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Love & Family: Thanksgiving (Holidays In Hallbrook Book 2)

Page 21

by Elsie Davis

  “Kyle had a stomachache, and he was crying and asking for me. So, your dad called and asked for my help.” She winced as she said the last words. “I’m sorry. I know you warned me about getting too close, but sometimes things happen out of our control. I never wanted to hurt him.” Gemma wrapped her arms around her midsection and stared into the fire.

  “He’s a cute kid and it’s hard to resist his charm.” Jake grinned, knowing Kyle had a way to make you want to give him the world, and he appreciated Gemma felt the same way. She’d dropped everything and had come running because Kyle wanted her. Every moment she spent with his son, proved over and over, she was nothing like his ex-wife. Gemma may not have had any kids, but she was a better mother to Kyle than his ex-wife had ever been. Not to mention a better person and a better friend.

  “We can definitely agree on that. You look exhausted. Want to talk about it?” Being kind, and always intuitive to others and their needs, came naturally to Gemma.

  “Not really. Living through it once was enough. Enough to say it was a horrible accident and I’m hoping all three people make it.”

  “Why don’t you sit by the fire and I’ll fix you a cup of tea.”

  “Sounds like a plan. And thanks.” She walked out of the room, his heart silently calling her back. There were things they needed to discuss.

  Gemma returned with two cups of tea, surprising him.

  “Are you still leaving tomorrow?” It was safer than talking about the kiss because right now, she seemed far too kissable. And he was too tired to do the proper justice required to return her twenty-dollar kiss.

  “I’m not sure anymore. I mean, I guess I am. It’s what I should do. A lot of things have come to light since I last saw you. Crazy stuff. My dad asked me to stay and I’ve been considering it all day.” Gemma’s gaze never left his face, but luckily, she couldn’t see his heart do a somersault.

  She was considering staying. And he hadn’t missed her use of the word dad. He wanted to know everything, but he’d let her tell him in her own way, and in her own time.

  “What’s to think about? Don’t you have to be back to work on Monday morning?”

  “I do.” She took a deep breath, her finger tapping against the side of the teacup. “In the beginning, you thought I was a lousy daughter who never visited her father. Now you know I’d never even met him before the day I met you. But what you don’t know is that my dad has an album filled with pictures of me. Of my life.”

  Gemma had found the album. Either that or Chad had come clean. Jake had known it would be traumatic, which was why he’d never told her. “I’ve seen it.”

  “You have?”

  “I saw it once at Chad’s house. He had been looking at it and put it away when I arrived. Another time, I discovered it laying out, and I couldn’t resist the temptation to flip through the album, knowing whatever was in it was causing him a great deal of heartache. I figured that’s what you were talking about the day you mentioned the pictures.”

  “No, I was referring to the three on a table in his bedroom.”

  “I realized that after but decided it was better not to get involved in something between you and your father. We both wanted the same thing. You wanted me to ask Chad about the truth, and I wanted you to ask him yourself.”

  Gemma let out a heavy sigh. “Well, it turns out the reason I didn’t know who my dad was, is because after my mom told him about the baby, she gave him a choice. The baby and her, or the rodeo. Kind of a no-looking-back deal. She made him promise to stay out of our lives, but every chance he got, he came to see me. My dad loves me.” Her eyes misted with tears.

  “Anyone who sees him with you can tell that much. What’s not to love?” Jake smiled, trying to edge around the seriousness of his words because they were true.

  “And you know what else? He’s still in love with my mother.”

  “You’re kidding. The interview?”

  “That was her. But he’s sworn me to secrecy, and besides me, you’re the only other one who needs to know what’s going on, considering you’re his doctor and all.”

  Jake stifled a yawn. “Are you thinking of taking Chad up on his offer?” Jake held his breath waiting for her answer, unsure how he wanted her to answer. It had to be her decision, and even then, there were no guarantees in life how things would turn out between them.

  “No. Not really. I’d like to. But it’s not realistic. I’m twenty-four years old, and my life is in Syracuse. As much as I want to see my dad on a more regular basis, I can’t imagine living with him. I’m too old to be living with my parents.”

  “Kyle will be heartbroken when you leave.” Jake yawned again, his eyelids beginning to droop as he fought to keep them open. Disappointment lodged deep in his chest.

  “I’ll miss him too.” Gemma set her cup down and leaned forward. “Is he the only one who’ll be heartbroken?”

  This was about the kiss. And more. It was about the mutual attraction neither one of them could deny but refused to admit. “I’m not sure I have a heart to break.” Although, there was most definitely a pain in that region when he thought of her leaving. He settled back in the chair, unable to hold himself up any longer.

  “I have to disagree. I think your heart is twice the normal size, but it’s got a hole in it that needs filling. Like a pie. It just needs all the right ingredients.”

  “You think you have the right ingredients?”

  “Yes.” A hopeful smile lit her face. It was the face of an angel. His angel. “You appear to be ready to fall out, why don’t you go upstairs and get some sleep. We can talk in the morning.”

  “I’ll stay right here. Too tired to move.” Gemma got up and covered him with a blanket.

  Sweet, sweet Gemma. Images of her smiles and laughter the past two weeks drifted through the recesses of his brain. Kyle’s laughter. His own laughter. And Brody, the dog who loved everybody. It was an entire package that would change their lives forever, and all he had to do was say the words to take the next step.

  “Gemma,” he forced his eyes to open, fixing her with his gaze, “I like pie.”

  His eyes drifted closed. The sweet smell of vanilla hit him seconds before the feel of warm lips pressed against his forehead. Odd. Jake drifted off to sleep, a smile on his face.

  * * *

  Gemma woke feeling stiff and cold. The couch might be comfortable for sitting, but it sure wasn’t ideal for sleeping. She rubbed her neck to ease the tension. She glanced around the room to get her bearings as it was still dark outside. With only a sliver of light from the outside porch light shining in, Gemma could make out the sleeping form of Jake in the armchair.

  At some point in the night, he must’ve gotten up to stoke the fire because the embers were still smoldering. And the blanket now covering her hadn’t been there when she’d fallen asleep.

  After texting her dad to let him know she was all right and that she was staying the night at Jake’s in case Kyle woke up and needed her, she’d fallen asleep. Jake’s last words echoed in her head and in her heart.

  I like pie. Three little words that held a world of promise.

  Gemma stood and stretched her limbs. She padded across the hardwood floor and made her way to the kitchen. After acquainting herself with the location of everything, she managed to get a pot of coffee brewing.

  She headed upstairs and checked on Kyle, who was still sound asleep, his cherub face curled into the pillow as he hugged his favorite stuffed turtle. It was hard not to enter the room, sit on his bed, and just watch him sleep.

  Gemma checked on Jake, smiling when she noticed he hadn’t moved either. Like father, like son. And normally like her.

  She returned to the kitchen and decided to make herself useful. She wasn’t going anywhere until she talked to Jake. She scanned the contents of the refrigerator and did the same with the cupboards, searching for breakfast choices. There wasn’t much to choose from, but just enough she could put together her recipe for pancakes. Luckily,
she could use any flavor of yogurt, and he had the other handful of ingredients, most of which were standard goods in almost any kitchen.

  Gemma found the electric frying pan and started to heat it up. Having found a pack of bacon, she cut it open and laid out the slices one by one, and then started mixing her batter.

  She’d wait till the guys woke up before she started cooking the pancakes because they wouldn’t take long, but everything was ready. She set the table for three and was getting the maple syrup out just as Kyle walked into the room.

  “Miss Gemma, you’re here. Did you spend the night with Daddy?”

  Gemma grinned, the innocence of his comment striking her as funny.

  Kyle came up to hug her and Gemma squatted to put herself at his level. His short arms wrapped around her neck, his hand still clenching his turtle.

  “Good morning, sunshine. I spent the night here to keep an eye on you for your daddy. Is that okay?”

  “Of course, silly.”

  “If you go wash up, I’ll have pancakes on your plate before you know it.”

  “Pancakes? Yippee!”

  “Shhh. Your daddy is still sleeping.” Gemma pointed to the living room.

  “Why is he sleeping in there?”

  “He was tired when he got back from doing some work with the rescue squad, and he fell asleep while we were talking.”

  “Okay. I’m going to wash my hands.” Apparently, it wasn’t a big deal she’d stayed. Kyle was more focused on breakfast. The kid had his priorities straight, and food in the belly was always the best way to start the morning.

  Gemma cooked him two small pancakes for a starter to judge his appetite. The pancakes were healthy enough, and she’d let him eat them to his heart’s content.

  Kyle returned and sat at the kitchen table just as she was putting the pancakes and bacon on his plate. “Mmmm, these look good. I bet they are the bestus because you made them.”

  “We’ll see what you think after you eat them.” Gemma laughed, ruffling his hair. She loved the way he spoke what he was thinking.

  Minutes later, he stopped eating and looked at her. “These are the bestus pancakes ever, Miss Gemma. I knew they would be.”

  “Thank you. I’m glad you love them.” Gemma gave Kyle a hug.

  She glanced up to find Jake standing in the doorway, watching her carefully. The expression on his face was different than when he first arrived home last night. Her legs turned to jelly. It was the same look she’d seen after they kissed at the booth.

  “Good morning,” he said, his deep voice rumbling through the kitchen.

  “Morning. I’ve got coffee ready; if you want some.”

  “I’d love a cup, but there’s something else I need to do first.” He pushed off from the door jamb and started her way.

  “What’s that?”

  He stopped in front of her and reached for her hand. “This.” He lowered his head and kissed her. Not a passionate kiss born of two people who couldn’t keep their hands off one another, but a loving kiss. Soft, warm, sincere. In other words, perfect.

  And in front of Kyle. Oh, no. This would confuse Kyle far more than anything she’d ever done. When Jake realized what he’d done, he’d be upset. Gemma stepped back.

  “Umm…Kyle, do you want any more pancakes?” She was trying to remind Jake he was in the room and sitting at the table right behind them. There was no way Kyle missed the kiss.

  “Yes, please. Daddy, since you kissed Miss Gemma and she made me pancakes this morning, does that mean she’s going to be my new mommy? Brad’s mom and dad kiss, and she makes him pancakes, but they’re not as good as Miss Gemma’s.”

  Gemma glanced up at Jake to see his reaction, positive he would have realized his mistake by now.

  “I’m not sure yet, buddy. But I agree, her pie is the bestus ever.” Jake’s gaze wrapped around her heart. I like pie. There was no mistaking what he meant.

  “She made pancakes, not pie, silly.” Kyle corrected Jake and went right back to eating.

  “I believe you’re right. But she made us pie at Thanksgiving.” Jake grinned, ruffling Kyle’s hair.

  Jake was letting her into his world, and it felt right. So right, she didn’t want to think about leaving later today. It had to happen, but for now, she wanted to enjoy this moment. Jake trusted and cared for her and was willing to let Kyle in on his feelings. It was way more than she had yesterday.

  “Oooh, I have a picture for you, Miss Gemma.” Kyle tore out of the room, his feet echoing as they thudded on each step.

  Jake pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her. “Are you okay with this? With us?”

  “Yes. I’m crazy about Kyle, and well, the jury’s still out on you.” She bit her lip to keep from laughing.

  “I can’t blame you. I haven’t exactly been warm and welcoming. I’m not sure how this is going to work, but I want you in my life, so I’m willing to try.”

  “Long-distance relationships are hard, but I have to go back to Syracuse. My life is there.”

  “I know. But promise me you’ll try. For Kyle…and me.” Jake looked as if he wanted to say more, but instead, he lowered his mouth to hers. This time, he kissed like a man in love, and it was one she didn’t want to end.

  He lifted his head and grinned. “Since I can’t refund your twenty dollars from the carnival, I thought I’d repay your generosity in a similar fashion.”

  “Hmmm. I think you just about got it right, but perhaps we should try again.”

  Kyle burst into the room, waving a picture, cutting off any chance for a repeat performance. “Here it is. I drew this for you, Miss Gemma.”

  Kyle handed her a picture. He’d drawn a mother, a father, and a child all holding hands and sitting in church together. Gemma’s eyes filled with tears as she remembered another picture, the one she’d drawn when she was about Kyle’s age and had hidden in her lockbox. It was a picture that represented her hopes and prayers for her own family.

  “Thank you, darling. It’s beautiful. I will treasure it forever. And I will hang it on my refrigerator, so I remember every day how lucky I am to have you in my life.”

  Chapter Seventeen

  Gemma hated to leave, but she had a five-and-a-half-hour drive ahead of her, and she still had to grab her things and get Brody. Tom’s truck was parked out front when she arrived back at her dad’s house, but the men were nowhere to be found, and neither was the dog. More than likely they were down at the barn—either that or fishing. She wasn’t worried this time because she trusted her dad to take care of him.

  Tossing her things back in the Jeep, she made her way to the barn. Sugar was in the pasture grazing along with the other horses. She’d miss the daily rides with her dad, and getting to know the GiddyUp Kids, but most of all, she’d miss seeing Jake and Kyle every day. Returning to Syracuse wasn’t what she wanted, but what other choice did she have? If she walked away from Parties Done Right, she could kiss her career goodbye.

  They’d never give her a recommendation. And for what? Jake hadn’t asked her to stay, and he hadn’t told her he loved her. Nothing between them was permanent. They were exploring options, not getting married. She couldn’t give up everything for options. It would be a mistake.

  She closed her eyes to regroup, trying to force the empty feeling in her chest away. She’d fallen in love with Jake and Kyle, and in going back to Syracuse, it was as if she was leaving a part of herself behind.

  And what of Kyle? The idea of going in and out of his life each time she and Jake visited each other made her heart ache more. Kyle deserved better than a part-time mother figure in his life, and there was no doubt in her mind, Kyle thought of her as his mommy. It was the same thing her mother had tried to protect Gemma from years ago, and it wasn’t right to do it to Kyle now. A child’s heart was a fragile thing, and she totally understood her mother’s motives for the choices she’d made.

  Gemma headed back to the house to wait for the guys to return with Brody. Sitting on
the porch, she pulled out her phone to call her mom, knowing they needed to talk.

  “Hey, Mom.”

  “Hey to you, too. You sound better. I take it everything’s okay, seeing as I didn’t hear from you and you stayed another night.” The question in her mother’s voice made Gemma feel guilty for not calling sooner.

  “Everything is fine. I guess. I just wanted to let you know I’m leaving soon.” Her voice crackled with emotion she fought to hide.

  “You don’t sound pleased about it.”

  “It’s hard to explain.” Her mother could always tell when she was upset, and even on the phone, she couldn’t mask her feelings.

  “Try me. What has your father done now? Or is it me?”

  “It’s not him. And it’s not you. I get what you were trying to do. It’s in the past and over as far as I’m concerned.”

  “Thank you. It’s more than I deserve. But then what is it? I’m an excellent listener.”

  Gemma explained about Jake and Kyle and the bittersweet reality of her impending departure.

  “So, don’t leave. It sounds as if you love him. Give it a chance.” Her mother’s advice wasn’t what she expected. Not from the woman who was an all or none kind of person. And certainly not from the woman who didn’t take chances in her own life.

  “But what about my job? And you?”

  “I’m a grown woman and can take care of myself. As to your job, you’ve always talked about having your own business. So, do it.”

  “You make it sound so easy. But it takes money to start a business, money I don’t have.”

  “Well, technically, you do.” The hesitation in her mom’s voice caught her attention.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  “I was going to tell you about it when you got home and when you got over being mad at me. But it sounds like I should tell you now. Chad sent money every month to help with your care. I put it in an account and never touched it. I figured someday you might need it and I think that day has come.”


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