Finding His Family: A Howls Romance (The Shifters of Sanctuary Book 6)

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Finding His Family: A Howls Romance (The Shifters of Sanctuary Book 6) Page 6

by Kasey Belle

  “Mom,” Casey addressed Nikki. “Stevie and I are going to his room to do our homework.” She eyed Callie warily. “Emmarie is our friend.”

  “Casey,” Nikki scolded.

  The girl rolled her eyes. “She knows they’re here. I don’t need to be a shifter to sense it.”

  “I’m glad Emmarie has you. Everyone needs friends.” She wanted to reach out and offer the young girl comfort, but Callie knew her touch wouldn’t be welcome. “I’m not here to hurt her or Lula and Sage. I promise.”

  Casey nodded even though Callie knew she didn’t believe her.

  “Why don’t you join me on the sofa, Ms. Caldwell and tell me what your intentions are.” Nikki’s tone and the power behind her words told Callie it was an order not a request. She knew the Sanctuary Pack’s second in command wouldn’t hesitate to refuse access to pack land and boot her ass out of town if she didn’t like what Callie had to say.

  Callie figured it was best to start with how she came to believe the children were in Sanctuary to begin with.

  Chapter 10

  Matt clocked out after his shift and let out a huge yawn. Man, he was tired. An early morning four car accident on the interstate had kept them busy for hours. Luckily it seemed even the most critical patients would make it. The shape the cars were in after the tractor-trailer jackknifed on the slick road it was a wonder there hadn’t been at one casualty.

  He made his way through the parking lot to his truck and climbed in tossing his bag onto the passenger seat, so he wouldn’t forget to take it out when he got home. Between his filthy uniform and sweaty gym clothes inside he’d never get the smell out of his truck if he left it there overnight. Matt pulled out of the lot and his cellphone rang. He pressed the button for his Bluetooth on the steering wheel and answered the call.



  “Hey, Uncle Koda.” Matt couldn’t keep the smile off his face. His uncle was one of his favorite people. “What’s up?”

  “Are you off work?”

  Matt and his wolf went on alert. He didn’t like his uncle’s tone. Something was wrong. “I am. What do you need?”

  “Would you mind coming out to my place? The children’s social worker is in town. I figured you could help keep them calm while I speak with her.”

  No wonder Koda sounded so stressed. The implications of what could come down on their heads was dire. Emmarie, Lula, and Sage must be terrified. Em was probably devising a plan on how and where to run. He’d go with them if the social worker couldn’t be reasoned with. Damned if he’d lose those kids. They’d wormed their way into his heart the second he laid eyes on them and the protective instinct and love he had for the three puppy-kittens―as he’d deemed Emmarie, Lula, and Sage in his mind―had only grown over the past couple of weeks. “I’ll be there in fifteen.”

  Matt had broken at least a few laws of proper motor vehicle operation by the time he pulled up in front of Koda’s cabin. The front door burst open. Emmarie ran down the steps and was at his door before he had a chance to turn off the engine. He gathered her in his arms as soon as he stepped out of the vehicle.

  “She’s coming here,” she sobbed.

  “I know, kiddo. It’s going to be okay. Trust Koda and trust me.”

  “We won’t leave with her.”

  “No, you won’t,” he assured her. He held Emmarie for a few minutes while she reigned herself in. He didn’t let her go until Koda joined them.

  “Nikki called. They’re pulling up to the gate.” He looked at Emmarie. “Why don’t you go inside and wait with Lula and Sage. I want to feel out Ms. Caldwell before I allow her access to you.”

  “Okay.” She paused. “You still promise right?”

  Koda cupped the back of Em’s neck. Matt felt the alpha power rolling off his uncle. “You are pack and you will stay pack.”

  Matt waited until Emmarie was inside to speak. “Thank you for calling me.”

  “I know how much you love them. They feel the same.” Matt couldn’t help but smile. “You’ve pretty much adopted each other. I wouldn’t leave you out.”

  “What did Nikki say?”

  “She said Ms. Caldwell only wants what is best for the children.”

  What the hell did that even mean? “You don’t believe that includes us?”

  “I don’t know. Nikki seems to think so.” Koda blew out a heavy sigh. “It’s not that I don’t trust Nikki’s judgement. I do. But…”

  “You want to see for yourself.”

  “Exactly. I’m there alpha.”

  They watched Nikki’s new, mid-size SUV approach followed by a nondescript sedan. Matt figured it was a rental. Nikki parked beside Matt and Ms. Caldwell pulled in next to her.

  “Wait here,” Koda ordered before he walked over to the social worker’s driver-side door.

  Nikki joined Matt where he leaned against the bed of his truck. “That’s Ms. Caldwell,” she murmured. “The social worker.”

  “I heard.”

  She nodded. “Figured he’d call you. They trust you more than anyone.”

  Did Matt puff out his chest a little at Nikki’s declaration? Maybe.

  Koda opened Ms. Caldwell’s car door and stepped back so she could climb out. Damn. She was a short thing. Matt’s breath caught when he finally got a good look at Callie Caldwell.

  “Matt,” Koda called out as they made their way over to him and Nikki. “This is the social worker we told you about. Callie Caldwell my nephew Matthew Stone.”

  Matt nodded. His brain momentarily dumbstruck. Callie Caldwell reminded him of a young Elizabeth Taylor. In other words, she was beautiful with a capital G for gorgeous with big dark blue eyes, lush red lips, and perfect bone structure. Her thick dark hair was cut to chin length. He was pretty sure the style was called a bob. The brown locks were pushed back from her face by a wide head band reminiscent of Ms. Taylor in Suddenly, Last Summer.

  Ah, young Elizabeth Taylor. He’d developed a crush on the actress after watching an old black and white film with his grandfather. He’d indulged his grandfather’s love of old films, especially westerns because he’d enjoyed spending time with him. When Matt was ten he sat on the sofa next to him to watch his granddad’s bad boy idol James Dean in Giant. Matt wasn’t too impressed with the film until a dark-haired beauty appeared on the screen, then he was hooked. He’d asked his grandfather who she was and learned her name was Elizabeth Taylor. After that day, he requested they watch every film she ever made before 1970. Matt enjoyed them to this day.

  Like Ms. Liz, Callie Caldwell’s body was every man’s pin-up girl wet dream fantasy. She wore a tight cream-colored sweater and skinny jeans that accentuated her slim, curvy figure. Her tiny feet were crammed into a pair of camel UGG boots. She was adorable, sexy, and… He inhaled. She smelled like strawberries. She smelled like… no. Matt’s mouth fell open. His

  “Mate!” his wolf howled. “Ours.”

  Matt shook his head. He should have known the universe would give him a mate that indulged his ultimate fantasy woman.

  Callie Caldwell stood a few feet from him. Her beguiling eyes met his. When she scented the air around them her pupils dilated, and a predatory smirk crossed her face. Oh, yeah. His mate was a hellcat. No pun intended.

  They both stood their ground, sizing the other up.

  “What’s happening?” Ella asked in a harsh whisper.

  “Mate,” Matt responded without looking away from Callie. He wasn’t sure if he moved first, if she did, or if they both moved at the same time, but the next thing Matt knew, Callie was in his arms and they were kissing. She not only smelled like strawberries, she tasted like them too. He couldn’t get enough of her. A couple of sighs and a soft giggle that could only belong to Casey erupted around him reminding Matt they weren’t alone. He pulled back and gazed down at his mate.

  “Callie,” he breathed. “Is that short for something?”

  A blush stole over his mate’s cheeks and her eyes darted
away. “Calypso,” she muttered.

  She had no need to be embarrassed. Her name was hot as fuck and fit her. “Beautiful. Like you.”

  Koda cleared his throat. “We’ll give you two a moment, but…” He gave Matt a meaningful glare. “Only a moment. We have things to discuss before you two lose yourselves in a mating haze.” Koda nodded towards the door. “We’ll be inside. You have five minutes.”

  Callie took a step back. Her gazed darted about as she toed the ground awkwardly. “We’re mates, huh?”

  Matt nodded unable to keep the smile off his face. “Yes, ma’am. I’ll go ahead and warn you now. I swore if I was ever lucky enough to meet my mate, I wouldn’t let her get away. I wouldn’t pull a stupid.”

  Callie tilted her head, confusion marred her brow. “A stupid?”

  “My uncle and cousin denied the gift given to them until it was almost too late. Luckily everything ended up okay, but it was stupid to tempt fate. I learned by their example and took what NOT to do to heart.”

  “I’m not a wolf.”

  “I know. Your scent is similar Em, Lula, and Sage’s intermingled smell of feline and canine. Plus, Emmarie told me you were daughter to the alpha of her mother’s old clowder.”

  “Try saying that three times fast,” she teased.


  Her expression turned serious and a little wary. “It doesn’t bother you? That I’m not like you?”

  He shook his head closed the distance between them. “Hell no. I happen to love cats. Have one for a pet in fact. You’ll like Lily. She’s a big flirt.” He shot her wink.

  “Like her owner?”

  “Guess you’ll find out.”

  “Maybe.” She turned and walked off. When her booted foot hit the bottom step, she glanced over her shoulder at him. “You coming?”

  Hopefully soon. Very, very soon. Matt thought as he rushed after her. His wolf howled. Totally onboard with that plan.

  Chapter 11

  Cat purred and butted against her, urging Callie to claim their mate. She didn’t blame Cat for her urgency. Like her feline alter ego, Callie wanted to rub herself all over Matt Stone and cover her body in his delicious mint scent. His personal fragrance reminded her of catnip.

  “Mmm. Catnip,” Cat purred.

  Mmm, indeed. Callie shook her head. She couldn’t allow herself to become distracted. Her earlier momentary lapse notwithstanding. She felt Matt behind her as she made her way into the Alpha’s home. She could have sworn her mate was looking at her ass. She was so tempted to check, but now was not the time. Business first. Pleasure second. She did add a little extra sway to her hips. He was ogling her after all.

  “Imagine the pleasure.” Cat sighed. “Our mate is yummy.”

  “Yes. He is. However, we have to see to the children.” Callie took a calming breath. “Chill, please.”

  Cat stuck her snotty nose in the air and swished her tail. “Fine.”

  Callie followed the alpha’s scent into the living room She glanced around. When Callie spotted Emmarie, Lula, and Sage sitting together in a chair next to the fireplace Callie nearly sobbed in relief. Without thinking. She rushed over to them, dropped to her knees, and gathered them in her arms. “I was so worried.”

  “Please don’t take us away?” Lula’s tiny voice pleaded.

  Callie pulled back and looked at the children. “I have to do what is best for you.”

  “What’s best is Sanctuary,” Emmarie snarled. “We won’t go with you.”

  She opened her mouth, but Alpha Stone cut off her response with a not so veiled order. “Why don’t we take this into my office, Ms. Caldwell. The children will be fine. My mate will put on a movie for them while we talk.” He focused his attention on Emmarie. “I expect to find the three of you in front of the television when we return.”

  Emmarie nodded. “Understood, Alpha.”

  The alpha led them down the hall and opened the first door on the left. A heavy oak desk sat between two windows facing the door. A comfortable looking black leather executive chair sat on one side and two leather arm chairs for visitors sat on the other. A plush grey suede sofa was pushed against the right wall. A media center and bookshelves covered the left. “Have a seat, Ms. Caldwell.”

  “Please call me Callie, Alpha.”

  “You may address me as Koda. We don’t stand on ceremony around here.”

  “Of course.”

  Callie took one of the leather chairs in front of Koda’s desk. Matt took the other. Nikki perched on the arm off the sofa. Koda sat in his chair behind the desk. He steepled his fingers as he studied her. “The Bennett children are now under the protection of Sanctuary Pack.”

  “That doesn’t mean much in the human world.”

  “But it means everything in ours.”

  “Yes. Unfortunately, pack politics can’t enter into the decisions I make where the children are concerned.”

  “I beg to differ.”

  Koda opened his mouth to argue the point when Ella stepped into the office. “They’re watching a movie and having a snack with Stephanie Ann and Liam.” Koda got up and pulled the wingback chair over so his mate could sit beside him.

  Callie waited until they were settled before speaking. “You have to know I wanted to keep the children together. I used every resource to make it happen. As you know that didn’t happen. Now they’re runaways. The authorities are looking for them. The detective working the case is an ass. It took every favor I had to make sure Emmarie wouldn’t be charged with kidnapping if they were found.”

  “I would take them and run before I let that happen,” Matt grumbled under his breath.

  Her head shot around, and she gave him a scathing look. “I can’t know that.”

  Koda cleared his throat gaining their attention. “Nobody is going anywhere.” He sent Matt a pointed look before turning his gaze on Callie. “I served in the Green Berets with William Bennett. We weren’t on the ODA but were in the same Alpha Company. That’s how Katie found us. I post on all the internet sites that cater to shifter veterans and their families. She happened to catch our thread. She reached out to me. I swore to her she and the children would have a place among my pack. I take my vows seriously.”

  “So, do I.” Callie straightened her shoulders. “I became a social worker, so I could be a voice for children in need. I want what is best for them and many times it’s not their parents or extended families. Social work is not just a job for me. It’s a calling.”

  “You must know, we are what’s best for them,” Ella pleaded. “They will know nothing but love here.”

  “I can sense that you care for them. That isn’t the problem.”

  “What is?”

  “Emmarie took her siblings and left the state. My job demands I take them back to Washington now that I’ve found them. I will still fight to keep them together, but my main goals when we return will be to keep Emmarie out of juvie and your family out of jail. You’ve harbored runaways for two weeks. I’ll prepare a report and spin it so you look like God’s second coming to orphaned children everywhere instead of criminals while you obtain a lawyer. One specialized in family law that will petition the court in Spokane to have the children’s residence legally changed to Montana.” She waited until Ella nodded her understanding.

  “Why can’t you just do all that from here?” Matt asked.

  “I don’t have any authority. I can’t recommend your family for temporary custody to a Montana judge because the children don’t officially reside here. Plus, I’m not licensed to work in this state.”

  Callie fought the urge to squirm as Koda studied her. Alphas were so damn intense, even seemingly laid-back ones like him. “Will you agree to hold off for twenty-four hours while I make some calls?”

  “You promised, Koda!” Matt shouted as he stood. The abrupt action knocking the chair he vacated to the floor. “What the hell?”

  “Stop. Now,” Koda ordered. His alpha power impossible to ignore. “The childre
n can hear you. I know what I promised, and I intend to fulfill that vow. However, if this isn’t handled properly it puts us all in jeopardy. If Emmarie, Lula, and Sage need to go back to Washington temporarily one of us will go with them until everything is resolved. I’ll petition The Shifter Council to find a shifter family to foster them. I’ll get my father to back me.”

  Callie wasn’t sure that was a good idea. “I only know two shifters on the council and their feelings regarding hybrids align with my fathers.”

  Koda grunted. “I’m sure I know who you’re referring to. Good thing there are more of us than there are of them.”

  Callie smiled. She had what she wanted. Confirmation Alpha Stone and his family wanted the children. He was kind as were the rest of them. She glanced at Matt. Now, she also had a mate to consider. She had to give them the rest of the information she held back from Nikki. “The SPD detective working the missing persons case knows the children made it to Montana and so does Missoula P.D. Ballas―he’s the detective―has been in contact with them. I don’t know how long it will be before the local sheriff receives a call.”

  “You didn’t mention that part.” Nikki glared.

  Callie shrugged as if to say, would you? Sanctuary Pack’s second-in-command rolled her eyes.

  “Shit.” Koda shook his head. “I’ll call Devon and have him keep an ear out.”

  “He’s the one who found them on the road, right?” His eyebrows shot up. “Nikki mentioned it. Remind me to thank him.”


  Well, what? Oh, right. The alpha was waiting on her agreement. “I didn’t tell my boss why I needed the time off. Since I know the children are safe and cared for, I’ll look the other way, for now. I’m just another tourist exploring Montana.”

  “While you get to know you mate?” Matt’s hopeful expression made her smile.

  Chapter 12

  For the past two days, he cursed the fact that he couldn’t quit his job because he had bills to pay and liked food. Adulting sucked. One of the more senior paramedics was supposed to attend a conference in Boise came down with food poisoning and Matt’s boss volunteered Matt to take his place.


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