Fugitive (The Houston Defiance MC Series Book 3)

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Fugitive (The Houston Defiance MC Series Book 3) Page 13

by K E Osborn

  “Maybe it’s bringing up memories of his wife, and it’s making him feel guilty. You can’t blame the guy. It’s not like he chose to end his marriage. Life ended it for him…

  “It doesn’t mean in any way you’re second-best to Em… it just means you’re who he wants now. You’re the woman in his life he can see himself with. I imagine that would be scary as all hell for him.” She shrugs. “I’m not a doctor, just a pharmacist, but I’d put my money on that being your issue right there.”

  I sink back in my chair. “You think he’s scared… scared of betraying Em?”

  “Something like that. He has loyalty to her. He needs to remember that Em wouldn’t want him to cling to her forever. He has to let her go, to move on with someone new. Someone who is totally awesome, I might add,” Cherry offers.

  Smiling, I reach over the table for her hand. “Thank you. That means a lot.”

  “Take it from me, talking about things helps a lot in relationships. Miscommunications are never good. Bottling shit up and letting it all blow out of proportion is a quick way to ruin something good. Trust me, I know what I’m talking about,” Prinie tells me.

  Sounds like there’s a story there.

  Cherry reaches out, grabbing Prinie’s hand. “Then when you get on the same page, miracles happen.”

  Prinie moves her hand to her stomach, smiling brightly. “Exactly. Not always planned ones, but a miracle nonetheless.”

  “You and Wraith had a rocky road to get to where you are now?” I ask. I can’t continue to guess with their cryptic wording.

  Prinie sighs. “Rocky doesn’t even cover it. We were corrosive, completely combustible. Then add in Zero hating the idea of us being together, and it was all-out war there for a while.”

  “What happened? What changed?”

  “Life. Somehow it has a way to throw curveballs and make things happen, which seems terrible at the time, but in the end, they had to happen to bring you closer. Zero was arrested, making Wraith the president for a short time. Wraith had to step up. I was so distraught, it stopped us fighting and brought us together again… there was more, much, much more to the story, but that needs food and alcohol.”

  “You can’t drink, Prinie.” Cherry snickers.

  “Dammit. When will this baby come out? Mama needs a whiskey,” she jests.

  We all chuckle as Prinie shifts to get comfortable in her chair. “Jovie, I think the moral of this story is… these men are complicated as hell and each with their own back story. If you’re gonna stick around, if you’re gonna try and be there for Kevlar, you have to have a tough exterior and an even tougher interior. Because they will fuck with your emotions before they realize what’s right in front of them.”

  “Amen! I don’t know if it’s just because of the club they’re meant to be seen as tough, so they don’t show their emotions, but these men do not deal with their feelings that well. As long as you can put up with him trying to figure his shit out, you’ll be okay. You just gotta hold on,” Cherry affirms.

  What they’re telling me should be warning me off. It should be scaring me, making me want to run for the hills. All it’s doing though, is making me feel somewhat better. Letting me know it isn’t me who’s the problem.

  Kevlar isn’t turned off by me as such, but it’s his own emotions. I just wish I knew a way to help him.

  Cherry and Prinie are strong. They’re tough old ladies who have seen their fair share of Defiance battles, but neither of them grew up knowing their father and brothers were a part of the worst kind of criminal syndicate. In the blink of an eye, their world could be turned upside-down. With one knock at the door, their life could be taken or transformed all because of the blood that runs through the same veins.

  My family are criminals.

  Not just any criminals.

  They are the type who would murder an entire family for taking the parking spot of a Slaver at Costco. They are that spiteful.

  I have spent my life wondering when they would come.

  When they did, I wasn’t surprised by the fact they wanted me to join them. I knew that shit was coming, but I never wanted that life. It’s why I was studying law, to bring those fuckers down. I know what it’s like having men who are emotionally unavailable in my life. My father and brothers are a testament to that.

  Can I wait for Kevlar to open up to me?

  As long as my family doesn’t find me first, I have all the time in the world.


  I spoke to Ethan about going over for dinner. Sadie was adamant that Jovie comes too. Initially, I was hesitant, but maybe this will be a good way to ease any tension between us about last night.

  We still haven’t discussed it. I’m not even sure if we will. I need Jovie to understand my feelings about her haven’t changed at all, so I have to do this. If Sadie wants to see Jovie, then what my baby girl wants, my baby girl gets.

  Striding over to Jovie who’s sitting with Cherry, Prinie, and Savanah, I amp myself up. The four women have been together talking for most of the day, so who knows what mischief they’re getting in to. I step into view, and they all peer up at me.

  “Well, well… if it isn’t the devil himself?” Savanah declares.

  “What the fuck?”

  “We were just talking about you.”

  “All day,” Prinie mumbles under her breath.

  “I mean, honestly, how can one guy keep four women entertained for so many hours?” Savanah chuckles.

  I furrow my brows as Jovie stands. “Ignore them. Are you okay?”

  Reaching out for Jovie’s hand, her eyes meet mine. “I’m heading to Ethan’s for dinner. Sadie’s desperate to see you.”

  “Me? She wants me to come to dinner… at your brother’s house?”

  “Only if you want to. No pressure.”

  She glances back at the three women who are wide-eyed and staring at her, desperate for her answer, though not as desperate as I am.

  Savanah gives Jovie a light shove, pushing her closer to me.

  I smirk as Jovie places her palm on my chest for support, and I grip her wrist while staring at her.

  “Yeah, okay, I’d love to come to dinner.”

  My pulse beats a little faster as I bob my head. “Then, I’m glad you’re wearing appropriate clothing because we’re leaving now.”

  Her eyes bug open. “Appropriate… for what?”

  I stifle a laugh as Cherry and Prinie shake their heads. “You’re going for a ride, Jovie. You have to learn while you’re here, you gotta be prepared to get on a bike at a moment’s notice.”

  Savanah gasps as Jovie turns back to me. “Really? Are we going on your bike?”

  “Hell, yeah, sunshine. C’mon, let’s go.” I grab her hand in mine, leading her toward the exit.

  “Have fun, Jovie,” Cherry calls out.

  “Go live on Insta while you’re riding, so I can live vicariously through you,” Savanah yells.

  “I don’t have Insta. I’m on a burner, remember?”

  “And it’s dangerous, Sav,” I add.

  “Spoiled sport!” Savanah folds her arms over her chest in a huff as I race Jovie out of the clubhouse toward my ride. She’s giggling like she’s excited, which makes this easier. The fact I haven’t had another woman on the back of my bike since Em doesn’t get by me. But I need to push that out of my mind. I need to focus on Jovie. I’ve already let the ghosts of the past interfere with us last night. I can’t let Jovie think she’s competing with a dead woman. She’s not. This is all on me.

  Her eyes glide over my bike as she exhales in delight. “She’s a real beauty.”

  I bring my fingers up, sliding a strand of hair behind her ear. “Yeah, she is.”

  A flush crosses over Jovie’s face as I pass her the helmet, then move my leg over my ride. “Okay, have you ridden on the back of a bike before?”

  “Uhh… nope.”

  Somehow that makes my cock jerk against the seam of my jeans. Knowing I’m the first to
do this with her makes it all the more special. “Okay, well, you gotta hold on around my waist, not too tight as it restricts me. Lean into the corners, but not so far, the bike topples over. But most importantly, don’t press your legs against the pipes. That shit stings.”

  “Squeeze, lean, avoid. Got it!”

  “All right, then, sunshine, slide on in here.”

  “That sounded like an innuendo.” She waggles her brows.

  I let out a laugh. “C’mon, let’s go, or we’ll be late.”

  She leans in, and I do up the strap of the helmet under her chin, then bop her once on the head. “You look gorgeous.”

  She grabs hold of my shoulders, moving in behind me effortlessly.

  A perfect fit.

  It’s like she fucking belongs on the back of my bike.

  Her arms slide around my waist, gripping me to her as I start the engine. It roars to life, and her thighs clench tighter around me. I smile, knowing what that means.

  She’s turned on.

  Gotta love the power of a Harley.

  I duck-walk the bike back, then slowly give my ride some power, edging her toward the gate. I wait for the gate to register my bike and automatically open. Then, once I have room to move, I rev my engine. “Hold on, sunshine.”

  She tightens her grip on me as I pull back, taking off at breakneck speed, and Jovie squeals as we jolt with the force. My rear tire slides out slightly, but I catch it quickly as I ride faster than I probably should, seeing as I’m making my way to a cop’s home.

  Jovie’s tight squeeze begins to loosen on me as she relaxes into the ride. With the breeze on my skin and Jovie at my back, it’s doing something to me. I wasn’t sure I would ever feel this again. Honestly, I’ve known Jovie all of a hot minute, but there’s something here. I knew it the second I laid eyes on Em too. It’s not the same emotion, though. With Em it was different, not better, not worse, just different. The last few years after Em died, I felt like a part of me died too.

  Being with Jovie, it’s like not only a part of me has come back to life, but something else has awoken. There’s something about her that instantly has me feeling like I’m someone else.

  Someone better than the man I’ve become.

  That’s the sensation I had with Em.

  She changed me into a different man.

  But Jovie is changing me into a better man.

  Damn, if it doesn’t feel fucking good.

  I round the corner, probably too fast for Jovie’s first time on my ride, and she screams into my ear, not out of fear but in excitement. I laugh as she clings to me tighter.

  “Woo hoo!” Jovie calls out, throwing her hands into the air as we take the long stretch down to Ethan’s home. I love this side of Jovie—she’s definitely Defiance material.

  Dropping the gears, I turn into the pristine drive in the swanky suburb of River Oaks. Ethan lives in one of the richest sections inside the city of Houston. The image he wants to portray to the world says more about him than anything. So, me showing up here tonight on my bike, wearing my colors, is going to aggravate him to no end.

  Because his neighbors will be watching—they always are.

  Do I care? Not one bit!

  Turning off the engine, I kick out the stand as Jovie lets out a delighted sigh. “Holy shit! That was everything, Kevlar.”

  I tap her leg as she slides off from behind me while the door to the house swings open.

  Ethan rushes out, his face bright red as he throws his hands in the air. “Fucking hell, Liam, how many times have I told you—”

  “When I come over, to drive the truck. I know, I know,” I interrupt his rant.

  “And you’re wearing your fucking cut. Jesus Christ! Old man Johnson will probably call the station.”

  I slide off my bike, all the joy from my ride slowly vaporizes.

  He needs to lighten the fuck up.

  “Ethan, they all know I’m your brother.”

  “Did you ride without a helmet?” He completely ignores me.

  As I lean in, undoing Jovie’s strap, I roll my eyes. “I put mine on Jovie, so she could be safe.”

  “And you think you riding over here to a cop’s house, without a helmet on, is a good look? Is a good impression for your children?”

  “Fuck! Ethan, is the entire night going to be about how much of a screw-up I am?”

  Jovie stands back folding her arms over her chest, glaring at Ethan.

  “Maybe if you didn’t screw up so much, I wouldn’t have to be on you. Seriously? I mean, Jovie, why didn’t you tell him to wear a helmet?”

  I go to blast him for bringing her into this, but she places her hand up. “Ethan, first of all, I’m not Kevlar’s mother. I don’t and won’t tell him what to do. Second, you’re not his father, so neither should you. So, I suggest you back the hell down so we can have a nice dinner with the family.”

  Ethan narrows his eyes on Jovie. “You’re not family, though… are you?”

  “No, but honestly, the way you treat Kevlar, are you guys really family? You’re more like a dictator because you hold that badge,” she enunciates the last two words.

  Ethan glares at Jovie as I take a step forward. “Okay, let’s stop this hostility between us and just go in to see my kids. They’re the reason we’re all here. Agreed?”

  Everyone nods, then we turn for the door.

  Lou’s standing watching us with a frown on her face. She glares at Ethan as he walks up to her, placing a kiss on her cheek. “You need to do better, honey,” she berates.

  Ethan grumbles, heading inside as Lou plasters on her killer smile for Jovie and me. She wipes her palms on her apron and places her hands out for Jovie. “Hi, I’m Louisa, but everyone calls me Lou. I’m Ethan’s better half. You must excuse him for being a complete asshole. He’s having trouble at work and likes to take it out on those who mean the most to him…” she turns to look at Kevlar, “… which means you, Liam.”

  I exhale. “What’s happening at work?”

  She peeks back inside then to me. “He wouldn’t want me to say, but he’s been copping some abuse from the other officers about the Baron and all the shit with you. They’re saying Ethan’s dirty.”

  My entire body slumps. Jovie places her hand on my back for support.

  “Fuck! I never meant to bring Ethan’s integrity into question. Hell, I had no idea he was in the firing line.”

  Lou steps forward, gripping my bicep. “He knows. He really doesn’t mean to take it out on you, but as I said, you take it out on those you love the most, right?”

  “Is he treating you like shit? The kids?”

  Lou gasps. “Oh, God no, he’d never snap at the kids. He adores them far too much. He can snap at me sometimes, but I manage to talk him down. He’s stressed. So, maybe remember that if things get heated… I’m not condoning his behavior now… but just letting you know why it’s happening.”

  Jovie gnaws on her bottom lip. “I was such a bitch to him. He’s gonna hate me. Some great impression I’m giving off.”

  Lou tilts her head to the side. “You stood up for Liam, and that’s all that matters. Ethan will see that and that you care enough about Liam to make war with Ethan over it. Trust me, lady balls count.”

  “I sure hope so.”

  Lou grabs us both, pulling us toward the door. “C’mon, I made tacos, enchiladas, and fajitas.”

  “All three?”

  “Sadie and Lucas couldn’t decide on one. They wanted tonight to be special, so we’re having a Tex-Mex feast.”

  “Does that mean you’re doing your famous queso tonight, too?”

  “Of course! Sadie knew it was your favorite cheat meal, so she wanted Jovie to try it.”

  “I can’t wait. And what do you mean cheat meal?” Jovie exclaims as her stomach rumbles.

  Lou tilts her head. “You haven’t noticed? Liam is crazy about keeping fit, always eating salad or meat and veg whenever we eat out instead of junk food. Always trying to keep a clea
n lifestyle.”

  Jovie lets out a small laugh. “Ha! Honestly, since we met, he’s eaten anything and everything. Gumbo, beignets, breakfast tacos… actually quite a lot of normal food. I don’t think I’ve seen you eat one salad?”

  I widen my eyes at the realization.

  Jovie’s right.

  Since New Orleans, I seem to have let go of whatever it was holding me to that lifestyle. I think when Em died, I wanted to stay healthy. Watching her fade away triggered something in me to always keep my body at its best.

  Sure, I’m not eating unhealthily, just not starving myself of the good things in life.

  But now, I’m living life because you only have one.

  I can only put this down to one thing—Jovie.

  She makes me want to celebrate life.

  To live it.

  I think I had already come to that realization, but I wasn’t aware I was doing it subconsciously.

  “You’re deep in thought there, big man,” Jovie whispers as we walk inside the lavish home. It’s so freaking overdone. It’s not me at all. I’m not even sure if it really is Ethan, but he lives for status, and this truly gives him that.

  “You made me realize something—”

  “Daddy!” Sadie yells out while running toward me, her hair in tight ringlets today as she wears a cute little pair of denim overalls forming a skirt above her knees, underneath a long-sleeved white tee and a pair of knee-high white socks with purple bows on the side with no shoes. She slides on the wooden floorboards, her socks giving her the momentum she needs to get to me. I laugh as she slams into my legs. “Hey, Daddy! Auntie Lou made you kissoh. Are you happy?”

  I pull her into my arms, planting a kiss on her soft cheek. “I’m always happy to see you, baby girl, and I think you mean queso.”

  She shakes her head so dramatically it’s hard to keep hold of her. “No, it’s kissoh, or maybe kissjo, short for kiss Jovie?”

  A mischievous gleam shines across Sadie’s face as her eyes shoot between Jovie and me.

  I place Sadie on the floor as she sways to and fro, holding the bottom of her skirt out. I narrow my eyes on her with a smirk. “How do you know I haven’t?”

  Sadie jumps up and down, her eyes widening as she points to Jovie. “Did you kiss my daddy?”


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