex.

  Zoe gasped and dug her nails into his shoulder. Her legs opened wide and Byron didn’t hesitate. One long finger slid deep inside her. His mouth never lifted from her breast and he worshipped her nipple while his fingers sent her to heaven. But his finger wasn’t enough.

  Lowering her hand, she wrapped her fingers around his dick. He was so thick and hard, just the thought of him filling her made her moan, “Byron.”

  “Mmm hmm,” He moaned, sounding pleased with himself.

  He slid down her body. His teeth nipped at her thighs right before his tongue
brushed over the sting. Her legs spread wide; he didn’t hesitate. His firm tongue ran across her slick core. Zoe reached down and dug her nails into his shoulders. She tried to bite her lip to hold back her cries. It had been too long. Too long since anyone touched her, kissed her like this. Too long since she’d felt pleasure. Too long since she’d felt cherished.

  Her leg shook. “Byron!” His name was both a plea to stop and go on forever.

  One long finger pushed inside her, then two, then those wonderful lips of his closed over the pearl and tugged softly. Her body convulsed. Her fingers dug deeper into his shoulder. Her cry filled the room.

  He pulled away to get a condom and was back in her arms before any of the heat left her body. Zoe opened her arms and pulled him back to her. Byron lifted one of her legs over his hip and slid into her with one long, exquisite stroke. Zoe’s head pressed back into the pillow. Her eyes shut as bliss took over her body.

  His lips brushed her jaw, her neck, her cheeks, but always came back to her lips. There was no rush or urgency to his movement. He took a hold of her heart and soul with each long, deep thrust and tender kiss.

  He pressed his forehead against hers. “Zoe.” He whispered her name. Her name on his lips, spoken as if he were in the center of paradise.

  He pushed deep, filling her and pressing against her sensitive clit. Zoe’s body shook from another wave of rapturous pleasure. Happiness, pleasure and affection squeezed her heart so tight she knew he was forever imprinted there.


  BYRON WOKE UP with Zoe next to him and couldn’t stop a smile from spreading across his face. He turned onto his side and pulled her back against his front. She moaned softly and snuggled against him.

  The night before had been everything he’d imagined and more. He had no other words to describe it. For the first time he didn’t feel as if they were in a one-sided relationship. Knowing Zoe not only wanted him, but also trusted him, was a gift he didn’t deserve, wouldn’t refuse and would always cherish.

  She’d given hints about her parents’ relationship before when they’d hung out, but the night before was the first time she explained how their relationship impacted her. He could relate. He’d grown up in a house where relationships were bartered and sold like goods at a flea market. Back then he’d thought his protection was all Zoe would need to love him. Now he could see the arrogance of that thought. He hated the years they’d lost, but those years had given them both time to realize what they truly wanted out of a relationship.

  Zoe sighed softly and her backside shifted. His dick thickened and his blood heated. She was soft, warm and smelled so damn good. His hand cupped her breast and her nipple hardened. Images of lifting her leg, sliding in and starting their morning off right made his smile widen.

  His cell phone rang. Loudly. The accompanying vibration made the harsh interruption worse.

  Zoe groaned and buried farther into the covers. Byron glared at the offending device across the room. He wanted to ignore it more than anything in the world, but couldn’t afford to in the middle of a campaign.

  “Make it stop,” Zoe moaned and pulled the covers over her head.

  “I’ve got it.” Byron reluctantly jumped out of bed and hurried across the room to silence the phone. He hoped it was a call he could send to voice mail, but Dominic’s number on the screen killed that dream. “Shit, I’ve got to take this.”

  “Go outside,” Zoe mumbled from beneath the mound of covers.

  He grinned despite his irritation. “Always so bossy.” Zoe’s sleepy chuckle came from the bed. He answered the phone. “Hold on a second,” he spoke into the phone. He scanned the floor, found his pants and hurried to put them on. He crossed the door leading to the balcony.

  “Then come back and finish what you started.”

  Byron froze at the door and looked back. Zoe was still under the covers. Just imagining her warm and naked beneath was enough to make up his mind. He was getting to the point of this call with Dominic really quick.

  He slipped out the door and put the phone to his ear. “What have you found out?” The crisp mountain air chilled his skin and snatched away any lingering drowsiness. The thought of getting back in bed with Zoe was even more tempting.

  “The fire marshal’s report says it’s an electrical fire.” Dominic jumped straight to the chase. “Did Zoe ever have any electrical problems in her house before?”

  Byron leaned one hand on the balcony and stared out at the mist clinging to the mountains. “I’ll have to ask, but I doubt it. I was there and she has a newer home. It had to have been built within the last few years.”

  “Hmm...well, the report says it started in the garage. Maybe something she left plugged up.”

  “Zoe is too cautious to just leave things plugged that shouldn’t be. Did you check the surveillance video?”

  “Not yet, but I’m putting Jeanette on that. We just need the footage from the alarm company.”

  Byron nodded. “Get it. Let me know if you find anything.” He hesitated before asking the other question he didn’t want but had to. “Any more emails?”

  Dominic offered to have any further emails from the account that sent threatening messages to Zoe forwarded to him instead. Byron quickly agreed. Zoe had enough on her plate without being subjected to that mess. If it turned out to be a prank, then he and Dominic would deal with the asshole who thought calling a woman a lying bitch was funny. If it wasn’t a prank...he’d deal with that, too. Until they figured out who was behind them then she didn’t need to get them.

  “Yes, two more.”

  “What did they say?”

  “More of the same. Threats to get back at her and that she’ll get what she deserves for lying.” Frustration entered Dominic’s voice. “Except this time they didn’t originate out of Memphis. This time the emails were from Charlotte, North Carolina.”

  “Shit!” Byron rubbed his temple. They were getting closer. “Where in Charlotte?”

  “Another library. Jeanette’s team is already tracing it. What are you going to tell her?”

  Byron looked back at the door. He thought of everything Zoe had just gone through. The loss of her house and job hadn’t broken her, but she was nearing a breaking point. He couldn’t throw this on top of everything else.

  “Nothing yet.”

  “You sure?” Dominic asked, sounding unsure.

  “I am. Until we find out the person, Zoe doesn’t need any more trouble in her life.”

  “You’re the boss,” Dominic said. “Do you want me to look further into the fire?”

  “I’ll tell her what the fire report said, but I won’t worry her about your investigation unless you find anything. Besides, she’s staying at the estate for now. She and Lilah are safest there.”

  Despite what the report said, something didn’t sit right with Byron. Not to say a newer home couldn’t have an electrical fire, but Zoe hadn’t mentioned having troubles. He didn’t want to borrow trouble, but he’d rather be sure.

  “Yes. Let me know if you find out anything.”

  “I will.”

  The call ended. Byron shivered, partially from the cold morning air and from the phone call. Now the emails were coming out of Charlotte. That was too close to Greenville and Jackson Falls for his liking. He called the head of his security team and requested they increase patrols around the estate and continue to shadow Zoe and Lilah. Then he went back inside.

  Zoe was still in bed, but she’d pushed the covers down to the tops of her breasts. “Everything okay?”

  He dropped his phone on the dresser and crossed the room. “That was Dominic.” He sat on the edge of the bed. “He got the fire report.”

  Zoe sat up quickly. “And?”

  “And it’s saying an electrical fire. Did you have any problems before?”

  Zoe frowned and twisted her mouth. �
��No. Everything was checked before I bought the house. There were no electrical issues.”

  “Something in the garage maybe?”

  “I mean... I have a deep freezer out there, the battery panel for the internet and the breaker box, but still. Why would it just burst into flames?”

  Worry seeped into her eyes. A line formed between her brows and she twisted the covers between her fingers. This was exactly what she didn’t need.

  He placed his hand over hers. “Hey, look at me.” When she did he smiled. “It’ll be okay. Right now you’re safe, Lilah is safe and you’re going to stay that way. I’ve got you.”

  Her shoulders relaxed slightly. “I know, but... I don’t like depending on you to bail me out again.”

  He shook his head. “No buts. This is just temporary. Valtec didn’t appreciate you. I know you’ll find something better. You’ve got a place at our estate until you find someplace else.” Even though he didn’t want her to leave he knew trying to hold her there would make her bolt. “And even though you don’t necessarily need it, you’ve got my shoulder to lean on. I promise you, Zoe, I’m not going anywhere.”

  Her eyes softened and she let out a long, slow breath. “You’re right. I’ll get through this.”

  “You will.”

  “Did he say anything else? Did he find out about the emails?”

  “He’s still working on those.” Not exactly a lie, but he didn’t want to see the fear come back into her eyes. He wasn’t going to let anyone hurt Zoe. Not if he could do anything to protect her.

  He could tell she wanted to ask more, so he leaned in and kissed the side of her mouth. “No more bad thoughts. Not after the night we just had.”

  Her frown morphed into a smile that brought out the dimple in her cheek. “It was a good night.”

  Byron flipped back the covers and slid in beside her. “And this morning is going to be even better.” Zoe’s giggle as he pulled her into his arms washed away the vestiges of guilt from keeping secrets trying to worm their way into his heart.


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