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Missing Ink

Page 31

by E J Frost

  “I think she might be. Bren, stop trotting. Down on all fours. Come to me.”

  I click my fingers and wait for the rebellion.

  Bren was restrained, almost demure, in the scenes with the bikers, but here she’s in her element. Besides, ponies are well-known for being ornery. She drops to all fours and crawls to me, tack jingling, tits swaying. When she reaches me, she folds onto her knees, into the position I’ve taught her, and holds her head up proudly. Gorgeous girl. I see the gleam in her eyes and let my hand dangle by my thigh, in case my naughty pony wants to nip.

  She doesn’t disappoint. She snuffles at my hand in warning and when I don’t move it, bites the fingers I’ve clicked at her sharply enough to make me grunt.

  “Naughty girl,” I say, glowering at her as she holds my fingers between her teeth, grinning around them. “What happens to naughty mares who bite their owners?”

  “They ge’ stripes,” she mumbles around my fingers.

  “They do. They also get bred without getting to come. Wanna bite me again?”

  She releases my fingers, giving the imprints her teeth have left in my skin a little lick as she sits back on her heels. She shoots me an incredibly sassy grin. “No, Sir. I was trotting for a long time without a sugar lump, though. Or even an apple. Just saying.”

  That elicits chuckles all around, which Logan and Wreck try to cover but Harry, Javier, and Napa don’t even make an attempt.

  “So, what you’re telling me is my naughty mare has no stamina?” I ask.

  “No, Sir. All whip and no apple makes filly a dull girl is all.”

  I can’t contain a laugh. Her sass just lights me up. “You haven’t felt the whip yet, girl, but that just bought you a kiss or two. Up you come.” I offer her my hand because her hoof boots look stiff and even though she moves well on them, bending her ankles must be a challenge.

  She takes my hand and struggles to her feet; watching her fills me with pleasure. Bren’s strong and agile but getting up off the floor will always be difficult for her with her injured hip. Her struggle adds an extra level of meaning to her submission.

  Logan leads Emily over to stand next to Bren. Her rainbow tail swishes around the tops of her knee-high, pink hoof boots. The boots match her bridle and plumes. Emily’s a cutie, even for a baby girl, but Logan’s obsession with putting her in pink makes my eyes bleed from time to time. I’ll take my edgy, tattooed sammie any day.

  Harry leads Pence over to join the line and Wreck guides Tiana to stand on Bren’s other side. I click my tongue admiringly at our little stable.

  “Some fine-looking ponies there,” Napa says, as he unpacks a crop and two short whips from a hinged, leather case that looks handmade. A man who takes care of his weapons. “Should we see if they can follow a tune?”

  The glance he casts at the longe whip I’m holding makes his meaning clear and I nod at him.

  “How do you feel about AC/DC?” he asks, pulling out his phone.


  He puts on “You Shook Me All Night Long” and I roll my shoulder to warm up.

  “Ponies, trot to the crack,” Javier says. He hasn’t lined his subbie up with the others and I wonder if there’s a reason for that. Instead, as our ponies are shuffling and stamping their hooves to the music, starting to catch the beat, Javier guides the black-haired girl to her knees in front of him, open his pants, and feeds his cock into her mouth.

  I figure I’ll get to that later, but if Javier wants to get straight to it without any foreplay, to each his own.

  I snap out the whip without any force to make sure I have plenty of room. Logan pushes the chaise he was sitting on over a couple of feet. I put a little muscle into my throw and get a good crack, which makes Emily jump and Bren and Tiana grin.

  Napa takes a position at the other end of the pony line and plays out a white snake-whip. He cracks it on the next beat, and I catch the rhythm. So do our ponies. Bren and Tiana begin trotting before Emily and Pence, but before the guitar intro ends, all four subs are trotting to the music, their hooves ringing on the floorboards. Wreck stands back, tapping his foot to the beat, grinning hugely. Logan joins in on the chorus, clapping his hands.

  On the second chorus, Bren loops her arm through Emily’s and swings her in a circle. The rhythm of Bren’s trotting changes to a fast two-step. I see Brenna the dancer for the first time and she is a seductive minx. Her shoulders and hips wriggle out a siren’s song. I don’t recognize any of her moves. This isn’t the foxtrot I painfully learned for my wedding and came to enjoy since it was something Amy and I could do without arguing. Bren dances like she’s fucking: humping, grinding, shimmying. It’s all in her stomach and hips. She swings her dreads, somehow without entangling Emily, but Tiana and Pence wisely step back to give her room to move.

  The music switches over to the iconic rising beats of “Kashmir” and I keep cracking in time to the beat. When a man begins rapping over the beat, I realize this isn’t the Led Zeppelin version. But it doesn’t matter. The rhythm’s the same. The rapper keeps repeating “come with me” and since I certainly intend to later, it’s wryly appropriate.

  The hoof boots make Bren’s legs look insanely long and she uses them to full advantage, extending one leg at a time and twisting to flex her toned thighs. She turns with Emily, giving me her ass, which she shakes until my eyes nearly pop out of my head and it’s only muscle memory that keeps the whip cracking because I cannot look away from my bold girl.

  As the music slows, Bren releases Emily, who reels back into Logan’s arms. Bren whips around and struts toward me, swiveling her hips, then turns as the beat picks up and shakes her ass at me again. Tiana steps forward and holds her hands up, palms out. Bren steps in front of her and holds up her hands so they’re mirroring each other. They slither and sway, still keeping up the pounding beat with their hooves. Tiana drops until her hands touch the floor and shimmies her ass. Bren shakes her head and I realize there are probably some moves Bren can’t do because of her damaged hip. I wonder if that upsets her and make a mental note to show her, in no uncertain terms, that it bothers me not at all. Watching her move is the most beautiful thing I’ve seen in a long time.

  As soon as Tiana rolls back up, they’re mirroring each other again. Bren shows Tiana a step where she pivots, kicking one foot to each corner of the room. Tiana immediately picks it up so they’re dancing around each other. Every eight steps, they slap each other’s hands and change direction, turning so they shake their asses at us before moving back into their fast shuffle. It’s hypnotic, watching the two women circle each other, skin gleaming, breasts bouncing, muscles in their legs and asses working. Bren lifts her arms over her head and whips her head, so her dreads swing through the frame of her arms. Tiana copies her and that’s added into their next rotation. I realize Bren’s teaching Tiana a routine even as they keep dancing.

  The music changes over again, to a song I don’t recognize, about someone who’s blue. Bren and Tiana don’t even pause, but I have trouble picking up the beat. Wreck approaches me, staying out of strike range, and claps his hands until I catch the variable beat and work into a rhythm again. Bren shows Tiana another move, which looks like the moon-walk Michael Jackson used to do, only with a lot more ass-shaking, and the girls fall into that hypnotic circling again. Pence either gives up or gets tired of being ignored and drops out of his trot, walking over to stand beside Harry. All eyes are glued on the two girls as they dance.

  The song changes over again to one I vaguely recognize from when Naomi was in high school, having sleepovers. Something about a vain man. Anyway, it’s an easy beat and I keep the whip cracking to it without taking my eyes off Bren. On the next go-round, Bren adds an explosive high kick, hoof snapping in the air above her head, a move that I recognize from the Muay Thai class I took with her. It takes Tiana two tries to get it, but when she does, she whoops and Bren leaps up to chest bump her, which has both girls laughing breathlessly. They circle another time before the so
ng ends and instead of a new one starting up, Napa clicks off his phone and coils his whip.

  “Don’t want to exhaust our ponies. I think they both deserve a treat for that display,” he says.

  The hoof beats stop and only the sound of the girls’ hard breathing fills the space. Then Bren and Tiana start laughing again as they hug each other. As soon as Tiana releases her, Bren turns to me. I put the whip aside, open my arms, and get a rush of hot, sweaty, happy girl against my chest.

  “Have I earned a reward, Sir?” she asks, grinning up at me.

  “You have. Do you want it now or later?”

  “Your choice, Sir, but can I ask for something specific?”

  “Make a request and I’ll consider it.”

  “Can I have an anal orgasm, Sir?”

  “I’ll take your request under advisement, filly.” I give her an open-mouthed kiss, enjoying the heat of her breath on my lips. “First, I need my mare to wear some of my marks. Are you up for that?”

  She shivers but nods. “If you’re going to whip me, can I put my bit in so I have something to bite down on so I don’t scream?”

  I don’t have any intention of making her scream, but because I like the mind-fuck, I nod. “Bring it to me and present it on your knees.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  She trots off to where we’ve set our respective bags and retrieves a black leather face harness with a simple, rubber bit. She goes down on her knees to present it to me and I wonder if the dancing has worked the sass out of her or if she’s just trying to preserve her reward.

  “I don’t take rewards away,” I say to reassure her as I smooth down her dreads.

  “No, Sir?” She tips her head back and opens her mouth for the bit, while her eyes search mine.

  “No, and if my reaction wasn’t praise enough, that was phenomenal, girl. I’ve never seen dancing like that before, but I’d like to see a lot of it in the future.”

  She grins as I fit the bit between her lips and cinch the straps under her chin and around the back of her head.

  “Good girl,” I stroke her head and cheeks to reinforce the praise before I help her rise—her motion’s much more fluid now, probably because her muscles are warmed up from the dancing—and direct her over to one of the room’s pillories. It’s a more modern version of an old wooden pillory. This one restrains only the hands, has a support for the head, and the stand is adjustable. I bend Bren over it, close the top bar over her wrists, grinning at her little whimper as she’s restrained. I work the crank on the stand until she’s at an angle that pushes her ass out but won’t wreck her back.

  As I’m positioning Brenna, everyone else in the room rearranges themselves. Javier moves to a chaise in front of the pillories. As soon as he’s settled, the black-haired sub kneels in front of him and his cock goes down her throat again. He’s been leisurely face-fucking her for at least fifteen minutes now. Although Bren’s got very little gag reflex, I wouldn’t make her deep throat me for that long. Javier’s girl is well trained, or maybe I’m underestimating my own girl.

  Logan locks Emily into a pillory next to Bren, facing Javier, and I realize he’s acting as scene monitor. Since he’s doing it while getting a blow job, that’s some impressive focus. Logan pulls a table between the two pillories and lays out a couple of floggers on it as well as the signal whip I was using. I nod my thanks to him.

  A sharp pop makes me look up and I see Harry cracking a devil’s tongue behind Pence as he prances around the perimeter of the room. I guess Harry didn’t appreciate Pence dropping out of the trotting competition. Tiana, on the other hand, is already getting her reward, lying back on a lounger with Napa standing at her head, holding her hoof boots high while Wreck kneels at the other end, his face buried between her spread legs. Tiana’s breathy moans create an even better soundtrack than that bastardized version of “Kashmir.” I synchronize my breathing to her noises as I pick up the signal whip and walk down Brenna’s side, trailing my hand down her flank. Her skin’s like velvet under my fingertips, silky over the bone and muscle underneath. Her back flattens under my touch. She shuffles her hooves against the polished hardwood, spreading her legs, settling into my control. Her buttery scent teases my nose and I lean down over her back, sweeping her dreads aside so I can lick and kiss her shoulders and saturate myself in that sweet smell.

  “Every time I think you can’t please me more, girl, you do. I want you to take five stripes from the whip. Do you consent to five stripes?”

  “Yssr.” Although the bit makes her slur a little, and drool adorably, she’s perfectly understandable, which gives me confidence she can use her safe words if she needs to.

  “Good girl.” I slide my hand down to her ass and rub each globe hard enough to flush her skin pink. She wriggles into my touch and hums happily into the bit. I lay the whip on her back and continue rubbing her ass while I reach around and play with her clit until her muscles are trembling with sexual tension. “Do you want to come, girl?”


  “You have been exceptional, my girl. If I fuck you for five minutes will you come on my cock like a good little filly?”


  “Good girl. I want a nice loud scream from my filly when she comes.”


  I move behind her, unzip just enough to get my cock out, flip her tail up onto her back, and sink into her warm welcome. Fuck, so good. I Iove this position, particularly when she’s plugged. I grab two handfuls of her ass and pound into her, without any regard for her pleasure. She’ll have to manage her own orgasm. I want her to feel used, bred, mastered.

  Bren’s grunts and whimpers are nearly drowned by Tiana’s rising moans and the slap-slap of the flogger Logan’s started using on Emily. The deep pop of the devil’s tongue adds to the chorus and I echo each pop with a hard slap to Bren’s clit.

  I’m not sure who begins screaming first, but Tiana and Bren wail out the beginnings of their orgasms roughly together. Only I let Bren howl all the way through nearly a minute of delicious, wet spasms on my cock while Wreck deliberately ruins Tiana’s orgasm, pulling his mouth away, yanking her upright, and shoving his cock down her throat. He face-fucks her for a few strokes, long enough for her to stop shuddering with pleasure and start choking, before he throws her back on the chaise. Napa flips her around, tosses her ankles to Wreck, and dives in between her legs. I don’t know if ruined orgasms are Tiana’s kink or if she’s just so mastered by her two Doms that she doesn’t struggle, but she’s nearly limp between the two men. When Wreck pulls her ankles high in the air above her head, spreads his legs over her head, and angles his cock into her mouth, she simply tips her head back to accept him. I have to admire their handling of their sub; their timing is so precise, it’s a thing of beauty.

  I enjoy their show while I let my girl relax in the afterglow, lazily rocking my hips and rubbing her back.

  “How would you like it if I ruined your orgasms like that, girl?”

  “Nrsrr,” Bren mumbles.

  “No? It might please me to see you suffer.”

  I’m not actually sure whether it would or not. Although I like making Bren feel used, it’s because I can see how hard she kinks on it. She kinks on denial to a lesser degree, and she’s much better being denied after she’s already come, but ruined orgasms are a whole different level of frustration. I’m not sure if Bren would kink on that or just become resentful. Orgasm denial was disastrous with Amy. She wouldn’t admit it, but I’ve always had a suspicion that the orgasm denial play we did during my first long deployment was the proverbial straw for her and precipitated her cheating on me. I don’t believe Bren would react that way, but I don’t want to do anything that drives a wedge between us, either.

  She huffs out a breath and murmurs, “Yssr.”

  Pleased that whether or not I ever try ruined orgasm play with Bren, the mind-fuck of the idea is effective, I stroke her a few more times before withdrawing and walking around in front. I unclip her
bit, fist my cock, and tap the head against her lower lip. “Clean me off, girl.”

  She sucks me clean with a will, her eyes rolled up and holding mine. I smile down at her and caress her hollowed cheek with my thumb. Her skin’s so soft, even sticky with sweat. I might have to make the spa a weekly treat for her.

  With her trademark sass, still smiling up at me, she rubs her tongue piercing up and down the underside of my shaft. She knows how fast that makes me come. I chuckle and pinch her nose so she can’t breathe. “Behave, filly. Release your Sir’s cock now and I’ll give it back to you later in the place you like the most.”

  Her eyes gleam at the words “your Sir” and she opens her mouth to let me withdraw, licking at my slit as my head clears her lips. I release her nose and listen to her take a breath, checking that her breathing’s clear and unobstructed before we continue.

  “Thank you, Sir.”

  “Good girl.” I buckle the bit back between her teeth and stoop to give her a kiss on the forehead before I pick up the whip and walk behind her.

  Bent over in the pillory, brought onto her toes by the hoof boots, Bren’s long, strong legs are flexed, the tendons in the backs of her knees prominent under her velvet skin. Her ass and the backs of her thighs bear a dusting of bruises from our frequent impact play, but are mostly golden and pink, a nearly fresh canvas.

  “Girl, I want you to take this for me without any more warm up. I want to see my marks like sunrise across these cheeks.” I rub them as I speak and feel her shiver. She stamps one of her hooves, both in protest at a whipping without a real warm up and, I think, in assent. “But you have to be honest with me about the pain. I’m going to stop after every stroke and when you’re ready for me to go again, you give me a whinny. If you don’t whinny after three minutes, we’re done, and I’ll give you the pleasure you’ve earned. I’m proud of you, girl. I want to see you take the pain for me, but I’m not trying to terrorize you. If it’s too much, you yell yellow loud and clear. Stamp your right foot twice so I know you’ve heard me.”


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