Love Is in Sight

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by Jill Ferraro

  Book Five: Love is In Sight

  Sight Unseen-A Marriage Reality Show Short Read

  By Jill Ferraro

  This is a work of fiction. All characters, events, and settings are a product of the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, events, or locations is entirely coincidental.

  Love Is In Sight: Sight Unseen Book Five

  Copyright © 2020 Jill Ferraro

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval permission, without permission in writing from the author.

  Thank you for purchasing Love Is In Sight! This is Book Five in the Sight Unseen Series.

  Book Six: Blinded by Love will be released July 13, 2020 (preorder by clicking here)! Book Seven: Seeing is Believing will be released July 20, 2020.

  To receive special offers, exclusive content (including the prequel to the Sight Unseen Series, Book Zero: Before the Fall), and news about Jill Ferraro’s latest books, please subscribe to her newsletter!

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  Chapter One


  Brielle: Hello?

  Brielle: I’m not sure if you’ll read this. I want to let you know you’re going home today. I don’t have time for games.

  Brielle: Bye Matthew


  There was a loud knock at the door and Brielle startled awake. She had no idea what time it was, how long she’d been asleep, or who could possibly be at the door. Brielle sat up and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. She walked to the door and pulled it open.

  Stacey was standing in the hallway brimming with energy. She looked Brielle up and down. “Were you still asleep?”

  Brielle nodded groggily. “It was a late night.”

  “Well get going! We have a lot to do today!”

  Brielle wandered back into the bedroom to find some clothes to slip on. She chose a pair of grey leggings and a cable knit sweater. She had no idea how warm it was that day but she knew she’d be inside in the air conditioning for the majority of it. The constant cold air was getting into her bones and she was always cold.

  Stacey was setting the table for breakfast when Brielle wandered back into the living area. A large stack of pancakes sat in the middle of the table, alongside a bowl of fresh berries and a pile of bacon. Coffee was brewing in the pot in the kitchen.

  “Stacey, you’re amazing. Thank you.”

  “You need your strength. Although we are trying your dresses on for final alterations today. Maybe slow down on the pancakes?” She raised an eyebrow as Brielle took three pancakes and piled them onto her plate.

  “I’ll be fine. But thank you for your concern.”

  Brielle used their breakfast conversation to try to press Stacey for details on her personal life. She was tight-lipped and didn’t share much, although Brielle did notice she wore a wedding ring. They’d spent so much time together over the past five days and Brielle knew nothing about Stacey besides the fact that she was a successful wedding planner.

  After ten minutes of trying, Brielle gave up and decided to focus on their plans for the day.

  “Well, you’re going to try on your dresses later this afternoon. After lunch, I believe.”

  “What are we doing this morning?” Brielle asked as she cleaned up their breakfast dishes.

  “First, you’re going to call your mom.”

  Brielle filled with excitement. “Really?! Why?!”

  “I convinced Abigail they needed another shot of you talking to her, further on in the process.” She noticed Brielle’s face fell. “I convinced her because I knew you would want to speak with her and she wants to speak with you.”

  “I’m sorry! Abigail’s such a piece of work, I have a visceral reaction whenever I hear her name.”

  “Understandable. Anyways, while we’re on the phone with your mother, you can discuss anything from the planning process so far. And I’m sure she’ll want to hear about your possible husbands.”

  She nodded. “Maybe she’ll provide some insight.”

  “Bad date?”

  Brielle shook her head. “No, it was a great date. I now have four of the five remaining guys at the top of my list. How am I supposed to pick one? The right one?”

  Stacey patted her arm. “You’ll know when the time comes. And a mother’s intuition can be very helpful in times like these.”

  They waited for Laura and James to arrive with their equipment before they called Brielle’s mom, Theresa. It didn’t take long, they arrived within 10 minutes. Brielle was eager to complete the call and get on with her day.

  She tried to make small talk with Laura and James but they were a bit standoffish. Normally they were warm and Brielle felt like they had her back. She decided Abigail must have read them the riot act that morning over something and they were trying to stay in her good graces. Brielle had too many other things on her mind to think about it much further.

  Once they were set up, Stacey dialed Brielle’s mom’s phone number. It rang twice before Theresa’s voice filled the apartment.


  “Mom? It’s me.” Brielle’s voice cracked. She hadn’t realized how much she missed her mom during the planning process.

  “Hello, sweetheart! Is everything alright?” Theresa sounded concerned.

  Brielle gulped down her emotions. “Oh yeah. Everything’s fine here! Great even. But busy.”

  “Well, how can I help today?”

  “I just wanted to catch you up to speed on what we planned so far.” Brielle talked for several minutes about the appetizers, dresses, music, and various decor decisions she’d made so far that week. Her mother listened intently, occasionally interjecting to ask a question about a color or minor detail.

  “Well, that just sounds wonderful, honey. I can’t wait to see it. And you!”

  “Thanks, mom. I’ve been working really hard but I really think the wedding will be just what I envisioned.” Stacey smiled proudly at her from across the table.

  “And any progress on your future groom?”

  Brielle rolled her eyes. “I don’t know, mom. I really like Asher, I think he’s amazing. Carl and I butt heads but I think we have great chemistry. I was planning on sending home a guy named Shea yesterday but I ended up going on a date and saving him.”

  “Oh really? And why did you do that?”

  “Well...I didn’t think we had any attraction or chemistry when we were texting. But then he showed up to our date and…mom he looked like a movie star.”

  “So you’re basing your choice of future husband on how close they look to movie stars? Have you seen the divorce rate of those people?”

  She had a point. “True. I guess what I should have said was, there was more chemistry there than I thought. So I saved him.”

  Brielle could feel her mother shaking her head through the phone. “Brielle, honey. Physical attraction does not a marriage make.”

  “But mom-”

  “Don’t ‘but mom’ me! You were with that god awful Seth for years because he was attractive. He pulled the wool right over your eyes with his smile. I never liked him. Looks aren’t everything in a relationship, Brielle. In fact, over time you’ll learn they matter quite little compared to how affectionate, hard-working, and caring your partner is.”

  She knew her mother was right. This is why she wanted to call her, even if she didn’t necessarily like what she had to hear. And this is probably why Stacey wanted her to call as well. “You’re right, mom. I’m sorry.”

  “Focus on what they’re sayin
g, what they’re doing, and try to figure out their true character. Push this movie star out of your mind and ask yourself if he would truly make a great husband, even in bad times.”

  Stacey signaled that it was time to wrap it up. “Okay mom, I love you. Tell dad I say hello!”

  Theresa hung up the phone and Brielle sat back in her chair. Her mom was right.

  Brielle needed to figure out who would make the best husband when times got tough.

  Chapter Two


  Brielle: Why do you think you’ll make a good husband?

  Asher: I’m gentle, a good listener, and think we should work together to solve problems, even if they’re hard.


  Asher was trying his hardest to ignore Carl but it was getting more difficult as breakfast dragged on. It was the second day Carl was up early with the rest of the group and he was grating on Asher’s nerves. That morning, he was trying to bully Matthew.

  Matthew and Shea sat on the couch, ignoring Carl’s taunts and carrying on watching whatever sports game rerun was on the TV. Asher was impressed they could tune him out but worried it would only cause Carl to escalate.

  “It’s a shame you’re going home, Matthew. Brielle loves to watch a good soccer game. Always has.”

  “Whaddya mean, always has? You’ve known her for less than a week!” Shea finally snapped.

  Carl laughed. “Sure. I’ve known her for a week.”

  Asher’s ears perked up. What was Carl trying to say? “What are you getting at?”

  “What do you think I’m getting at?” Carl sneered at him from across the room. “I know Brielle. Okay? It’s not a big deal.”

  The room grew quiet. “What do you mean you know Brielle?” Brandon seemed calm but his voice was tense.

  Carl smiled and it chilled Asher to the bone. “I mean, I know her. Very well. She used to be my girlfriend.”

  No one breathed for a moment. Then Asher asked quietly, “What’s your real name?”


  Without thinking, Asher lunged at Carl, fists swinging. He was overcome with anger. There was no thinking, something primal took over before he could stop it.

  Brielle had told Asher about her ex-boyfriend, Seth, in great detail over the past few days. He had cheated on her, was extremely controlling, and overall seemed to be a real piece of work. Asher wasn’t one to judge, normally, but he had a bad feeling about him from the start and it only grew the more he learned. Knowing that the same man was pretending to be a better guy just to trick Brielle into marrying him was too much.

  Brandon and Shea both caught Asher before he could get a real punch in. Seth stood against the wall, laughing.

  “Oh, you must really like her then? Too bad, Asher. She’s mine. Always has been, always will be.”

  “You’re crazy!” Asher shouted. He was still struggling against Brandon and Shea when Mark and Abigail burst through the doors.

  “Everybody sit down!” Abigail shouted. She glared at Seth. “You. Out.”

  Seth sauntered into the hallway, a cruel smirk on his face the entire time. Abigail followed and shut the door.

  “What’s going on in here?” Mark asked, looking around at the remaining four men.

  They could hear Abigail’s muffled shouts through the door. Brandon kept his hand on Asher’s shoulder. It was a good thing too because Asher suddenly felt the urge to tackle Mark for being implicit in this scam.

  “You’re letting her controlling ex, who you know she just finally got over, manipulate her into being his bride?” Asher was hot all over.

  “Let’s all have a seat, shall we?” Mark gestured to the couch.

  “I’ll stand, thanks.”

  “Suit yourself.” Mark rubbed the bridge of his nose. He looked exhausted but for once his eyes weren’t glued to his phone. “You guys signed up for a reality television show. One where the rules can change, the story can change, everything can change at any time. You agreed to this. And you have no control over it.”

  “Are we even able to marry Brielle? Or is that just something else you can change?” Asher’s voice was still angry, though he tried not to yell. He didn’t like feeling angry and spent most of his life managing his expectations and experiences so his anger didn’t get the best of him.

  “Yes, you can still marry Brielle. If she chooses you. That doesn’t change.”

  Shea spoke up next. “How can you live with yourself? This is so messed up. Do you really think people are going to want to watch this?”

  Brandon shook his head. “He knows exactly what he’s doing. People don’t care, people think TV stars, even reality TV stars, are there for pure entertainment value. They don’t think about how messed up something like this is. If they didn’t think people would eat it up, they wouldn’t have set us all up like this.”

  He had a point. As much as Asher hated to admit it, this storyline was probably going to be extremely popular. Abigail and Mark would be lauded as heroes, pioneers of their craft. It was enough to make Asher sick.

  “You have to tell Brielle. She has to know. This could ruin her for the rest of her life.”

  Mark laughed. “Yeah right. We aren’t telling Brielle. And you aren’t either.” He pointed to his phone. “Every text you send has to be approved by Abigail or I. We can hear every conversation you have with her on a date and will be on high alert for someone blabbing.”

  Asher exchanged a glance with Brandon and looked back at Mark. “So what are you saying?”

  “I’m saying, you are powerless here. Unless you want to be sent home early and send Brielle right into Seth’s arms, you’ll stay put and do what you’re told.” He stood up and scanned the room. “Does anyone want to go home?”

  Reluctantly, all four men shook their heads. “Good. Because if you violate this agreement, you owe us a lot of money. Your updated contracts will be in your hands by the end of the day.”

  “Are you letting him back in here?” Matthew sounded hopeful he wouldn’t have to see Seth again.

  “Unfortunately, yes. But he will be on his best behavior once Abigail is through with him, I can assure you of that.” Mark looked around one last time before walking out and slamming the door behind him.

  Asher looked around at the other guys. They all looked defeated. He had a knot in the pit of his stomach. As much as he wanted to try to send a message to Brielle to warn her, he knew it wasn’t worth the risk.

  It was now even more important that he marry Brielle in three days.

  Chapter Three


  Asher: When this is over, if I’m your husband, I am so excited to just hear your voice. And talk to you. And share everything with you. This whole thing feels like one big secret and I don’t want to have secrets.

  Brielle: :)

  Brielle: If we get married, I will gladly share the rest of my life with you my love. No secrets.


  Brielle hadn’t put her phone down all morning. Carl and Brandon had been quiet but Shea and Asher hadn’t left her alone all morning. She mostly talked to Asher, she was trying to give Shea a rest to figure out her true feelings without his amazing eyes and strong arms floating back through her mind.

  Asher was more serious than he usually was. He seemed to be very into the idea of spending the rest of his life with her. Brielle didn’t complain, what more could she want from her husband. She liked that he wasn’t afraid to share his visions for their future. Most guys, even Carl, were afraid to share so intimately.

  Her phone conversation with her mom earlier that morning had gotten Brielle to think critically about the guys that were left. Asher was always number one in her heart but Carl also seemed to have great intentions. She could tell that under his gruff exterior, he really wanted to marry her.

  Brandon would make an excellent husband and an excellent father. He was gentle and caring. Brielle worried he wouldn’t be masculine enough, she liked a man who wasn’t afraid to get dirty.
And then there was Shea, the most handsome man she’d ever met in person. He was charming and they’d had a great night together but would that be forever? Or was it all just a show to earn her trust on the date?

  Stacey noticed Brielle was caught in a daydream. It happened often, Brielle would start thinking and soon the train had left the station going who knows where. She had so many decisions to make over the next few days, she escaped to her daydreams more than she usually did.

  “Earth to Brielle?” Stacey’s voice was gentle as she called Brielle back to their wedding planning.

  There were pictures of various main courses spread out over the table. Stacey decided on a new approach for their main course. Brielle had eaten herself sick the previous day and she didn’t need a repeat so close to the wedding. Instead, they would be selecting her top three choices for a meal and sampling it the following day.

  “Sorry, Stacey!”

  “Thinking about those guys again?”

  “Yeah. I feel like I’m doing a puzzle and some of the pieces are missing. And I just can’t figure out how everything comes together.”

  “You have a few more days, dear. You’ll figure it out. Just take it one step at a time.”

  “Great advice. What are we eating tomorrow?”

  Brielle hoped Stacey would make the decision for her. Every time there was a new decision to make, Brielle grew more and more apathetic. Yet Stacey never let her waver and always insisted the final decision be Brielle’s.

  They chatted about various meats and vegetables. She eventually decided on her number one choice, a filet mignon with mashed potatoes and mushroom gravy. Brielle couldn’t choose a vegetable so they would serve both carrots and green beans. Stacey wasn’t sure if the menu went with the rest of the wedding’s theme but she submitted the order anyways. They also ordered lobster and cornish hen options.


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