by Jim Pappas
"Aye," agreed Mercy. "My! What a merciful God we serve."
"Mother!" shouted Matthew in a fever pitch of excitement. "I've found it! I've found it! It's father's name!"
"Where, Matthew?"
"Over here. See? Mercy, help her over."
"Oh!" cried Christiana, hobbling along with heart near to burst. "Let me see. Let me see! Why, it is! It says: 'Christian - river roaring'."
"And look here!" exclaimed Mercy. "The one next to it says: 'Hopeful - river roaring'."
"Then they indeed went over together! Oh! The reports were true. All true!"
"Mother," called James. "This inscription says: 'Faithful - he who passed through this river by means of flames'."
"Ah!" said Matthew in reverent admiration for the martyr's courage. "His name has not been forgotten. Neither has his memory faded from view."
"We shall meet both he and your father soon, Matthew," said Christiana reverently. "Oh, I hope very soon."
Now after they had thus rejoiced their hearts for a good long time, they went back into the town. Here the children would go into the King's gardens and gather nosegays and carnations and bring them to their parents and other pilgrims with much affection. There were also arbors prepared for their restings - arbors beautified with fine vines and trimmed in gold. Yea, they were an hundredfold lovelier than any that seduced careless pilgrims in the enchanted forest. Here also grew all manner of fine spices with which the pilgrims' chambers were perfumed. These spices were also used to anoint their bodies when the time came for them to go over the river.
Now after more years had passed there came a day when there was no little stir in the town because of the arrival of a post. He was from the Celestial City and declared that he had an important message for one Christiana. So he came to the house where Christiana lodged, and, after knocking, said to her:
"A hem. Is this indeed where Christiana, the wife of Christian the pilgrim abides?"
"Yes," said she in a voice that had grown faltering and crackly with age. "I am she."
"Then this be for thee," said he as he delivered a parchment sealed with seven seals and writ within with letters of gold. Opening it with trembling hands, Christiana found the handwriting and the smell of it identical to that heavenly love letter which had encouraged her so many years before. Then Christiana adjusted her spectacles and read it aloud. And here is what I heard her say:
"Hail, good woman. Thy Master calleth for thee and expects that you should stand in His presence, clothed in immortality, within these ten days."
"Is it so?" she exclaimed weakly. "Is it even so?"
"Yea," answered the post. "And, as a token that my words are true, I am instructed to apply this to thy heart."
The token was a small arrow, its tip sharpened with love, which was slipped ever so gently into her heart. This worked within her in such a manner that at the time appointed she would be ready to pass over.
When Christiana perceived that her time was indeed come, and that she would be the first of this company to go over, she called for Mr. Great-heart, her guide, who said:
"Did you send for me, Madam?"
"Aye, send for thee I did," said she weakly from her bed. "The post has come for me."
"Indeed! So soon?"
"Aye. Yea, there is already an arrow lodged in my heart that is preparing me for my journey."
"Well, although I shall miss thee greatly, dear Christiana, I am glad for you," he said sadly. "I only wish he had come for me."
"In due time, sir. But as for me, what should I do to be ready?"
So he helped arrange her affairs and told her that they would all accompany her to the riverside.
When that day drew near, she called for her children and the rest of the company and bestowed blessings as did Israel to his children. She began by addressing Mr. Valiant-for-truth:
Christiana's final blessing
"Sir, you have in all places shown yourself to be a true-hearted pilgrim. Only be faithful unto death and my King will give you a crown of life."
"Yes, Ma'am," answered he, voice husky with emotion.
"Watch over my children, I pray thee."
"I shall, Ma'am.
"When you see them, speak kindly to them and remind them that their destiny is to be co-heirs with Christ on his throne."
"Oh, I shall, Ma'am. With good pleasure!"
"These daughters of mind have been faithful and shall surely see the fulfillment of all God's promises to them. Yea, they shall also carry in their little lambs to present them safe to the Master Shepherd."
"Yes, Ma'am."
Then Christiana beckoned weakly to Mr. Stand-fast, saying, "Mr. Stand-fast?"
"Aye, Ma'am?"
"Ah, brave Mr. Stand-fast. Here, take my ring."
So he took it from her with a questioning look, saying:
"Thank you, Ma'am. But why do you bestow it upon me?"
"'Tis for you to send to your wife Marriana by the hand of a fit man. Bid him tell her about the hard-hearted woman who wore it before her. Have him say that heaven will not be complete without her and that she and her children must come quickly, 'for the night cometh when no man can work'. Will you do it?"
"Oh, aye," said he as he wiped away a tear or two. "With a glad heart shall I do it."
"And send this as well."
"Your fiddle? Do you not need it?"
"Nay. Where I go there awaits a golden harp. Send it to Marriana. Tell her of the times of victory when I played a jig upon it. Tell her of the power of music to lift the souls of men toward heaven and bid her play it oft."
"I shall, Ma'am. Thank you very, very much."
"As for thee, only remain true to thy name and I shall meet thee on the far shore."
"Yes, Ma'am. I shall. Thank you."
Then Mercy stepped forward saying, "Mr. Stand-fast?"
"Yes, Ma'am?"
"When you send Marriana my mother's ring, do send this as well."
"A tiny, golden key!" he exclaimed softly as he reverently received it. "What key is this?"
"This is the key of promise. With it, your wife may defeat any device of the enemy and come off more than conqueror."
"This key is stained with blood!" said he upon closer inspection. "Fresh, I would say."
"Because its power is received anew each day. It comes from the foot of His cross who died to make all His promises sure. Send it."
"I shall. Thank you."
"One thing more."
"Yes, Ma'am?"
"Send her this."
"A little red book. What book is this?"
"It is my diary, dear Mr. Stand-fast. In it I have made note of our many trials and how God has delivered us out of them all. More than that, from time to time I have been permitted to behold the hidden workings of the devil and how God has interposed to deliver His people. There are things written therein that I do not understand myself, but which shall be made clear when the time is right. Send it, for it will cast light upon the Word of God and guide her over many a thorny place."
"Thank you, Ma'am. Thank you very much."
Then Stand-fast retired as Christiana beckoned to old Mr. Honest, saying:
"Ah, Mr. Honest. Dear Mr. Honest. Behold, an Israelite indeed in whom is no guile! We have been glad for thy company."
"Thank you, Ma'am. I wish you a fair day when you set out for Mount Zion. I shall be glad if the river be low enough for you to go over dry-shod."
"Thank you for your kind thought," said she. "But come wet, come dry, I only long to be gone - for I shall have time enough to dry me out on the other side. Yea, if it might glorify God to brave a raging torrent, I shall covet the honor."
"Yes, Ma'am."
"Mr. Ready-to-halt?"
"Thy travel thus far has been with much difficulty, but we have all learned that the bitter must come before the sweet. But be of good courage, for all your trials heretofore will only serve to make thy rest all the sweeter."
bsp; "Yes, Ma'am. I believe it is true."
"But watch and be ready, for at an hour when you think not, the post may come."
"I shall, Ma'am. Thank you."
"Mr. Despondency?"
"I am here, Ma'am," said he, timidly coming to the fore.
"You would do well to forever be grateful for your deliverance from the dungeon of Despair."
"Oh, I am, Ma'am. Indeed I am. And I am further resolved to resist the spirit of despondency that ever prys at the door of my heart."
"See that you do it! For to rejoice evermore is a positive command of our Lord. Yea, there is nothing more powerful to drive away the imps of discouragement than a spirit of praise and gratitude. And you, Miss Much-afraid?"
"I am here, Mum," said the frail lass, timidly.
"God's mercy has brought you safely through many a trying place, has it not?"
"Yes, Mum."
"Therefore be ye watchful and cast away fear; be sober and hope to the end."
"I shall, Mum."
"And, if thou be tempted to fear for the future, only pause to remember how God hath let thee in the past."
"Yes, Mum."
"Mr. Feeble-mind?"
"Dear Christiana?"
"You were delivered from the mouth of giant Slay-good that thou mightest dwell in the land of the living forever, and behold thy King with comfort."
"Aye. God has been merciful."
"But I advise you to repent of your tendency to fear and doubt of His goodness. This should not be, for He is too wise to err and too kind to do thee harm."
"I shall try."
"Do more than try! Decide firmly that thus it shall be! For, when you stand before the great King, I would not have thee blush for faults that could have been put away in His strength."
"I shall do it, Ma'am!"
"Good! God shall see thy firm resolve and strengthen thee."
She ended by telling her flock how her old heart was warmed above measure to see them all in the way to the kingdom. She also admonished them to keep their garments white till such time as the post should come for them. "For," said she, "he shall come when you least expect him; yea, as a thief in the night." After giving each of her children and grandchildren a blessing, she bequeathed to the poor such few possessions as she had.
Now the ten days passed slowly for Christiana, who longed to be gone. But they passed all too quickly for those who loved and desired her company. When the day came at last that Christiana must take her journey, the road was full of people come to bid her farewell.
Also, the banks of the farther shore were crowded with horses and chariots and Shining Ones waiting to escort her to the City.
So she came forth and entered the river with a beckon of farewell to those that accompanied her. The last word she was heard to say was, "I come, Lord, to be with Thee and bless Thee!"
Christiana crossing the river of death
Great-heart looked longingly after her and said softly, "Fare thee well, dear Christiana. Fare thee well indeed."
So after she had disappeared into the rushing waters, her children and friends returned to their places weeping; for you must know that they all greatly missed the prayers and counsel of she whose life had been consumed with the one goal of bringing them to this place.
Now Christiana's crossing and her glorious entrance into the City I shall describe in greater detail after I tell you what befell the others in her company.
First, there came a post to the town in search for one Ready-to-halt. When he had found him, he said:
"I am come to thee in the name of Him whom thou hast loved and followed, though hobbling upon crutches. And my message is that He expects thee to leap with joy and dance for Him the next day after Easter. Wherefore, prepare thyself for thy journey."
"Indeed!" exclaimed Ready-to-halt. "I did not expect to go so soon."
"Few ever do," replied the post. "But as a token that my words are true, you will find that your golden bowl is broken and your silver cord is loosed."
"Yes, sir," said he submissively. "I am ready."
So Mr. Ready-to-halt called for his fellow pilgrims and spoke to them, saying, "I have been called."
"What! So soon?" exclaimed Matthew.
"Aye. My golden bowl is broken. Yea, I can feel my life forces seeping through its cracks day by day. But bear in mind that God shall surely visit you as well. Mr. Valiant, will you make out my will for me?"
"This shall not take long, for I have only my crutches and good wishes to bestow."
Then he held his crutches aloft and said, "These crutches I bequeath to my son that he might follow in my steps. I bestow them with a hundred warm wishes that he may prove to be a better man than I."
"And what be his name?" inquired Valiant.
"His name be Halt-more, sir. He sits as a beggar outside the gates of Mr. Stand-fast's castle. He is such a lazy lout that he will not bother to shoo a fly off his nose. 'Twill take a miracle of grace to start him off on pilgrimage. But if the Lord of the Hill can change a bitter pill like myself into a candidate for the Kingdom, if he can give faith to Mr. Fearing and courage to Miss Much-afraid, then it will be as nothing for him to give Halt-more an abundant entrance into the City."
So in a few days, he came to the brink of the river. As he was about to step into the waters, he handed his crutches to Mr. Valiant, saying:
"Here, Mr. Valiant-for-truth. Send these crutches to my son. I have no more need of them since yonder there are new legs whereupon I shall leap as the hart. Moreover, I can see chariots and horses waiting to bear me up to the City."
So Valiant took them, saying, "I shall send them by the hand of a strong man."
So he entered the river. And the last words they heard him say were, "Welcome, life!"
After this, Mr. Feeble-mind heard the post sounding his horn at his chamber door. So when the post was invited in, he spoke to him, saying, "I am come to tell thee that thy Master has need of thee and that in a very little time thou shalt behold His face in brightness. And take these words as a token of the truth of my message."
So Mr. Feeble-mind took the note and read these words: "Those that look out at the windows shall be darkened."
"Darkened?" queried he. "Whatever can this mean?"
"That, you shall learn soon enough," answered the post. Then he turned upon his heel and was gone.
Then Mr. Feeble-mind called for his friends and told them about the messenger, saying:
"Dear friends, I have been called over the river."
"Are you sure, Dear Mr. Feeble-mind?" asked Mercy.
"Oh, aye, that I am." he replied. "For his token he told me that 'Those that look out the windows shall be darkened'. I don't know what he meant by those mysterious words though. And I guess I never shall see their meaning for I am rapidly going blind."
"Oh, I am so sorry," sympathized Mercy.
"There is no need for that, dear Mercy. The decay of this feeble body is just another token of my soon crossing. Mr. Valiant?"
"I would make out a will, except that I have nothing to leave behind. As for my feeble mind, I shall leave it behind me for it is of no use to me in the place where I go."
"What would you have me do with it?" asked Valiant.
"Well, it is not worth bestowing upon the poorest pilgrim; wherefore, when I am gone, I desire that you should take this weak, decayed mind of mine and bury it in a dung hill."
"If that is thy wish," answered Valiant.
"It is."
This done, and the day being come in the which he was to depart, he entered the river as had the rest. His last words were, "Hold out! Faith and patience!" So he went over.
When many more days had passed away, Mr. Despondency was sought for and thus addressed by the post.
"Trembling man, these words are to summon thee to be ready to meet with your King by the last day of the week. Then shall you rest from all your labors as He does. And when you come
to that place, you shall shout for joy at thy deliverance from all thy doubtings. And as proof that my message is true, I give you this grasshopper."